12 research outputs found

    Penentuan Pusat-pusat Kegiatan Baru sebagai Alternatif untuk Mengurangi Kemacetan Kota Bogor

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    Bogor city is facing very serious congestion problems. Rearrangement of the spatial structure of the urban growth centers could improve the city's transportation system. This study aims to map the density of traffic, analyze the hierarchy of growth centers, analyze the spatial interactions and formulate alternative arrangement of the centers of the new activities. The study was conducted through descriptive analysis, Schallogram method, the Spatial Gravitation Model and TOPSIS. Schallogram analysis is used to analyze the hierarchy level of service. The Gravity Model is used to analyze the interaction between the regions. TOPSIS analysis is used to identify priority areas and new growth centers. This study analyzed data on the volume of vehicles, facilities area, population, road length, road network maps, and spatial plan (RTRW). The areas in the city center had the highest traffic density and the highest hierarchical. While suburban areas tend to have the lowest hierarchy. Based on the results of gravity model analysis, the areas with the highest attraction located in the city center and extends along the corridor to the north and the south. While the production area spread around the suburbs. Based on the analysis TOPSIS recommend new growth centers, namely Margajaya, Cimahpar, and Bojongkerta

    Analisis Spasial Indeks Potensi Lahan (IPL) Di Kabupaten Tegal Jawa Tengah

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    Until August 2018, as many as 150,582 ha of land in Tegal Regency had undergone a change of function. The conversion of land functions in Tegal Regency is caused by the increasing population which is not matched by the availability of land. If it is not controlled, land use change will result in reduced land capacity so that the land cannot be utilized optimally and sustainably. Land Potential Index (IPL) is an effort to determine whether a land can be used according to its potential so that it can be utilized properly and maximally. The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the distribution of the Land Potential Index (IPL) level in Tegal Regency by using the Geographical Information System (GIS) application and (2) to find out the comparison of IPL with existing land uses in Tegal Regency. Determining the Land Potential Index (IPL) requires several parameters, including the factor of slope, lithology, soil type, hydrology, and disaster hazard as limiting factors. The research method this time is a field survey using a quantitative tiered GIS analysis. The results obtained from this research are the Land Potential Index (IPL) of Tegal Regency which is divided into 5 classes, namely very high class, high class, medium class, low class, and very low class. The Land Potential Index (IPL) class that dominates in Tegal Regency is a very high class with an area of 26,662.18 which is spread over almost all sub-districts in Tegal Regency. Existing land uses at very high potential are rice fields, mixed gardens and settlements

    Penerapan Matriks dalam Pembelajaran Matematika terhadap Analisis Input Output

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang solusi penyelesaian input-output yang termasuk salah satu implementasi matriks dalam bidang matematika ekonomi. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur perekonomian yang banyak dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terkait sektor-sektor dalam perekonomian. Matriks juga merupakan salah satu materi dalam pembelajaran matematika di tingkat SMA. Sehingga matriks merupakan dasar yang harus dipelajari sebelum dapat mengimplementasikan analisis input-output Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif yang menggunakan study kepustakaan. Peneliti mengumpulkan berbagai informasi yang berhubungan dengan topik yang dikaji, baik melalui buku, artikel, jurnal, dan modul pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini yaitu, agar pembaca mengetahui penerapan-penerapan matriks dalam pembelajaran matematika


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    Desa Tangsil Kulon merupakan salah satu desa di Kabupaten Bondowoso yang menjadi lokus stunting karena tingginya angka stunting (20%) di wilayah tersebut. Masalah kesehatan lainnya seperti penambahan susu formula dibawah satu tahun (45,71%), rendahnya konsumsi mineral pada bumil  (18,81%) sehingga bayi yang lahir mengalami BBLR (9,26%), dan KEK pada wanita usia subur (13,04%). Berdasarkan masalah yang ada, kami dan masyarakat menetapkan solusi PELITAKU (Pusat Informasi dan Edukasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Tangsil Kulon). Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mewujudkan Desa Tangsil Kulon sebagai desa sehat melalui kegiatan PELITAKU berbasis aplikasi PELITAKU PINTAR,  membentuk dan meningkatkan kualitas kader PELITAKU yang terdiri dari kader posyandu, dan kader remaja, serta meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan kesadaran masyarakat melalui penerapan gizi seimbang dalam makanan sehari-hari. Metode pelaksanaan dari kegiatan ini terbagi atas tiga tahapan diawali dengan tahap sosialisasi dan launching program PELITAKU berbasis aplikasi PELITAKU PINTAR pada desa mitra dan sasaran. Tahap dua meliputi pelaksanaan program dan kegiatan. Tahap tiga berupa monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan program. Hasil dari pengabdian ini yaitu terbentuknya Kader PELITAKU yang mampu berkontribusi dalam peningkatan derajat kesehatan di desa. Kesimpulan program ini menjadikan Desa Tangsil Kulon menjadi desa sehat dengan meningkatknya derajat kesehatan masyarakat desa


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    Empowerment Activities Are A Form Of Community Service By Group 17 KKN Of The Tanjungpinang Development Economics College (STIE). Empowerment Activities Through Assistance For MSME Actors, Along With The Development Of Technology And The Need For Information, The Internet Is Also Experiencing Development. So Currently, A New Pattern Appears In Doing Business Processes That Is By Using The Internet. In Today's Business, Marketplace Or E- Commerce Is One Of The Places To Promote Products To Be More Efficient, Flexible, And Can Save Costs. The Non-Profit Partners In This Activity Are Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (Msmes) That Produce Sweet Potato Rengginang In North Toapaya Village. This Business Has Been Established Since 2007 In North Toapaya Village, It Has Been About 15 Years That This Business Has Been Going On, But The Marketing Is Still Very Minimal, MSME Actors Still Need To Understand The Importance Of Using Digital Marketing To Improve The Marketing System So That They Can Expand Their Business Goals And Can Support Activities. Sales For Better. The Results Of This Service Are Expected That MSME Actors Can Understand The Importance Of Understanding Digital Marketing In Marketing Their Product

    Phylogenetic Analysis of Duck Species from Tegal Indonesia Using 18S Ribosomal RNA and Mitochondrial COI Gene

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    Background and Objective: Tegal duck is a domestic waterfowl species known as a major producer of eggs that is traditionally used for making the famous salted egg by the local people. This study aimed to analyze the phylogenetic relationship of the Tegal duck through the gene encoding 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Methodology: We amplified and sequenced part of the 18S rRNA and COI gene of Tegal duck. These data were used to determine their similarity with other Anas species retrieved from GenBank and analyzing phylogenetic relationship. Results: The size of the PCR product of partial 18S rRNA was approximately 485 bp, whereas the size of the partial mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the COI gene sequence was 751 bp. The 18S rRNA data showed that the Tegal duck is closely related to A. platyrhynchos (84.4% similarity). The COI gene data of the Tegal duck confirmed this relationship, with 99% homology with A. platyrhynchos voucher NHMO-BC399. However, the COI gene fragment of the Tegal duck also showed 99% homology with A. poecilorhyncha. Conclusion: Tegal duck has a close phylogenetic relationship with not only A. platyrhynchos but also A. poecilorhyncha


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    Osteoarthritis merupakan penyakit degeneratif dan progresif ditandai oleh adanya abrasi rawan sendi dan adanya pembentukan tulang baru yang irregular pada permukaan persendian. Trauma dan obesitas dapat meningkatkan resiko osteoarthritis. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi terhadap penderita osteoarthritis. Jumlah responden sebanyak 30 sampel, dimana sampel diambil secara random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data pemahaman tentang penyakit osteoarthritis diambil dari pengisian kuesioner oleh responden. Berdasarkan penelitian yang didapat bahwa mayoritas jenis kelamin penderita osteoarthritis yaitu perempuan 66,7%. Dan mayoritas umur penderita 60-69 tahun. Hasil rata-rata dari evaluasi seluruh kuisioner menunjukan bahwa hanya 34,33% memiliki atau memahami tentang penyakit osteoarthritis. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik dibuktikan dengan peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat tentang penyakit osteoarthritis menjadi 80%

    Colorimetric Sensing of Ascorbic Acid Using Cu-Phen MOFs and Subsequent Digital Image Analysis with Smartphone

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    Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a crucial nutrient involved in a number of enzymatic processes for tissue healing. Additionally serving as an antioxidant, ascorbic acid is crucial for keeping the immune system strong. It is essential to create a quantitative analytical approach to ascertain ascorbic acid concentration in many samples since its consumption from the daily food should be in the proper quantity. Here, we present a colorimetric probe made of synthetic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that changes its color only when samples containing ascorbic acid are present. In this study, phenanthroline served as an organic ligand or linker while copper served as the core metal that formed bonds with it. Cu-Phen MOF color fluctuations at 410 nm (from 408 nm to 412 nm) are linearly related to variations in light absorption. Moreover, as a substitute for spectrophotometry UV-visible, we have created a digital image-based colorimetry. The Cu-Phen MOFs’ color change has the maximum slope and linearity when the blue color intensity is used. The detection limit with high precision of 4.2% under ideal circumstances was 0.1 ppm. The established approach allowed for the exact and accurate assessment of ascorbic acid in genuine samples of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola L.)

    β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan of Mycelia Extract Posses Renal Protection Potential and Reduces Nitric Oxide in Obese Subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity has been widely reported to be associated with loss of kidney function. The efficacy of β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan as a traditional medicine for the improvement of inflammation and vascular status in obesity has known. However, there have been no further studies that prove the effect of β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan in inhibiting kidney injury as an impact of chronic inflammation exposure on obesity. This study aimed to investigate the impact of β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan from mycelia extract supplementation on renal function improvement based on serum nitric oxide (NO), ureum, and creatinine levels.METHODS: This was a randomized control trial study involving 69 obese subjects treated with or without β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan supplementation. The serum NO, ureum, and creatinine levels of the subjects were measured at baseline and post-treatment using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and then statistically analyzed with paired T-test.RESULTS: Although slightly decrease, no significant difference was found between the ureum and creatinine level at the baseline and and post-treatment (p=0.806, p=0.306, respectively) after β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan supplementation. Serum NO levels significantly decrease after treatment of β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan (p<0.001).CONCLUSION: Current study concludes that β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan from mycelia extract does not significantly lower urea and creatinine level, however, significantly able to reduce the serum NO concentration in obese subjects. Therefore, β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan from mycelia extract might have the renal protection potential in obesity.KEYWORDS: β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan, Ganoderma lucidum, renal function improvement, obesit