161 research outputs found


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    Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodohorde has economic potential as an export commodity. Condition current population continues to decline due to habitat degradation and overharvesting. Cultivation be a solution to overcome these problems. On the laboratory scale this species has been successfully cultivated, but still faces obstacles to high mortality in early developmental stages. Larvae obtained by artificial fertilization and maintained with the same stocking density and container as well as the same volume of maintenance media only distinguished by two treated feed. Survival and growth of larvae feed did not differ between treatment seaweed and fermented palm fronds. Different stocking densities suggested for further research related to survival and growth of the Nypa palm worm larvae to obtain the best data for mass productio


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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang heterogen terdiri dari berbagai macam kebudayaan, bahasa dan juga etnis. Setiap etnis di Indonesia memiliki nilai budaya yang dapat dipelajari. Memahami nilai budaya dalam etnis tentunya menjadi hal yang sangat penting sebagai penguatan terhadap nilai-nilai lokal yang menjadi ciri khas bangsa Indonesia. Etnisitas sebagai bagian dari muatan lokal sangat penting untuk diajarkan. Dalam Permendikbud no 79 tahun 2014 pasal 6 butir (e), muatan lokal dapat diajarkan melalui pembelajaran yang relevan. Sastra dapat menjadi media pembelajaran dalam menggali nilai-nilai etnisitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan etnisitas dalam novel Perempuan Bernama Arjuna 6 karya Remy Sylado. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu dapat disimpulkan bahwa etnisitas Sunda yang tergambar dalam novel Perempuan Bernama Arjuna 6 karya Remy Sylado yaitu, nama daerah, salam sapaan, rumah adat, metafora, bentuk bahasa, bentuk seni, dan tradisi lisa


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    The maturity is an early indication into the reproduction stages, but the data are not available yet on black nypa palm worm (Namalycastis cf. terrestris). The research aims to determine the maturation level of black nypa palm worm. Data collected from mangrove forests which taken randomly. Sexual maturity stages were analyzed descriptively, while body size, stage of gamete development, and sexual maturation with one-way analysis of variance. This research obtained worm two juvenile, 61 immature with egg an average of 42.81ÎĽm, and five submature with egg diameter an average of 81.33ÎĽm respectively


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    Ansonia spinulifer is one species of amphibian from the family Bufonidae, which has a relatively small body size. A. spinulifer belongs to the endemic species of the Borneo. This study aims to determine the morphometric characteristics of male and female A. spinulifer in Bukit Wangkang, Kubu District, Kubu Raya Regency. Morphometric characters of A. spinulifer obtained different between males and females is snout vent length (body length), snout length, hind leg length, and tarsus length - toes of four back feet. This character is used as a dimorphism character between male and female

    Habitat Characteristic of Softshell Turtle (Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert,1770) in Engkelitau River Sekadau Regency, West Borneo

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    Information about the character of softshell turtle’s habitat (Amyda cartilaginea) is needed as conservation effort and to prevent softshell turtle’s extinction. The research on habitat, morphometric holes, and environmental factors that suitable for softshell turtle is needed to be approved. The research was conducted in Engkelitau River, Sekadau, West Borneo. Sampling area was divided into 3 stations based on the type of cover between primary dryland forest, farming land and open field. Data on the softshell turtle’s number, holes and scratch marks were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The highest river slope at Station I is 60o and the lowest river slope at Station III is 42o. Substrate’s type that found in Engkelitau River consist of sandy, dusty, and muddy substrates. The number of softshell turtle’s hole in the Engkelitau River is 45 holes, consisting one hole with softshell turtle, 15 holes with scratch marks, and 29 holes not including both of them. The highest height, width and distance between holes are in Station I and both hole’s length and height from the surface as well as highest river are in Station II. The environmental factors that affected A. cartilaginea in the Engkelitau River consisted of river velocity and river’s slope with loading factors of 4.08135 and 3.94019 respectively. The characteristics of A. cartilaginea’s hole in the Engkelitau River including a pond in the hole, an air hole, and located in the middle of a riverbank. Keywords: habitat characteristics, Amyda cartilaginea, softshell turtle, Engkelitau river

    Varietas Azab Di Dunia Dalam Al-Qur’an (Penafsiran Tematik QS. Al-Ankabut: 40)

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    AbstractThe Qur’an not only serves as a guidance for Muslims but also admonition for humans. Through its revelation, God gives rewards to those who obey Him and threatens with punishments to those who disobey Him. Q. al-Ankabut: 40one of Qur’anic verses discussing torment. The type of torment according to the Qur’an is divided into two: torment in the world and torment in the afterlife. The former can be understood in terms of both formal and substantial torment. Understanding the torment in the world, therefore, can encourage Muslims to avoid disobedience to God. Performing God’s commands is the very principle of human creation. Indeed, torment according to the Qur’an is not limited to four categories. But, this article particularly discusses four categories of torment in the world explained in Q. al-Ankabut: 40, namely Hasiba, Ash Shaihah, Khasafa fil Ardhi, and Aghraqa. These four torments are related to God’s speech in the previous verses and other verses in the Qur’an. It is significant, therefore, to study the verse to understand God’s torments to humans. The verse should be read thematically in relation to other verses.  AbstrakAl-Qur’an di samping sebagai hukum pedoman bagi umat Islam berfungsi juga sebagai sebuah kitab peringatan untuk manusia. Di dalamnya Allah swt. memberikan janji bagi orang-orang yang taat kepada-Nya dan mengancam dengan azab bagi yang durhaka kepada-Nya. QS. Al-Ankabut: 40 merupakan salah satu contoh ayat yang membicarakan tentang azab dari sekian banyak ayat. Karena pembahasan azab dalam al-Qur’an secara prinsipnya terbagi menjadi dua; yaitu azab di dunia dan azab di akhirat. Azab di dunia terbagi pula kepada azab yang dhahir dan maknawi. Mengetahui azab yang Allah swt. turunkan di dunia mampu mempengaruhi seseorang untuk menjauhi kemaksiatan kepada-Nya. Dan menjauhi azab dengan mewujudkan perintah Allah swt. merupakan perkara asas penciptaan manusia. Azab dalam al-Qur’an tidak terbatas pada 4 jenis saja, akan tetapi pada pembahasan ini dibatasi pada kajian surah Al-Ankabut ayat 40 yang mengkaji 4 jenis azab di dunia. Yaitu Hasiba, Ash Shaihah, Khasafa fi Al Ardhi dan Aghraqa. Keempat azab tersebut memiliki keterkaitan dengan pembicaraan Allah swt. pada ayat-ayat sebelumnya dan ayat-ayat pada surat yang lain. Oleh karenanya sangat perlu mengkaji ayat tersebut agar mendapatkan kesimpulan yang benar terkait azab yang Allah berikan kepada hambanya. Kemudian akan disandingkan dengan beberapa ayat dan penafsiran yang berkaitan dengan tema azab. Kata Kunci: Azab Dunia, Empat Azab, Azab Dhahir


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang analisis kontingensi pada jaringan transmisi 500 KV. Analisis kontingensi adalah pelepasan secara sengaja salah satu atau lebih komponen generator atau saluran transmisi untuk didapatkan keandalannya Metode Newton-Raphson merupakan salah satu metode untuk menyelesaikan analisis kontingensi dengan menyelesaikan aliran daya terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus pada sistem interkoneksi 500 kV Jawa-Bali Region Jawa Barat sehingga skripsi ini berjudul “Analisis Kontingensi Pada Jaringan Transmisi 500kV menggunakan Metode Newton-Raphson”. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengujian pada data IEEE 14 bus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi tegangan tiap bus, perubahan rugi-rugi daya pada masing-masing saluran dan indeks kestabilan tegangan yang terjadi pada sistem tenaga listrik setelah terjadinya pelepasan salah satu saluran. Setelah melihat hasil simulasi pada IEEE 14 bus dan melakukan validasi dangan penelitian sebelumnya, maka penelitian dilanjutkan pada sistem interkoneksi 500 KV Jawa-Bali Region Jawa Barat dengan menggunakan data pembebanan tanggal 7 Mei 2013 pukul 10.00 WIB. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukan perubahan tegangan tiap bus masih dalam batas toleransi ± 5% (± 25 kV) dari tegangan kerja yaitu 500 kV, yang dimana tiap bus masih di atas 0,95 pu (475 kV) dan di bawah 1,05 pu (525 kV), rugi-rugi terbesar terjadi ketika saluran 1-4 diputus yaitu sebesar 8.700 MW, sedangkan rugi-rugi terkecil terjadi ketika saluran 1-2 diputus yaitu sebesar 2.899 MW, dan semua saluran dalam sistem memiliki indeks kestabilan kurang dari 1 (< 1) yang berarti bahwa sistem berada dalam kondisi stabil. This study examines the contingency analysis on transmission lines of 500 KV. Contingency analysis is intentional release of one or more components of a generator or transmission line to obtain reliability Newton-Raphson method is one method to complete the analysis of the power flow contingency with completing advance. This research is a case study on the 500 kV interconnection system of Java-Bali Region West Java so that this thesis entitled "Analysis of Contingency At 500kV Transmission Network using Newton-Raphson Method". This research started with testing on the data of IEEE 14 bus. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of each bus voltage, power loss changes on each lines and a voltage stability index that occurs in the power system after the release of one of the line. After seeing the results of simulations on IEEE 14 bus and invitation validate previous research, the study was continued at 500 KV interconnection system of the Java-Bali Region West Java by using the data loading dated May 7, 2013 at 10:00 pm. From the simulation results show the voltage change of each bus is still within the tolerance limits of ± 5% (± 25 kV) of the working voltage of 500 kV, which is where each bus is still above 0.95 pu (475 kV) and below 1.05 pu (525 kV), the largest losses occurred when the line was disconnected 1-4 is equal to 8,700 MW, while the smallest losses occur when the line was disconnected 1-2 is equal to 2,899 MW, and all lines in the system has a stability index of less than 1 (<1) which means that the system is in a stable condition
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