1,968 research outputs found


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    Descripción: Transporte Global es un curso de especialidad de la carrera de Administración y Negocios Internacionales, de carácter teórico, operativo y técnico dirigido a los alumnos del séptimo ciclo. El curso ofrece una visión amplia de los modos de transporte marítimo, aéreo, terrestre y multimodal para llegar a los mercados de destino de los clientes, realizando el análisis de estos modos para concretar una exportación o importación reduciendo tiempos y costos logísticos, entre otras variables. Propósito: Nos encontramos en un entorno global que exige conocer la infraestructura y operatividad logística dentro de los negocios internacionales; por ello, la asignatura tiene como propósito que el estudiante analice y comprenda las distintas regulaciones y procedimientos aplicables a la gestión de las operaciones vinculadas al transporte internacional de carga, a fin de que elija la mejor alternativa para un adecuado transporte en función al tipo y naturaleza de la carga, buscando optimizar costos y tiempo, sin perjudicar la calidad del producto, contribuyendo de esta manera a su competitividad en el mercado internacional. Este curso busca desarrollar la competencia general del Pensamiento Crítico a nivel intermedio (2) y la competencia específica de Toma de Decisiones en el nivel 3

    Golgi localisation of GMAP210 requires two distinct cis-membrane binding mechanisms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Golgi apparatus in mammals appears as a ribbon made up of interconnected stacks of flattened cisternae that is positioned close to the centrosome in a microtubule-dependent manner. How this organisation is achieved and retained is not well understood. GMAP210 is a long coiled-coil cis-Golgi associated protein that plays a role in maintaining Golgi ribbon integrity and position and contributes to the formation of the primary cilium. An amphipathic alpha-helix able to bind liposomes <it>in vitro </it>has been recently identified at the first 38 amino acids of the protein (amphipathic lipid-packing sensor motif), and an ARF1-binding domain (Grip-related Arf-binding domain) was found at the C-terminus. To which type of membranes these two GMAP210 regions bind <it>in vivo </it>and how this contributes to GMAP210 localisation and function remains to be investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By using truncated as well as chimeric mutants and videomicroscopy we found that both the N-terminus and the C-terminus of GMAP210 are targeted to the cis-Golgi <it>in vivo</it>. The ALPS motif was identified as the N-terminal binding motif and appeared concentrated in the periphery of Golgi elements and between Golgi stacks. On the contrary, the C-terminal domain appeared uniformly distributed in the cis-cisternae of the Golgi apparatus. Strikingly, the two ends of the protein also behave differently in response to the drug Brefeldin A. The N-terminal domain redistributed to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit sites, as does the full-length protein, whereas the C-terminal domain rapidly dissociated from the Golgi apparatus to the cytosol. Mutants comprising the full-length protein but lacking one of the terminal motifs also associated with the cis-Golgi with distribution patterns similar to those of the corresponding terminal end whereas a mutant consisting in fused N- and C-terminal ends exhibits identical localisation as the endogenous protein.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the Golgi localisation of GMAP210 is the result of the combined action of the two N- and C-terminal domains that recognise different sub-regions of the cis-GA. Based on present and previous data, we propose a model in which GMAP210 would participate in homotypic fusion of cis-cisternae by anchoring the surface of cisternae via its C-terminus and projecting its distal N-terminus to bind the rims or to stabilise tubular structures connecting neighbouring cis-cisternae.</p

    Redefining shared symbolic networks during the Gravettian in Western Europe: New data from the rock art findings in Aitzbitarte caves (Northern Spain)

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    Abstract: The renewal of the archaeological record, mainly through the discovery of unpublished sites, provides information that sometimes qualifies or even reformulates previous approaches. One of the latter cases is represented by the three new decorated caves found in 2015 in Aitzbitarte Hill. Their exhaustive study shows the presence of engraved animals, mainly bison, with formal characteristics unknown so far in the Palaeolithic art of the northern Iberian Peninsula. However, parallels are located in caves in southern France such as Gargas, Cussac, Roucadour or Cosquer. All of them share very specific graphic conventions that correspond to human occupations assigned basically to the Gravettian cultural complex. The new discovery implies the need to reformulate the iconographic Exchange networks currently accepted, as well as their correspondence with other elements of the material culture at the same sites. Thus, we have carried out a multiproxy approach based in statistical analysis. The updated data reveals a greater complexity in artistic expression during the Gravettian that had not been considered so far, and also challenges the traditional isolation that had been granted to Cantabrian symbolic expressions during pre-Magdalenian times.The project "Before art: social investment in symbolic expressions during the Upper Palaeolithic in the Iberian Peninsula” (PID2019-107262GB-I00) was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain), PI: Diego Garate. I. Intxaurbe’s PhD research is funded by a grant for the training of research personnel PIF 2019) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Agua para Angaco: provisión de agua potable para mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad de Villa del Salvador

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    Una de las temáticas priorizadas por el MDS, acceso al agua, fue abordada de forma conjunta para lograr que inicialmente 18 familias de la Villa del Salvador se vieran beneficiados con la instalación de Red de Agua Potable y que finalmente, gracias al trabajo entre Unión Vecinal Del Salvador, Municipio de Angaco y MDS_INTA (a través del Proyecto Especial de Prohuerta 2017), pudieron beneficiarse con el servicio unas 22 familias. En esta oportunidad, el aporte realizado por el MDS a través de los PE de PROHUERTA 2017, fue por un monto de $ 430.445. Este PE además sumo dos colabores institucionales claves. La Municipalidad de Angaco, quien colaboro con la maquinaria y los costos del zanjeo; y la Unión Vecinal Villa del Salvador, quien aporto la mano de obra calificada para realizar los trabajos y subsidiando los medidores, las conexiones y caños, hicieron posible este anhelo y necesidad básica de mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias.EEA San JuanFil: Celi, Ariadna. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan. Agencia de Extensión Rural San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Rivero, Manuel Angel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan. Agencia de Extensión Rural San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Rios, Alberto Adrian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan. Agencia de Extensión Rural San Martín; Argentina

    To be or not to be: reassessing the origins of portable art in the Cantabrian Region (Northern Spain)

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    [EN] The characterization of the first portable artistic depictions in Cantabrian Spain is crucial for comprehension of the symbolic development of Neandertals and Homo sapiens in the context of the passage from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic. However, despite the importance of these first graphic representations, their study has tended to lack the application of suitable methodologies to be able to discriminate between graphic activity and other kind of alterations (use-wear, taphonomic, or post-depositional). The present study has examined a significant sample of Middle and Upper Paleolithic lithic and osseous objects from Cantabrian Spain that have been cited as evidence of graphic activity in the literature. The contexts in which the objects were found have been considered, and the objects have been analyzed through the microscopic observation of the marks to distinguish between incisions, pecking, and engraving made for a non-functional purpose (graphic activity) and those generated by diverse functional actions or taphonomic processes (cutmarks, trampling, root marks, percussion scars, and use-wear). The results show that some regional Middle Paleolithic osseous objects display incisions that are neither functional nor taphonomic and whose characteristics are similar to graphic evidence attributed to Neandertals in Europe and the Near East. In turn, the first portable art produced by Homo sapiens in the Cantabrian Spain seems to be limited mostly to linear signs, and no figurative representation can be recognized until the Gravettian. This appears to indicate a particular idiosyncrasy of the region in the Early Upper Paleolithic, which, in comparison with other regions such as south-west France and the Swabian Jura, shows a later and less abundant production of portable art.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The study presented in this paper was funded by the research project of the Spanish Science Ministry “Learning and developing artistic skills in anatomically modern humans: a multidisciplinary approach”Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Analysis of physical, economic and social water efficiency in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) and grape (Vitis vinifera) fruit from DR-037 of Altar-Pitiquito-Caborca, Sonora, Mexico 2014

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    Este trabajo estimó la eficiencia del agua en los cultivos de espárrago y vid en el Distrito de Riego 037 mediante el uso de indicadores que permitieron determinar la eficiencia física, económica y social del agua en el cultivo de espárrago versus uva de mesa. Los indicadores de la eficiencia física, económica y social del agua fueron 2.075 y 625 L kg-1, US540.924yUS 540.924 y US 945.190 de utilidad hm-3 y 48,6 y 10,7 empleos hm-3 respectivamente para espárrago y vid. En conclusión, el espárrago en comparación con la uva de mesa es ineficiente en el uso del agua en términos físicos y económicos, mas no sociales, el uso del agua en espárrago genera 4,54 veces más empleo por unidad de agua usada. De los 8.281 empleos, US163,63millonesdeutilidady245,63hm3deaguausadaporamboscultivos,elespaˊrragocontribuyoˊcon9156,3dequelaproporcioˊnutilidadm3/costom3fuede29,7,ubicaalaguaregionaldentrodeloquelaeconomıˊallamalatragediadelosbienesdeusocomuˊn,loquehaprovocadounserioproblemadesobreexplotacioˊndelacuıˊfero,pueselproductorhaceunusoineficientedelagua.ThisworkestimatedtheefficiencyofwaterinasparagusandvinecropsinIrrigationDistrict037throughtheuseofindicatorsthatalloweddeterminingthephysical,economicandsocialefficiencyofwaterinthecultivationofasparagusversustablegrape.Indicatorsofphysical,economicandsocialefficiencyofwaterwere2075kgand625L1US 163,63 millones de utilidad y 245,63 hm3 de agua usada por ambos cultivos, el espárrago contribuyó con 91%, 56,3% y 69,2% respectivamente. En Caborca el agua es un recurso escaso, sin embargo, a pesar de que la proporción utilidad m-3/costo m-3 fue de 29,7, ubica al agua regional dentro de lo que la economía llama la tragedia de los bienes de uso común, lo que ha provocado un serio problema de sobreexplotación del acuífero, pues el productor hace un uso ineficiente del agua.This work estimated the efficiency of water in asparagus and vine crops in Irrigation District 037 through the use of indicators that allowed determining the physical, economic and social efficiency of water in the cultivation of asparagus versus table grape. Indicators of physical, economic and social efficiency of water were 2075 kg and 625 L-1 US 540,924 and 945,190usefulhm3and48.6and10.7empleoshm3respectivelyforasparagusandvine.Inconclusion,asparaguscomparedwithtablegrapesisinefficientwateruseinphysicalandeconomicbutnotsocialterms,wateruseinasparagusgenerates4.54timesmorejobsperunitofwaterused.Ofthe8,281jobs,US 945,190 useful hm-3 and 48.6 and 10.7empleos hm-3 respectively for asparagus and vine. In conclusion, asparagus compared with table grapes is inefficient water use in physical and economic but not social terms, water use in asparagus generates 4.54 times more jobs per unit of water used. Of the 8,281 jobs, US 163.63 million of utility and 245.63 hm3 of water used by both crops, asparagus contributed with 91%, 56.3% and 69.2% respectively. In Caborca water is a scarce resource, however, even though the proportion utility m-3/cost m-3 was 29.7, it places the regional water within what the economy called the tragedy of the common goods. Which has caused a serious problem of overexploitation of the aquifer, as the producer makes an inefficient use of water.Fil: Ríos Flores, José Luis. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Rios Arredondo, Becky Elizabeth. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (México)Fil: Cantú Brito, Jesús Enrique. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (México)Fil: Rios Arredondo, Hebrián Efraín. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Coahuila, México)Fil: Armendáriz Erives, Sigifredo. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Chávez Rivero, José Antonio. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Navarrete Molina, Cayetano. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Castro Franco, Rafael. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México

    Oral and general health conditions involved in periodontal status during pregnancy: a prospective cohort study

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    Purpose: Pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life that has important consequences on oral health, particularly for gingival health. Present study aims to identify women at higher risk of developing periodontal disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) during late pregnancy and evaluate how this condition evolves during this period. Methods: Prospective cohort study was designed with pregnant women who were assessed during the first and third trimesters of gestation in a southern Spanish public hospital. Data regarding gingival and periodontal health, oral hygiene, and overall health status (obesity and diabetes mellitus) were collected. Reporting followed STROBE checklist. Results: Significantly higher number of women had the periodontal and gingival disease in the third trimester of gestation compared with in early pregnancy. In the third trimester of gestation, 42 (28.6%) and 63 (42.9%) of women presented symptoms of periodontal disease and gingival disease, respectively. Obesity (OR 2.834; 95%CI 0.919–8.741), worse oral hygiene during the first trimester of gestation (OR: 4.031; 95%CI 2.12–7.65), and periodontal disease during early pregnancy (OR: 15.104; 95%CI 3.60–63.36) most effectively predicted periodontal disease during late pregnancy. Conclusions: Pregnancy is associated with exacerbated periodontal and gingival disease symptoms throughout the different trimesters of gestation. Obesity and oral hygiene during early pregnancy were the risk factors that most contributed to the aforementioned changes in periodontal disease.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesRevisión por pare

    Paleolithic parietal art in the Aitzbitarte V Cave (Errenteria, Gipuzkoa): a new diachronic set in the eastern Cantabrian Region

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    Resumen: El arte parietal paleolítico de la cueva de Aitzbitarte V se descubre en 2015, en el marco de las labores de prospec¬ción desarrolladas en la última década en el oriente cantá¬brico. Hemos documentado una decena de grabados situados en tres sectores profundos de la cavidad y compuestos por representaciones de bisontes y líneas. Las características for¬males de los primeros son específicas del arte gravetiense en el caso de los sectores A, C y D, y del Magdaleniense en el sector B. En ambos casos las convenciones gráficas presentan paralelos continentales, con el S/SO francés en el primer caso, y con los conjuntos pirenaicos en el segundo. De esta manera, en la cueva de Aitzbitarte V se identifican dos fases decorativas correspondientes a dos periodos dis¬tantes en el tiempo, siendo el primer caso de recurrencia gráfica reconocido en la Región Cantábrica oriental.Abstract: The Paleolithic parietal art of the Aitzbitarte V Cave was discovered in 2015, during the surveying work carried out in the east of Cantabrian Region. We have documented ten engravings located in three deep sectors of the cave. The engravings represent bisons and lines. The formal charac¬teristics of the bisons are specific to Gravettian art in the case of sectors A, C and D, and to the Magdalenian in sector B. In both cases, the graphic conventions have par-allels in the French record, with the French S/SW in the first case, and with the Pyrenean groups in the second. Thus, in the cave of Aitzbitarte V two decorative phases are identified, corresponding to two chronologically distant events. This is the first case of graphic recurrence recognized in the eastern Cantabrian Region.El estudio forma parte de los proyectos de investigación “Before art: social investment in symbolic expressions during the Upper Palaeolithic (B-Art)” (PID2019-107262GB-I00 IP Diego Garate), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, y “Learning and development of artistic abilities in Anatomically Modern Humans; a multidisciplinary approach (ApArt)” (HAR2017-87739-P IP Olivia Rivero), financiado también por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. I. Intxaurbe es beneficiario de una beca predoctoral (PIF 2019) de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). La investigación contó también con apoyo económico de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa y el municipio de Errenteria


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    Descripción: Transporte Global es un curso de especialidad de la carrera de Administración y Negocios Internacionales, de carácter teórico, operativo y técnico dirigido a los alumnos del séptimo ciclo. El curso ofrece una visión amplia de los modos de transporte marítimo, aéreo, terrestre y multimodal para llegar a los mercados de destino de los clientes, realizando el análisis de estos modos para concretar una exportación o importación reduciendo tiempos y costos logísticos, entre otras variables. Propósito: Nos encontramos en un entorno global que exige conocer la infraestructura y operatividad logística dentro de los negocios internacionales; por ello, la asignatura tiene como propósito que el estudiante analice y comprenda las distintas regulaciones y procedimientos aplicables a la gestión de las operaciones vinculadas al transporte internacional de carga, a fin de que elija la mejor alternativa para un adecuado transporte en función al tipo y naturaleza de la carga, buscando optimizar costos y tiempo, sin perjudicar la calidad del producto, contribuyendo de esta manera a su competitividad en el mercado internacional. Este curso busca desarrollar la competencia general del Pensamiento Crítico a nivel intermedio (2) y la competencia específica de Toma de Decisiones en el nivel 3