3,633 research outputs found

    Interplay between the magnetic anisotropy contributions of Cobalt nanowires

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    We report on the magnetic properties and the crystallographic structure of the cobalt nanowire arrays as a function of their nanoscale dimensions. X-ray diffraction measurements show the appearance of an in-plane HCP-Co phase for nanowires with 50 nm diameter, suggesting a partial reorientation of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy axis along the membrane plane with increasing pore diameter. No significant changes in the magnetic behavior of the nanowire system are observed with decreasing temperature, indicating that the effective magnetoelastic anisotropy does not play a dominant role in the remagnetization processes of individual nanowires. An enhancement of the total magnetic anisotropy is found at room temperature with a decreasing nanowire diameter-to-length ratio (d/L), a result that is quantitatively analyzed on the basis of a simplified shape anisotropy model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Evolución del uso de los materiales plásticos en la industria automotriz

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    The development of the automotive industry is directly and significantly related to the use of different materials and although not all cars are the same, the materials that they  are built are practically the same. The satisfaction of the requirements of a car, the costs of production, the reduction of costs related to fuel consumption, the reduction of weight and safety, are essential factors for the design and selection of the appropriate materials and their combination.Among the materials that are being used progressively and forcefully in the manufacture of automobiles are polymers or plastics, which due to their attractive properties to meet some of the requirements of different components and qualities of a car, are making a difference in some aspects in relation to other materials. This article provides succinct information about the evolution of the use of polymer or plastic materials in the automotive industry, the advantages they present in relation to other materials, their different types, their impact on the design of automobiles and other aspects of interest.El desarrollo de la industria automotriz está relacionado directamente y de forma significativa al uso de diferentes materiales y aunque no todos los autos son iguales, los materiales de que se construyen son prácticamente los mismos. La satisfacción de los requerimientos propios de un auto, los costos de producción, la disminución de costos relacionados con el consumo de combustible, la disminución del peso y la seguridad, son factores esenciales para el diseño y la selección de los materiales apropiados y su combinación. Entre los materiales que de manera progresiva y contundente está siendo utilizado en la fabricación de automóviles se encuentran los polímeros o plásticos, que dadas sus propiedades atractivas para satisfacer algunos de los requisitos de diferentes componentes y cualidades de un auto, están marcando la diferencia en algunos aspectos en relación con otros materiales. El presente artículo brinda información sucinta acerca de la evolución del uso de los materiales polímeros o plásticos en la industria automotriz, las ventajas que estos presentan con relación a otros materiales, sus diferentes tipos, su incidencia en el diseño de automóviles y otros aspectos de interés

    SAVER: Surface Autonomous Vehicle for Emergency Rescue

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    The design, fabrication, and testing of an unmanned surface vehicle for the NASA Micro-G NExT SAVER challenge. This device features a radio direction finding phase array to autonomously navigate to an emergency distress beacon to deliver emergency supplies

    Beginning Science Teachers\u27 Subject Matter Knowledge, Misconceptions, and Emerging Inquiry-based Teaching Practices (Poster)

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    When we investigated the relationship of science subject matter knowledge with subsequent inquiry-based instruction, we found on average that over the induction period the MAT teachers taught lessons using more inquiry-based instruction at twice the rate of the average teacher prepared in the undergraduate program without an undergraduate degree in science. Specifically, new science teachers from the MAT program with an undergraduate degree in chemistry were better prepared to use an inquiry-based approach to teaching chemistry. Our research of our two teacher preparation programs contribute a reliable design for producing highly-qualified teachers who can provide active, engaging, constructivist learning opportunities for diverse students while addressing rigorous national science education standards. Our work has provided evidence that factors such as science content area credit hours, science GPA, and test scores are indicative of teachers’ content knowledge and possible misconceptions. Policy makers can look at these and other findings to refine state guidelines for teacher certification to ensure that teachers are strongly prepared. State departments of education that set teacher certification policy should consider making a careful distinction among specific science disciplines, as all sciences are not the same in their learning progressions, degree of linear accumulation of knowledge, and diversity of topics. The project has informed other teacher preparation designs and the findings have been presented at various stages at NARST and ASTE conferences along with a new book chapter in press (2018)

    Antecedentes individuales de los i-deals: el rol de la autoeficacia, las habilidades de networking y la empleabilidad percibida

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    Purpose – This study aims to examine the direct and indirect effects of self-efficacy, networking abilities and perceived employability on the negotiation of idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) between individual workers and their employers. Design/methodology/approach – In total, 213 managerial professionals – a non-random sample – working for different small and medium-sized enterprises from several industries in Argentina were surveyed online. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Findings – The results revealed that self-efficacy and networking abilities exert an indirect effect on i-deal negotiation through perceived employability. Those individuals with higher levels of self-efficacy or greater networking abilities tend to develop more positive perceptions of their employability and, therefore, are more prompted to negotiate i-deals with their employers. Research limitations/implications – This research sheds light on the dynamics underlying the relationship of employees’ characteristics and skills with i-deal negotiation. Besides, it provides further evidence that individual bargaining has become widespread in professional employment contexts, above and beyond the collective labor agreements that prevail in most Latin American countries. Practical implications – Self-efficacy and networking abilities can be relevant individual factors in understanding i-deal negotiation, given that both shape employees’ perceptions of employability. Originality/value – Although the impact of employee characteristics and skills on the idiosyncratic negotiation of employment terms has been broadly recognized, scholars have called for further exploration of the mechanisms underlying this relationship. By simultaneously investigating the impact of self-efficacy, networking abilities and perceived employability on i-deals, this study provides a more comprehensive understanding of how an individual’s personal characteristics and skills facilitate the idiosyncratic negotiation of employment terms.Objetivo – Este estudio examina los efectos directos e indirectos de la autoeficacia, las habilidades de networking y la empleabilidad percibida en la negociación de acuerdos idiosincráticos (i-deals) entre los empleados, en forma individual, y sus empleadores. Diseño/metodología/enfoque – 213 gerentes profesionales – muestra no aleatoria – que trabajaban en PyMEs pertenecientes a diversas industrias en Argentina completaron encuestas de modo online. Las hipótesis fueron testeadas utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados – Los resultados revelaron que la autoeficacia y las habilidades de networking ejercen un efecto indirecto en la negociación de i-deals a través de la empleabilidad percibida. Aquellos individuos con niveles m as altos de autoeficacia o mayores habilidades de networking tienden a desarrollar percepciones m as positivas de su empleabilidad y, por lo tanto, están m as dispuestos a negociar i-deals con sus empleadores. Implicancias para la investigación – Esta investigación contribuye a dilucidar la dinámica que subyace la relación entre las características y habilidades de los empleados y la negociación de i-deals. Asimismo, provee una evidencia adicional de que la negociación individual se ha extendido en contextos de empleo de tipo profesional, más allá de las negociaciones colectivas de trabajo que prevalecen en la mayoría de los países de América Latina. Implicancias prácticas – La autoeficacia y las habilidades de networking pueden ser factores individuales relevantes para comprender la negociación de i-deals, siendo que ambos moldean la propia percepción de empleabilidad del individuo. Originalidad/valor – Aunque el impacto de las características y habilidades de los empleados en la negociación idiosincrática de los términos de empleo ha sido ampliamente reconocido en estudios anteriores, se ha planteado la necesidad de continuar examinando los mecanismos subyacentes a dicha relación. Al investigar simultáneamente el impacto de la autoeficacia, las habilidades de networking y la empleabilidad percibida en la negociación de i-deals, este estudio provee una comprensión más completa de cómo las características y habilidades personales del individuo facilitan la negociación idiosincrática de los términos de empleo.Fil: Marino, Jorgelina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios en Administración; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Dabos, Guillermo Enrique. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios en Administración; ArgentinaFil: Rivero, Andrea Gabriela. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios en Administración; ArgentinaFil: Pujol Cols, Lucas Joan. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios en Administración; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil; Argentin

    Educating Effective Science Teachers: Preparing and Following Teachers Into the Field

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    This chapter focuses on: (a) our development of a research-based, graduate- level science TPP for teachers with a degree in science; (b) an analysis of teachers’ subject matter knowledge (SMK) as it relates to their subsequent use of inquiry-based instruction; and (c) results of a longitudinal study of beginning science teachers who graduated from a master’s level TPP in comparison with the instructional practices of science teachers prepared through a traditional undergraduate program. We offer what we consider to be a typical case of an undergraduate and less typical case of a graduate science teacher preparation program that occur at a large, land-grant, 4-year state university in a Great Plains state in the United States. The undergraduate and graduate programs have some overlapping coursework and clinical experiences, but provided different entry points, depth of coursework, culminating degrees, and rates of completion

    Using Sentinel-2 and canopy height models to derive a landscape-level biomass map covering multiple vegetation types

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    Vegetation biomass is a globally important climate-relevant terrestrial carbon pool and also drives local hydrological systems via evapotranspiration. Vegetation biomass of individual vegetation types has been successfully estimated from active and passive remote sensing data. However, for many tasks, landscape-level biomass maps across several vegetation types are more suitable than biomass maps of individual vegetation types. For example, the validation of ecohydrological models and carbon budgeting typically requires spatially continuous biomass estimates, independent from vegetation type. Studies that derive biomass estimates across multiple vegetation or land-cover types to merge them into a single landscape-level biomass map are still scarce, and corresponding workflows must be developed. Here, we present a workflow to derive biomass estimates on landscape-level for a large watershed in central Chile. Our workflow has three steps: First, we combine field plotbased biomass estimates with spectral and structural information collected from Sentinel-2, TanDEM-X and airborne LiDAR data to map grassland, shrubland, native forests and pine plantation biomass using random forest regressions with an automatic feature selection. Second, we predict all models to the entire landscape. Third, we derive a land-cover map including the four considered vegetation types. We then use this land-cover map to assign the correct vegetation type-specific biomass estimate to each pixel according to one of the four considered vegetation types. Using a single repeatable workflow, we obtained biomass predictions comparable to earlier studies focusing on only one of the four vegetation types (Spearman correlation between 0.80 and 0.84; normalized-RMSE below 16 % for all vegetation types). For all woody vegetation types, height metrics were amongst the selected predictors, while for grasslands, only Sentinel-2 bands were selected. The land-cover was also mapped with high accuracy (OA = 83.1 %). The final landscape-level biomass map spatially agrees well with the known biomass distribution patterns in the watershed. Progressing from vegetation-type specific maps towards landscape-level biomass maps is an essential step towards integrating remote-sensing based biomass estimates into models for water and carbon management

    De fósiles a renovables: ¿cómo acelerar la transición?

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    Este trabajo busca interpretar si el sector privado tiene incentivos suficientes para generar una transición hacia una matriz energética con mayor participación de recursos renovables. Planteamos, a su vez, las políticas fiscales óptimas que el gobierno debería aplicar para acelerar dicha transición. Con este fin, presentamos un modelo teórico en el que se produce un bien final que utiliza energía como insumo, la cual se puede generar a partir de recursos fósiles y de renovables, perfectamente sustituibles entre sí. Asumimos que las extracciones de los combustibles fósiles generan una externalidad negativa a partir de las emisiones de Green House Gases (de aquí en más GHGs); e introducimos esta variable en las preferencias del agente representativo de nuestra economía. Resolvemos el modelo para el caso de un planificador central que internaliza la concentración de GHGs y para el caso descentralizado donde decide el agente privado. Posteriormente, analizamos las políticas necesarias para replicar los resultados en ambos casos

    Discourse in Inquiry Science Classrooms, DiISC Version 2.0 (User’s manual for an observation research instrument)

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    This is a user\u27s manual for the externally validated Version 2.0 of the Discourse in Science Inquiry Classrooms (DiISC) instrument. The instrument is best suited for use in conducting research in secondary (grades 6-12) science classrooms that focuses on teachers\u27 instructional practices, but can also be used as a professional development tool for teacher self-reflection and identifying goals for instructional change. The DiISC Version 2.0 is aligned with a model of a scientific classroom discourse community and articulated characteristics of social constructivist lessons in the categories of inquiry, oral and written discourse, and academic language development and essential learning principles

    Proyecto de identidad visual: Planetario de Buenos Aires

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    Inicialmente se realizó un relevamiento del Planetario Galileo Galilei de Buenos Aires buscando identificar los problemas de comunicación existentes. El relevamiento se planteó en tres ejes: Identificación, información y entorno. En lo que respecta al eje de identificación, el comitente ha sufrido una profunda renovación en cuanto a su contenido y tecnologías; sin embargo, pese a estas modificaciones, el mismo sigue siendo detectado por los usuarios como un museo tradicional. En el eje de información, el mismo carece de componentes que capten la atención de los visitantes de las inmediaciones del parque en el que se encuentra situado, además de no hacer uso de las zonas turísticas ajenas al sistema de parques y continúa teniendo los problemas de identidad ya mencionados. Por último, en el eje entorno, los elementos de diseño presentes son escasos y no mantienen una identidad. Se encuentran compuestos solamente por una serie de objetos del rubro astronómico pero carece de señalética en el entorno que atraiga la atención de visitantes o ayude a los mismos a movilizarse e interactuar con sus contenidos de una manera más efectiva, fluida y práctica. Como resultado de esta investigación se planteó reposicionar al Planetario como un centro turístico innovador, participativo y didáctico, eliminando así el concepto de museo tradicional y unilateral que posee hasta el día de la fecha. Resaltando el carácter tecnológico y novedoso que adoptó en su última remodelación, se plasmaron estos nuevos conceptos en el siguiente: Plan integral de sistematización y revalorización de marca.Facultad de Bellas Arte