3,199 research outputs found

    Juego de vídeo a partir de la metodología game-based learning como medio de comunicación para la formación de hábitos alimentarios en niños con enfermedad celíaca

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    This study proposes the design of a video game based on the game-based learning methodology as a means of communication to facilitate the formation of healthy eating habits in children with a diagnosis of Celiac Disease (CD). The need arises from what is observed in the professional practice in the nutrition consultation, where mothers of celiac patients express as their main concern the fact that the child, exposed to various social and academic activities, in which they are not necessarily with their company, be able to comply with the gluten-free diet, the only treatment for CD. The research is based on the concept and clinical manifestations of CD, the use of games as a teaching resource (game-based learning), and the theoretical vision of the constructivist paradigm of learning. Due to its characteristics, this research is congruent with the Feasible Project, at a descriptive level and is supported by documentary research using the analysis technique and the documentary record as an instrument for obtaining information. It was developed in two phases, a preparatory phase where the necessary documentary information was obtained to fulfill the proposed objectives and a design phase that consisted of the development of the instructional components of the video game and the approach to a prototype. The video game designed is then an educational game (serious game) called El Mundo de Celia, which consists of a world in the form of a board, composed of three levels, where the participant must overcome nine challenges in total, and by practicing the game, you can achieve a greater understanding of the disease and finally apply this knowledge in daily life, achieving the consolidation of healthy eating habits adapted to the celiac condition that allow you to improve your health.En este estudio se propone el diseño de un videojuego basado en la metodología game-based learning como medio de comunicación para facilitar la formación de hábitos alimentarios saludables en niños con diagnóstico de Enfermedad Celiaca (EC). La necesidad surge de lo observado en la práctica profesional en la consulta de nutrición, donde madres de pacientes celiacos manifiestan como preocupación principal el hecho de que el niño, expuesto a diversas actividades sociales y académicas, en la cuales no necesariamente se encuentra con su compañía, sea capaz de cumplir la dieta libre de gluten, único tratamiento para la EC. La investigación se fundamenta en el concepto y manifestaciones clínicas de la EC, el uso del juego como recurso para la enseñanza (game-based learning), y la visión teórica del paradigma constructivista del aprendizaje. Por sus características, esta investigación resulta congruente con el Proyecto Factible, en un nivel descriptivo y se apoya en la investigación documental utilizando la técnica de análisis y el registro documental como instrumento para la obtención de información. Se desarrolló en dos fases, una fase preparatoria donde se obtuvo la información documental necesaria para el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos y una fase de diseño que consistió en el desarrollo de los componentes instruccionales del videojuego y la aproximación a un prototipo. El videojuego diseñado es entonces un juego educativo (serious game) llamado El Mundo de Celia, que se compone de un mundo en forma de tablero, compuesto por tres niveles, donde el participante debe superar nueve retos en total, y mediante la práctica del juego, puede lograr una mayor comprensión de la enfermedad y finalmente aplicar estos conocimientos en la vida diaria logrando la consolidación de hábitos alimentarios saludables adaptados a la condición celiaca que permitan mejorar su estado de salud

    Hongos acuáticos de los estuarios en Puerto Rico: Boca del Río Manatí

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    Aquatic fungi were isolated from sea foam, leaf litter, beach sand, and driftwood in an estuary known as "La Boca" (river mouth) of the Manatí River in Barceloneta, northern Puerto Rico. Observations of the baits (sterilized balsa wood) and incubated organic debris, revealed the presence of 28 species of aquatic fungi, 13 of which belong to the ascomycetes and 15 to the mitosporic fungi. The species Arenariomyces triseptatus, Corollospora cf. colossa, C. filiformis, Halosphaeria sp., Kirschsteiniothelia sp., Astrosphaeriella aff. mangrovei, Torpedospora radiata (Ascomycota), Brachiosphaera tropicalis, Campylospora sp., and Clavatospora bulbosa (Mitosporic fungi) were the most common in the samples. Eleven species are new records for Puerto Rico; six fungal isolates could not be identified. Se aislaron hongos acuáticos de la espuma de mar, hojarasca, arena playera y madera a la deriva de un estuario conocido como "La Boca" (boca de río) del Río Manatí en Barceloneta, al norte de Puerto Rico. Las observaciones de los cebos (madera de balsa esterilizada) y material orgánico incubado, revelaron la presencia de 28 especies de hongos acuáticos, de los cuales 13 pertenecen a los ascomicetos y 15 a los hongos mitospóricos. Las especies Arenariomyces triseptatus, Corollospora cf. colossa, C. filiformis, Halosphaeria sp., Kirschsteiniothelia sp., Astrosphaeriella aff. mangrovei, Torpedospora radiata (Ascomycota), Brachiosphaera tropicalis, Campylospora sp. y Clavatospora bulbosa (Hongos Mitospóricos) fueron las más comunes en las muestras. Once especies son registros nuevos para Puerto Rico y se aislaron seis hongos que no pudieron ser identificados

    Nuevos registros de los mixomicetos de Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico

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    Seven species of myxomycetes are reported as new records for the Mona Island Commonwealth Reserve, Puerto Rico. They are Ceratiomyxa, fruticulosa, Cribaria intricata, Dictydium cancellatum, Fuligo septica, Lycogala sp., Stemonitis axifera and Tubifera ferruginosa.Siete especies de mixomicetos son informados oomo nuevos registros para la Reserva Estatal Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico. Estos son Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa, Cribaria intricata, Dictydium cancellatum, Fuligo septica, Lycogala sp., Stemonitis axifera y Tubifera ferruginosa

    Design effectiveness analysis of a media literacy intervention to reduce violent video games consumption among adolescents: The relevance of lifestyle segmentation

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    Rivera, R. et al., Design effectiveness analysis of a media literacy intervention to reduce violent video games consumption among adolescents, Evaluation Review (40.2) pp. 142-161. Copyright © 2016 (The Authors). Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.Exposure to media violence might have detrimental effects on psychological adjustment and is associated with aggression-related attitudes and behaviors. As a result, many media literacy programs were implemented to tackle that major public health issue. However, there is little evidence about their effectiveness. Evaluating design effectiveness, particularly regarding targeting process, would prevent adverse effects and improve the evaluation of evidence-based media literacy programs. Objectives: The present research examined whether or not different relational lifestyles may explain the different effects of an antiviolence intervention program. Research design: Based on relational and lifestyles theory, the authors designed a randomized controlled trial and applied an analysis of variance 2 (treatment: experimental vs. control) OE 4 (lifestyle classes emerged from data using latent class analysis: communicative vs. autonomous vs. meta-reflexive vs. fractured). Subjects: Seven hundred and thirty-five Italian students distributed in 47 classes participated anonymously in the research (51.3% females). Measures: Participants completed a lifestyle questionnaire as well as their attitudes and behavioral intentions as the dependent measures. Results: The results indicated that the program was effective in changing adolescents' attitudes toward violence. However, behavioral intentions toward consumption of violent video games were moderated by lifestyles. Those with communicative relational lifestyles showed fewer intentions to consume violent video games, while a boomerang effect was found among participants with problematic lifestyles. Conclusion: Adolescents' lifestyles played an important role in influencing the effectiveness of an intervention aimed at changing behavioral intentions toward the consumption of violent video games. For that reason, audience lifestyle segmentation analysis should be considered an essential technique for designing, evaluating, and improving media literacy programsThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the European Union (Grant number JUST/2010/DAP3/AG/1111-30-CE-0397890/00-02) and Intermedia Consulting A.C. (Grant number SSM2011-2013

    Intensity correction for high resolution imaging using a transmitter/receiver surface coil

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    [Abstract] European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, ESMRMB 1996 13th Scientific Meeting, September 18 - 21, 1997, Prague, Czech RepublicPublicad