198 research outputs found

    La espectacularización del concepto feminicidio en las informaciones de los periódicos La prensa gráfica y el diario de hoy, en el caso del crimen de la periodista karla turcios. periodo de anailisis: de marzo a julio de 2019

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    La investigación se realizó sobre los usos del término "feminicidio", con el fin de exponer la naturaleza mediática en cuanto al uso sensacionalista, que convierte en un espectáculo la tragedia. Para realizar el análisis se utilizaron publicaciones de prensa escrita de los medios de mayor circulación a nivel nacional sobre el asesinato de la periodista Karla Turcios, en el cual fue sobre explotado de manera acérrima el contexto de violencia en el país para darle mayor vistosidad a la figura del feminicidio y expone las consecuencias que conlleva un uso desmedido del término en la memoria colectiva del público, considerando la histeria colectiva y los intereses políticos que se mueven detrás de la espectacularización de la violenci

    Mortalidad perioperatoria en Tolima, perspectivas del cuarto indicador de The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery: un análisis preliminar de la cohorte prospectiva del estudio Colombian Surgical Outcomes Study (ColSOS)

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    Introducción. La mortalidad perioperatoria en el mundo representa 4,2 millones de muertes anuales. El cuarto indicador de The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery permite estandarizar la mortalidad perioperatoria. En Colombia, existen aproximaciones por datos secundarios, limitando el análisis y las intervenciones aplicables a nuestra población. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la mortalidad perioperatoria a través de datos primarios que permitan sustentar políticas públicas. Métodos. Se hizo el análisis preliminar de un estudio observacional, de cohorte prospectiva, multicéntrico en 6 instituciones del departamento de Tolima. Se incluyeron los pacientes llevados a procedimientos quirúrgicos por una semana, con posterior seguimiento hasta el egreso, fallecimiento o 30 días de hospitalización. La mortalidad perioperatoria fue el desenlace primario. Resultados. Fueron incluidos 378 pacientes, con mediana de 49 años (RIC 32-66), buen estado funcional (ASA I-II 80 %) y baja complejidad quirúrgica (42 %). Las cirugías más comunes fueron por Ortopedia (25,4 %) y Cirugía plástica (23,3 %). El 29,7 % presentaron complicaciones postoperatorias, las más comunes fueron síndrome de dificultad respiratoria agudo e íleo postoperatorio. La mortalidad perioperatoria fue de 1,3 %. Discusión. La mortalidad perioperatoria discrepó de la reportada en otros estudios nacionales, aun cuando los pacientes tenían un bajo perfil de riesgo y baja complejidad de los procedimientos. Sin embargo, coincide con la reportada internacionalmente y nos acerca a la realidad del país. Conclusión. La determinación del cuarto indicador es de vital importancia para mejorar la atención quirúrgica en Colombia. Este es el primer acercamiento con datos primarios que nos permite tener información aplicable a nuestra población

    Surgical multicenter collaborative studies: ¿What happen in Latin America?

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    Antecedentes: GlobalSurg es un grupo internacional de investigadores que tiene como propósito la conducción y la diseminación de robustos estudios colaborativos, internacionales y multicéntricos. Objetivo: Exponer las estrategias necesarias y las barreras encontradas en la conducción de estudios multicéntricos masivos en cirugía. Método: Durante el segundo semestre del año 2020 se llevó a cabo el estudio Surg-Week Prospective International Cohort Study, hasta la fecha el estudio internacional más grande en el campo de la cirugía, con 141,582 pacientes incluidos. Un total de 4975 miniequipos, de uno a cinco integrantes, recopilaron datos de 116 países de todos los continentes. Resultados: La creación de un sitio web oficial del estudio, reportes con información relevante vía e-mail o grupos vía WhatsApp, conformación de un comité de diseminación del protocolo, dictado de webinars sobre publicaciones recientes del equipo, designación de líderes nacionales e internacionales, y la divulgación por medio de sociedades, fueron las estrategias utilizadas para el desarrollo de la investigación. Sin embargo, las barreras detectadas para llevar a cabo el estudio multicéntrico fueron variadas. Conclusiones: Los trabajos colaborativos permiten establecer redes entre diferentes profesionales con el fin de mejorar la calidad de la gestión, las políticas sanitarias y la atención a los pacientes en tiempos de constante cambio.Background: GlobalSurg is an international group of researchers whose purpose is to conduct and disseminate robust collaborative, international and multicenter studies. Objective: To expose the necessary strategies and the barriers crossed in conducting massive multicenter studies in surgery. Method: During the second semester of 2020, the study Surg-Week Prospective International Cohort Study was carried out. Surg-Week has been the largest international study in the field of surgery to date, with 141,582 patients included. A total of 4975 mini-teams, of between 1 and 5 members, collected data from 116 countries on all continents. Results: The creation of an official website for the study, reports with relevant information via email or groups via WhatsApp, formation of a Dissemination Committee of the protocol, delivery of webinars on recent team publications, appointment of leaders at the national and international level, and outreach through partnerships, were the strategies used for the development of the research. However, the barriers turned out to involve different aspects. Conclusions: Collaborative work allows establishing networks between different professionals with the goal of improving the quality of management, health policies and care of our patients in a timely manner of constant change

    Bibliographic reference management: the role of technological appropriation in students

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    Purpose: Over the past two decades, bibliographic reference management software has evolved as an exampleof technical innovation. Students believe reference management software, such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, and Refworks, to be a modern tool and a tremendous help when conducting academic research. Consequently, this study aims to emphasize the significance of bibliographic reference management software. Design/methodology/approach: This research wasconducted using Bibliometricanalysis. For this aim, relevant papers were selected for review, and after screening, 18 papers were finalized. In different years of reviewed published research papers, authors apparently employed varying research procedures. Findings: The results suggested that reference management software improves the trustworthiness of student academic research. The perceptions of various pupils vary based on the reference management software they use. Software for managing references promotes writing and critical thinking in academic research. Practical implications The research has significant practical significance as a valuable supplement to the trend of student adoption of reference management software for academic research. The software developers can also get information from this study by evaluating the significance of bibliographic management software, the extent of its quick emergence, and the increasing tendency of students to adopt it for their theses and other research projects. Originality/value: The unique contribution of this study to the corpus of knowledge gives it theoretical relevance. As it is an important addition to the literature regarding the selection of student reference management software in academic institutions, it is included here.Campus Huancay

    Investigación pedagógica en Bogotá : horizontes desde el programa Maestros y Maestras que Inspiran 2021

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    251 páginasPublicación resultado de la sistematización de experiencias de docentes participantes en el programa Maestros y Maestras que Inspiran, 2021. «Si quisiéramos mejorar la educación deberíamos mejorar la calidad de sus docentes […] Esto implica cultivar la curiosidad, la mirada crítica y buscarle significado al mundo que nos rodea, apreciando dónde está lo importante y siendo capaces de entender y describir por qué es importante. Los textos —de este compilado— dan cuenta de esas búsquedas y aquellos encuentros […] los autores nos dicen, de diferentes maneras, que la educación es la gran oportunidad, que una nueva escuela es necesaria y posible» Agustín Porre

    Miradas contemporáneas de los pueblos originarios en México

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    Este libro resume una amplia discusión sobre el papel que tienen los grupos originarios en México y la condición de las etnias a lo largo del territorio nacional. Desde hace cientos de años los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes han sido excluidos del desarrollo central de México, y en mayor o menor medida, estos grupos han ocupado un lugar residual en las políticas públicas de los diferentes gobiernos, y sufrido de manera regular la discriminación por parte del resto de la población.CEDIPIEM, UAEMéx, BUAP, Center for Earth Ethic

    Claiming Equality: Puerto Rican Farmworkers in Western New York

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    n July of 1966, a group of Puerto Rican migrant workers protested against police brutality and discrimination in North Collins, a small farm community of western NewYork. Puerto Rican farmworkers made up a substantial part of the population, and had transformed the ethnic, racial, and gender landscape of the town. Local officials and residents produced and reproduced images of Puerto Ricans as inferior subjects within US racial and ethnic hierarchies. Those negative images of Puerto Ricans shaped the way in which local authorities elaborated policies of social control against these farmworkers in North Collins. At the same time, Puerto Rican farmworkers challenged those existing images and power relations that attempted to stigmatize them as inferior. They affirmed their presence in western New York and, in effect, stood up for their rights as citizens, as Puerto Ricans, and as Latinos

    Effect of viral storm in patients admitted to intensive care units with severe COVID-19 in Spain: a multicentre, prospective, cohort study

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    Background: The contribution of the virus to the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 is still unclear. We aimed to evaluate associations between viral RNA load in plasma and host response, complications, and deaths in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Methods: We did a prospective cohort study across 23 hospitals in Spain. We included patients aged 18 years or older with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who were admitted to an intensive care unit between March 16, 2020, and Feb 27, 2021. RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid region 1 (N1) was quantified in plasma samples collected from patients in the first 48 h following admission, using digital PCR. Patients were grouped on the basis of N1 quantity: VIR-N1-Zero (2747 N1 copies per mL). The primary outcome was all-cause death within 90 days after admission. We evaluated odds ratios (ORs) for the primary outcome between groups using a logistic regression analysis. Findings: 1068 patients met the inclusion criteria, of whom 117 had insufficient plasma samples and 115 had key information missing. 836 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 403 (48%) were in the VIR-N1-Low group, 283 (34%) were in the VIR-N1-Storm group, and 150 (18%) were in the VIR-N1-Zero group. Overall, patients in the VIR-N1-Storm group had the most severe disease: 266 (94%) of 283 patients received invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), 116 (41%) developed acute kidney injury, 180 (65%) had secondary infections, and 148 (52%) died within 90 days. Patients in the VIR-N1-Zero group had the least severe disease: 81 (54%) of 150 received IMV, 34 (23%) developed acute kidney injury, 47 (32%) had secondary infections, and 26 (17%) died within 90 days (OR for death 0·30, 95% CI 0·16-0·55; p<0·0001, compared with the VIR-N1-Storm group). 106 (26%) of 403 patients in the VIR-N1-Low group died within 90 days (OR for death 0·39, 95% CI 0·26-0·57; p<0·0001, compared with the VIR-N1-Storm group). Interpretation: The presence of a so-called viral storm is associated with increased all-cause death in patients admitted to the intensive care unit with severe COVID-19. Preventing this viral storm could help to reduce poor outcomes. Viral storm could be an enrichment marker for treatment with antivirals or purification devices to remove viral components from the blood.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FONDO-COVID19, COV20/00110, CIBERES, 06/06/0028; AT), Proyectos de Investigación en Salud (PI19/00590; JFB-M), Miguel Servet (CP20/00041; DdG-C), Sara Borrell (CD018/0123; APT), and Predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en Salud (FI20/00278; AdF). We also received funds from Programa de Donaciones Estar Preparados, UNESPA (Madrid, Spain), and from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR OV2–170357; DJK and JFB-M), Research Nova Scotia, Li-Ka Shing Foundation (DJK), and finally by a Research Grant 2020 from ESCMID (APT). COV20/00110, PI19/00590, CP20/00041, CD018/0123, FI20/00278 were co-funded by European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund (A way to make Europe, and Investing in your future). We thank the IRB-Lleida Biobank 119 (B.0000682) and Plataforma Biobancos PT17/0015/0027 in Lleida, the Hospital Clinic Barcelona (HCB)-IDIBAPS biobank in Barcelona, and the National DNA Bank and the Hospital Universitario de Salamanca biobank (both in Salamanca) for their logistical support with sample processing and storage. We are indebted to the Fundació Glòria Soler for its contribution and support to the COVIDBANK of HCBIDIBAPS Biobank. This work was not supported by any pharmaceutical company or other agency.S

    Healthcare workers hospitalized due to COVID-19 have no higher risk of death than general population. Data from the Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    Aim To determine whether healthcare workers (HCW) hospitalized in Spain due to COVID-19 have a worse prognosis than non-healthcare workers (NHCW). Methods Observational cohort study based on the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, a nationwide registry that collects sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, and treatment data on patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Spain. Patients aged 20-65 years were selected. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to identify factors associated with mortality. Results As of 22 May 2020, 4393 patients were included, of whom 419 (9.5%) were HCW. Median (interquartile range) age of HCW was 52 (15) years and 62.4% were women. Prevalence of comorbidities and severe radiological findings upon admission were less frequent in HCW. There were no difference in need of respiratory support and admission to intensive care unit, but occurrence of sepsis and in-hospital mortality was lower in HCW (1.7% vs. 3.9%; p = 0.024 and 0.7% vs. 4.8%; p<0.001 respectively). Age, male sex and comorbidity, were independently associated with higher in-hospital mortality and healthcare working with lower mortality (OR 0.211, 95%CI 0.067-0.667, p = 0.008). 30-days survival was higher in HCW (0.968 vs. 0.851 p<0.001). Conclusions Hospitalized COVID-19 HCW had fewer comorbidities and a better prognosis than NHCW. Our results suggest that professional exposure to COVID-19 in HCW does not carry more clinical severity nor mortality