616 research outputs found

    Trademark selection criteria for bad dental implants used by specialists.

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    Objective: Determine the most used selection criteria when choosing a brand of dental implants by specialist dentists. Material and method: If we identified the parameters for choosing an implant brand, we classified them into technical and market, sorting them into a closed-type questionnaire, valuing it by means of a psychometric scale from 1 to 5, plus an open question. It became a masterpiece for the convenience of twenty-one specialist dentists with less experience among three brands of implants. For the descriptive statistical analysis, Microsoft Excel 2011 version for Mac was used, using measures of central tendency such as Arithmetic and Fashion Media. The technical parameters were classified from 1st to 1st, marketing from 2nd to 2nd and suggested from p1 to p7. Results: The variability in prosthetic retention pillars, adequate availability of the products offered by the company and the compatibility of the additions between commercial brands, were the most relevant factors considered by specialists at the time of choosing a certain implant system. Conclusion: The reasons that influence the choice of an implant system are the variety and availability of products along with compatibility between brands.Objective: Determine the most used selection criteria when choosing a brand of dental implants by specialist dentists. Material and method: If we identified the parameters for choosing an implant brand, we classified them into technical and market, sorting them into a closed-type questionnaire, valuing it by means of a psychometric scale from 1 to 5, plus an open question. It became a masterpiece for the convenience of twenty-one specialist dentists with less experience among three brands of implants. For the descriptive statistical analysis, Microsoft Excel 2011 version for Mac was used, using measures of central tendency such as Arithmetic and Fashion Media. The technical parameters were classified from 1st to 1st, marketing from 2nd to 2nd and suggested from p1 to p7. Results: The variability in prosthetic retention pillars, adequate availability of the products offered by the company and the compatibility of the additions between commercial brands, were the most relevant factors considered by specialists at the time of choosing a certain implant system. Conclusion: The reasons that influence the choice of an implant system are the variety and availability of products along with compatibility between brands


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    Históricamente las áreas naturales de alta montaña en México han sufrido de presión a sus recursos naturales provocados por diversos factores como la extracción de recursos maderables y las plagas y enfermedades. Los intentos de zonificación resultan muy generalistas y se hace imposible hacer una evaluación de las transiciones menores de 10 años, debido a que los procesos necesarios para su evaluación suponen una elevada inversión en tiempo para tener un producto detallado y funcional. Para el Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca se elaboró un mapa de ocupación del suelo para 2009 con una imagen SPOT basado en la categorización Cetenal de uso de suelo y vegetación escala 1:50 000 para 1972 y se contrastó con la más reciente actualización para el año 2000 como referencia. Se realizó una sobreposición de los mapas de ocupación del suelo para los años 2000 y 2009 para hacer la interpretación interactiva por sectores de las transiciones en el periodo de estudio. Así se obtuvieron las áreas en donde se ha verificado deterioro en terrenos forestales. Las áreas con mayor dinámica negativa son los bosques de pino, por efectos de deforestación y de pérdida de densidad del arbolado. Se calculó una tasa general de 35 ha año-1, contra solo 3 ha año-1 de bosques recuperados. Se concluye que el área natural protegida está sujeta a intensos procesos de tala selectiva de manera ilegal o por saneamiento

    Propiedades físico-mecánicas en muros portantes de ladrillo, adicionando puzolana y limadura de hierro, techo propio - Trujillo, 2021

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    El presente proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar de qué manera influye la puzolana y la limadura de hierro en las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del ladrillo de concreto utilizado en techo propio, Trujillo – 2021. La metodología que se utilizó para esta investigación es de tipo aplicada y con un diseño experimental., La muestra estuvo conformada por 550 ladrillos de concreto elaborados en porcentaje parcial de adición de puzolana y limadura de hierro al 2%, 4%, 6 %, 8% y 10%. De Los resultados de variación dimensional y alabeo se concluye que la muestra patrón y las muestran con sus diferentes dosificaciones clasifican como tipo IV tanto con las adiciones de puzolana y limadura de hierro. En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos del ensayo de absorción y densidad, todos cumplen los requisitos estipulados en la norma E.070, sin embargo, no muestran mejora con la adición de puzolana en las propiedades físicas del ladrillo de concreto respecto a la muestra patrón, a diferencia de la adición de limadura de hierro que si demuestra lo contrario. De los resultados de resistencia a compresión por unidad (F’b), pilas (F’m) y muretes (V’m) las muestras tanto con puzolana y limadura de hierro con 6% de porcentaje de los dos aditamentos se obtuvo la mayor resistencia a la compresión. Finalmente se concluye que la puzolana y limadura de hierro mejoran las propiedades físico - mecánicas de los ladrillos de concreto. Con respecto a los costos unitarios, al adicionar los aditamentos aumentan ligeramente el costo de producción


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    Los métodos de Programación Lineal encuentran cada vez mayor atención en la economía, la tecnología, el ámbito militar y en otras aplicaciones. El crecimiento exponencial de las computadoras ha permitido un amplio desarrollo de esta especialidad matemática, dando solución a problemas que eran imposibles de resolver en décadas pasadas. Entre las aplicaciones de la Programación Lineal se destaca el denominado Problema de Transporte, que constituye el tema del presente artículo, mostrando destacados avances tecnológicos. Su objetivo radica en el diseño de un modelo matemático (basado en la programación lineal) el cual permite la distribución de un determinado producto (en nuestro caso arena para construcción) de forma óptima y con el mínimo costo

    Experimental-Theoretic Approach to Drug-Lymphocyte Interactome Networks with Flow Cytometry and Spectral Moments Perturbation Theory

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    Modelos matematicos y citometria de flujoAbstract: We can combine experimental techniques like Flow Cytometry Analysis (FCA) with Chemoinformatics methods to predict the complex networks of interactions between organic compounds and targets in the immune system. In this work, we determined experimentally the values of EC50 = 17.82 μg/mL and Cytotoxicity = 20.6 % for the antimicrobial / anti-parasite drug Dermofural over Balb/C CD9 lymphocytes using flow cytometry. After that, we developed a new Perturbation-theory model for Drug-Cell Target Interactome in Lymphocytes based on dispersion-polarization moments of drug structure. The models correctly classifies 34591 out of 42715 (Accuracy = 80.9%) cases of perturbations in assay endpoints of 11492 drugs (including both train and validation series). Each endpoint correspond to one out of 2616 assays, 38 molecular and cellular targets, 77 standard type measures, in four possible (human and rodentsCONACY

    Molecular findings of colombian patients with type VI mucopolysaccharidosis (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome)

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    Q483-89Introduction: Maroteaux–Lamy syndrome, or mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type VI, is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficient activity of the enzyme arylsulfatase B (ARSB), required to degrade dermatan sulfate. The onset and progression of the disease vary, producing a spectrum of clinical presentation. So far, 133 mutations have been reported. The aim of this study is to determine the mutations in the ARSB gene that are responsible for this disease in Colombian patients. Results: Fourteen patients with clinical manifestations and biochemical diagnosis of MPS VI were studied, including two siblings. The 8 exons of the gene were directly sequenced from patients' DNA, and 14 mutations were found. 57% of these mutations had not been previously reported (p.H111P, p.C121R, p.G446S, p.*534W, p.S334I, p.H147P, c.900TNG, and c.1531_1553del) and 43% had been previously reported (p.G144R, p.W322*, p.G302R, p.C447F, p.L128del, and c.1143-1GNC). Of the previously reported mutations, 80% have been associated with severe phenotypes and 20% with intermediate-severe phenotypes. Bioinformatic predictions indicate that the new mutations reported in this paper are also highly deleterious. Conclusions: Most of the Colombian patients in this study had private mutations

    Caries de la infancia temprana asociada al índice de higiene oral en niños de 3 a 5 años de la I.E. Luisa Sánchez Ramírez, San Martín - 2023

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la asociación entre la caries de la infancia temprana y el índice de higiene oral en niños de 3 a 5 años de la I.E. Luisa Sánchez Ramírez, San Martín – 2023. El estudio fue de tipo básica, además presentó un diseño no experimental, transversal y de alcance correlacional. La técnica utilizada fue la observación, además, como instrumentos se emplearon fichas de recolección de datos que contenían los criterios ICDAS II para la caries dental y el índice de higiene oral. La población estuvo constituida por 120 niños de 3 a 5 años, de los cuales 92 fueron seleccionados para formar la muestra. Como resultados se encontró que la prevalencia de caries de la infancia temprana fue del 96,7 %; mientras que, el nivel del índice de higiene oral fue aceptable con un 63,1 % seguido del nivel deficiente con 23,9 % y solo el 13 % obtuvieron un nivel adecuado de higiene oral. Además, mediante el estadístico chi cuadrado se obtuvo una significancia de 0,201 al cruzar las dos variables. Llegando a la conclusión que, no existe asociación significativa entre la caries de la infancia temprana y el índice de higiene oral en niños de 3 a 5 años de la I.E. Luisa Sánchez Ramírez, San Martín – 2023

    Technology tools, including software and websites, which facilitate the translation of different documents from english to spanish and from spanish to english.

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    It is well known that translation is the process of transferring a text from a source language into the target language. The following text is to summarize how essential the translation process is when having the ability of speaking more than one language. It is essential to consider the use of specific tools in order to keep the original meaning of each document, to reach this result many techniques can be use. By following the instruction from the techniques and tools, these techniques have been proposed in order to be accurate at the moment to adapt the source language. In relation to translation, this does not mean converting the text by a human being. It is also focusing on the tools which the translator can use. Everyone should focus on how translation is playing a big role in the world; this is making the difference. Taking into consideration that nowadays all books are written in a source language, these tools are going to be helpful since the largest documents can be translated in an accurate way. To conclude about translation which is one of the most common processes since these techniques will facilitate people at the moment to communicate. Translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. These methods give the choice and opportunity to engage people to keep learning and discovering other languages. Key words: Source language; Target language ; Books ; Speaking; Translation Tools; Translation Techniques; Translation process; Interpretation

    Optimizing space telescopes’ thermal performance through uncertainty analysis: identification of critical parameters and shaping test strategy development

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    The integration of uncertainty analysis methodologies allows for improving design efficiency, particularly in the context of instruments that demand precise pointing accuracy, such as space telescopes. Focusing on the VINIS Earth observation telescope developed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), this paper reports an uncertainty analysis on a thermal model aimed at improving cost savings in the future testing phases. The primary objective was to identify critical parameters impacting thermal performance and reduce overdesign. Employing the Statistical Error Analysis (SEA) method across several operational scenarios, the research identifies key factors, including the Earth’s infrared temperature and albedo, and the spacecraft’s attitude and environmental conditions, as the variables with major influences on the system’s thermal performance. Ultimately, the findings suggest that uncertainty-based analysis is a potent tool for guiding thermal control system design in space platforms, promoting efficiency and reliability. This methodology not only provides a framework for optimizing thermal design and testing in space missions but also ensures that instruments like the VINIS telescope maintain optimal operating temperatures in diverse space environments, thereby increasing mission robustness and enabling precise resource allocation.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2022-141669OA-I00Xunta de GaliciaCabildo de Tenerif

    Pilot study of the characteristics of acute stroke events in patients discharged from the Carolina University Hospital, Puerto Rico in 2007

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    BACKGROUND: Stroke is the third leading cause of death in Puerto Rico. We examined the pre-hospital phase, management and case-fatality-rates (CFR) of patients discharged with acute stroke from the Carolina University of Puerto Rico Hospital during 2007. METHODS: Trained personnel collected information on demographics, delay-time, mode-of-transportation, management, and mortality from all medical records. STATAa was utilized to conduct univariate comparison of demographics, mode-of-transportation, therapeutics and diagnostic characteristics. Logistic regression analysis assessed cohort effect and controlled for confounders. RESULTS: The average age was 69.1 years, and 53% were males. The average delay between onset of symptoms suggestive of stroke and arrival at the emergency department was 4.5 hours. Only 62% of patients utilized Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Intravenous thrombolysis was not administered. Stroke mortality increased with age. Ischemic vs. hemorrhagic CFR was significantly higher (63.9% vs. 36.10%; p = 0.034). CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the potential benefit of evidence-based therapeutics and EMS use among stroke patients