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    Boys & Girls Club

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    Family income is also relevant when it comes to parental stress.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/educ_fys_103/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Human Monsters: Examining the Relationship Between the Posthuman Gothic and Gender in American Gothic Fiction

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    According to Michael Sean Bolton, the posthuman Gothic involves a fear of internal monsters that won\u27t destroy humanity apocalyptically, but will instead redefine what it means to be human overall. These internal monsters reflect societal anxieties about the other gaining power and overtaking the current groups in power. The posthuman Gothic shows psychological horrors and transformations. Traditionally this genre has been used to theorize postmodern media and literary work by focusing on cyborgs and transhumanist medical advancements. However, the internal and psychological nature of posthumanism is fascinating and can more clearly manifest in a different Gothic setting, 1800s American Gothic Fiction. This subgenre of the Gothic melds well with the posthuman Gothic because unlike the Victorian Gothic, its supernatural entities are not literal; they are often figurative and symbolic, appearing through hallucinations. In this historical context, one can examine the dynamic in which the human is determined by a rational humanism that bases its human model on Western, white masculinity. Therefore, the other is clearly gendered and racialized. Margrit Shildrick offers an interesting analysis of the way women fit into this construction of the other because of their uncanniness and Gothic monstrosity. Three works of American Gothic fiction--George Lippard\u27s The Quaker City, Edgar Allen Poe\u27s Ligeia, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman\u27s The Yellow Wallpaper portray these gendered power dynamics present within the posthuman Gothic when applied to the American Gothic; the female characters are either forced by patriarchy into becoming monstrous, or they were never fully human in the first place


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    Effects of Applying Student-Centered Techniques in Mathematics Achievement: A Cameroon Case Study By: Jomara A. Laboy Rivera This study investigated the effects of using student-centered techniques in math Form 2 (Eighth Grade) and the relationship among English literacy, Math Literacy, interest in math, study habits, home background and owning the Cameroonian math textbook with mathematical achievement. Data were collected from four different schools in the North West region of Cameroon. The experimental schools (GHS Shisong and GHS Kiyan) used student-centered techniques while the control schools (St. Peters and St. Francis) used teacher–centered techniques. Results showed that there was an improvement on mathematical achievement in one of the experimental schools due to the use of student-centered techniques. There was also a positive correlation between achievement and math literacy, math interest and study habits. English literacy, home background and owning the textbook didn’t show any significant correlation with achievement. Based on these findings we suggest further research with a similar population and longer intervention time

    Landscape of bricolage: spatial configurations and spatial practices at in-between territories in the Andes

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    El presente estudio indaga en la naturaleza de los paisajes intermedios de la ciudad de Cuenca, en Ecuador. Se trata del paisaje parte urbano y en parte rural que rodea a la ciudad. El trabajo apunta a un objetivo doble que se desarrolla en forma simultánea. Por una parte se trata de cualificar un territorio cuya dualidad como espacio urbano y rural es el origen de su difícil definición, y en consecuencia, de la poca atención que ha recibido tanto en los estudios urbanos como rurales. Por otra parte está la cuestión del “como” abordar, comprender y desdoblar el contenido y significado de las inherentes contradicciones de este territorio, y las lógicas de su desarrollo. La cartografía y el bricolage –como una herramienta conceptual– son empleados para abordar las intrincadas interacciones existentes entre el paisaje, sus actores, sus prácticas y la continua reproducción este paisaje.This paper inquire into the nature of Cuenca’s in-between landscapes –those ‘partly urban-partly rural” spaces next to the city–. The study has a double aim to be developed simultaneously. On one side it is the question of qualifying a territory whose duality as urban and rural, accounts for its indistinctness and the consequent little attention it has received by both urban and rural studies. On the other side is the question of “how” to approach such territory to truly grasp and unfold the meaning of its inherent contradictions, and the logics of its development. Spatial mapping and bricolage –as a conceptual tool–I are used to engage the intricate interactions between the landscape, its actors and their ways of producing this landscape

    The effect of teacher´s error correction strategies on students´writing, 7th grade, Public School Instituto Nacional de Camoapa, Boaco II Semestre, 2013

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    The main role of English as Second Language (ESL) writing teachers is to help their students improve their writing proficiency in accordance with students needs and objective. How to best achieve is the concern of many ESL writing teachers and researchers (Polio, 2003). Providing feedback is viewed- both by teachers and students- as an important part of ESL writing instruction (Enginarla, 1994). One type of feedback that ESL writing teachers provide is error correction. It is perhaps the most widely used method for responding to students writing. For teachers, it represents the largest allocation of time they spend as writing instructors; and for students, error correction may be the most important component that will contribute to their success as writers (Ferris, 2003). Learning a foreign language is a lifelong process and it is often a challenging experience for language learners. Most if not all writing teachers would agree that composition writing is one of the most difficult subjects for foreign language learners. Providing written feedback is indispensable because it plays an important role in guiding, motivating, and encouraging students to improve their accuracy in second language (L2) writing. From this point of view, it is clear that teachers´beliefs, which influence their L2 writing instruction, and students´attitude and preferences regarding error correction, are important (Journal of Education, 2012). Effectivenes

    The notifications in acts of administration

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    El objetivo perseguido en este análisis es profundizar en el principio de publicidad frente a la doctrina del derecho administrativo, la jurisprudencia y marco constitucional y legal, como el requisito esencial para la validez y eficacia del acto administrativo. Para alcanzar este propósito se sintetizó solamente en el estudio del acto administrativo frente al interrogante acerca de cómo repercute el incumplimiento de la ley frente a la notificación de las decisiones emanadas de la administración. En consecuencia tal pregunta se desarrolló frente al deber que tiene la administración para dar a conocer sus decisiones a los administrados bajo los principios de publicidad, contradicción y transparencia. En conclusión, se destaca que uno de los contenidos del derecho fundamental al debido proceso, es el principio de publicidad, siendo éste considerado como un mandato de optimización el cual depende fáctica y jurídicamente de la administración, siendo ella quien deba gestionar por la recta aplicabilidad de los preceptos normativos, procurando incurrir en errores procesales por falta de una política a nivel Institucional orientada a la capacitación de los funcionarios frente a los fines establecidos en la Ley 1437 de 2011. El principio de publicidad plantea el conocimiento de las actuaciones judiciales y administrativas, tanto por los directamente interesados en ellas como por la comunidad en general.The objective of this analysisis to deepen in the principle of the publicity of publiclawwiththe doctrine of publiclaw, jurisprudence,the constitutionallawand legal as theessentialrequirementforthevalidity and effectiveness of theadministrativeact. To reachthispurpose, itwassynthesizedonly in thestudy of theadministrativeact, behing to thequestionabouthowitimpactsthebreach of thelawagainstnotification of decisionsemanatingfromtheadministration. Consequentlythisquestionwasdevelopedwiththedutythat has administration to publicizeitsdecisions to thecitizenwithapplicationoftheprinciple of thepublicity of publiclaw,contradiction and transparency. In conclusion, stands one of thecontents of the fundamental right to dutyprocess, istheprinciple of thepublicity of publiclaw, beingconsidered as a mandate of optimization which dependson factual and legal administration, teheadministrationhave tobeingwhomustensurebythestraightapplicability of theprecepts of policy, ensuring procedural errorsdue to lack of a policylevelinstitutionaloriented to the training of officialswiththepurposes set forth in thelaw 1437- 2011 beginning of advertisingraisestheknowledge of judicial and administrativeactions, bothforthosedirectlyinterested in them as forthecommunity in general

    Delightful tourism experiences : a cognitive or affective matter?

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    There are many times that we, as tourist consumers, have been more than satisfied. We have been delighted with the product or service received. However, do we know the factors which affect our delight as customers? Are they affective or cognitive factors? The objective of this article is to empirically identify delighted consumers and the factors associated with these memorable tourist experiences when the threshold of satisfaction is exceeded. To this end, the authors used structural equation modelling to test a model based on a sample of 400 tourists obtained through a survey. The findings revealed that a consumer's positive affective state of delight seems to be affected largely by cognitive-affective antecedents. Specifically, the cognitive dimension encompasses three main factors of the tourist service: the customer-service interaction, the staff and the availability of the service. However, the tourist's happiness, as the main affective dimension, is also emphasised

    Sociometric Study of Intragroup Relations in a Work Group

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    The aim of this study is to explore intragroup relations in retail. The article conduct a sociometric analysis that takes into account labor and affective criteria, using the probability theory method and the UCINET program. In so doing the paper observe that the group, despite having been formally established for more than five years, does not display any solid indicators of high cohesion. The article observe that formal authority and informal leadership do not coincide and that there are two group factions in both criteria, which supports the finding of low cohesion. But despite these deficiencies in terms of cohesion, paper do not find any completely ignored or solitary individuals; as such, the group has established relations that can be improved. To this end, group cohesion should be promoted through a work design that facilitates interaction between individuals and rewards group results, all of which will serve to enhance the performance of this group.The aim of this study is to explore intragroup relations in retail. The article conduct a sociometric analysis that takes into account labor and affective criteria, using the probability theory method and the UCINET program. In so doing the paper observe that the group, despite having been formally established for more than five years, does not display any solid indicators of high cohesion. The article observe that formal authority and informal leadership do not coincide and that there are two group factions in both criteria, which supports the finding of low cohesion. But despite these deficiencies in terms of cohesion, paper do not find any completely ignored or solitary individuals; as such, the group has established relations that can be improved. To this end, group cohesion should be promoted through a work design that facilitates interaction between individuals and rewards group results, all of which will serve to enhance the performance of this group

    El relato autobiográfico como forma narrativa para la producción y transferencia de conocimientos

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    Este documento es el resultado académico del proceso formativo durante el Seminario Especializado en Memoria como opción de proyecto de grado para optar por el título Licenciada en Etnoeducación y Desarrollo Comunitario. El texto aborda el tema sobre el concepto de “Relato Autobiográfico” y sustenta la hipótesis de que éste es una forma escritural narrativa válida, confiable y útil para elaborar y transferir conocimientos, tanto desde su contenido como desde su modelo metodológico. Para demostrarlo, se estructuró el ejercicio académico investigativo en dos fases que se fueron desarrollando simultáneamente; una, correspondió a la actividad de indagación conceptual y teórica que aportó a la comprensión de los elementos que lo constituyen; la otra, se centró en la elaboración de un relato autobiográfico donde se conjugaron esos elementos y otros más que fueron emergiendo durante el proceso, lográndose construir una memoria autobiográfica. El aporte más importante de este producto académico para el programa de la licenciatura es demostrar la posibilidad de utilizar métodos y herramientas narrativas alternativas a la metodología de investigación convencional para redactar la reconstrucción de conocimientos testimoniales de manera objetiva. Al hacer un esfuerzo por contrastar o armonizar lo establecido teóricamente con lo vivido y relatarlo, se pudo desarrollar capacidad narrativa para escriturar los hechos y poder hacerlos comprensibles mediante la memoria escrita e ilustrativa de los sucesos. Este documento demostró la posibilidad del uso de otras formas narrativas para registrar y comunicar la experiencia investigativa, el conocimiento obtenido y las explicaciones de las realidades reconstruidas, actividad que es constante en el ejercicio de la persona profesional en la actividad pedagógica, especialmente en el perfil de la Etnoeducación y el Desarrollo Comunitario