859 research outputs found


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    Abstract Broadly speaking, the balance-of-payments constraint hypothesis has been empirically supported. Yet, it shows some shortcomings highlighted in the literature. In our opinion, two of them must be analysed. First, temporary disequilibria and capital flows must be incorporated into the balance-ofpayments constrained growth models. Second, the role of relative prices must be made explicit, since it can be relevant even in an external constraint framework. This study is aimed at developing a model that incorporates both possibilities: temporary external disequilibria and the impact of relative prices. This model is subsequently used to analyse the evolution of the Spanish and Portuguese economies in last decades, and, in particular, the different paths shown by both countries since their accession to the Eurozone. JEL: E12, F41, F4

    A procedure for indirect and automatic measurement of prior austenite grain size in bainite/martensite microstructures

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    An alternative procedure for indirect and automatic measurement of the prior austenite grain size (PAGS) in bainite/martensite is proposed in this work. It consists in the determination of an effective grain size (EGS) by means of statistical post-processing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data. The algorithm developed for that purpose, which is available on-line, has been applied to simulated EBSD maps as well as to both a nanocrystalline bainitic steel and a commercial hot-rolled air-cooled steel with a granular bainitic microstructure. The new proposed method has been proven to be robust and results are in good agreement with conventional PAGS measurements. The added value of the procedure comes from its simplicity, as no parent reconstruction is involved during the process, and its suitability for low-magnification EBSD maps, thus allowing a large step-size and coverage of a substantially broader area of the sample than the previous methods reported.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for funding this research under the contract IPT-2012-0320-420000. L.M.-R. also acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for financial support in the form of a PhD research grant (FPI-Ref. BES-2011-044186).Peer reviewe

    Forest fragmentation and landscape connectivity changes in Ecuadorian mangroves: some hope for the future?

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    This study investigates the impact of fragmentation on Ecuador’s coastal mangrove forests. Fragmentation is identified as a primary cause of aquatic ecosystem degradation. We analyzed the relationship between habitat loss, fragmentation, and mangrove connectivity through a multitemporal approach using Global Mangrove Watch and fragmentation and connectivity metrics. The terrain was divided into 10 km2 hexagons, and six fragmentation metrics were calculated. A Getis–Ord Gi* statistical analysis was used to identified areas with the best and worst conservation status, while connectivity analyses were performed for a generic species with a 5 km dispersion. Findings revealed widespread mangrove fragmentation in Ecuador, with geographical differences between the insular region (Galapagos) and the mainland coast. Minimal loss or even expansion of mangrove forests in areas like the Galapagos Islands contrasted with severe fragmentation along the mainland coast. Transformation of forests into fisheries, mainly prawn factories, was the primary driver of change, while only a weak correlation was observed between mangrove fragmentation and conversion to agriculture, which accounts for less than 15% of all deforestation in Ecuador. Fragmentation may increase or decrease depending on the management of different deforestation drivers and should be considered in large-scale mangrove monitoring. Focusing only on mangrove deforestation rates in defining regional conservation priorities may overlook the loss of ecosystem functions and fragmentation

    Critical thinking: the ARDESOS-DIAPROVE programme in dialogue with the Inference to the Best and Only explanation

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    [EN]In our daily lives, we are often faced with the need to explain various phenomena, but we do not always select the most accurate explanation. For example, let us consider a “toxic” relationship with physical and psychological abuse, where one of the partners is reluctant to end it. Explanations for this situation can range from emotional or economic dependency to irrational hypotheses such as witchcraft. Surprisingly, some people may turn to the latter explanation and consequently seek ineffective solutions, such as visiting a witch doctor instead of a psychologist. This choice of an inappropriate explanation can lead to actions that are not only ineffective but potentially harmful. This example underscores the importance of inference to the best explanation (IBE) in everyday decision making. IBE involves selecting the hypothesis that would best explain the available body of data or evidence, a process that is crucial to making sound decisions but is also vulnerable to bias and errors of judgment. Within this context, the purpose of our article is to explore how the IBE process and the selection of appropriate explanations impact decision making and problem solving in real life. To this end, we systematically analyze the role of IBE in the ARDESOS-DIAPROVE program, evaluating how this approach can enhance the teaching and practice of critical thinking

    Forest plantations in Manabí (Ecuador): assessment of fragmentation and connectivity to support dry tropical forests conservation

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    In many tropical regions, national forests plantation programs have been promoted. Those plantations frequently contribute to habitat changes. However, the associated effects of forest plantations on habitat fragmentation and landscape connectivity are unclear. From 2008 to 2018, we examined land use changes, plantations, and deforestation of the Manabí province (Ecuador) provided by the Ecuadorian Ministry of the Environment. Four scenarios were created: (i) land uses in 2008, (ii) land uses in 2018, (iii) land uses in 2018 without deforestation, and iv) land uses in 2018 including reforestation. Fragmentation and connectivity metrics were analyzed using ArcGisPro and Graphad 2.6 software, respectively. Puma yagouaroundi was selected as the reference species. At regional scale, forest plantations had a significant effect on land uses changes and fragmentation during the study period. Forests decreased from 33.7% to 32.4% between 2008 and 2018, although other natural land uses, mostly those involving shrubs, increased by almost double (from 2.4% to 4.6%). Most of the deforestation affected native forests during this period, and most reforested areas in 2018 covered former agricultural land. Fragmentation decreased in the number of patches and increased in the average patch size. When considering reforestation, deforestation was higher than the reforested area (58 km2 of difference), increasing the number of patches but with smaller size. Reforestation increased connectivity with a higher number of links and distance, particularly in central and extreme northeast areas of Manabí province. The scenario without deforestation also increased connectivity for Puma yagouaroundi in the west part of the Manabí province. Our findings suggest that forest plantations contribute to forest conservation by increasing the connectivity between fragmented patches

    Adenosine A2A receptor antagonists affects NMDA glutamate receptor function. Potential to address neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease

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    (1) Background. N-methyl d-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic glutamate receptor (NMDAR), which is one of the main targets to combat Alzheimer's disease (AD), is expressed in both neurons and glial cells. The aim of this paper was to assess whether the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR), which is a target in neurodegeneration, may affect NMDAR functionality. (2) Methods. Immuno-histo/cytochemical, biophysical, biochemical and signaling assays were performed in a heterologous cell expression system and in primary cultures of neurons and microglia (resting and activated) from control and the APPSw,Ind transgenic mice. (3) Results. On the one hand, NMDA and A2A receptors were able to physically interact forming complexes, mainly in microglia. Furthermore, the amount of complexes was markedly enhanced in activated microglia. On the other hand, the interaction resulted in a novel functional entity that displayed a cross-antagonism, that could be useful to prevent the exacerbation of NMDAR function by using A2AR antagonists. Interestingly, the amount of complexes was markedly higher in the hippocampal cells from the APPSw,Ind than from the control mice. In neurons, the number of complexes was lesser, probably due to NMDAR not interacting with the A2AR. However, the activation of the A2AR receptors resulted in higher NMDAR functionality in neurons, probably by indirect mechanisms. (4) Conclusions. A2AR antagonists such as istradefylline, which is already approved for Parkinson's disease (Nouriast® in Japan and Nourianz® in the US), have potential to afford neuroprotection in AD in a synergistic-like fashion. i.e., via both neurons and microglia

    Mesozoic palaeogeographic evolution of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera

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    14 páginas, 8 figuras.The main events characterizing the Mesozoic palaeogeographic evolution of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera are outlined. The Triassic sediments show a 'germanic' type lacies over the entire region, ending with Late Triassic evaporites and variegated clays of Keuper facies. At the beginning of the Jurassic a transgression takes place, and a broad shallow-marine carbonate-platform environment appears. During the Carixian (180 Ma) the carbonate platform breaks down leading to the differentiation of two large palaeogeographic units: the Prebetic Zone where shallow-water environments prevailed throughout the Mesozoic, and the Subbetic Zone where the sediments are clearly pelagic. Within the Prebetic Zone, two palaeogeographic realms are differentiated: the External Prebetic ,showing important stratigraphic gaps in the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sequence, and the Internal Prebetic with a thicker and more continuous stratigraphic sequence. Between the Prebetic and Subbetic Zones, a palaeogeographic realm is distinguished (Intermediate units) where turbiditic and pelagic materials were deposited. This zone corresponds approximately to a slope environment during most of Mesozoic times. In the Subbetic Zone a marked differential subsidence occurs during the Jurassic, leading to trough (Median Subbetic) and swells (External and Internal Subbetic). In the Median Subbetic, the deposits consist mainly of marls, pelagic limestones, radiolarites and calcareous turbidites, with mafic volcanic hand subvolcanic rocks. During the Cretaceous pelagic marls and marty limestones were laid down. Mesozoic sedimentation took place along the southern margin of the European plate, in an Atlantic-type continental margin underlain by continental crust. Three-dimensional schemes, explaining the main palaeogcographic events are included.Peer reviewe

    Production, Processing, Commercialization and Analysis of Costumer Preferences of Sheep Cheese in Chile

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    The constant increase in the demand for dairy products and their derivatives has generated a higher consumption of dairy products (113.5 t/year). Chile has not been the exception; in 2017, it presented an average per capita consumption of 11.1 kg of cheese, making it the largest consumer in Latin America, followed by Argentina (7.5 kg) and Uruguay (5 kg). Although Chile does not have a strong tradition of consuming sheep’s milk cheese compared with other (European) countries, in recent years, there have been changes in the demands and expectations of cheese consumers, who demand higher quality and a wider range of varieties, thus establishing the potential for further products to enter the market. The global cheese industry has taken charge of these trends through the phenomenon of granting a premium value to certain products, adding new ingredients and flavors, producing limited editions of certain products, favoring traditional recipes and craft methods, and highlighting specific localities of origin. Given a greater appreciation for and popularity of locally produced cheeses and value-added products, particularly those with the highly valued “Designation of Origin” label, this would offer a potential for expansion in the Chilean market

    N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and cannabinoid CB2 receptors form functional complexes in cells of the central nervous system: insights into the therapeutic potential of neuronal and microglial NMDA receptors

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    Background: The cannabinoid CB2 receptor (CB2R), which is a target to afford neuroprotection, and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic glutamate receptors, which are key in mediating excitatory neurotransmission, are expressed in both neurons and glia. As NMDA receptors are the target of current medication in Alzheimer's disease patients and with the aim of finding neuromodulators of their actions that could provide benefits in dementia, we hypothesized that cannabinoids could modulate NMDA function. Methods: Immunocytochemistry was used to analyze the colocalization between CB2 and NMDA receptors; bioluminescence resonance energy transfer was used to detect CB2-NMDA receptor complexes. Calcium and cAMP determination, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway activation, and label-free assays were performed to characterize signaling in homologous and heterologous systems. Proximity ligation assays were used to quantify CB2-NMDA heteromer expression in mouse primary cultures and in the brain of APPSw/Ind transgenic mice, an Alzheimer's disease model expressing the Indiana and Swedish mutated version of the human amyloid precursor protein (APP). Results: In a heterologous system, we identified CB2-NMDA complexes with a particular heteromer print consisting of impairment by cannabinoids of NMDA receptor function. The print was detected in activated primary microglia treated with lipopolysaccharide and interferon-γ. CB2R activation blunted NMDA receptor-mediated signaling in primary hippocampal neurons from APPSw/Ind mice. Furthermore, imaging studies showed that in brain slices and in primary cells (microglia or neurons) from APPSw/Ind mice, there was a marked overexpression of macromolecular CB2-NMDA receptor complexes thus becoming a tool to modulate excessive glutamate input by cannabinoids. Conclusions: The results indicate a negative cross-talk in CB2-NMDA complexes signaling. The expression of the CB2-NMDA receptor heteromers increases in both microglia and neurons from the APPSw/Ind transgenic mice, compared with levels in samples from age-matched control mice

    Combining interdisciplinarity and creative design - A powerful strategy to increase palliative care awareness within a university community

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    Society’s understanding of palliative care has room for improvement. Although the World Health Organisation highlighted palliative care as a human right, many people still lack access to this crucial form of treatment. The paucity of understanding and social discussion surrounding palliative care has, moreover, negatively impacted its development and implementation. This study therefore aims to construct a strategy that will empower a specific community to solve their own palliative care-related misunderstandings. Using Participatory Action Research and Design Thinking methodologies and adopting the strategy of Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation, a design group worked for three months through five virtual focus groups. Moving through the phases of empathizing, defining, ideation, prototyping, and testing, the design group generated 33 ideas to address palliative care-related problems. Ideas related to self- learning, the use of technology, and the exchange of personal experiences are highlighted as innovative ways to promote palliative care. The design group adopted a variety of strategies, used disruptive tools, and created and tested rapid prototypes to discover novel solutions. This method of working, centred on interdisciplinarity and creativity, presents an efficient way to involve the members of a community in solving their own problems