247 research outputs found
En la obstinada permanencia de la vida, se evidencian dos aspectos, a saber: a) la lucha tenaz por la existencia, y b) Esa lucha, para alcanzar su objetivo, debe constituirse en un combate por la preeminencia. A la búsqueda de la preeminencia también se le conoce con el nombre de poder, de ahí que la esencia del poder es la vida en sí, entendida como la intención de sobrevivir. A esa intencionalidad, la cultura humana le hadado el nombre de voluntad, es decir que el poder, cualesquier que sean sus características, no se manifiesta automáticamente sino mediante la voluntad. Y como decía Hobbes, la voluntad parece que no tiene buena vista, y para no fracasar en sus propósitos acude a la razón en demanda de los medios más idóneos. Esos medios se conocen como técnicas de dominación
Biomineralization of carbonate and phosphate by moderately halophilic bacteria
We investigated the precipitation of carbonate and phosphate minerals by 19 species of moderately halophilic bacteria using media with variable Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios. The precipitated minerals were calcite, magnesium (Mg) calcite, and struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) in variable proportions depending on the Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of the medium. The Mg content of the Mg-calcite decreased with increasing Ca2+ concentration in the medium. According to the saturation indices, other minerals could also have precipitated. We observed important differences between the morphology of carbonate and phosphate, which may help us to recognize these minerals in natural systems. We studied the growth and pH curves of four bacteria in media specific for carbonate and struvite precipitation. We consider the biomineralization processes that produce carbonate and phosphate minerals, and propose a hypothesis for the lack of struvite in natural environments and ancient rock
Generalidades de la familia Filoviridae y el virus del Ébola: una actualización de sus implicaciones en la población humana
Characteristics of the family Filoviridae and the Ebola virus: an update of its implications in the human population The family Filoviridae is integrated by a group of filamentous RNA viruses that cause severe hemorrhagic fevers in primates and other mammals, including humans, mainly in the African continent. Ebolavirus, arburgrvirus and Lloviu cuevavirus are the members of this family, and their main reservoirs are bats from the family Pteropodidae. The present review describes the main characteristics of the Filoviruses, pathophysiology and epidemiology on the human population, with a focus on the Ebolavirus, a pathogen of great epidemiological importance responsible for the death of 13 293 people since 1976. The Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016 was the largest in history, with 28 652 cases, representing more than 90% of the total number of cases reported since the origin of the disease (31 685). The transmission of the virus between humans can happen directly, through ontaminated fluids, or indirectly, by parenteral transmission and fomites. The incubation period ranges from 2 to 21 days and the symptomatology is divided in four phases: a febrile phase with nonspecific symptoms, a phase characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms, and two with the presence of critical symptoms. Although there is no specific treatment for the Ebola virus disease, the development of potential vaccines is currently underway, and some have showed positive results in animal models. This could lead to the appearance of an effective treatment that increases the survival of infected patients, and better epidemiological control
Influencia del NO3K en la formación de cristales de CO3Ca por bacterias
In the present work, it was studied the influence of KNO3 in crystals formation of CaCO3 by 96 bacterial strains isolated from soil. This influence is null or very weak, so the KNO3 could be excluded of the culture media to investigate crystals formation, without greats consequences for it.En el presente trabajo se ,estudia ia influencia del KNO3 en la forma,ción de cristales de CaCO3 por 96 cepas de microorganismos aislados del suelo. Esta influencia es nula o muy débil, por lo que el KNO3 puede excluirse de los medios para la investigación de formación de cristales sin grandes consecuencias para la misma
Int J Environ Res Public Health
Many countries have introduced health impact assessment (HIA) at the national, regional, or local levels. In France and in Québec, there is increasing interest in using HIA to inform decision-makers and influence policies, programs, and projects. This paper aims to compare HIA implementation models in two regions: Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) and Montérégie (Québec, Canada) using a case study methodology. The objective is to gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences in the approaches used to achieve the operationalization of HIA. The methodological approach involves four steps: (1) design of an analytical framework based on the literature; (2) exchanges within the research team and review of documents concerning the two implementation strategies under study; (3) development of the case studies based on the proposed framework; and (4) cross-comparison analysis of the case studies. The findings show that the two regions share certain similarities, including the strong commitment and political will of the public health organizations involved and a well-established culture of engaging in intersectoral action with municipal partners. Differences mainly concern their different approaches to implementing HIAs in accordance with the regional policies and the organizational and administrative contexts in place. This study identifies potential avenues for supporting the practice of HIA at the municipal level
Precipitación de calcita y estruvita por bacterias aisladas de las aguas del Pantano de Cubillas
There is a study being carried out on the formation of calcite and struvite crystals by 71 bacterial strains isolated from the Cubillas swamp waters. All the isolated strains are capable of precipitating carbonate calcium, the same result not occuring in the case of the struvite whose formation varies from 94,3 % to 77,5 % depending on the cultivated method being used. There has been no relation observed between the taxonomic situation of the tested strains and their capacity to form calcite and struvite crystals.Se estudia la formación de cristales de calcita y estruvita por 71 cepas bacterianas aisladas de las aguas del Pantano del Cubillas. Todas las cepas aisladas son capaces de precipitar carbonato de calcio, no ocurriendo igual en el caso de la estruvita, cuya formación varía desde un 94,3 porciento hasta un 77,5 por ciento dependiendo del medio de cultivo utilizado. No se observa ninguna relación entre la situación taxonómica de las cepas ensayadas y la capacidad de las mismas para formar cristales de calcita y estruvita
Influencia el pH en la formación del cristales de carbonato cálcico por bacterias del suelo
The effect of pH on the calcium carbonate precipitation (crystal formations) was studied with 96 strains isolated from the soil. Crystal formations in culture media were detected with initial pH between 5.5 to 9. These data show that the optimum pH to crystal formations may be well stablished during bacterial growth, and that is not necessary the previous alkalinization of the culture media to calcium carbonate precipitation.Se estudia la influencia del pH en la precipitación de carbonato cálcico por 96 cepas bacterianas aisladas del suelo. Se obtienen cristales en medios con pH iniciales comprendidos entre 5,5 y 9. No es necesaria la alcalinización previa de los medios, ya que el pH óptimo para la precipitación puede alcanzarse durante el desarrollo bacteriano
Estudio de la formación de cristales por bacterias en medios tamponados
Calcium carbonate precipitation by, 96 strains isolated from soil, was studied in B-4 buffered medium using three different systems at pH 7 and 8. CaC03 precipitation at pH 8 is observed in aH the strains investigated, whereas it occurs only exceptionally at pH 7. The tris-hydroximethyl amino methane-CIH and hydrochloride triethanol amine-NaOH were adequated for these experiments, but the 5:5 diethyl sodium barbiturate was not considered suitable.Se investiga la precipitación bacteriana de carbonato cálcico en el medio B-4 tamponado con tres sistemas bufer diferentes a los pH 7 Y 8, por 96 cepas bacterianas aisladas del suelo. A pH 8 se observa precipitación de C03Ca en todas las cepas ensayadas, mientras que el pH 7 solo ocurre excepcionalmente. Los tampones tris-hidroxmetil amino metano-HCl y clorhidrato de trietanol amina-OHNa se revelaron idóneos para estas experiencias, mientras que el tampón 5:5 dietil barbiturato sódico-HCl no resultó apropiado
Precipitación de calcita y estruvita por bacterias aisladas de las aguas del Pantano de Cubillas
Se estudia la formación de cristales de calcita y estruvita por 71 cepas bacterianas aisladas de las aguas del Pantano del Cubillas. Todas las cepas aisladas son capaces de precipitar carbonato de calcio, no ocurriendo igual en el caso de la estruvita, cuya formación varía desde un 94,3 porciento hasta un 77,5 por ciento dependiendo del medio de cultivo utilizado. No se observa ninguna relación entre la situación taxonómica de las cepas ensayadas y la capacidad de las mismas para formar cristales de calcita y estruvita.There is a study being carried out on the formation of calcite and struvite crys tals by 71 bacterial strains isolated from the Cubillas swamp waters.
A1l the isolated strains are capable of precipitating carbonate calcium, the same
result not occuring in the case of the struvite whose formation varies from
94,3 'lb to 77,5 ojO depending on the cultivated method being used.
There has been no relation observed between the taxonomic situation of the
tested strains and their capacity to form calcite and struvite crystals
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