1,235 research outputs found

    Creencias ecológico-ambientales en la infancia : estudio transcultural

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    Aquest article aborda les creences que es construeixen en la infància sobre algunes qüestions ecologicoambientals, concretament les que tenen a veure amb les formes de vida i el seu manteniment. Demanem a infants escolaritzats de 9 i 11 anys -colombians, espanyols i anglesos- que s'imaginin una illa deserta on aniran a viure, ja que el coneixement de les seves possibilitats en enfrontar-se amb aquest medi desconegut, amb tots els recursos de què vulguin disposar, proporcionarà una bona oportunitat per determinar si l'educació ecologicoambiental que reben segueix directrius no depredadores. Analitzades les respostes del que s'endurien i farien a l'illa, hem trobat una concepció etnocèntrica ingènua d'acord amb el desenvolupament tecnològic de la cultura occidental.This paper addresses the beliefs constructed in childhood about some ecological-environmental issues, in particular those related to lifestyle and the conception of the needs linked to keeping these. We asked some 9 and 11 year-old Colombian, Spanish and English school children to imagine a desert island in which they were supposed to go to live. This knowledge about their possibilities/abilities when facing an unknown medium, and using all kind of resources they choose to have, will provide a good opportunity to determine if the ecological-environmental education they receive follows the no depredation guidelines. After analysing the responses on what they would take and what would they do in the island, we have found a naïve ethnocentric conception following the technological developments of Western culture.Este artículo aborda las creencias que se construyen en la infancia acerca de algunas cuestiones ecológico-ambientales, concretamente las que tienen que ver con las formas de vida y su mantenimiento. Pedimos a niños/as escolarizados/as de 9 y 11 años -colombianos, españoles e ingleses- que imaginen una isla desierta donde van a vivir, ya que el conocimiento de sus posibilidades al enfrentarse a este medio desconocido, con todos los recursos de los que deseen disponer, proporcionará una buena oportunidad para determinar si la educación ecológico-ambiental que reciben sigue directrices no depredadoras. Analizadas las respuestas de lo que llevarían y harían en la isla, hemos encontrado una concepción etnocéntrica ingénua, acorde al desarrollo tecnológico de la cultura occidental

    Occupational risks in midwifery. From Bernardino Ramazzini to modern times

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    Occupational risks are often underestimated in midwifery. It is not commonly known that they were originally described by the Italian physician Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714) at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Our aim was to describe occupational risks in midwifery from Ramazzini to modern times. The original text by Bernardino Ramazzini was analyzed. A review of modern scientific papers on occupational risks in midwifery was conducted. Ramazzini identified two major occupational risks in midwifery: infections and awkward postures. Modern literature seems to agree with his considerations, focusing on infection, use of universal protection and personal protective equipment, and musculoskeletal problems. Modern studies also evidenced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that was probably postulated by Ramazzini himself. The poor number of papers in literature on midwives’ occupational risks evidences a lack of interest towards this issue. Prevention should therefore be emphasized in this field, so high-quality studies on occupational risks in midwifery are neede

    Biodegradabilidad, toxicidad y acumulación del colorante acido azul omegacromo en la trucha arco iris "Salmo Gairdneri".

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    Se estudia el impacto ambiental producido por el colorante de tintura Azul Omegocromo B. Se determina: su biodegradabilidad en condiciones aerobias, su toxicidad en la trucha arco iris "Salmo gairdnen" en condiciones agudas y subagudas y la acumulación en vanos órganos (branquias, hígado, pancreas y músculo) para las ditintas dosis en el tratamiento subagudo.The environmental impact caused by the Omegachrome Blue B dye is studied. The following parameters have been determinated: its biodegradability under aerobic conditions, its toxiaty in the rainbow trout "Salmo gairdneri" under acute and subacute conditions and the accumulation in come organs (gill, liver pancreas and muscle) for different doses in the subacute treatment.On étudie l'impact ambientale produit par le colorant Bleu Omegachrome B. On determine la biodegradabilite en moyen aerobie, la toxicité sur la truite arcen.ciel "Salmo gairdnen" aigüe et subagüe et l'accumulation dans divers organes (branchies, foie, pancreas et muscle) a plusieures doses a l'essai subaigu.Peer Reviewe

    Conformal symmetry in non-local field theories

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    We have shown that a particular class of non-local free field theory has conformal symmetry in arbitrary dimensions. Using the local field theory counterpart of this class, we have found the Noether currents and Ward identities of the translation, rotation and scale symmetries. The operator product expansion of the energy-momentum tensor with quasi-primary fields is also investigated.Comment: 15 pages, V2 (Some references added) V3(published version

    The global signature of post-1900 land ice wastage on vertical land motion

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    Melting glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets have made an important contribution to sea-level rise through the last century. Self-attraction and loading effects driven by shrinking ice masses cause a spatially varying redistribution of ocean waters that affects reconstructions of past sea level from sparse observations. We model the solid-earth response to ice mass changes and find significant vertical deformation signals over large continental areas. We show how deformation rates have been strongly varying through the last century, which implies that they should be properly modelled before interpreting and extrapolating recent observations of vertical land motion and sea-level change

    Primary leptomeningeal oligodendrogliomatosis

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    Primary leptomeningeal oligodendrogliomas (PLOs) are rare intracranial malignancies where tumors grow in the subarachnoid space without an obvious connection to the brain or spinal cord parenchyma. Adding to the three previously reported cases of PLO with no parenchymal involvement we report a fourth case of the same in this paper in a 50-year-old woman presenting with unrelenting headaches. CT scan of her head revealed hydrocephalus and MRI revealed diffuse enhancement of her leptomeninges throughout her brain and spine, prominent over the basilar region. Biopsy obtained using a frameless stereotactic biopsy showed sharply defined cell borders, clear cytoplasm, and rounded nuclei consistent with an oligodendroglioma. Our case suggests that PLO can mimic diffuse forms of granulomatous meningitis and should be suspected in patients that clinically and radiographically present like granulomatous meningitis but without blood or CSF markers for the same