25 research outputs found

    Learning Individuals and Learning Communities: Informal Learning in 2025

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    PublicationThis Paper presents the Learnovation vision within and around the area of informal learning, and more specifically it concerns three “eLearning territories”: individual development through e-Learning, nonprofessional learning communities, and communities generating learning as side effect. What these three territories have in common is that learning is not organised or structured, nor necessarily intentional from the learner’s perspective. A key assumption to understand the Learnovation Vision of ICT for informal learning is that the internet is no longer seen a “medium” for learning, but rather a “learning playground” where people can search for the tools and contents they prefer; and, more importantly, with the aid of web 2.0 technologies people can create, share, exchange, remix their own contents and learn through knowledge and experience exchange and sharing. Peer-learning and changing roles of “who teaches whom” are also typical for these three territories. The roles of provider–consumer are altering: learning isn’t anymore about “consuming” the learning products but about collaborating in an exercise where each learner can create his/her own knowledge patrimony and learn within the aid of tools and peers. Also, these territories are characterised by the speed of development and adaption of new technologies and trends. Furthermore, adoption, and even participation in the development of new tools and services is faster here than in formal learning settings. The Vision Paper is structured around three main blocks: state of art of innovation, expected future, and recommendations to reach the desired future scenario, the latter being composed of long term recommendations for 2025 and short term agenda on urgent actions to be taken starting from 2010 to let the desired scenario(s) come true

    La força pot predir el rendiment i la lesionabilitat al bàsquet professional?

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    Amb l’objectiu de conèixer les relacions existents entre la força, el rendiment esportiu i la lesionabilitat en un equip masculí de bàsquet professional, es realitza un estudi prospectiu, observacional i descriptiu d’anàlisis d’estadístiques (71 partits), test de mig esquat (n = 7) i patologia lesional, monitoritzant la temporada 09/10, on es relacionen les dades obtingudes de cada jugador referents al rendiment esportiu per partit (valoració estadística), les mitjanes de força, velocitat i potència de cada mesocicle i la lesionabilitat. La tècnica estadística utilitzada ha estat la correlació a partir del paràmetre rho de Spearman. Aquestes correlacions entre força i lesionabilitat mostren que a valors de força més elevats hi ha més lesions: amb 80 kg són molt significatives per a lesions totals (LT) i potència (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006), i significatives per força (rho = 0,823; p = 0,023) i velocitat (rho = 0,774; p = 0,041); la velocitat amb 90 kg es relaciona amb lesions time loss (TL) (rho = 0,878; p = 0,009), i la potència amb 100 kg, amb lesions totals (LT) (rho = 0,805; p = 0,029) i V100 (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006) molt significativament. I la relació entre força i rendiment és significativament negativa en 5 dels 7 mesocicles, és a dir, a menys força, més rendiment. En conclusió, durant l’execució del mig esquat, hi ha valors de força adients per rendir millor i lesionar-se menys: de 800 N a 1.050 N i amb càrregues de 80 kg a 90 kg.With the aim of determining the relationship between strength, sports performance and injury rates in a men’s professional basketball team, we performed a prospective, observational and descriptive study of statistical analysis (71 matches), half squat test (n = 7) and injury pathology by monitoring the 09/10 season, where the data obtained for each player with respect to sports performance per game (statistical evaluation), average strength, speed and power in each mesocycle and injury rates were related. The statistical technique used was correlation based on Spearman’s rho parameter. These correlations between strength and injury rates show that at higher strength values there are more injuries: at 80 kg they are very significant for total injuries (TI) and power (rho = 0898; p = 0.006), and significant for strength (rho = 0823; p = 0.023) and speed (rho = 0.774, p = 0.041); speed at 90 kg is very significantly associated with time-loss (TL) injuries (rho = 0878; p = 0.009) and power at 100 kg with total injuries (TI) (rho = 0805; p = 0.029) and V100 (rho = 0898; p = 0.006). Furthermore, the relationship between strength and performance is significantly negative in five of the seven mesocycles, i.e., less strength means more performance. In conclusion, during the execution of half squats, there are strength values which are suitable for performing better and being injured less, ranging from 800 N to 1050 N and with loads of 80 kg to 90 kg

    ÂżLa fuerza puede predecir el rendimiento y la lesionabilidad en el baloncesto profesional?

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    Con el objetivo de conocer las relaciones existentes entre la fuerza, el rendimiento deportivo y la lesionabilidad en un equipo masculino de baloncesto profesional, se realiza un estudio prospectivo, observacional y descriptivo de análisis de estadísticas (71 partidos), test de media sentadilla (n = 7) y patología lesional, monitorizando la temporada 09/10, donde se relacionan los datos obtenidos de cada jugador referentes al rendimiento deportivo por partido (valoración estadística), las medias de fuerza, velocidad y potencia de cada mesociclo y la lesionabilidad. La técnica estadística utilizada ha sido la correlación a partir del parámetro rho de Spearman. Estas correlaciones entre fuerza y lesionabilidad muestran que a valores de fuerza más elevados hay más lesiones: con 80 kg son muy significativas para lesiones totales (LT) y potencia (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006), y significativas por fuerza (rho = 0,823; p = 0,023) y velocidad (rho = 0,774; p = 0,041); la velocidad con 90 kg se relaciona con lesiones time loss (TL) (rho = 0,878; p = 0,009), y la potencia con 100 kg, con lesiones totales (LT) (rho = 0,805; p = 0,029) y V100 (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006) muy significativamente. En conclusión, durante la ejecución de la media sentadilla, hay valores de fuerza acordes para rendir más y lesionarse menos: de 800 N a 1050 N y con cargas de 80 kg a 90 kg

    Cancer risk and survival in path_MMR carriers by gene and gender up to 75 years of age: a report from the Prospective Lynch Syndrome Database

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    Background Most patients with path_MMR gene variants (Lynch syndrome (LS)) now survive both their first and subsequent cancers, resulting in a growing number of older patients with LS for whom limited information exists with respect to cancer risk and survival. Objective and design  This observational, international, multicentre study aimed to determine prospectively observed incidences of cancers and survival in path_MMR carriers up to 75 years of age. Results 3119 patients were followed for a total of 24 475 years. Cumulative incidences at 75 years (risks) for colorectal cancer were 46%, 43% and 15% in path_MLH1, path_MSH2 and path_MSH6 carriers; for endometrial cancer 43%, 57% and 46%; for ovarian cancer 10%, 17% and 13%; for upper gastrointestinal (gastric, duodenal, bile duct or pancreatic) cancers 21%, 10% and 7%; for urinary tract cancers 8%, 25% and 11%; for prostate cancer 17%, 32% and 18%; and for brain tumours 1%, 5% and 1%, respectively. Ovarian cancer occurred mainly premenopausally. By contrast, upper gastrointestinal, urinary tract and prostate cancers occurred predominantly at older ages. Overall 5-year survival for prostate cancer was 100%, urinary bladder 93%, ureter 85%, duodenum 67%, stomach 61%, bile duct 29%, brain 22% and pancreas 0%. Path_PMS2 carriers had lower risk for cancer. Conclusion  Carriers of different path_MMR variants exhibit distinct patterns of cancer risk and survival as they age. Risk estimates for counselling and planning of surveillance and treatment should be tailored to each patient's age, gender and path_MMR variant. We have updated our open-access website www.lscarisk. org to facilitate this

    Incidence of and survival after subsequent cancers in carriers of pathogenic MMR variants with previous cancer: a report from the prospective Lynch syndrome database

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    Objective Today most patients with Lynch syndrome (LS) survive their first cancer. There is limited information on the incidences and outcome of subsequent cancers. The present study addresses three questions: (i) what is the cumulative incidence of a subsequent cancer; (ii) in which organs do subsequent cancers occur; and (iii) what is the survival following these cancers? Design Information was collated on prospectively organised surveillance and prospectively observed outcomes in patients with LS who had cancer prior to inclusion and analysed by age, gender and genetic variants. Results 1273 patients with LS from 10 countries were followed up for 7753 observation years. 318 patients (25.7%) developed 341 first subsequent cancers, including colorectal (n=147, 43%), upper GI, pancreas or bile duct (n=37, 11%) and urinary tract (n=32, 10%). The cumulative incidences for any subsequent cancer from age 40 to age 70 years were 73% for pathogenic MLH1 (path_MLH1), 76% for path_MSH2 carriers and 52% for path_MSH6 carriers, and for colorectal cancer (CRC) the cumulative incidences were 46%, 48% and 23%, respectively. Crude survival after any subsequent cancer was 82% (95% CI 76% to 87%) and 10-year crude survival after CRC was 91% (95% CI 83% to 95%). Conclusions Relative incidence of subsequent cancer compared with incidence of first cancer was slightly but insignificantly higher than cancer incidence in patients with LS without previous cancer (range 0.94-1.49). The favourable survival after subsequent cancers validated continued follow-up to prevent death from cancer. The interactive website http://lscarisk.org was expanded to calculate the risks by gender, genetic variant and age for subsequent cancer for any patient with LS with previous cancer

    Colorectal cancer incidence in path_MLH1 carriers subjected to different follow-up protocols: a prospective lynch syndrome database

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    Background: we have previously reported a high incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in carriers of pathogenic MLH1 variants (path_MLH1) despite follow-up with colonoscopy including polypectomy. Methods: the cohort included Finnish carriers enrolled in 3-yearly colonoscopy (n = 505; 4625 observation years) and carriers from other countries enrolled in colonoscopy 2-yearly or more frequently (n = 439; 3299 observation years). We examined whether the longer interval between colonoscopies in Finland could explain the high incidence of CRC and whether disease expression correlated with differences in population CRC incidence. Results: cumulative CRC incidences in carriers of path_MLH1 at 70-years of age were 41% for males and 36% for females in the Finnish series and 58% and 55% in the non-Finnish series, respectively (p > 0.05). Mean time from last colonoscopy to CRC was 32.7 months in the Finnish compared to 31.0 months in the non-Finnish (p > 0.05) and was therefore unaffected by the recommended colonoscopy interval. Differences in population incidence of CRC could not explain the lower point estimates for CRC in the Finnish series. Ten-year overall survival after CRC was similar for the Finnish and non-Finnish series (88% and 91%, respectively; p > 0.05). Conclusions: the hypothesis that the high incidence of CRC in path_MLH1 carriers was caused by a higher incidence in the Finnish series was not valid. We discuss whether the results were influenced by methodological shortcomings in our study or whether the assumption that a shorter interval between colonoscopies leads to a lower CRC incidence may be wrong. This second possibility is intriguing, because it suggests the dogma that CRC in path_MLH1 carriers develops from polyps that can be detected at colonoscopy and removed to prevent CRC may be erroneous. In view of the excellent 10-year overall survival in the Finnish and non-Finnish series we remain strong advocates of current surveillance practices for those with LS pending studies that will inform new recommendations on the best surveillance interval

    Lack of association between screening interval and cancer stage in Lynch syndrome may be accounted for by over-diagnosis; a prospective Lynch syndrome database report

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    Background: Recent epidemiological evidence shows that colorectal cancer (CRC) continues to occur in carriers of pathogenic mismatch repair (path_MMR) variants despite frequent colonoscopy surveillance in expert centres. This observation conflicts with the paradigm that removal of all visible polyps should prevent the vast majority of CRC in path_MMR carriers, provided the screening interval is sufficiently short and colonoscopic practice is optimal. Methods: To inform the debate, we examined, in the Prospective Lynch Syndrome Database (PLSD), whether the time since last colonoscopy was associated with the pathological stage at which CRC was diagnosed during prospective surveillance. Path_MMR carriers were recruited for prospective surveillance by colonoscopy. Only variants scored by the InSiGHT Variant Interpretation Committee as class 4 and 5 (clinically actionable) were included. CRCs detected at the first planned colonoscopy, or within one year of this, were excluded as prevalent cancers. Results: Stage at diagnosis and interval between last prospective surveillance colonoscopy and diagnosis were available for 209 patients with 218 CRCs, including 162 path_MLH1, 45 path_MSH2, 10 path_MSH6 and 1 path_PMS2 carriers. The numbers of cancers detected within 3.5 years since last colonoscopy were 36, 93, 56 and 33, respectively. Among these, 16.7, 19.4, 9.9 and 15.1% were stage III-IV, respectively (p = 0.34). The cancers detected more than 2.5 years after the last colonoscopy were not more advanced than those diagnosed earlier (p = 0.14). Conclusions: The CRC stage and interval since last colonoscopy were not correlated, which is in conflict with the accelerated adenoma-carcinoma paradigm. We have previously reported that more frequent colonoscopy is not associated with lower incidence of CRC in path_MMR carriers as was expected. In contrast, point estimates showed a higher incidence with shorter intervals between examinations, a situation that may parallel to over-diagnosis in breast cancer screening. Our findings raise the possibility that some CRCs in path_MMR carriers may spontaneously disappear: the host immune response may not only remove CRC precursor lesions in path_MMR carriers, but may remove infiltrating cancers as well. If confirmed, our suggested interpretation will have a bearing on surveillance policy for path_MMR carriers

    La troballa dels l'escut dels Mataplana i la seva restauraciĂł

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    Entre les troballes efectuades fins ara a les excavacions iniciades l'any 1986 a la mota-castell de Mataplana (municipi de Gombrèn, comarca del Ripollès), destaquen les restes de l'escut familiar dels Mataplana, pintat probablement a una de les parets d'una estança del primer pis o planta noble del castell, avui enrunat i soterrat dins un monticle artificial

    La troballa dels l'escut dels Mataplana i la seva restauraciĂł

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    Entre les troballes efectuades fins ara a les excavacions iniciades l'any 1986 a la mota-castell de Mataplana (municipi de Gombrèn, comarca del Ripollès), destaquen les restes de l'escut familiar dels Mataplana, pintat probablement a una de les parets d'una estança del primer pis o planta noble del castell, avui enrunat i soterrat dins un monticle artificial