315 research outputs found

    Broadband frequency-dependent amplification of seismic waves across Bucharest, Romania

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    The determination of seismic amplitude amplification is a fundamental contribution to seismic hazard assessment. While often only high-frequency amplitude variations (>1Hz) are taken into account, we analyse broadband waveforms from 0.14 to 8.6Hz using a temporary network of 32 stations in and around the earthquake-prone city of Bucharest. Spectral amplitudes are calculated with an adaptive multiple-taper approach. Across our network (aperture 25km×25km), we find a systematic northwest/southeast-oriented structural influence on teleseismic P-wave amplitudes from 0.14 to 0.86Hz that can be explained by constructive interference in the dipping Cenozoic sedimentary layers. For higher frequencies (1.4-8.75Hz), more local site effects prevail and can be correlated partly among neighbouring stations. The transition between systematic and localised amplitude variations occurs at about 1H

    Time Domain Classification and Quantification of Seismic Noise

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    Currently several efforts are undertaken in seismology to retrieve information about the underground from ambient seismic noise (e.g. Curtis et al. 2006; Shapiro et al. 2005; Sens-Schönfelder & Wegler 2006). Such studies are especially interesting in areas where traditional seismic methods are complicated such as remote areas with poor access and cities. E.g. a large number of passive seismic measurements in urban environments are undertaken with the aim to provide the required underground information for seismic hazard assessment. Seismological research must significantly improve the understanding of (urban) seismic noise to successfully and reliably apply these new methods in urban environments (Bonnefoy-Claudet et al. 2006; Campillo 2006). A good knowledge of the seismic noise conditions and contributing noise sources are crucial to select adequate time windows of available long-term data or to design short-term measurements. We present a statistical classification scheme in the time domain to quantify and characterise seismic noise. The character of seismic noise (e.g. Gaussian distributed or dominated by single signals) is represented by only six noise classes. This approach allows us to easily visualise the seismic noise properties (amplitude and statistical properties). Furthermore, it provides a reduced dataset from broadband seismic waveforms to analyse temporal and spatial changes of seismic noise conditions

    Ground motion emissions due to wind turbines: observations, acoustic coupling, and attenuation relationships

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    Emissions from wind turbines (WT) cover a wide range of infrasound and ground motions. When they are per- ceived as immissions by local residents, they can become a source of disturbance or annoyance. To mitigate such disturbances, it is necessary to better understand and, if possible, suppress WT-induced emissions. Within the project Inter- Wind we record and analyze ground motion signals in the vicinity of two wind farms on the Swabian Alb in southern Germany, simultaneously with acoustic and meteorological measurements, as well as psychological surveys done by co- operating research groups. The investigated wind farms con- sist of 3 and 16 WTs, respectively, and are located on the Alb peneplain at 700–800 m height, approximately 300 m higher than the two municipalities considered in our study. Our main aim is to better understand reasons why residents may be affected from WT immissions. Known ground motions include vibrations due to eigen-modes of the WT tower and blades, and the interaction between the passing blade and the tower, causing signals at con- stant frequencies below 12 Hz. In addition, we observe sig- nals in ground motion recordings at frequencies up to 90 Hz which are proportional to the blade-passing frequency. We can correlate these signals with acoustic recordings and esti-ate sound pressure to ground motion coupling transfer coefficients of 3–16.5 μm s−1 Pa−1. Sources for these emissions are the WT generator and possibly the gearing box. The identification of such noise sources can help to find measures to reduce disturbances in order to increase the public acceptance of WTs. Residents perceive more disturbance at the location where the wind farm is closer to the municipality (approximately 1 km). However, there is also a major railway line which produces higher vibration and infrasound signal amplitudes compared to the WTs. Along the measurement lines the decay rate of the WT- induced ground motions is determined for a damping relation proportional to 1/rb. We find frequency-dependent b values for different scenarios at our geological setting of Jurassic limestone on marl, sandstone, and Quaternary deposits. These damping relationships can be used to estimate emissions in the far field and to plan mitigation strategies

    Widespread seismic anisotropy in Earth’s lowermost mantle beneath the Atlantic and Siberia

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    Deep inside the Earth, just above the core-mantle boundary at around 2,700 km depth, large-scale mantle structures are assumed to play a key role for global geodynamic processes. While unusual hot regions are attributed to feed rising mantle plumes and volcanic hotspots, the accumulation of subducted lithospheric plates is associated with colder than average features. In both environments the appearance of dynamic-driven processes such as deformation and mantle flow can directly be inferred by the presence of seismic anisotropy. However, the geometries as well as the interactions of these massive anomalous structures with the surrounding mantle material are still under debate. Based on new seismic data from a dense and large-aperture recording network in Scandinavia we characterize the anisotropic signatures of two so far unexplored regions in the lowermost mantle by using observations of clearly discrepant SKS-SKKS shear wave splitting measurements. Thereby we can demonstrate that anisotropy is located along the northern edges of the Large Low Shear Velocity Province beneath Africa. Furthermore, we recover an anisotropic structure in a region of fast seismic velocity underneath Siberia which provides additional evidence for widespread deformation caused by a deeply subducted slab

    Wind turbine induced seismic signals: the large‐scale SMARTIE1 experiment and a concept to define protection radii for recording stations

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    Wind turbines produce mechanical energy that can propagate to the ground and disturb sensitive measurements such as seismic recordings. The aim of the large-scale experiment Seismic Monitoring And Research of wind Turbine Induced Emissions (SMARTIE1) at a single wind turbine in Pfinztal (SW Germany) is to understand how wind turbines emit seismic signals under different operating conditions and how these seismic signals propagate through the local subsurface. Themain objectives of SMARTIE1 are the investigation of wind turbine induced seismic signals, the characteristics of their propagation behaviour, as well as the radiation pattern of a single wind turbine as defined using particle motions. Moreover, we quantify the emission of the wind turbine induced seismic signals with respect to the wind speed. The combination of the wind turbine’s emission into the subsurface and the attenuation behaviour of the seismic signals (ground motion velocity) can be used to estimate protection radii around seismic stations to ensure the recording of seismic signals without noticeable influences of the wind turbines. In this study, we detect several discrete wind turbine induced frequency peaks ranging from 1 to 10 Hz. We identify a radiation pattern of the wind turbine, which could give further insights into the interaction between the movement of the wind turbine’s nacelle and the generation of the wind turbine induced seismic signals. Using profile measurements with a maximum distance of almost 3 km each, we fit a power-law decay for power spectral density proportional to 1/rb^{b}. The attenuation factor, b, ranges from 0.7 to 1.3 for lower frequencies between 1 and 4 Hz, and increases to b = 2.3 for the higher frequency peak around 5.25 Hz. Finally, we present an example estimation of a protection radius around the seismic station of the Collm Observatorium that is part of the German Regional Seismic Network. The example protection radius around Collm Observatorium regarding this single wind turbine is reached at a minimum distance of 3.7 km

    Seismicity and seismotectonics of the Albstadt Shear Zone in the northern Alpine foreland

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    The region around the town Albstadt, SW Germany, was struck by four damaging earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 5 during the last century. These earthquakes occurred along the Albstadt Shear Zone (ASZ), which is characterized by more or less continuous microseismicity. As there are no visible surface ruptures that may be connected to the fault zone, we study its characteristics by its seismicity distribution and faulting pattern. We use the earthquake data of the state earthquake service of Baden-Württemberg from 2011 to 2018 and complement it with additional phase picks beginning in 2016 at the AlpArray and StressTransfer seismic networks in the vicinity of the ASZ. This extended data set is used to determine new minimum 1-D seismic vp_{p} and vs_{s} velocity models and corresponding station delay times for earthquake relocation. Fault plane solutions are determined for selected events, and the principal stress directions are derived. The minimum 1-D seismic velocity models have a simple and stable layering with increasing velocity with depth in the upper crust. The corresponding station delay times can be explained well by the lateral depth variation of the crystalline basement. The relocated events align about north–south with most of the seismic activity between the towns of Tübingen and Albstadt, east of the 9° E meridian. The events can be separated into several subclusters that indicate a segmentation of the ASZ. The majority of the 25 determined fault plane solutions feature an NNE–SSW strike but NNW–SSE-striking fault planes are also observed. The main fault plane associated with the ASZ dips steeply, and the rake indicates mainly sinistral strike-slip, but we also find minor components of normal and reverse faulting. The determined direction of the maximum horizontal stress of 140–149∘ is in good agreement with prior studies. Down to ca. 7–8 km depth SHmax_{max} is bigger than SV_{V}; below this depth, SV_{V} is the main stress component. The direction of SHmax_{max} indicates that the stress field in the area of the ASZ is mainly generated by the regional plate driving forces and the Alpine topography

    Ground Motion Relations While TBM Drilling in Unconsolidated Sediments

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    The induced ground motions due to the tunnel boring machine (TBM), which has been used for the drilling of the urban metro tunnel in Karlsruhe (SW Germany), has been studied using the continuous recordings of seven seismological monitoring stations. The drilling has been undertaken in unconsolidated sediments of the Rhine River system, relatively close to the surface at 6–20 m depth and in the vicinity of many historic buildings. Compared to the reference values of DIN 4150-3 (1–80 Hz), no exceedance of the recommended peak ground velocity (PGV) limits (3–5 mm/s) was observed at the single recording site locations on building basements during the observation period between October 2014 and February 2015. Detailed analyses in the time and frequency domains helped with the detection of the sources of several specific shaking signals in the recorded time series and with the comparison of the aforementioned TBM-induced signals. The amplitude analysis allowed for the determination of a PGV attenuation relation (quality factor Q ~ 30–50) and the comparison of the TBM-induced ground motion with other artificially induced and natural ground motions of similar amplitudes