436 research outputs found

    Renminbi misaligned - Results from meta-regressions

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    We collect data from 29 separate papers estimating the equilibrium level and possible undervaluation of the Chinese currency, the renminbi. These papers yield a total of 97 individual observations on misalignment, which we analyse with the help of meta-analysis. We find that the vast majority of observations point to renminbi undervaluation in recent years and that the undervaluation is more pronounced when the US dollar exchange rate is used instead of the real effective exchange rate. We find several characteristics of papers and authors that clearly seem to influence the reported misalignments. For example, when the author is affiliated with an investment bank, the reported misalignment is smaller. Using time-series techniques also results in lower estimates of undervaluation. On the other hand, refereed journals seemingly are inclined to publish papers that report larger misalignments. Results caution against trusting too much in any one study concerning renminbi undervaluation.equilibrium exchange rate; exchange rate misalignment; meta-analysis; China

    5G standalone network's reliability, one-way latency and packet loss rate analysis for URLLC implementation

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    5G is the fifth generation technology standard for cellular networks. It has three main application demands, which are Enhanced Mobile Broadband (EMBB), Massive Machine-Type Communications (MMTC) and Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC). URLLC is a very challenging demand to implement, with strict reliability and latency requirements. It has been highly specified by 2022 and 5G vendors are starting to implement basic URLLC features in the near future. The motivation for this thesis is to find ways to make measurements on how a 5G standalone (SA) network performs on key URLLC performance indicators, analyse and visualize these measurements, find reasons for certain network behavior and make estimates on what kind of impact different URLLC features will have when implemented. Furthermore, another motivation is to find a way to detect packet loss and reasons behind it, because packet loss impairs reliability significantly and should be minimized before deploying URLLC features. To measure 5G SA network's performance, four different kind of test cases were identified, in which URLLC type of network traffic is generated. There are static tests done in good coverage and bad coverage from the 5G cell, and mobility tests done by moving from good coverage to bad coverage while attached to the same 5G cell, and a handover test in which the 5G cell is changed. All tests are done in a 5G field verification environment, for both downlink and uplink. For downlink, coverage and mobility inside a cell did not have a meaningful impact to one-way latency. This was mainly because there was no need for packet retransmissions, which would have increased latency. This is promising especially for mobility URLLC use cases such as Vehicle-To-Everything communications (V2X). Uplink performed much weaker, mainly because of uplink resource scheduling and packet retransmissions. Handover was problematic for both downlink and uplink, because of the brief but massive increase in latency caused by the cell change. All packet loss in the measurements happened in uplink transmission, and this thesis includes a case study where different potential factors causing packet loss were consistently eliminated. In the end, the cause for packet loss indicates towards the 5G chipset used for the tests

    Commentary on Gough & Daniel

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    Two Accounts of Begging the Question

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    This essay discusses epistemic analysis of the fallacy of begging the question. In the literature, there are two prominent epistemic explanations of the fallacy, the objective and the subjective. The objective account bases the analysis of the fallacy on the epistemic relations of the propositions used in the argument. The subjective account bases the analysis on the way the arguers acquire their beliefs in the propositions used in the argument. Arguments that aim to show that a propositional analysis is not flexible enough for fallacy analysis have been taken to be a decisive argument for the subjective approach. Yet, the propositional sense seems to address a central intuition about this fallacy. In this essay, it is argued that both analyses need to be retained

    Reply to my Commentator - Ritola

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    Kestävyyden ulottuvuudet suomalaisissa ruokapolitiikkadokumenteissa

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida suomalaista ruokapolitiikkaa kestävyysnäkökulmasta. Globaalin ja kansallisen toimintaympäristön muutoksessa myös ruokajärjestelmiin kohdistuu moninaisia taloudellisia, sosiokulttuurisia ja ekologisia paineita. Ruokajärjestelmien on muututtava ja niille asetettujen perustavoitteiden, kuten ruokaturvan takaamisen lisäksi täytettävä joukko muita tavoitteita. Nämä ajurit, tavoitteet ja keinot tavoitteisiin pääsemiseksi määritellään muun muassa ruokapolitiikassa. Ekologisen, taloudellisen ja sosiokulttuurisen kestävyyden huomioimista ruokajärjestelmäanalyysissä voidaan kutsua myös agroekologiseksi lähestymistavaksi. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysia, joka suoritettiin Atlas TI –ohjelmistoa apuna käyttäen. Aineistoksi valikoitui tutkimushetkellä Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön kolme tuoreinta ja ajankohtaista suomalaista ruokapolitiikkadokumenttia: Ruoka2030 -ruokapoliittinen selonteko sekä hallituksen lähi- ja luomuruokaohjelmat. Ruokapolitiikkadokumenteista haettiin vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiin: kuinka hyvin suomalaisessa ruokapolitiikassa tunnistetaan systeemisen muutoksen tarve; mitkä ovat tärkeimmät ajurit ja motiivit muutokseen; kuinka kestävyyden eri osaalueet on huomioitu; ja onko muutostarpeen tyydyttämiseksi esitetyt ratkaisut vähittäisiä muutoksia nykyiseen järjestelmään vai löytyykö ruokapolitiikan keinoista ehdotuksia, jotka tähtäävät radikaaliin ruokajärjestelmän uudistamiseen? Suomalaisessa ruokapolitiikassa muutostarpeet ja –paineet on hyvin tunnistettu ja nykyisen ruokapolitiikan tavoitteena on nimenomaan vastata näihin toimintaympäristön haasteisiin. Voimakkaimmaksi muutosajuriksi nousi toimintaympäristössä tapahtuvat sosiokulttuuriset muutokset, kuten kaupungistuminen ja muutokset kulutustottumuksissa. Taloudelliset vaikuttimet, erityisesti ruokasektorin kilpailukyky ja vienti nousivat esiin tärkeinä tulevaisuuden tavoitteina. Taloudelliset ja sosiokulttuuriset apukeinot nähtiin myös tärkeimpinä muutoksen mahdollistajina, kun taas ekologisten ajureiden, muutoskeinojen ja tavoitteiden osuus tulevaisuudenkuvassa oli vähäisin. Muutokset monimutkaisissa systeemeissä, kuten ruokajärjestelmätason muutokset, tapahtuvat vaikuttamalla yhteen järjestelmän osaan kerrallaan. Ruokapolitiikan tämänhetkiset keinot eivät esitä radikaaleja muutoksia tai keinoja nykyisen järjestelmän muuttamiseksi, mutta toisaalta systeemitason muutokset ovat usein havaittavissa vasta jälkikäteen.The aim of this Thesis was to analyze Finnish food policy from a sustainability point of view. Changing operational environment, both globally and nationally, place food systems under a variety of economic, socio-cultural and ecological pressures. In addition to meet the basic objectives, such as ensuring food security, food systems are expected to fulfill a number of other goals. The drivers and goals, as well as means to food system change are defined in food policy. Considering the ecological, economic and sociocultural dimensions of sustainability in the food system analysis can also be viewed as an agroecological approach. A content analysis, using Atlas TI software was done for three most recent and topical Finnish food policy documents: Food2030 - government report on food policy, and the government programs for local and - organic food sectors. The food policy documents were analyzed with the following research questions in mind: how well is the need for systemic change recognized in the Finnish food policy; what are the main drivers for change; how are different dimensions of sustainability taken into account; is the change anticipated as gradual improvements to the current food system or are there any references suggesting radically reformed food system? The recently renewed Finnish food policy is specifically drafted with the current and forecasted changes in the operational environment in mind. The main drivers were mainly identified as sociocultural trends such as globalization, urbanization and changes in consumer behavior. The economic drivers, especially the competitiveness and export orientation of the food sector emerged as important goals for the future. The ecological dimension to food system reform gave the lowest share in all three categories (drivers, means and goals). A change in a complex system such as a food system takes place by affecting one partof the system at a time. The current Finnish food policy does not present radical changes or radical means to change the current system. However system-level changes can often be identified only afterwards

    Irresolvable Conflicts and Begging the Question

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    I will first look at some of the existing literature on irresolvable conflicts, shortly discuss the fallacy of begging the question, and then examine some questions that irresolvable conflicts bring to surface with respect to this fallacy. In particular, I will argue that even though such conflicts invite an analysis of the fallacy based on the doubt of the opponent, an analysis in terms of justified belief of the arguer is preferabl

    The Role of Business Intelligence in Shaping Management Practices

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to elaborate how business intelligence shapes concrete managerial practices in a case company context. Theory: The theory of this research consists of three key frameworks which are business intelligence (BI), strategy-as-practice (SAP), and sociomateriality. As a combination these will provide a valid framework to observe changes in managerial practices in relation to business intelligence. The synthesis also provides a theoretical lens, through which is it is possible to easily view the empirical results in theoretical context. Methodology: The empirical part of this thesis includes a case study, for an unnamed large-scale production company. The material was gathered by conducting semi-structured interviews with managers from the case company. The data is analysed by using content analysis. Findings and contribution: Changes in managerial practices were identified in relation to business intelligence. First of key findings were that managers are analysing the data in more depth, due to the fact that business intelligence provides the initial analysis. Second change was that managers are looking the operations of the company through more comprehensive view and they examine the cross-department causations in more detail. Third identified change in managerial practises was that operative optimization has become more apparent, as business intelligence enables it with more level of detail than beforeTavoite: Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, miten business intelligence muovaa johtamisen käytänteitä. Teoria: Tutkimuksen teoria koostuu kolmesta pääkehyksestä, joita ovat business intelligence (BI), strategia käytäntönä (SAP) ja sosiomateriaalisuus. Näiden yhdistelmä tarjoaa validin synteesin, jonka avulla voidaan tarkastella johtamisen käytänteissä tapahtuvia muutoksia suhteessa business intelligencen hyödyntämiseen. Synteesi tarjoaa myös teoreettisen linssin, jonka läpi on mahdollista tarkastella empiirisen tutkimuksen tuloksia teoreettisessa kontekstissa. Metodologia: Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, jonka kohteena oli suuri tuotantoyritys. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin semistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla ja aineiston analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysia. Löydökset ja kontribuutio: Tutkimuksessa havaittiin business intelligencen aiheuttavan joitakin muutoksia johtamisen käytäntöihin. Ensimmäinen löydös oli se, että johtajat analysoivat dataa syvällisemmin, sillä business intelligencellä on kyky tarjota ensianalyysi pohjaten raakadataan. Toinen havaittu muutos oli se, että johtajat tarkastelevat yrityksen toimintaa sekä osastojen välisiä vuorovaikutussuhteita syvällisemmin. Kolmas tunnistettu muutos johtamiskäytännöissä oli se, että operatiivinen optimointi on lisääntynyt, kun business intelligence mahdollistaa datan tarkkailun tarkemmalla tasolla kuin aikaisemmin

    Lastensuojelun perhetyö asiakasperheiden näkökulmasta

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    Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena oli selvittää mitä lastensuojelun perhetyö on asiakasperheiden kohdalla pitänyt sisällään, mihin he ovat olleet tyytyväisiä ja mitä toiminnassa pitäisi vielä kehittää. Yhteistyökumppaninamme oli yksi eteläpohjalainen keskisuuri maalaiskunta. Haastattelimme tämän kunnan lastensuojelun perhetyön asiakasperheiden vanhempia syksyllä 2014. Teoriaosuudessa tarkastelemme perhetyötä yhtenä lastensuojelun tukimuotona. Määrittelemme perhetyön käsitteen ja kerromme sen perustana olevista lastensuojelun periaatteista sekä kuvaamme asiakasprosessin kulkua. Lisäksi olemme tuoneet teoriaosuudessa esille perheiden haasteita, jotka ovat usein lastensuojeluasiakkuuden taustalla. Tutkimuksemme on toteutettu käyttäen kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta ja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä teemahaastattelua. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että lastensuojelun perhetyö oli asiakasperheiden kohdalla sisältänyt monipuolisia toimintamenetelmiä, joita oli kotikäynneillä toteutettu perhekohtaisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Toimintamenetelminä oli käytetty muun muassa pelaamista, leikkimistä, leipomista sekä voimauttavaa valokuvausta. Yleisimpiä tavoitteita olivat lasten koulunkäynnin tukeminen, perheenjäsenten vuorovaikutussuhteet ja lasten ikätason mukainen kohtelu. Lastensuojelun perhetyö oli pidetty tukimuoto ja siitä koettiin olevan apua ja hyötyä perheiden erilaisissa elämäntilanteissa. Haastateltavat toivat kuitenkin esille, että perhetyötä ei aina kohdistettu oikein ja työntekijöistä välittyi kiire. Lisäksi toivottiin, että apu olisi nopeammin saatavilla ja koko perhe huomioitaisiin työskentelyssä.The aim of this thesis was to find out the contents of child welfare family work regarding client families, to what extent they have been satisfied and what activities should be further developed. Our partner in this study was one medium-sized rural municipality in South Ostrobothnia. We interviewed the parents of client families in the autumn of 2014. In the theoretical part of this thesis, we analyse family work as one form of support in child protection. The concept of family work is defined, and the background principles are dis-cussed as well. Furthermore, we also describe the flow of client process. In addition, we have brought forward the challenges that families face. These challenges are usually in the background of the child protection customers. Our research has been conducted using qualitative research methods and the data collection method was theme interviews. The research results showed that family work of child protection contains a wide range of methods. These have been used to achieve the objectives in customers’ homes. Action methods were used gaming, playing, baking and empowering photography. The most common targets were educational support for children, the family members of the interactions and children's age level of the treatment. It turned out that family work was an appreciated form of support and it was helpful and useful for families in different life situations. The interviewees brought forward that family work does not always properly aligned and conveyed to employees in a hurry. In addition, it was hoped that help would be available more quickly and the whole family were taken into account in the work

    Total pension in Finland 2020 : How are earnings-related pensions, national pensions and taxation determined?

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    In this review, we bring together the components which affect the determination of the total pension in Finland in 2020. The amount of the take-home net pension is affected by how the earnings-related and national pension benefits and the taxation of pensions are determined. The examples and figures illustrate what the Finnish total net pension will consist of in the different income brackets. The taxation of pensions is different from that of wage income due to various tax deductions and contributions. This review compares the tax and contribution burden of Finnish pension recipients and wage earners. It also looks at the taxation of pension recipients’ wage income