20 research outputs found

    Water-Energy Nexus for an Italian Storage Hydropower Plant under Multiple Drivers

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    Climate change has repercussions on the management of water resources. Particularly, changes in precipitation and temperature impact hydropower generation and revenue by affecting seasonal electricity prices and streamflow. This issue exemplifies the impact of climate change on the water-energy-nexus, which has raised serious concern. This paper investigates the impact of climate change on hydropower with a multidisciplinary approach. A holistic perspective should be favored as the issue is complex, consequently, we chose to investigate a specific case study in Italy. It allows grasping the details, which matters in mountainous area. We integrated a hydrological model, hydropower management model, nine climate scenarios, and five electricity scenarios for a specific storage hydropower plant. Independently from the scenarios, the results show a glacier volume shrinkage upward of 40% by 2031 and minimum of 50% by 2046. The reservoir mitigates losses of revenue that reach 8% in the worst case, however, are lower compared with run-of-the-river configuration. Changes in price seasonality amplitude also determine modifications in revenues, while temporal shifts appear to be ineffective. For run-of-the-river, any variation in hydrological cycle immediately translates into revenue. Comparing the results of all future scenarios with the base scenario, it can be concluded that an increase in temperature will slightly improve the performances of hydropower

    Assessing the energy potential of modernizing the European hydropower fleet

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    About 50% of all hydropower plants (HPPs) worldwide were originally commissioned more than 40 years ago, so that the advanced age of the fleet is a major concern across all continents, and especially in Europe. The retrofitting of HPPs can generate several benefits for production, flexibility, safety, management and environment. In this work, the benefits related to energy and flexibility were considered and quantified by conducting a large-scale assessment for the European Union and Europe, taking into account several retrofitting strategies: dam heightening, head loss reduction in waterways, increase of installed power in run-of-the-river and storage power plants, increase of annual inflow, increase of maximum efficiency and weighted efficiency of electro-mechanical equipment, start and stop improvement, digitalization and inflow forecast, floating photovoltaic and reservoir interconnection. For most of these strategies, an indicator of the additional capacity and/or annual production that could be obtained compared to the current conditions was calculated. Excluding site-specific strategies (e.g. installation of new parallel waterways, increase of withdrawals from existing intakes) the resulting compound value of the indicator is 10.2% for European Union and 12.2% for the whole Europe, plus 4-28.6 TWh achievable by interconnecting reservoirs. This suggests that the retrofitting of HPPs can generate significant benefits in terms of energy and flexibility, minimizing environmental impacts, and should be considered as an important element of both energy transition and water management policies

    Levelized Cost of Electricity Generation by Small Hydropower Projects under Clean Development Mechanism in India

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    Contrary to conventional fossil fuel-based electricity generation technologies, renewable energy centered technologies, specifically small hydropower, release a lesser amount of anthropogenic greenhouse gases but are normally more expensive. A major segment of the capital investment in the current small hydropower scenario accounts for equipment and construction process costs. The construction and cost administration process are generally limited to analysis of the capital cost of civil constructions, electro-mechanical equipment works, neglecting the costs related to operating and maintaining the plant, replacement or refurbishment, certified emission reductions, among others. Contemporary studies indicate that these costs form a substantial fraction of the total capital investment. Consequently, for cost management and investment decision making, small hydropower plant developers are drawing increased attention in recent years towards conducting life cycle costing studies that take into account the ignored costs. In addition, small hydropower plants in developing nations can become more competitive by trading the emission reductions achieved under the provision of the Clean Development Mechanism, an outcome of the Kyoto Protocol proposed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this paper, a modest attempt has been made to determine the Levelized cost of electricity generation using life cycle costing methodology, which accounts for all the costs over operating lifetime on a range of small hydropower plants and the results are analyzed

    Hydropower Future: Between Climate Change, Renewable Deployment, Carbon and Fuel Prices

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    Hydropower represents an interesting technology: affordable, renewable, and flexible. However, it must cope with climate changes and new energy policies that jeopardize its future. A smooth transition to sustainability requires decision makers to assess the future perspectives of hydropower: about its future revenue and related uncertainty. This investigation requires a multidisciplinary approach as both streamflow and energy mix will evolve. We simulated future streamflow based on eight climate scenarios using a semi-distributed hydrological model for our case study, the Tremorgio hydropower plant located in southern Switzerland. Next, using a hydropower management model we generated income according to these streamflows and twenty-eight electricity price scenarios. Our results indicate that climate change will modify the seasonality of inflows and volumes exploitable for hydropower generation. However, adaptive strategies in the management of reservoirs could minimize revenue losses/maximize revenue gains. In addition, most market scenarios project an increase in revenues, except in the case of high wind and solar energy penetration. Markets do not provide the right incentive, since the deployment of intermittent energy would benefit from more flexible hydropower

    Levelized cost of electricity generation by small hydropower projects under clean development mechanism in India

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    Abstract Contrary to conventional fossil fuel-based electricity generation technologies, renewable energy centered technologies, specifically small hydropower, release a lesser amount of anthropogenic greenhouse gases but are normally more expensive. A major segment of the capital investment in the current small hydropower scenario accounts for equipment and construction process costs. The construction and cost administration process are generally limited to analysis of the capital cost of civil constructions, electro-mechanical equipment works, neglecting the costs related to operating and maintaining the plant, replacement or refurbishment, certified emission reductions, among others. Contemporary studies indicate that these costs form a substantial fraction of the total capital investment. Consequently, for cost management and investment decision making, small hydropower plant developers are drawing increased attention in recent years towards conducting life cycle costing studies that take into account the ignored costs. In addition, small hydropower plants in developing nations can become more competitive by trading the emission reductions achieved under the provision of the Clean Development Mechanism, an outcome of the Kyoto Protocol proposed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this paper, a modest attempt has been made to determine the Levelized cost of electricity generation using life cycle costing methodology, which accounts for all the costs over operating lifetime on a range of small hydropower plants and the results are analyzed

    A Comprehensive Study on the Recent Progress and Trends in Development of Small Hydropower Projects

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    In terms of fuel resource, hydropower possesses a prominent advantage over any other large power plants which burn fossil fuels to generate electricity. Moreover, due to the abundance in resource availability (as a domestic source in small streams and rivers), small hydropower (SHP) plants are showing prominence all over the world. SHP plants have led to improved access to electricity usage in under-developed and developing nations, thereby contributing to sustainable development goals and social empowerment. SHP, as a technology, is regarded as the largest density renewable resource with high adaptability, and low investment costs. The primary objective of the paper is to study and analyze recent developments in SHP technologies with reporting statistical figures in terms of installed capacity and MW potential in several parts of the world. Methodologies adopted by researchers to conduct techno-economic analysis of SHP projects are reviewed. Various costs involved in conducting pre-feasibility studies—such as constructing, maintaining, and sustainably operating SHP projects—are studied. The results of the study indicate cost and regulatory issues are the major factors affecting the growth of the small hydropower sector in many nations. Major impediments to construction, development and deployment of SHP projects, mutually existing among the nations worldwide, are also reported. Technical hindrances include non-availability of the grid and very limited accessibility to SHP sites, emissions due to storage of water, disruptive technologies with limited manpower and non-technical hindrances include discouragement from local bodies and groups, lack of suitable and precise pathways to accomplish SHP goals of a nation, lack of incentives for encouraging private players to invest in SHP projects, complex approval processes, and many more

    Scaling and intermittency in time of urban precipitation in Warsaw, Poland

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    Abstract Study region: A network of 25 rain gauges roughly covering an area of 517.2 km² of Warsaw, in Poland. Study focus: Scaling and intermittency of data series of rainfall intensity are investigated for each of the network rain gauges using five multifractal framework methods: spectral density analysis, functional box-counting, trace moment, probability distribution/multiple scaling, and double trace moment. Synthetic precipitation series are then generated by means of continuous universal random cascade models. Cascade generators are defined by universal parameters calculated for selected Warsaw rain gauges, or rain gauge clusters displaying similarity of multifractal parameters. The generated synthetic precipitation time series are subject to statistical evaluation by comparing the complementary cumulative distribution function and the intermittency calculated for synthetic versus observed data. Finally, a novel filtering algorithm is proposed to correct the intermittency characteristics of synthetic precipitation time series. New hydrological insights: Based on our analyses, the temporal structure of the recorded Warsaw precipitation time series is found to be a multifractal set characterized by a scaling behaviour over a wide range of scales. Furthermore, it has been observed that most Warsaw rain gauges, have a distinct similarity of multifractal properties. It has also been demonstrated that, for the first time in Poland, the universal continuous cascades could be used in practice for the generation of synthetic rainfall series at fine (1-min) temporal resolution

    Assessment of current reservoir sedimentation rate and storage capacity loss:an Italian overview

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    Abstract Sedimentation has a prominent impact on the functionality and lifetime of reservoirs and is a growing concern for stakeholders. Various parameters influence sedimentation caused by soil erosion. Here we have examined fifty Italian reservoirs to determine sedimentation rates and storage capacity loss. The reservoirs studied have an average age of 78 years as of 2021, with the highest loss of capacity observed, equal to 100%, for Ceppo Morelli. For the fifty Italian catchments covering north, south, central and islands of Italy, we found the mean annual sediment yield varying between 17–4000 m³/km². year. Six of fifty reservoirs studied (Quarto, Colombara, Ceppo Morelli, Fusino, Vodo and Valle di Cadore) are already in a very critical situation in terms of storage capacity loss. Out of the fifty reservoirs, half of them will reach their half-life year by 2050. For example, for the Fusino reservoir located in northern Italy, we observed a loss of 90% of the storage volume as of 2020 with respect to its operation year 1974, compared to 6% in 2015 as available in literature. Modelling the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) is an open question, due to the lack of adequate data and uncertainties about the variability in hydrological, geomorphological, climate and landcover parameters. Here, we addressed the issue with a simplified multiple regression approach based on sediment delivery ratio values retrieved by the RUSLE model. We found different multi regressions for reservoirs belonging to the Alpine and Apennine regions. This analysis offers a starting point for the management and prioritization of adaptation and remediation policies necessary to address reservoir sedimentation

    A comprehensive study on the recent progress and trends in development of small hydropower projects

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    Abstract In terms of fuel resource, hydropower possesses a prominent advantage over any other large power plants which burn fossil fuels to generate electricity. Moreover, due to the abundance in resource availability (as a domestic source in small streams and rivers), small hydropower (SHP) plants are showing prominence all over the world. SHP plants have led to improved access to electricity usage in under-developed and developing nations, thereby contributing to sustainable development goals and social empowerment. SHP, as a technology, is regarded as the largest density renewable resource with high adaptability, and low investment costs. The primary objective of the paper is to study and analyze recent developments in SHP technologies with reporting statistical figures in terms of installed capacity and MW potential in several parts of the world. Methodologies adopted by researchers to conduct techno-economic analysis of SHP projects are reviewed. Various costs involved in conducting pre-feasibility studies—such as constructing, maintaining, and sustainably operating SHP projects—are studied. The results of the study indicate cost and regulatory issues are the major factors affecting the growth of the small hydropower sector in many nations. Major impediments to construction, development and deployment of SHP projects, mutually existing among the nations worldwide, are also reported. Technical hindrances include non-availability of the grid and very limited accessibility to SHP sites, emissions due to storage of water, disruptive technologies with limited manpower and non-technical hindrances include discouragement from local bodies and groups, lack of suitable and precise pathways to accomplish SHP goals of a nation, lack of incentives for encouraging private players to invest in SHP projects, complex approval processes, and many more