272 research outputs found

    The Effect of Frosting on the Performance of Domestic Refrigerator-Freezer Finned Tube Evaporator Coils

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    The effect of frost formation on the performance of a domestic refrigerator-freezer evaporator coil was investigated. A low temperature evaporator test facility was developed to closely simulate refrigerator-freezer conditions. The rate of frost deposition on the evaporator was determined to be constant with respect to time for a ten-hour testing period over a range of air inlet temperatures and relative humidities, refrigerant temperatures, and airflow rates. Higher humidities and air inlet temperatures and lower refrigerant temperatures were found to increase the frosting rate significantly. Varying the airflow rate was found to slightly affect the frosting rate. Increasing the airflow rate increased the frosting rate a small amount, while, decreasing the airflow rate decreased the frosting rate an equally small amount. However, it appears that the actual correlation between airflow rate and frosting rate is not this straight-forward, but is, instead, the result of the influences of the mass transfer coefficient, the evaporator surface temperature, and the air moisture capacity. How these factors balance one another determines the actual relationship between frost rate and airflow. rate. In addition to these findings, it was found that the UA-value of the evaporator increased as frost was-deposited on the coil while a constant airflow rate was maintained through the coil. The increase at the highest frosting rates was on the order of 40% but was accompanied by an exponentially increasing air side pressure drop.Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center Project 0

    Resolutions adopted by the Ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of freemasonry at Denver, Colorado, Monday, May 18th, 1914

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    Opening: WHEREAS: During the past several months, there has existed in the coal mining districts of our State, a condition of insurrection against the lawful authority of our State Government, wherein several thousand misguided, and largely unnaturalized men, speaking more than twenty different languages, unacquainted with the true principles of constitutional government, consisting in part of veteran soldiers of the recent foreign wars, armed with high-power rifles; incited, led-on and financially sustained by agitators and professional trouble makers, mostly nonresidents of our State, possessing no property or other interests in our Commonwealth; have bid opendefiance to authority of our State, murdered many men and created a reign of terror in the said mining districts and have destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/books_pubs/1057/thumbnail.jp

    A finite element approach to inverse scattering problems

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    En este proyecto se desarrolla una aplicación basada en "Microwave Imaging" (MWI), implementada con el propósito de obtener las propiedades materiales desconocidas de un determinado objeto. Este método consta de dos partes fundamentales: El Problema Directo y el Algoritmo Inverso. La primera etapa, el Problema Directo, implica la medición del campo eléctrico disperso a lo largo de un dominio material. El Objeto de Interés (OI) representa un cuerpo material desconocido que se encuentra dentro de un tanque, rodeado por un conjunto de antenas que iluminan el escenario y almacenan los datos experimentales de las mediciones relacionadas con el campo eléctrico. Además, se introduce un medio adaptador dentro del recinto cerrado, el cual es denominado como "background". Con el objetivo de simular los datos experimentales, se desarrolla el Método de los Elementos Finitos. FEM representa una técnica matemática e ingenieril muy potente que nos permite resolver un conjunto de ecuaciones lineales que describen el comportamiento electromagnético. De este modo, podremos generar los datos sintéticos referidos a las variables nodales, que definen el escenario de imagen simulado mediante un simulador de FEM, denominado GiD y desarrollado por la UPC. Después de resolver el Problema Directo, se aborda el "Contrast Source Inversion Method" (CSIM) con el propósito de reconstruir los parámetros físicos originales que definen el OI. Haciendo uso de este algoritmo de inversión será viable alcanzar el error mínimo global entre los datos reales y los reconstruidos. Cuando este método iterativo converja, los resultados reconstruidos serán analizados con el objeto de identificar los materiales implicados en el "Imaging Domain". En este trabajo se describen los diferentes experimentos relacionados con el Problema Directo y Algoritmo Inverso, obteniendo diversas conclusiones sobre el funcionamiento de FEM-CSIM. En concreto, se analizan los conductores eléctricos perfectos, la distribución de las fuentes de corriente, las própiedades dieléctricas del "background" y la influencia de la frecuencia. Del mismo modo, los resultados de reconstrucción serán comparados en diferentes experimentos, obteniendo información sobre la resolución del método y las limitaciones del algoritmo. Finalmente es importante destacar las simulaciones realizadas con medios con y sín pérdidas, y los experimentos de biomedicina que tratan de representar posibles experimentos reales de imagen médica. Observaremos como CSIM proporciona una calidad alta en los resultados cómo para poder detectar la posicion y características de los objetivos. En las mejores situaciones de reconstrucción obtendremos errores en torno al 25%, que aunque puedan parecer discretos, son suficientes en muchas aplicaciones de imagen médica

    Território e modo de ser A’uwê Marãiwatsédé - Ti’a na dahoimanadzé Wahi’rata nori tsi Marãiwaitsété hoimandzébdzo hã

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    The objectives of this article are to narrate the violent process of retreat from the territory, to describe the Wahoimanadzé, the way of living in sacred land and to analyze how we were, are and will be Marahiwatsété tsipodo. The methodology used is a collective production, in other words, this research was did by me with men in Warã and women in daily life, they have decided on the research paths. The concepts of reference are the junction of spatiality, temporalities and histories. I conclude that the 47-year-long struggle, between 1966-2013, which began after the expulsion of the state, generated suffering and sadness, but did not end with territorial reoccupation.Os objetivos deste artigo são narrar o processo violento de retirada do território, descrever o modo de vivência, Wahoimanadzé, em terra sagrada e analisar como fomos, somos e seremos Marãiwatsété tsipodo. A metodologia empregada é a produção coletiva, isto é, foi feita por mim em conjunto com os homens no Warã e as mulheres em suas lidas cotidianas, os quais decidiram sobre os caminhos de pesquisa. Os conceitos de referência são a junção de espacialidades, temporalidades e histórias. Concluo que a travessia de luta que durou 47 anos, entre 1966-2013, iniciada a partir da expulsão estatal gerou sofrimento e tristeza que não conseguiram finalizar com a reocupação territorial

    Uso do território a partir do modo de ser A’uwê Marãiwatsédé - Ti’a na dahoimanadzé Wahi’rata nori tsi Marãiwaitsété hoimandzébdzo hã

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Mestrado Profissional em Sustentabilidade junto a Povos e Territórios Tradicionais, 2017.Este trabalho é sobre a história do meu povo, dos A’uwê uptabi Marãiwatsédé, irei contar essa história, irei contar como aconteceu o processo violento de retirada dos meus antepassados de seu local, da sua terra, nosso deslocamento para outra terra de outros grupos e a luta pela retomada do nosso território tradicional. A luta por este território está em reconstruir as nossas vidas, sem terra nós não construímos nossas vidas. As marcas nos nossos corpos que nos fazem Marãiwatsété tsipodo nunca se apagaram e queremos reavivê-las em nossa terra, por isso, desde o primeiro dia que nos retiraram de lá, lutamos para retornar. Expulsaram-nos de nosso território em 1966 e conseguimos ter nosso território de volta, reconhecido pelo Estado brasileiro, em 2012-2013. Este trabalho conta esta história, a violência aos que os povos indígenas são submetidos e a nossa resistência

    Avaluació d’un proxy en entorns amb i sense fils

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    Las nuevas tecnologías han permitido el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de telecomunicaciones en medios no guiados. Aunque que los sistemas inalámbricos cada vez disponen de más velocidad de transmisión y reducen los costes en la instalación frente a un sistema cableado, la tasa de error sigue siendo muy elevada en comparación con un entorno cableado. Los protocolos que se usan como el de transporte TCP, fueron pensados para medios guiados. El objetivo de este proyecto es hacer un estudio detallado sobre el proxy snoop con el simulador de redes NS-2 (Network Simulator). El proxy es una de las propuestas para mejorar la eficiencia y el funcionamiento del protocolo de transporte TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) en entornos inalámbricos, pero como veremos, el proxy tiene algunas limitaciones. Con el fin de adaptar el proxy snoop a enlaces de baja velocidad como puede ser una red GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), hemos modificado el módulo snoop del simulador con nuevas funcionalidades. Estas funcionalidades están basadas en unos estudios existentes [2]. Además, algunas limitaciones del simulador nos ha obligado a modificar el modelo que implementa el simulador del protocolo TCP para adaptarlo a nuestras necesidades. También hemos desarrollado una propuesta de adaptación del proxy snoop al modelo fullTCP implementado por el simulador para poder crear simulaciones con ambos módulos del NS-2

    Mosaicos y teselaciones: Escher

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    El presente trabajo fin de máster, describe un análisis de algunas obras de inspiración matemática del famoso artista M. C. Escher relacionadas con mosaicos y teselaciones, y propone un conjunto de actividades que permiten trabajar diferentes contenidos matemáticos especificados en el Real Decreto de 1105/2014, de 26 de diciembre, en la asignatura de “Matemáticas con orientación académica” del tercer curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria relacionados con la temática en cuestión. Previamente al análisis, se considera necesaria la introducción de un fundamento teórico que permita su comprensión, y se responden a algunas preguntas sobre teselaciones del plano, basadas en el fundamento teórico, que llevarán a elaborar las actividades propuestas. Finalmente, se valoran los objetivos iniciales planteados en el trabajo y se concluye de manera satisfactoria.Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Especialidad en Matemáticas (M088


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    The majority of this work characterizes two novel enzyme prodrug therapies using fusion proteins containing annexin V to target only tumor vascular endothelial cells and cancer cells, reducing the burden of systemic toxicity in healthy tissue. Methioninase enzyme will convert inert selenomethionine to toxic methylselenol and also deplete the cancer cells of methionine necessary for protein synthesis and continued growth. Cytosine deaminase converts 5-fluorocytosine into the well-known cancer therapeutic 5-fluorouracil. Additionally, continued work using single-walled carbon nanotubes targeted to cancer cells by the F3 peptide was done.Recombinant technology was used to express and purify methioninase-annexin V and cytosine deaminase-annexin V fusion proteins. In vitro testing of binding and cytotoxicity were completed. Studies of both fusion proteins binding to human endothelial cells and two breast cancer cell lines were done to obtain dissociation constants in the range of 0.6-6 nM, indicating relatively strong binding. Cytotoxicity studies revealed that methioninase-annexin V with selenomethionine can kill those same cell lines in only 3 days; cytosine deaminase-annexin V accomplished the same goal in 9 days using 5-fluorocytosine.The remaining enzyme prodrug work involved testing the methioninase-annexin V system in vivo. Pharmacokinetic testing revealed complete clearance of methioninase-annexin V from the bloodstream to occur within 8 hours following intraperitoneal injection. Selenomethionine levels up to 12 mg/kg were shown to cause no apparent toxicity, while higher levels were lethal. Tests were done with a maximum of 10 mg/kg. The enzyme prodrug system demonstrated a significant slowing of tumor growth compared to untreated mice or mice treated only with the prodrug or fusion protein. Using a fluorescent dye, it was shown that the blood flow through the treated tumor was significantly reduced. The results obtained in vivo with this enzyme prodrug treatment are promising.F3-targeted single-walled carbon nanotubes were tested for their ability to bind to and become internalized by endothelial cells and breast cancer cells. Following incubation with SWNT-F3, cells were irradiated with a near-infrared laser 980 nm. The irradiation increased the cell death as determined by a cell viability assay. The photothermal therapy produced promising results in vitro, and tests with mice are recommended

    An international meta-analysis confirms the association of BNC2 with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a common spinal deformity with the prevalence of approximately 3%. We previously conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a Japanese cohort and identified a novel locus on chromosome 9p22.2. However, a replication study using multi-population cohorts has not been conducted. To confirm the association of 9p22.2 locus with AIS in multi-ethnic populations, we conducted international meta-analysis using eight cohorts. In total, we analyzed 8,756 cases and 27,822 controls. The analysis showed a convincing evidence of association between rs3904778 and AIS. Seven out of eight cohorts had significant P value, and remaining one cohort also had the same trend as the seven. The combined P was 3.28 x 10(-18) (odds ratio = 1.19, 95% confidence interval = 1.14-1.24). In silico analyses suggested that BNC2 is the AIS susceptibility gene in this locus.Peer reviewe