38 research outputs found

    Perceção dos pais sobre os riscos de desenvolvimento de crianças até aos 18 meses

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    A percepção dos pais é um elemento importante na detecção e diagnóstico de problemas do desenvolvimento, pois são eles que, muitas vezes, detectam primeiro que algo não está bem. Este estudo consiste numa pesquisa exploratória, com o intuito de comparar as percepções dos participantes, pais de crianças com de até 18 meses, com o desempenho destes em testes de rastreio, por meio de uma coleta de dados transversal (N=54). Foi usado um questionário baseado no instrumento PEDS (Parents’ Evaluation Developmental Status) e instrumentos de rastreio: Marcos do Desenvolvimento (caderneta da saúde da criança) e Questionário IRDI (Indicadores Clínicos de Risco para Desenvolvimento Infantil). Foi feita uma análise comparativa dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Os dados obtidos indicaram que, no questionário dos pais, as percepções socioemocionais foram expressas mais comumente (42,30%), seguidas por linguagem expressiva (19,23%) e comportamentais (15,38%). Há um alto índice (46,29%) de crianças consideradas em alerta e risco do desenvolvimento. Enfim, foi percebido uma fraca (32%) relação entre as percepções dos pais e os resultados dos instrumentos de rastreio, apontando reduzida sensibilidade dos pais quanto à percepção dos riscos do desenvolvimento de seus filhos. A detecção de riscos foi ainda mais reduzida em pais de crianças mais jovens; - PERCEPTION OF PARENTS ON THE DEVELOPMENTAL RISKS OF CHILDREN UP TO 18 MONTHS OLD Abstract: The parents' perception is an important element in the detection and diagnosis of developmental problems, as they are the ones who often first detect that something is not right. This study consists of an exploratory research, with the aim of comparing the perceptions of the participants, parents of children up to 18 months, with their performance in screening tests, through a cross-sectional data collection (n=54) . A questionnaire based on the PEDS instrument (Parents' Evaluation Developmental Status) and screening instruments was used: Development Milestones (child health booklet) and IRDI Questionnaire (Clinical Risk Indicators for Child Development). A comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative data was performed. The data obtained indicated that, in the parents' questionnaire, socio-emotional perceptions were most commonly expressed (42.30%), followed by expressive language (19.23%) and behavioral (15.38%). There is a high rate (46.29%) of children considered to be at risk for development. Finally, a weak relationship (32%) was perceived between the perceptions of the parents and the results of the screening instruments, pointing to a reduced sensitivity of the parents regarding the perception of risks in the development of their children. Risk detection was even more reduced in parents of younger children


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    This report is about a clinical case of Bouveret’s Syndrome (BS), a gastric outlet obstruction by a gallstone. It is rare and often a delayed diagnosis in elderly women with comorbidities. These factors contribute to a relevant morbidity and mortality, underlying the importance of an adequate and timely treatment. Its inespecific simptoms makes a high clinical suspicion essential. In the presence of Rigler’s triad the plain abdominal X-ray is diagnostic in one third of the cases but the diagnosis is generally made by CT-scan or esophagogastrosduodenoscopy. This one is often attempted first but surgery is almost always needed. Enterolithotomy/gastrotomy can be complemented by cholecystectomy in a one or two-stage surgery. The most definitive surgical procedures should be restricted for patients in the best physiological conditions.Este é um caso clínico sobre Síndrome de Bouveret (SB), que consiste na obstrução do antro gástrico por um cálculo biliar. É um diagnóstico raro e frequentemente tardio, principalmente em mulheres idosas com múltiplas comorbilidades. Todos estes fatores contribuem para uma importante morbimortalidade, o que realça a importância de um tratamento adequado e atempado. A inespecificidade da sua apresentação clínica torna essencial uma elevada suspeição clínica. A presença da tríade de Rigler na radiografia abdominal é diagnóstica em cerca de dois terços dos casos, mas geralmente o diagnóstico é obtido após realização de tomografia computorizada abdominal ou endoscopia digestiva alta. Esta última é ocasionalmente terapêutica, mas a cirurgia é geralmente o tratamento definitivo. A enterolitotomia ou gastrotomia podem ser complementadas com colecistectomia simultânea ou diferida. Procedimentos cirúrgicos mais invasivos devem ser reservados para doentes com melhores reservas fisiológicas

    Cytogenetic study in the Brazilian semiarid lizard Tropidurus hispidus (Squamata, Tropiduridae)

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    Different classes of repetitive DNA sequences are found in eukaryotes, often composing substantial portions of the genome, associated with their important role in the structural and functional genome organization. In this work, we mapped repetitive DNA sequences (18S rDNA, microsatellites and telomeric motifs) in the karyotype of Tropidurus hispidus, a species of lizard from the Brazilian semiarid region. We found a diploid number of 2n = 36 (6 pairs of biarmed macrochromosomes and 12 pairs of microchromosomes). The 18S rDNA clusters were localized at the subterminal region of the long arm of pair 2. The telomeric probes produced signals at terminal, interstitial and centromeric positions of some chromosome pairs, which might indicate the occurrence of chromosomal rearrangements via chromosome fusions. Microsatellite sequences were found in at least two distinct patterns - clustered in the telomeric/pericentromeric regions or observed as scattered signals in the chromosomes. This study represents an initial step to explore the evolutionary dynamics of repetitive sequences in the Tropidurus genus and considering the scarcity of data concerning the chromosomal mapping of repetitive sequences in Tropiduridae species, it reinforces the importance of integrating other methodologies, including the isolation and physical mapping of different repetitive DNA sequences, contributing to understanding the patterns of karyotypic evolution in lizards.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Environmental influences on the intrinsic outturn of coffee

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    It was studied the influence of several environmental factors on the intrinsic outturn (RI) of coffee, ratio between the weight of two flat beans and the respective fruit containing them. The RI decreased up to 18% in fruits from unripe (green) to overripe (raising) stage. In seven localities evaluated fruit RI's varied up to 12%. In two different sites of the same locality variation on RI up to 6% was observed. It was observed a difference of 2% among four experimental plots in the same site. Plants of the same cultivar grown in a single experimental plot displayed RI with differences up to 3,7%. In the same locality variations up to 330 meters in altitude were positively correlated with variations up to 4,4% in the RI. Regarding to the influence of the fruit position within the plant it was observed that RI decreased, up to 4,4% if the fruits are located farther from the orthotropic branch, 1,5% in the East side and 0,5% at the middle and upper parts of the plants. The results pointed out that there are considerable environmental influences on the intrinsic outturn of coffee. For breeding purposes, selection for higher RI's must be based on standard sampling as to ripening stage, position in the plant, and be representative of at least 10 plants of uniform progenies evaluated in the same experimental plot.Estudou-se a influência de alguns fatores ambientais no Rendimento Intrínseco (RI) do café, relação percentual entre a massa de dois grãos normais tipo chato e a do respectivo fruto que os contêm. Verificaram-se decréscimos até de 18% nos valores de RI de frutos entre os estádios de maturação de verde a passa, e em sete localidades diferentes ocorreram variações significativas até de 12%. Em dois locais diferentes no mesmo município, o RI variou até em 6%, tendo sido observadas diferenças de 2% entre quatro lotes diferentes de um mesmo local. Em um mesmo lote experimental observaram-se diferenças até em 3,7% no RI de diferentes plantas da mesma cultivar. Variações de altitude até de 330 m, na mesma localidade, correlacionaram-se positivamente com variações até em 4,4% no RI. Quanto à influência da posição dos frutos na planta, verificou-se que o RI diminui, até em 4,4% à medida que os frutos se afastam do ramo ortotrópico, em 1,5% na exposição Leste e em 0,5% nas posições superiores e medianas da planta. Pelos resultados, verifica-se considerável influência ambiental afetando essa característica. Para fins de melhoramento genético, a seleção, para a característica RI, deve ser realizada com base em amostras padronizadas quanto à maturação, posição na planta e representar pelo menos dez plantas de progênies uniformes avaliadas no mesmo lote experimental.395

    Importância do grupo de pesquisa na formação do estudante de enfermagem

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    Aim: to describe and discuss the experiences and importance of the research group for the Nursing student training. Method: experimental report study, which addresses the role of the group for professional training and nursing research and presents the contributions that this space of knowledge construction provides to its members. Results: the members of the group are instigated to have a critical thinking and to have the opportunity to relate the knowledge acquired in the university with the experiences in real working contexts and in the nursing praxis through the research projects, which awakens the reflexibility on diverse contexts. Final considerations: involvement in Research Groups allows and facilitates the advancement of knowledge production, which increasingly distances nursing from the old paradigm of "technique through technique" and allows the action of a thoughtful/reflective practice.Objetivo: describir y discutir las experiencias y la importancia del grupo de investigación para la formación del estudiante de Enfermería. Método: estudio del tipo relato de experiencia que trata sobre el papel del grupo para la formación profesional e investigación en enfermería y presenta las contribuciones que ese espacio de construcción del conocimiento posibilita a sus participantes. Resultados: los integrantes del grupo son instigados al pensamiento crítico y tienen la oportunidad de relacionar el conocimiento adquirido en la universidad con la realidad y con la praxis de enfermería por medio de los proyectos de investigación, eso estimula la reflexividad sobre diversos contextos. Consideraciones finales: la participación en los Grupos de Investigación proporciona el avance de la producción del conocimiento, lo que diferencia cada vez más la enfermería actual de su viejo paradigma, “técnica por la técnica", y permite la acción de una práctica pensada/reflexiva.Objetivo: descrever e discutir as experiências e a importância do grupo de pesquisa para a formação do estudante de Enfermagem. Método: estudo do tipo relato de experiência que aborda o papel do grupo para a formação profissional e pesquisa em enfermagem e apresenta as contribuições que esse espaço de construção do conhecimento propicia aos seus membros. Resultados: os membros do grupo são instigados ao pensamento crítico e têm a oportunidade de relacionar o conhecimento adquirido na universidade com as vivências na realidade e na práxis de enfermagem por meio dos projetos de pesquisa, o que desperta a reflexibilidade sobre diversos contextos. Considerações finais: o envolvimento nos Grupos de Pesquisa permite e facilita o avanço da produção do conhecimento, o que distancia cada vez mais a enfermagem do velho paradigma da “técnica pela técnica” e permite a ação de uma prática pensada/reflexiva

    Cytogenetic study in the Brazilian semiarid lizard Tropidurus hispidus (Squamata, Tropiduridae)

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    Different classes of repetitive DNA sequences are found in eukaryotes, often composing substantial portions of the genome, associated with their important role in the structural and functional genome organization. In this work, we mapped repetitive DNA sequences (18S rDNA, microsatellites and telomeric motifs) in the karyotype of Tropidurus hispidus, a species of lizard from the Brazilian semiarid region. We found a diploid number of 2n = 36 (6 pairs of biarmed macrochromosomes and 12 pairs of microchromosomes). The 18S rDNA clusters were localized at the subterminal region of the long arm of pair 2. The telomeric probes produced signals at terminal, interstitial and centromeric positions of some chromosome pairs, which might indicate the occurrence of chromosomal rearrangements via chromosome fusions. Microsatellite sequences were found in at least two distinct patterns - clustered in the telomeric/pericentromeric regions or observed as scattered signals in the chromosomes. This study represents an initial step to explore the evolutionary dynamics of repetitive sequences in the Tropidurus genus and considering the scarcity of data concerning the chromosomal mapping of repetitive sequences in Tropiduridae species, it reinforces the importance of integrating other methodologies, including the isolation and physical mapping of different repetitive DNA sequences, contributing to understanding the patterns of karyotypic evolution in lizards.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Protocol for collection and separation of bone marrow mononuclear cells in Chlorocebus aethiops

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    Abstract: Chlorocebus aethiops is a species of non-human primate frequently used in biomedical research. Some research involves this species as an experimental model for various diseases and possible treatment with stem cells. The bone marrow is one of the main sources of these cells and provides easy access. The aim of this study was to standardize the protocol of collection and separation of bone marrow in C. aethiops. Ten animals were submitted to puncture of bone marrow with access to the iliac crest and cell separation by density gradient. The bone marrow of C. aethiops had an average of 97% viability. From the results achieved, we can conclude that C. aethiops is an excellent model to obtain and isolate mononuclear cells from bone marrow, fostering several studies in the field of cell therapy

    Sunkifolias and Buxisunkis: Sexually obtained reciprocal hybrids of Citrus sunki x Severinia buxifolia

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    The present investigation reports reciprocal hybrids between Citrus sunki, belonging to the "True Citrus" taxonomic group, and Severinia buxifolia of the "Primitive Citrus" group. This represents the first case of sexual hybridization between genera of distinct taxonomic groups of the subtribe Citrinae, which have several complementary agronomic and phytosanitary attributes. Thus, there exists considerable interest in determining the potential of such hybrids as rootstocks, as well as a possible genetic bridge to combine, by breeding at diploid level, nuclear and cytoplasmic genes of Severinia with Citrus and other citrus intergeneric hybrids