280 research outputs found

    Structural models to estimate financial institution´s default probability

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    Mestrado em FinançasNeste estudo procurámos, no âmbito do Modelo de Merton (1973), determinar a Distância ao Incumprimento (DD) para uma amostra de bancos Ibéricos. Através da especificação de três diferentes Barreiras de Imcumprimento (DB), foi possivel obter diferentes resultados, sublinhando a importância da DB para output do modelo. Durante a crise, o risco de liquidez foi atenuado pelas políticas de cedência de liquidez levadas a cabo pelo BCE. As definições usadas para db1 e db2, diferem na forma como são tratados os emprestimos do BCE, permitindo implementar um procedimento assente no cálculo da DD para quantificar a redução no risco dos bancos induzida por estas medidas. Os nossos resultados demonstram que as políticas do BCE reduziram o risco de incumprimento dos bancos que constituem a amostra.This paper is intended to model the default probabilities for selected Iberian Financial Institutions through the application of Merton's Model (1973) framework. Through the use of three different Default Barrier (db) definitions, we were able to obtain very different outputs, stressing how crucial db definition is to the structural model output. Throughout this crisis, liquidity risk was, in some dimension, offset by the ECB funding policies. db1 and db2 definitions, differing only on the way Central Bank loans were treated, were convenient to test non-standard applications of the model. In our study we introduce and test a procedure anchored on Distance to Distress calculation, to quantify the reduction in risk induced by ECB measures, finding that ECB actions effectively reduced bank's default risk

    Diagnostic criteria and treatment for sleep-disordered breathing: obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    In this chapter, the principal approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) are presented. The diagnosis should be carried out by the taking of a thorough clinical history and by physical examination. For diagnostic confirmation, it is necessary to perform supervised overnight polysomnography. For patients in whom clinical suspicion is high, a simplified home study can be an alternative. The treatment of OSAS requires general measures and the use of positive pressure devices. In moderate and severe cases, CPAP is the method of choice, whereas oral appliances can be used in mild cases. Surgical procedures are recommended when anatomical alterations are evident or as an auxiliary method in combination with other types of treatment.Neste capítulo são apresentadas as principais abordagens para o diagnóstico e tratamento dos pacientes com SAOS. O diagnóstico deve ser realizado através de uma minuciosa história clínica e exame físico. Para a confirmação diagnóstica, é necessária a realização da polissonografia completa de noite inteira sob supervisão, sendo que em pacientes cuja suspeita clínica é alta, registros simplificados domiciliares podem ser uma alternativa. O tratamento da SAOS requer medidas gerais e o uso de aparelhos de pressão positiva. Em casos moderados e graves, CPAP é o mais indicado, enquanto aparelhos intraorais são indicados em casos leves. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos são indicados quando alterações anatômicas são evidentes ou como auxílio aos demais tratamentos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas GeraisUNIFESPSciEL

    The role of prophages on virulence transduction in Acinetobacter baumannii biofilms

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    Recent years have observed an alarming increase on bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Many factors contribute to this, mainly antibiotics misuse but also an intrinsic capacity of bacteria to trade genetic material. These exchanges are emphasized in biofilms due to bacteria proximity, and involve several mechanisms including prophage-mediated transduction. Prophages are bacteriophages that incorporate into the bacterial genome, being able to excise and enter other bacteria. They are found in many bacterial species, being particularly frequent in Acinetobacter baumannii. This bacterial species is emerging as an important nosocomial pathogen worldwide especially due to a rapid acquisition of antibiotic resistance, in which prophage-mediated transduction may play a key role.The aim of this work was to evaluate the role of prophages on virulence transduction in A. baumannii biofilms. For this, an A. baumannii strain (ANC 4097) enclosing a prophage codifying a beta-lactam resistance gene and a receptor A. baumannii strain (NIPH 146) were selected based on biofilm-forming capacity. Strain susceptibility was tested for selecting a beta-lactam antibiotic to assess transduction. Both strains were genetically modified to follow transduction by fluorescence microscopy (mCherry inserted in the prophage and gfp in 146) and 146 was further modified to allow strain distinction on plate (lacZ). Levels of transduction were evaluated in mixed biofilms under different stress conditions (sub-MIC, light, and temperature).This work provides new insights into the importance of prophage transduction in virulence acquisition in mixed A. baumannii biofilms

    Biofilm phenotype potentiates virulence transduction in Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145- FEDER-006684) and the Project PTDC/BBB-BSS/6471/2014 (POCI- 01-0145-FEDER-016678). This work was also supported by BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Ana Rita Costa acknowledges FCT for grant SFRH/BPD/94648/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório de estágio II de Rita Cristina Tomás Azeredo

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    O presente relatório descreve a experiência de estágio na Farmácia Confiança na freguesia de Bem Viver (Marco de Canaveses) com a duração de cinco meses (de março a julho de 2017). Este estágio foi desenvolvido no âmbito da unidade curricular Estágio II do plano de estudos do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas. O documento e constituído por quatro capítulos importantes nomeadamente a Qualidade, a Organização do Espaço Físico e Funcional da Farmácia Confiança, a Dispensação de Medicamentos e/ou Outros Produtos de Saúde e também o Papel do Farmacêutico na Comunidade, que visam mostrar todo o trabalho que desenvolvi com a ajuda da equipa da farmácia. O estágio na farmácia foi além do contacto com utentes. Durante quatro meses realizei ainda algumas formações que permitiram melhorar o meu conhecimento na área, aperfeiçoando inclusive a minha postura durante o atendimento. Também foi fundamental o contacto com a comunidade escolar, nas duas palestras que apresentei nas escolas de Ariz (Marco de Canaveses). Em anexo está incluído um trabalho de pesquisa que desenvolvi no âmbito do papel do farmacêutico na comunidade que se intitula “Educação em Higiene Oral como Estratégia de Promoção de Saúde

    Fostering advances to neuropsychological assessment based on the Research Domain Criteria: The bridge between cognitive functioning and physiology

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    Objectives: The current review aimed to explore the advances in neuropsychological assessment in light of a recent research framework designed to improve our knowledge on mental health – the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). Methods: RDoC proposals on neuropsychological tests were reviewed across the RDoC cognitive systems domain. The focus is on the physiological unit of analysis and the potential applications are illustrated given the functional relevance of RDoC constructs to psychopathological and neurological conditions. Results: The advances in neuropsychology anchored in RDoC are not observable in terms of innovative paradigms, but rather in the neurobiological correlates that may be obtained from the classical neuropsychological tasks. The behavior unit of analysis may be integrated with physiological outcomes while mapping distinct cognitive constructs simultaneously. Conclusions: Under the aegis of RDoC, the integration of multiple levels of analysis allows to obtain a more detailed and complete neuropsychological characterization with high potential to be translated into better intervention strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio