40 research outputs found


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    FeverDots are wearable temperature sensitive stickers that change color from black to pink at 99°F when placed on the temple or forehead. The objective of this project was to develop an efficient manufacturing method for FeverDots, and manufacture a device along with it. To create the FeverDots manufacturing device, the full design process was executed. The team went through a thorough ideation phase before ultimately defining and specifying the scope of the project. The key customer requirements of this device include that it is lightweight, portable, durable, simple to assemble, easy to use, and able to generate uniform ink and force distribution. One additional requirement from the sponsors was feedback from human use of FeverDots. The key requirements were analyzed and translated into quantifiable engineering specifications. The lightweight and portable requirement is quantified by a 30 lb maximum weight measurement. Durability was also quantified by a maximum total length of cracking in the wood set at 10 inches. A maximum number of 10 steps to go through a full cycle of stamping was set to quantify simple assembly. Ease of use was quantified with a spec of 27 ± 4N required to start the motion of the device. Finally, the device’s ability to generate uniform ink and force distribution was quantified with a 0.015 ± 0.002 g/in2 measurement for dry weight of ink and a minimum of 85% of the sticker paper receiving a uniform application of force per cycle. An initial conceptual model was developed to test out the initial mechanical ideas; as these ideas were further defined and developed, the final design was selected. The transition from conceptual to final design occurred with a central focus on obtaining equal force and ink distribution. Four total iterations of the prototype were created throughout the life of the project, including the initial and final prototypes. The various iterations were made to fine-tune the ink stamping mechanism and the interactions between assembly pieces. The team conducted 7 different tests to analyze if it met the specified metrics outlined above. These tests were for: weight and portability, durability, simple assembly, dry weight specification for ink, ink distribution, force uniformity, and minimum force. The purpose of the Weight and Portability test was to identify if the device was not excessively heavy. Next, the Durability test was designed to assess if the parts would be able to remain assembled during stamping, and the Simple Assembly test analyzed if the device requires too many operational steps for use. Also, the Dry Weight Specification of Ink Test allowed the team to observe if the device could apply the correct amount of ink onto the substrate, while the Ink Distribution Test evaluated how well the ink spread across the substrate. Similarly, the Force Uniformity Test noted how force was applied throughout the lid of the device. Lastly, the Minimum Force Test determined if the force threshold to move the device was feasible. To gain data on the human use of FeverDots, a human use study was conducted; survey results were analyzed and presented to our sponsors. The device achieved uniform force as it met the specification of 85% during the force uniformity test. Additionally, it met the specifications for simple assembly and easy to use as the number of operational steps include only 9 and that it showed to only require a range of 23 N to 31 N to be able to move the lid, respectively. It also passed the portability test as its weight was only 12.2 lbs. However, it failed the customer requirement of generating uniform ink application. This was revealed as it was unable to meet the specifications of 0.015 g/in² for the dry weight of the ink and 85% of the sticker paper area covered with ink. Lastly, it also failed the durability test as the total crack length summed to over 10 inches

    Características das estruturas metálicas para próteses parciais removíveis esqueléticas na área metropolitana de Lisboa

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    Introdução: A prótese parcial removível (PPR) esquelética é constituída por diversos componentes, que são selecionados consoante o tipo de desdentação. O objetivo desta investigação foi analisar os componentes utilizados na área metropolitana de Lisboa. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal, cuja população-alvo foram 3 laboratórios. Os dados foram obtidos através dum questionário, que recolheu informação sobre: as desdentações, os conectores maiores, uso de attachments, número de ganchos, características dos ganchos adjacentes às selas livres, utilização de apoios indiretos e utilização da técnica modelo alterado. Os questionários foram preenchidos pelos técnicos de prótese, através da observação das estruturas metálicas. Foi realizada estatística descritiva e analisada a correlação entre o conetor maior e a desdentação. Resultados: Foram contabilizados 59 questionários válidos. As desdentações mais prevalentes, foram a classe II e III de Kennedy (40,7%) e a menos prevalente a Classe IV de Kennedy (3,4%). O conector maior maxilar mais frequente foi o palato em U (40,7%), e o mandibular a barra lingual (62,5%). Apenas um questionário referiu a utilização de attachments. Nas classes I foi mais frequente a utilização de 2 e 3 unidades gancho, nas classes II foram 3 unidades gancho. Nestas classes, os ganchos com aproximação oclusal foram os mais utilizados (87,9%), sendo o apoio mesial o mais frequente em estruturas metálicas com selas livres. A utilização de apoios indiretos foi rara, 60,6% das estruturas não apresentaram. Não se verificou a construção de modelos pela técnica do modelo fraturado. Nas classes III e IV, o número de unidades gancho mais utilizado foi 4, sendo os ganchos de Akers os mais prevalentes. A inferência estatística revelou que não se verificou correlação entre o tipo de desdentação de Kennedy e o conector maior utilizado. Conclusões: Na maioria das situações encontramos estruturas metálicas com os componentes indicados segundos os princípios biomecânicos.Introduction: Removable partial dentures (RPD) are planned with many components, which selection is influenced by the type of edentulism. The aim of this investigation was to analyze the components used in the metal frameworks of RPDs in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 3 laboratories. The data were obtained through a questionnaire, which collected information on: edentulism, major connectors, use of attachments, number of clasps, characteristics of the clasps near distal extension bases, use of indirect retainers and use of the modified model technique. The questionnaires were answered by the prosthetic technicians, through observation of the metal structures. Descriptive statistics were performed and the correlation between major connector and edentulism was analyzed. Results: 59 valid questionnaires were counted. Kennedy's Class II and III were the most prevalent (both with 40.7%) and the least prevalent was Kennedy's Class IV (3.4%). The most frequent maxillary connector was the U-shaped palate (40.7%), and in the mandible was the lingual bar (62.5%). Only one questionnaire reported the use of attachments as direct retainers. In Class I it was more frequent the use of 2 and 3 clasps, and 3 clasps in Class II. In these classes, clasps with occlusal approximation were the most recurrent (87.9%), and mesial support was used most frequently in metal frameworks with distal extensions. The use of indirect retainers was rare, absent on 60.6% of the frameworks did not have. Altered cast technique was not performed in any structures. In classes III and IV, 4 clasps were the most frequent, and Akers were the most prevalent clasps. Conclusions: Most metal frameworks included the components indicated according to biomechanical principles

    A expressão sonoro-musical no desenvolvimento e avaliação de competências em crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Educação na área de especialização Necessidades Educativas Especiais, apresentada no ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioO presente estudo teve como principal objetivo avaliar a importância da expressão sonoro-musical no desenvolvimento e avaliação de competências em crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais. Pretendeu-se recolher e analisar dados de forma a contribuir empiricamente para um mapeamento do perfil sonoro-musical individual de desenvolvimento de crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais. Procedeu-se à tradução, adaptação e implementação de um programa musical específico, o programa Sounds of Intent, que trabalha o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de comportamentos musicais em crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais. Pretendeu-se, assim, focar como alvo de medição comportamentos distais, proximais, cognitivos e emocionais na criança e jovem com necessidades educativas especiais. Os participantes deste estudo foram crianças e jovens diagnosticados com necessidades educativas especiais, que se encontravam inseridos em unidades de ensino estruturado, de multideficiência, instituições e, respetivos professores/técnicos de educação especial. Tendo em mente o objetivo do estudo e para o clarificar, recorreu-se a uma metodologia de investigação-ação, com estudo de caso múltiplo longitudinal, metodologia esta que assume um caráter qualitativo e experimental. Exigindo esta metodologia a descrição detalhada dos participantes, foram também usados, como instrumentos para recolha de informação, grelhas de avaliação de desenvolvimento, destinadas a avaliar este tipo de intervenção, entrevistas dirigidas aos professores e a análise documental do processo. Os resultados obtidos sugeriram que é possível observar e avaliar de forma sistemática, através da manifestação de comportamentos sonoro-musicais, o desenvolvimento dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais ao longo de um determinado período de tempo, através de um programa como o Sounds of Intent. Os dados recolhidos, através da grelha e do perfil concêntrico dos alunos, demonstraram uma ampla variedade de manifestações sonoro-musicais ao longo do período de intervenção. Todos os alunos demonstraram diferentes níveis de progresso, no que diz respeito aos seus comportamentos musicais.This study aimed to evaluate the importance of sound-musical expression in the development and evaluation skills in children and young people with special educational needs. It was intended to collect and analyze data in order to empirically contribute to a mapping of the individual sound-musical development profile of children and young people with special educational needs. This study proceeded with the translation, adaptation and implementation of a specific music program, the Sounds of Intent, which works the development and evaluation of musical behavior in children and young people with special educational needs. It was intended, therefore, to focus as measuring target distal, proximal, cognitive and emotional behaviors in children and young people with special educational needs. The study participants were children and young people diagnosed with special educational needs placed in structured teaching units, multiple disabilities public teaching units and institutions, as well as the teachers/specialists in special needs. Keeping in mind the purpose of the study and to clarify, an action research of a longitudinal multiple case study methodology was made, this methodology assumes a qualitative and experimental nature. This methodology as requiring a detailed description of the participants, was also used as instrument for data collection, matrices of development designed to evaluate this type of intervention, interviews addressed to teachers and documental analysis process. The results suggested that it is possible to systematically observe and evaluate the development of students with special educational needs over a given period of time, through the manifestation of sound-musical behavior through a program such as Sounds of Intent. The data collected through the grid and the concentric profile of the students demonstrated a wide variety of sound-musical manifestations throughout the intervention period. All students demonstrated different levels of progress with regard to their musical behaviors

    “Quando eles contribuem, devem sair?”: o efeito da indispensabilidade funcional na sucessão dos trabalhadores seniores

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    O envelhecimento da força laboral tem gerado conflitos intergrupais em contexto organizacional, que se refletem em respostas idadistas dos trabalhadores jovens face aos trabalhadores seniores (Sucessão). Sendo pertinente a diminuição da Sucessão, e não tendo sido encontradas na literatura variáveis atenuadoras, propôs-se nesta dissertação, uma perspetiva funcional com impacto na identidade social, que foi testada num estudo experimental (N=234). Hipotetizou-se que os trabalhadores jovens, quando confrontados com uma condição de alta Indispensabilidade Funcional dos trabalhadores seniores, apoiem menos a sua Sucessão do que na condição de baixa Indispensabilidade. Adicionalmente, explorou-se o papel de outras variáveis complementares na Sucessão: a Prototipicalidade Endogrupal Relativa, a Satisfação e o Stress Ocupacional. Os resultados demostraram que, apesar da verificação da manipulação ter sido bem-sucedida, não houve efeito da manipulação da Indispensabilidade Funcional na Sucessão, não corroborando a Hipótese. Tal é discutido relativamente ao conteúdo usado na manipulação; às perceções enraizadas nos jovens e à influência dos valores do trabalho. Apesar destes dados, verificou-se ainda que, com a utilização da medida de Indispensabilidade Funcional, existiu efeito na Sucessão. Efeito esse, explicado pela variável complementar, Prototipicalidade Endogrupal Relativa, que mediou a relação. Mais se constatou que, a Satisfação e o Stress - variáveis complementares - não são moderadores da relação entre a Indispensabilidade Funcional e a Sucessão, sendo o Stress apenas um antecedente da Sucessão. Estes dados são discutidos, por questões metodológicas e relações inerentes aos valores do trabalho.The aging workforce has generated intergroup conflicts inside the organizations, which are reflected in ageist responses, from young workers to older workers (Succession). Being its decrease relevant, and not having been found in the literature, variables that could mitigate this ageist responses, it was suggested in this dissertation, a functional perspective with an impact on social identity, which was tested in an experimental study (N = 234). Accordingly, we hypothesized that young worker when faced with the condition of high Functional Indispensability of senior workers; less would be their support to Succession than in low condition of Indispensability. Additionally, it was explored the role of other variables (complementary) in Succession: Relative In-group Prototypicality, Satisfaction and Occupational Stress. Their results showed that despite the successful manipulation check, there was no Functional Indispensability manipulation effect in Succession, not supporting the hypothesis. This was discussed in relation to the manipulation ‘s content; the rooted perceptions in the young and the influence of labor values. Despite these data, it was also found that, there was some effect in Succession with the use of the Functional indispensability measure. Such effect was explained by the complementary variable, Relative In-group Prototypicality, which mediated the relationship. Further it was found that Satisfaction and Stress – complementary variables - were not moderators of the relationship between Functional Indispensability and Succession, being Stress just a Succession prior. Those data were discussed by methodological issues and to inherent relationships to the work values

    A expressão sonoro musical no desenvolvimento e avaliação em crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais

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    O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo avaliar a importância da expressão sonoro-musical no desenvolvimento e avaliação de competências em crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais. Pretendeu-se recolher e analisar dados de forma a contribuir empiricamente para um mapeamento do perfil sonoro-musical individual de desenvolvimento de crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais. Procedeu-se à tradução, adaptação e imple mentação de um programa musical específico, o programa Sounds of Intent, que trabalha o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de comportamentos musicais em crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas especiais. Pretendeu-se, assim, focar como alvo de medição comportamentos distais, proximais, cognitivos e emocionais na criança e jovem com necessidades educativas especiais. Os participantes deste estudo, foram crianças e jovens diagnosticados com necessidades educativas especiais, que se encontravam inseridos em unidades de ensino estruturado, de multideficiência, instituições e, respetivos professores/técnicos de educação espe cial. Tendo em mente o objetivo do estudo e para o clarificar, recorreu-se a uma metodologia de investigação-ação, com estudo de caso múltiplo longitudinal, metodologia esta que assume um carácter qualitativo e experimental. Exigindo esta metodologia a descrição detalhada dos participantes, foram também usados, como instrumentos para recolha de informação, grelhas de avaliação de desenvol vimento, destinadas a avaliar este tipo de intervenção, entrevistas dirigidas aos professores e a análise documental do processo. Os resultados obtidos sugeriram que é possível observar e avaliar de forma sistemática, através da manifestação de comportamentos sonoro-musicais, o desenvolvimento dos alunos com NEE, ao longo de um determinado período de tempo, através de um programa como o SOI. Os dados recolhidos através da grelha e do perfil concêntrico dos alunos, demonstraram uma ampla variedade de manifestações sonoro-musicais ao longo do período de intervenção. Todos os alunos demonstraram diferentes níveis de progresso no que diz respeito aos seus comportamentos musicais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dermatoscopia na Idade Pediátrica – Parte I: Tumores Cutâneos

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    Melanocytic lesions and other skin tumors represent one of the most frequent reasons for pediatric dermatology consultation. Although often benign, some of them may simulate melanoma, which can be a source of anxiety for parents and clinicians. Dermoscopy is a non-invasive and painless technique that increases the diagnostic accuracy for skin tumours, while avoiding unnecessary skin biopsies. In part I of this article, we highlight the importance of dermoscopy for the diagnosis of skin tumors in pediatric patients.As lesões melanocíticas e outros tumores cutâneos constituem um dos principais motivos de consulta de dermatolo- gia pediátrica. Apesar de serem frequentemente benignos, alguns podem simular o melanoma, sendo um motivo de ansiedade para os pais e clínicos. A dermatoscopia é uma técnica não-invasiva e indolor, que auxilia o diagnóstico de tumores cutâneos, poupando os doentes a biópsias desnecessárias. Na parte I deste artigo, destacamos a importância da dermatoscopia para diagnóstico de patologia cutânea tumoral na idade pediátrica

    Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of the NOTCH1 intracellular domain by dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase 2

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    NOTCH proteins constitute a receptor family with a widely conserved role in cell cycle, growing and development regulation. NOTCH1, the best characterised member of this family, regulates the expression of key genes in cell growth and angiogenesis, playing an essential role in cancer development. These observations provide a relevant rationale to propose the inhibition of the intracellular domain of NOTCH1 (Notch1-IC) as a strategy for treating various types of cancer. Notch1-IC stability is mainly controlled by post-translational modifications. FBXW7 ubiquitin E3 ligase-mediated degradation is considered one of the most relevant, being the previous phosphorylation at Thr-2512 residue required. In the present study, we describe for the first time a new regulation mechanism of the NOTCH1 signalling pathway mediated by DYRK2. We demonstrate that DYRK2 phosphorylates Notch1-IC in response to chemotherapeutic agents and facilitates its proteasomal degradation by FBXW7 ubiquitin ligase through a Thr-2512 phosphorylation-dependent mechanism. We show that DYRK2 regulation by chemotherapeutic agents has a relevant effect on the viability, motility and invasion capacity of cancer cells expressing NOTCH1. In summary, we reveal a novel mechanism of regulation for NOTCH1 which might help us to better understand its role in cancer biology

    Electroconvulsive Therapy in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Narrative Review

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    Electroconvulsive therapy is characterized by the electrical induction of generalized and self-limited seizures and is currently available for the treatment of severe psychiatric disorders in children and adults. There are no absolute contraindications to electroconvulsive therapy in children and adolescents; however, there might be some relative contraindications. Electroconvulsive therapy is considered one of the safest procedures performed under general anesthesia. Its side effects in children are generally well tolerated, transient, similar to those reported by adults, and tend to decrease in subsequent sessions. Although considered safe and effective, it is still little used in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The reasons for its low use are related to the scarcity of studies, legal restrictions imposed by some countries, stigma, doubts about its effectiveness and safety, variable usage in different countries, and issues of ethical nature. Despite the fears, there is no technical, scientific, or ethical reason to justify the non-performance of electroconvulsive therapy in children and adolescents. Based on the literature review, this study seems to be the first narrative review carried out in Portugal on the use of electroconvulsive therapy in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and no other Portuguese studies were found. Since there is a correlation between knowledge and positive attitudes towards the use of electroconvulsive therapy, it is necessary to increase the studies, education, and practical experience in this area in Portugal. This non-systematic literature review aimed to inform health professionals about the importance of electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of children and adolescents with severe mental illness

    Dermatoscopia na Idade Pediátrica – Parte II: Dermatoses Infeciosas e Inflamatórias

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    Dermoscopy is a noninvasive technique that increases diagnostic accuracy of several skin lesions. Being painless, dermoscopy is particularly useful in children, sparing them from unnecessary biopsies and treatments. In part II of this article, we highlight the importance of dermoscopy for the diagnosis and follow-up of infectious and inflammatory skin disorders in pediatric patients.A dermatoscopia é uma técnica não-invasiva, que permite aumentar a acuidade diagnóstica de diversas lesões cutâneas. Sendo um procedimento indolor, a dermatoscopia é particularmente útil nas crianças, poupando-as de biópsias e terapêuticas desnecessárias. Na parte II deste artigo, destacamos a importância da dermatoscopia para diagnóstico e acompanhamento de dermatoses infeciosas e inflamatórias na idade pediátrica