117 research outputs found

    A Self-Reflection of Geo-Epistemology

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    Autori u ovom osvrtu samorecenziraju tekst o Foucaultovoj dvorani ogledala u kojemu nastoje razviti projekt fukoovske geoepistemologije. Najprije propituju sam postupak samorecenziranja kroz problematizaciju teksta kao predmeta analize i značenja samog postupka prepoznajući u njemu obrazac priznanja koji je Foucault utvrdio kao tipičan za zapadnu civilizaciju. Nakon što su prihvatili izazov samokritike, autori svoj povratak problemskom području geoepistemologije i pojmu triedra kao analitičkog oruđa izvode najprije na razini kritike teorijsko-metodologijskog okvira. Pritom uočavaju nedovoljno jasno razlučivanje vlastitog od Foucaultovog pristupa, nedovoljnu preciznost vlastite geoepistemološke analitike te nedovoljnu pažnju koju su u njezinim okvirima posvetili genealogiji praksi moći i znanja. Zatim se usmjeravaju na pojedine sadržajne nedostatke koji su obilježili začetak njihova istraživačkog projekta, a očitovali su se u nedovoljno jasnoj konceptualizaciji pojma života i podrazvijenosti triedara spacijalizacije s obzirom na problematike guvernmentalnosti i biomoći, jezika te samog ludila. Priznajući mogućnost da su se, pristajući na Foucaultovu igru, uhvatili u "triedar Foucault" kao cirkularni okvir tumačenja, autori u zaključnom dijelu osvrta nude sistematizaciju svojih ocjena te iznose prijedloge za daljnji razvoj projekta fukoovske geoepistemološke analitike.In this review, the authors self-review the text about Foucault’s hall of mirrors, in which they try to develop the project of a Foucauldian geo-epistemology. First, they question the process of self-review – through the problematization of the text as an object of analysis and the meaning of the process itself, recognizing in it the apparatus of confession which Foucault established as typical for Western civilization. After accepting the challenge of self-criticism, the authors return to the problem area of geo-epistemology and the concept of the trihedral as an analytical tool, first at the level of criticism of the theoretical-methodological framework. In doing so, they observe insufficiently clear delineation of their own approach from Foucault’s, insufficient precision of their own geo-epistemological analysis, and insufficient attention that they paid within this framework to the genealogy of concrete practices of power and knowledge. The authors then focus on specific deficiencies that marked the beginning of their research project and were manifested in an insufficiently clear conceptualization of the concept of life, as well as the underdevelopment of the trihedral of spatialization regarding the issues of governmentality and biopower, language, and madness itself. Acknowledging the possibility that, by agreeing to play Foucault’s game, they got caught in the "Trihedral Foucault" as a circular framework of interpretation, in the concluding part of the review the authors offer a systematization of their evaluations and present proposals for the further development of the project of Foucauldian geo-epistemological analytics

    Knowledge as identity: an essay in genealogy

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    In this research, we analyze the nexus between knowledge and identity as a problem of the sociology of knowledge. Our aim is to present the genealogical framework with the hypothesis that if we accept that knowledge is a multi-discursive phenomenon, then one way of justifying and stabilizing knowledge in social practices is through the concept of identity. We single out the problem of "locality" of discourses and practices and present the "genealogical paths" through which knowledge and identity are intertwined. Furthermore, our attempt is to identify the specific historical relations of knowledge and identity - through the discursive practices and especially in the context of Enlightenment and the claims for "universal knowledge" as part of the process of the formation of what could be called European identity

    Genealoška analitika kao kvalitativna metodologija

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    Fukoova genealogija. Genealogija kao metod koji je Mišel Fuko koristio u svojim istraživanjima, do sada je bila predmet brojnih analiza (Elden, 2003; Crowley, 2009; Koopman, 2013; Drajfus i Rabinov, 2017; Haddad, 2020). I sam „projekat” genealogije je na različite načine kontekstualizovan: kao „novija” ili „druga” faza Fukoovog rada koja dolazi nakon arheologije, ili kao integralni deo njegovog celokupnog istraživačkog opusa i metodologije. U svakom slučaju, postoje različite interpretacije i shvatanja o implikacijama i aspektima genealoškog metoda, onako kako ga je Fuko razradio. I sam prostor mogućnosti tih interpretacija je indikativan, jer govori o širini i značaju koji genealogija ima i danasXXVI Nаučnа konferencijа „Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа

    Efekat Fuko u sociologiji znanja

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    This research proposes that Foucault’s concepts of power/knowledge and genealogy constitute a significant turning point, not only in philosophical and historical terms but also in the research framework of the sociology of knowledge. The first level of Foucault’s contribution to the sociology of knowledge is widely recognized through the concept of discourse and its dimensions of materiality, power and knowledge. The second level is the analytical grid of power/knowledge itself, which focuses on the relays established between them. The third level, which we consider a crucial area open to further interpretation, is the concept of the history of the present. Although Foucault’s contribution has already been acknowledged in contemporary sociological research of knowledge, our objective is to expand on this recognition by highlighting the significance of genealogy’s dimensions to existing approaches, namely the historical sociology of knowledge and sociology of knowledge approach to discourse.U ovom istraživanju polazimo od hipoteze da Fukoovi koncepti moći/znanja i genealogije predstavljaju ne samo značajan zaokret u filozofskom i istorijskom smislu, već i kada je u pitanju istraživački okvir sociologije znanja. Prvi nivo Fukoovog doprinosa sociologiji znanja prepoznat je u njegovom konceptu diskursa i dimenzijama materijalnosti, moći i znanja. Drugi važan nivo na kojem je dao doprinos ovoj disciplini je analitička rešetka moći/znanja u kojoj fokus stavljamo na odnose moći i znanja. Treći nivo, koji prepoznajemo kao ključan i u kojem vidimo prostora za dalje interpretacije jeste koncept istorije sadašnjosti. Iako je Fukoov doprinos već prepoznat u okviru socioloških istraživanja znanja, naš cilj u ovom radu je da, oslanjajući se na neke od tih pristupa – poput istorijske sociologije znanja i analize diskursa iz ugla sociologije znanja – objasnimo značaj pomenutih dimenzija genealogije

    Foucaultova geo-epistemologija: geografija, prostori, mjesta

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    U radu je problematiziran Foucaultov »prostorni zaokret« koji je predstavljao kritiku čvrstog bloka zapadnog povijesnog mišljenja. Uvođenjem »novih« prostornih metafora ili dispozitiva u obnavljajući fukoovski diskurs, kroz pojam geo-epistemologije identificiran je značaj tog zaokreta. Geo-epistemologija istovremeno predstavlja i analitiku znanja i diskursâ koji su uspostavljeni kroz prostore i analitiku prostora stvorenog kroz znanje/moć/diskurse. Iz mnoštva prostornih metafora kojima se Foucault služio u gotovo cjelokupnom opusu, izdvojena je metafora scenografije prostora/dramaturgije prizora, koja dobro oslikava Foucaultova uobičajena polazišta analize i koju je koristio da ukaže na točke prekida i preobražaja: diskursâ, ustanovljenih praksi, njihovih učinaka, ritualnih pravilnosti i provođenja, njihovih odnosâ – prema tijelima, stanovništvu, bolesnicima, kažnjenicima, marginalcima, nenormalnima. U radu su navedeni primjeri diskursâ i praksi koje je Foucault istraživao kako bi se pokazalo da su predmeti njegove analize uvijek imali svoje spacijalizirane oblike, svoju geografiju, svoju arheologiju, povijest i ničeanski tip genealogije, odnosno prostore u koje su bili smješteni i u kojima su bili raspoređeni njihovi govori ili tehnologije. Također je problematizirana Foucaultova »heterotopijska geografija« koja je samo naizgled bila reakcionarna i konzervativna u svojim odustajanjima od dijalektičkih izvora totalizirajuće povijesti. U zaključnom dijelu rada istaknuto je da su za razliku od neomarksističkih odgovora na hegemoniju temporalnog narativa, Foucaultova istraživanja prostora imala dalekosežnije posljedice: u pitanju je bio epistemološki preobražaj prostora i drugih temeljnih geografskih pojmova


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    Abstract: In this paper the processes of (de)legitimization are analyzed as discursive practices and forms of knowledge and discursive strategies which enable articulation and functional constituting of ideology. The processes at issue here are those emerging as a consequence of imbalance in the power relations, that is, as consequences of articulation of different interests and struggles of social actors. In the paper we start from the assumption that ideological discourses as forms of knowledge and discourses of (de)legitimization provide the members of social groups with the resources for social classification, their understanding of social relations, social events as well as other social groups. (De)legitimization discourses likewise represent requests for certain behavior and actions, that is, the discourses that justify and/or discredit particular social practices and groups. They are also ways of monitoring social relations. In the paper four major categories of legitimization are emphasized, namely, authorization, moral evaluation, rationalization and mythopoesis as well as the most important areas of (de)legitimization, namely affiliation, action, goals, norms, values, social positions and accesses to social resources. In the conclusion the processes of (de)legitimization are qualified as important strategies of ideologies contributing to changes, classification and reproduction of social practices.Key words: (de)legitimization, discourse, social practices, ideology, strategy

    Hydrogeological and hydrodynamic characteristics of groundwater sources for the public water supply of Bečej (Northern Serbia)

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    The existing groundwater source for the public water supply of Bečej City in Serbia is tapping groundwater from three water-bearing horizons over 15 wells with a summary capacity over 100 l/s. It is one of the characteristics of sources that several water-bearing layers are most frequently tapped simultaneously by wells. Two layers are tapped simultaneously by 12 wells; all three layers are tapped by ten wells, while one water-bearing layer is tapped by only three wells. The groundwater table at the source was recorded for a period of 30 years. In the conducted hydrodynamic analysis of the groundwater regime, it was concluded that in the mentioned period, a relatively low fall of the water table occurred, far lower than the previously predicted values. The results of a simulation of the exploitation regime of both the town and surrounding sources are presented in this paper for a period of more than two and a half years and the results of the identification of the basic hydrogeological parameters of the tapped water-bearing layers are presented in this paper. In addition, a balance for each element in the water-bearing layers exploited as sources of tapped water for the town are presented

    Genealogie des Anderen und Spatialisierungspraktiken

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    U radu polazimo od pretpostavke implicitne prisutnosti statičnog i nedijalektičkog prostora fizičke geografije u antropologiji i sociologiji devetnaestog stoljeća. Za razliku od antropologije koja je otkrila egzotičnog i udaljenog Drugog kao dramaturgiju u prostoru s nedostatkom povijesti, sociologija Drugog njegovu društvenu značajnost otkriva na razini svakodnevno prisutne bliskosti doma. U radu tvrdimo da su otkriveni Drugi isprva bili spacijalizirani na nepovijestan i nedijalektičan način – kao i sam prostor – a da je naknadna teorijska i epistemološka prostorna regionalnost dovela do regionalizacije Drugosti. U radu zaključujemo da su se diskursi mnoštva regionalno konstruiranih Drugosti pojavili u antropologiji i društvenim znanostima tek nakon prostornog zaokreta i razumijevanja procesa spacijalizacije kao društvene tehnologije moći, odnosno proizvodnje prostora.This paper is founded on the initial presupposition of the implicit presence of the static and non-dialectic space of physical geography in anthropology and sociology in the 19th century. Unlike anthropology which discovered the exotic Others as a dramaturgy in space lacking history the sociology of the Other and its social significance are revealed on the basis of a daily present closeness, ‘at home’. We claim that the discovered Others were first spatialized in an unhistorical and non-dialectical manner, like space itself. Тhe subsequent theoretical and epistemological spatial regionality led to the regionalization of Otherness. We conclude that discourses of many regionally constructed Othernesses appeared in anthropology, sociology and social sciences only after the spatial turn and the understanding of the process of spatialization as social technology of power, i.e. production of space.Le point de départ de ce travail consiste en la supposition implicite que l’existence d’un espace statique et non dialectique relevant de la géographie physique est présent dans l’anthropologie et dans la sociologie du XXème siècle. Contrairement à l’anthropologie, qui a découvert un Autre exotique et éloigné et qui, à défaut d’histoire en a fait un récit dans l’espace, la sociologie de l’Autre découvre quotidiennement son importance sociale au niveau d’une présence proche du foyer familiale. Dans ce travail nous affirmons que les Autres, découverts en premier, ont été spatialisés de manière non historique et non dialectique – comme l’espace lui-même – et que la régionalité spatiale, théorique et épistémologique, qui lui a suppléé, a conduit à une régionalisation de l’Autre. Ce travail nous mène à la conclusion selon laquelle les discours de la multitude sur les Altérités construites sur le plan régional sont apparus en anthropologie et en sciences sociales en tant que technologies sociales du pouvoir, à savoir en tant que productions de l’espace, et cela suite au tournant spatial et à la compréhension du processus de spatialisation.In der Arbeit gehen wir von der Annahme einer impliziten Präsenz des statischen und nichtdialektischen Raums der physischen Geografie in der Anthropologie und Soziologie des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts aus. Anders als die Anthropologie, die den exotischen und fernen Anderen als Dramaturgie in einem Raum mit Mangel an Geschichte entdeckte, bringt die Soziologie des Anderen dessen gesellschaftliche Bedeutsamkeit auf der Ebene der alltäglich präsenten Heimnähe ans Licht. In der Arbeit argumentieren wir, dass die entdeckten Anderen zunächst auf eine nichtgeschichtliche und nichtdialektische Art spatialisiert wurden – wie der Raum selbst – und dass die nachfolgende theoretische und epistemologische räumliche Regionalität zur Regionalisierung der Anderheit führte. In der Arbeit kommen wir zu dem Schluss, dass die Diskurse einer Vielzahl regional konstruierter Anderheiten in der Anthropologie sowie den Sozialwissenschaften in Erscheinung traten, jedoch erst nach einer räumlichen Wende und nach dem Verständnis der Spatialisierungsprozesse als gesellschaftliche Technologie der Macht bzw. Der Raumproduktion

    Landspout across Novi Beograd, 24 may 2012: Synoptic analysis

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    In this study we have analysed a case of the landspout across Novi Beograd on 24 May 2012. We have used a synoptic analysis method in the research and the description of the landspout event is based on visual evidence and photographs. According to the available data, it can be concluded that there were favourable conditions for a landspout development since there was a process and an increased amount of instability. The landspout occured within the northeast stream which moved over Belgrade and further toward the southeast and west. Based upon synoptic data analysis, it can’t be said that there was a cold air advection. Surface air was warm enough, but not the air in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The conditions for a landspout development were favourable - high relative air humidity and increased vertical and horizontal air currents