8 research outputs found

    Pelayanan bimbingan literasi dan sumber informasi perpustakaan bagi mahasiswa yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir

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    Introduction. There are various types of information sources and guidelines on information literacy at libraries. It is necessary to understand the types of information sources and guidelines on information literacy needed by students, particularly for those who are in the stage of writing their final assignments. The aims of this paper is to provideĀ  better understanding of the need of information sources for the final year students.Research Methods. This is qualitative descriptive research with 10 final year students in structured interviews as well as observations from the Indonesian Islamic University. Data analysis. Data from interviews and observations were analyzed using qualitative methods on the variables used as research subjects.Results and Discussions. The data showed that types of online and printed information sources include (a) textbooks; (b) journals; (c) proceedings and (d) final assignments (theses and dissertations). In terms of information literacy guidelines, they need some Ā guideline to (a) access to information sources; (b) analyse information sources; (c) evaluateĀ  information sources and (d) use information sources.Conclusions and Recommendations. The library should provide several types of information sources and information literacy guidelines for students to prepare their final assignments. The paper also suggests that the Directorate of Indonesian Islamic University Library to consider better studentsā€™ information needs and continue with further similar research

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Pustakawan

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    This research aims to know the influense of motivation and competence on the quality of librarian services alone (partial) l and together (stimulan). The research location at Directorate of Library of Islamic University of Indonesia. The data collected is the primary data with the number of samples of 29 respondents. Quantitative data is presented in tabular form and analyzed by using multiple regression path analysis statistic. The results of this study show that; (1) the influence of motivation on librarian service quality is not significant with relative contribution of 12.5%; (2) the influence of the competence on the quality of librarian services is significant with the relative contribution of 74.5%; And (2) together the influence of motivation and competence on librarian service quality significantly with effective contribution of 84.2%

    Academic Library Roles in Preventing Plagiarism

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    This collaborative research illustrates the role of UII Yogyakarta Library and UIN Alauddin Makassar Library in preventing plagiarism. The data at UII Yogyakarta were obtained by interviewing 25 students who were compiling their final scientific papers, also through observation and focused discussion. At UIN Alauddin Makassar, the data were obtained by interviewing 8 Turnitin instructors and administrators, also through observation and documentation. The research data were analyzed using quantitative-qualitative descriptive methods. The results showed that the Library of UII Yogyakarta and UIN Alauddin Makassar had an important role in encouraging students to be aware of plagiarism through awareness-raising, honesty fostering, and tutorials on understanding plagiarism itself. This study also found that the students were more proactive with the issue of plagiarism by discussing together and socializing the rules related to plagiarism in these two institutions

    Pengaruh Sumber Informasi Perpustakaan Terhadap Kompetensi Lulusan Sarjana Yang Dimediasi Oleh Literasi Informasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung sumber informasi perpustakan terhadap kompetensi lulusan sarjana. Begitu juga pengaruh sumber informasi terhadap literasi informasi dan pengaruh literasi informasi terhadap kompetensi lulusan sarjana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitafif dengan jumlah sampel 300 responden yang diambil secara propbability sampling (random). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisa jalur (path) regresi linier berganda.Ā Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber informasi perpustakaan secara langsung dan tidak lang berpengaruh siginifikan terhadap kompetensi lulusan sarjana yang ditunjukan dengan nilai probabilitas (p-value=0.037 <0,05) dan (p-value=0.000 < 0,05). Begitu juga pengaruh sumber informasi terhadap literasi informasi dan selanjutnya literasi informasi terhadap terhadap kompetensi lulusan sarjana dengan nilai probabilitas (p-value=0.000 < 0,05) dan (p-value=0.000 < 0,05). Peneliti juga meyarankan agar peningkatan lulusan sarjana dapat dilakukan melalui ketersedian sumber informasi dan literasi informasi. Penulis juga berharap agar ada penelitian lanjutan yang berkaitan dengan analisis jenis sumber informasi perpustakaan atapun literasi informasi dalam meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan sarjana secara Ā efektif dan efisie

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Pustakawan

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    This research aims to know the influense of motivation and competence on the quality of librarian services alone (partial) l and together (stimulan). The research location at Directorate of Library of Islamic University of Indonesia. The data collected is the primary data with the number of samples of 29 respondents. Quantitative data is presented in tabular form and analyzed by using multiple regression path analysis statistic. The results of this study show that; (1) the influence of motivation on librarian service quality is not significant with relative contribution of 12.5%; (2) the influence of the competence on the quality of librarian services is significant with the relative contribution of 74.5%; And (2) together the influence of motivation and competence on librarian service quality significantly with effective contribution of 84.2%

    Pelayanan bimbingan literasi dan sumber informasi perpustakaan bagi mahasiswa yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir

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    Pengantar. Ada berbagai jenis sumber informasi dan panduan tentang literasi informasi di perpustakaan. Penting untuk memahami jenis sumber informasi dan pedoman tentang literasi informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa, terutama bagi mereka yang berada dalam tahap penulisan tugas akhir mereka. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kebutuhan sumber informasi untuk siswa tahun terakhir. Metode penelitian. Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan 10 mahasiswa tahun terakhir dalam wawancara terstruktur serta pengamatan dari Universitas Islam Indonesia. Analisis data. Data dari wawancara dan observasi dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif pada variabel yang digunakan sebagai subjek penelitian. Hasil dan Diskusi. Data menunjukkan bahwa jenis sumber informasi online dan cetak meliputi (a) buku teks; (b) jurnal; (c) proses dan (d) tugas akhir (tesis dan disertasi). Dalam hal pedoman literasi informasi, mereka memerlukan beberapa panduan untuk (a) akses ke sumber informasi; (B) menganalisis sumber informasi; (c) mengevaluasi sumber informasi dan (d) menggunakan sumber informasi. Kesimpulan dan rekomendasi. Perpustakaan harus menyediakan beberapa jenis sumber informasi dan pedoman literasi informasi bagi siswa untuk mempersiapkan tugas akhir mereka. Makalah ini juga menyarankan agar Direktorat Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Indonesia mempertimbangkan kebutuhan informasi siswa yang lebih baik dan melanjutkan penelitian serupa yang lebih jauh


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    Academic achievement directly or indirectly (through perceived usefulness mediation). influenced by the availability of electronic information sources (e-resources). This study aims to determine the significant value of probability: (1) The effect of electronic information sources (e-resources) on perceived usefulness: (2) The effect of perceived usefulness on academic achievement and (3) The direct or indirect influence of electronic information sources (e-resources) ) library on academic achievement. Furthermore, the results of this study are expected to be used as a recommendation material for conceptual formulation in improving student academic achievement through electronic information sources (e-resources) and perceived usefulness. This quantitative research consists of three variables including: electronic information sources (e-resources) as the independent variable, academic achievement as the dependent variable and functioning as an intervening variable, namely perceived usefulness. 100 samples of data were taken by probability from a population of 134. The data analysis used included the classic assumption test, the t hypothesis test and the Determinant (R2) test through path analysis. The results of the study show that: (1) Electronic information sources (e-resources) have a significant effect on perceived usefulness) as indicated by the probability p-value of 0.000 with a t-value of 6,757 which is less than 0.05 (p-value = 0.000 &lt; 0.05); (2) Perceived usefulness has a significant effect on academic achievement with a t-value of 4,579 and a probability of less than 0.05 (p-value = 0.000 &lt;0.05); (3) So directly electronic information sources (e-resources) have a significant effect on academic achievement by 24.2%. with a p-value probability of 0.000 with a t-count value of 6,757 less than 0.05 (p-value = 0.000 &lt;0.05) Likewise, indirectly (through perceived usefulness mediation) a significant effect on academic achievement is shown with a t value of 3.78294426 with a std error of 0.0812436 and a significant probability value of 0.00015498 p-value of 30.734%