Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Pustakawan


This research aims to know the influense of motivation and competence on the quality of librarian services alone (partial) l and together (stimulan). The research location at Directorate of Library of Islamic University of Indonesia. The data collected is the primary data with the number of samples of 29 respondents. Quantitative data is presented in tabular form and analyzed by using multiple regression path analysis statistic. The results of this study show that; (1) the influence of motivation on librarian service quality is not significant with relative contribution of 12.5%; (2) the influence of the competence on the quality of librarian services is significant with the relative contribution of 74.5%; And (2) together the influence of motivation and competence on librarian service quality significantly with effective contribution of 84.2%

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