57 research outputs found

    PrkA controls peptidoglycan biosynthesisthrough the essential phosphorylation ofReoM

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    Peptidoglycan (PG) is the main component of bacterial cell walls and the target formany antibiotics. PG biosynthesis is tightly coordinated with cell wall growth and turnover, andmany of these control activities depend upon PASTA-domain containing eukaryotic-like serine/threonine protein kinases (PASTA-eSTK) that sense PG fragments. However, only a few PGbiosynthetic enzymes are direct kinase substrates. Here, we identify the conserved ReoM proteinas a novel PASTA-eSTK substrate in the Gram-positive pathogenListeria monocytogenes. Our datashow that the phosphorylation of ReoM is essential as it controls ClpCP-dependent proteolyticdegradation of the essential enzyme MurA, which catalyses the first committed step in PGbiosynthesis. We also identify ReoY as a second novel factor required for degradation of ClpCPsubstrates. Collectively, our data imply that the first committed step of PG biosynthesis is activatedthrough control of ClpCP protease activity in response to signals of PG homeostasis imbalance.Peer Reviewe

    Imbalance of peptidoglycan biosynthesis alters the cell surface charge of Listeria monocytogenes

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    The bacterial cell wall is composed of a thick layer of peptidoglycan and cell wall polymers, which are either embedded in the membrane or linked to the peptidoglycan backbone and referred to as lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and wall teichoic acid (WTA), respectively. Modifications of the peptidoglycan or WTA backbone can alter the susceptibility of the bacterial cell towards cationic antimicrobials and lysozyme. The human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is intrinsically resistant towards lysozyme, mainly due to deacetylation and O-acetylation of the peptidoglycan backbone via PgdA and OatA. Recent studies identified additional factors, which contribute to the lysozyme resistance of this pathogen. One of these is the predicted ABC transporter, EslABC. An eslB mutant is hyper-sensitive towards lysozyme, likely due to the production of thinner and less O-acetylated peptidoglycan. Using a suppressor screen, we show here that suppression of eslB phenotypes could be achieved by enhancing peptidoglycan biosynthesis, reducing peptidoglycan hydrolysis or alterations in WTA biosynthesis and modification. The lack of EslB also leads to a higher negative surface charge, which likely stimulates the activity of peptidoglycan hydrolases and lysozyme. Based on our results, we hypothesize that the portion of cell surface exposed WTA is increased in the eslB mutant due to the thinner peptidoglycan layer and that latter one could be caused by an impairment in UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) production or distribution

    Establishing Human Lacrimal Gland Cultures with Secretory Function

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    PURPOSE: Dry eye syndrome is a multifactorial chronic disabling disease mainly caused by the functional disruptions in the lacrimal gland. The treatment involves palliation like ocular surface lubrication and rehydration. Cell therapy involving replacement of the gland is a promising alternative for providing long-term relief to patients. This study aimed to establish functionally competent lacrimal gland cultures in-vitro and explore the presence of stem cells in the native gland and the established in-vitro cultures. METHODS: Fresh human lacrimal gland from patients undergoing exenteration was harvested for cultures after IRB approval. The freshly isolated cells were evaluated by flow cytometry for expression of stem cell markers ABCG2, high ALDH1 levels and c-kit. Cultures were established on Matrigel, collagen and HAM and the cultured cells evaluated for the presence of stem cell markers and differentiating markers of epithelial (E-cadherin, EpCAM), mesenchymal (Vimentin, CD90) and myofibroblastic (α-SMA, S-100) origin by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. The conditioned media was tested for secretory proteins (scIgA, lactoferrin, lysozyme) post carbachol (100 ”M) stimulation by ELISA. RESULTS: Native human lacrimal gland expressed ABCG2 (mean±SEM: 3.1±0.61%), high ALDH1 (3.8±1.26%) and c-kit (6.7±2.0%). Lacrimal gland cultures formed a monolayer, in order of preference on Matrigel, collagen and HAM within 15-20 days, containing a heterogeneous population of stem-like and differentiated cells. The epithelial cells formed 'spherules' with duct like connections, suggestive of ductal origin. The levels of scIgA (47.43 to 61.56 ng/ml), lysozyme (24.36 to 144.74 ng/ml) and lactoferrin (32.45 to 40.31 ng/ml) in the conditioned media were significantly higher than the negative controls (p<0.05 for all comparisons). CONCLUSION: The study reports the novel finding of establishing functionally competent human lacrimal gland cultures in-vitro. It also provides preliminary data on the presence of stem cells and duct-like cells in the fresh and in-vitro cultured human lacrimal gland. These significant findings could pave way for cell therapy in future

    Current status and trends of biological invasions in the Lagoon of Venice, a hotspot of marine NIS introductions in the Mediterranean Sea

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    This paper provides an updated account of the occurrence and abundance of non-indigenous species (NIS) in an area of high risk of introduction: the Lagoon of Venice (Italy). This site is a known hotspot of NIS introductions within the Mediterranean Sea, hosting all the most important vectors of introduction of marine NIS—shipping, recreational boating, shellfish culture and live seafood trade. The recent literature demonstrates that the number of NIS in Venice is continuously changing, because new species are being introduced or identified, and new evidence shows either an exotic origin of species previously believed to be native, or a native origin of formerly believed ‘‘aliens’’, or demonstrates the cryptogenic nature of others. The number of NIS introduced in the Venetian lagoon currently totals 71, out of which 55 are established. This number exceeds those displayed by some nations like Finland, Portugal or Libya. Macroalgae are the taxonomic group with the highest number of introduced species (41 % of NIS): the most likely vector for their introduction is shellfish culture. The source region of NIS introduced to Venice is mainly represented by other Mediterranean or European sites (76 %). The Lagoon of Venice represents a sink but also a source of NIS in the Mediterranean Sea, as it is the site of first record of several NIS, which have since further spread elsewhere.This paper provides an updated account of the occurrence and abundance of non-indigenous species (NIS) in an area of high risk of introduction: the Lagoon of Venice (Italy). This site is a known hotspot of NIS introductions within the Mediterranean Sea, hosting all the most important vectors of introduction of marine NIS-shipping, recreational boating, shellfish culture and live seafood trade. The recent literature demonstrates that the number of NIS in Venice is continuously changing, because new species are being introduced or identified, and new evidence shows either an exotic origin of species previously believed to be native, or a native origin of formerly believed "aliens", or demonstrates the cryptogenic nature of others. The number of NIS introduced in the Venetian lagoon currently totals 71, out of which 55 are established. This number exceeds those displayed by some nations like Finland, Portugal or Libya. Macroalgae are the taxonomic group with the highest number of introduced species (41 % of NIS): the most likely vector for their introduction is shellfish culture. The source region of NIS introduced to Venice is mainly represented by other Mediterranean or European sites (76 %). The Lagoon of Venice represents a sink but also a source of NIS in the Mediterranean Sea, as it is the site of first record of several NIS, which have since further spread elsewhere

    Modifications of cell wall polymers in Gram-positive bacteria by multi-component transmembrane glycosylation systems

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    Secondary cell wall polymers fulfil diverse and important functions within the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria. Here, we will provide a brief overview of the principles of teichoic acid and complex secondary cell wall polysaccharide biosynthesis pathways in Firmicutes and summarize the recently revised mechanism for the decoration of teichoic acids with d-alanines. Many cell wall polymers are decorated with glycosyl groups, either intracellularly or extracellularly. The main focus of this review will be on the extracellular glycosylation mechanism and recent advances that have been made in the identification of enzymes involved in this process. Based on the proteins involved, we propose to rename the system to multi-component transmembrane glycosylation system in place of three-component glycosylation system

    Discovery of genes required for lipoteichoic acid glycosylation predicts two distinct mechanism for wall teichoic acid glycosylation

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    The bacterial cell wall is an important and highly complex structure that is essential for bacterial growth because it protects bacteria from cell lysis and environmental insults. A typical Gram-positive bacterial cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan and the secondary cell wall polymers, wall teichoic acid (WTA) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA). In many Gram-positive bacteria, LTA is a polyglycerol-phosphate chain that is decorated with D-alanine and sugar residues. However, the function of and proteins responsible for the glycosylation of LTA are either unknown or not well-characterized. Here, using bioinformatics, genetic, and NMR spectroscopy approaches, we found that the Bacillus subtilis csbB and yfhO genes are essential for LTA glycosylation. Interestingly, the Listeria monocytogenes gene lmo1079, which encodes a YfhO ortholog, was not required for LTA glycosylation, but instead was essential for WTA glycosylation. LTA is polymerized on the outside of the cell and hence can only be glycosylated extracellularly. Based on the similarity of the genes coding for YfhO orthologs that are required in B. subtilis for LTA glycosylation or in L. monocytogenes for WTA glycosylation, we hypothesize that WTA glycosylation might also occur extracellularly in Listeria species. Finally, we discovered that in L. monocytogenes lmo0626 (gtlB) was required for LTA glycosylation, indicating that the encoded protein has a similar function to YfhO, even though the proteins are not homologous. Together, our results enable us to propose an updated model for LTA glycosylation and also indicate that glycosylation of WTA might occur through two different mechanisms in Gram-positive bacteria

    Cell shape and antibiotic resistance is maintained by the activity of multiple FtsW and RodA enzymes in Listeria monocytogenes

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    Rod-shaped bacteria have two modes of peptidoglycan synthesis: lateral synthesis and synthesis at the cell division site. These two processes are controlled by two macromolecular protein complexes, the elongasome and divisome. Recently, it has been shown that the Bacillus subtilis RodA protein, which forms part of the elongasome, has peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase activity. The cell division specific RodA homolog FtsW fulfils a similar role at the divisome. The human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes encodes up to six FtsW/RodA homologs, however their functions have not yet been investigated. Analysis of deletion and depletion strains led to the identification of the essential cell division-specific FtsW protein, FtsW1. Interestingly, L. monocytogenes encodes a second FtsW protein, FtsW2, which can compensate for the lack of FtsW1, when expressed from an inducible promoter. L. monocytogenes also possesses three RodA homologs, RodA1, RodA2 and RodA3 and their combined absence is lethal. Cells of a rodA1/rodA3 double mutant are shorter and have increased antibiotic and lysozyme sensitivity, probably due to a weakened cell wall. Results from promoter activity assays revealed that expression of rodA3 and ftsW2 is induced in the presence of antibiotics targeting penicillin binding proteins. Consistent with this, a rodA3 mutant was more susceptible to the ÎČ-lactam antibiotic cefuroxime. Interestingly, overexpression of RodA3 also led to increased cefuroxime sensitivity. Our study highlights that L. monocytogenes encodes a multitude of functional FtsW and RodA enzymes to produce its rigid cell wall and that their expression needs to be tightly regulated to maintain growth, cell division and antibiotic resistance

    EslB is required for cell wall biosynthesis and modification in Listeria monocytogenes.

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    Lysozyme is an important component of the innate immune system. It functions by hydrolysing the peptidoglycan (PG) layer of bacteria. The human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is intrinsically lysozyme resistant. The peptidoglycan N-deacetylase PgdA and O-acetyltransferase OatA are two known factors contributing to its lysozyme resistance. Furthermore, it was shown that the absence of components of an ABC transporter, here referred to as EslABC, leads to reduced lysozyme resistance. How its activity is linked to lysozyme resistance is still unknown. To investigate this further, a strain with a deletion in eslB, coding for a membrane component of the ABC transporter, was constructed in L. monocytogenes strain 10403S. The eslB mutant showed a 40-fold reduction in the minimal inhibitory concentration to lysozyme. Analysis of the PG structure revealed that the eslB mutant produced PG with reduced levels of O-acetylation. Using growth and autolysis assays, we show that the absence of EslB manifests in a growth defect in media containing high concentrations of sugars and increased endogenous cell lysis. A thinner PG layer produced by the eslB mutant under these growth conditions might explain these phenotypes. Furthermore, the eslB mutant had a noticeable cell division defect and formed elongated cells. Microscopy analysis revealed that an early cell division protein still localized in the eslB mutant indicating that a downstream process is perturbed. Based on our results, we hypothesize that EslB affects the biosynthesis and modification of the cell wall in L. monocytogenes and is thus important for the maintenance of cell wall integrity.IMPORTANCE The ABC transporter EslABC is associated with the intrinsic lysozyme resistance of Listeria monocytogenes However, the exact role of the transporter in this process and in the physiology of L. monocytogenes is unknown. Using different assays to characterize an eslB deletion strain, we found that the absence of EslB not only affects lysozyme resistance, but also endogenous cell lysis, cell wall biosynthesis, cell division and the ability of the bacterium to grow in media containing high concentrations of sugars. Our results indicate that EslB is by a yet unknown mechanism an important determinant for cell wall integrity in L. monocytogenes

    Investigation of the phosphorylation of Bacillus subtilis LTA synthases by the serine/threonine kinase PrkC

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    Bacillus subtilis possesses four lipoteichoic acid synthases LtaS, YfnI, YvgJ and YqgS involved in the synthesis of cell wall. The crystal structure of the extracellular domain of LtaS revealed a phosphorylated threonine and YfnI was identified in two independent phosphoproteome studies. Here, we show that the four LTA synthases can be phosphorylated in vitro by the Ser/Thr kinase PrkC. Phosphorylation neither affects the export/release of YfnI nor its substrate binding. However, we observed that a phosphomimetic form of YfnI was active whereas its phosphoablative form was inactive. The phenotypes of the strains deleted for prkC or prpC (coding for a phosphatase) are fairly similar to those of the strains producing the phosphoablative or phosphomimetic YfnI proteins. Clear evidence proving that PrkC phosphorylates YfnI in vivo is still missing but our data suggest that the activity of all LTA synthases may be regulated by phosphorylation. Nonetheless, their function is non-redundant in cell. Indeed, the deletion of either ltaS or yfnI gene could restore a normal growth and shape to a ΔyvcK mutant strain but this was not the case for yvgJ or yqgS. The synthesis of cell wall must then be highly regulated to guarantee correct morphogenesis whatever the growth conditions
