483 research outputs found

    MANFAAT HASIL BELAJAR JASA KATERING PADAKESIAPAN PRAKTIK KATERING PESTA :PenelitianTerbataspadaMahasiswa Program StudiPendidikan Tata BogaSpesialisKateringAngkatan 2009,2010 dan 2011:

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    LatarbelakangpenelitianadalahhasilbelajarJasaKatering yang diharapkandapatmemberikanmanfaatpadakesiapanmahasiswadalampraktikKateringPesta.PenelitianinibertujuanuntukmemperolehgambarantentangmanfaathasilbelajarJasaKateringpadaKesiapanpraktikKateringPesta yang meliputitahappersiapandantahappelaksanaan.Metode yang digunakanyaitumetodedeskriptifdenganpengumpulan data menggunakanangket.Teknikpenarikansampel yang digunakanyaitusampel total denganjumlah 30 responden. HasilpenelitianmenunjukanbahwamanfaathasilbelajarJasaKateringpadaKesiapanpraktikKateringPestaberkaitandenganpersiapanmemiliki rata-rata nilai yang beradapadakriteriabermanfaatdantahappelaksanaanmemiliki rata-rata nilai yang beradapadakriteriabermanfaat. Saran ditujukanbagimahasiswauntukterusmeningkatkanhasilbelajardenganmenambahwawasandanmengembangkanmateri yang telahdiberikandenganmencariberbagaireferensidarisumber lain. Background research is the result of studying Catering Services are expected to benefit the students in readiness in practice Catering Festival. This study aims to gain insight into the benefits of learning outcomes Catering Services Catering in practice Preparedness Fair covers the preparation and implementation stages. The method that is descriptive method of data collection using A survey. Extraction of samples used technique that is total sample with 30 people. The results show that the benefits of learning outcomes Catering Services Catering Party on practical preparedness related to preparations have an average value of 70% of the presentation series at useful criteria and the implementation has an average value of 74% sbesar presentation series which are useful criteria. Advice is for students to continue improving learning outcomes by adding insights and develop material that was given to find many references from other sources

    Interest Arbitration Clauses in Sec. 8(F) Pre-Hire Agreements: Effective for Achieving Genuine Collective Bargaining or Enabling Parties to Underhandedly Gain Majority Bargaining Power

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    In Sheet Metal Workers\u27 International Ass\u27n, Local Union No. 2 v. McElroy\u27s Inc., the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit considered whether an employer was required to submit to interest arbitration with a union under the pre-hire agreement entered into by the parties. The applicability of the statutory standards for pre-hire agreements to bargained-for labor and employment contracts is an essential element of this case. When interpreting federal statutory law, the majority of jurisdictions permit unilateral repudiation upon the expiration of a pre-hire agreement and a small minority of jurisdictions allow for the agreement to be repudiated unilaterally during its term. However, in considering these principles, the courts have not provided as clear a standard as to how interest arbitration clauses can be used contractually to provide for non-reputable pre-hire agreements between employers and unions. Consequently, it is a question that must be resolved to achieve uniformity in federal labor law. In the instant decision, the Tenth Circuit upheld the application of the interest arbitration clause in a pre-hire agreement as consistent with the decisions of other circuit courts that had been presented with similar contract language.2 Unfortunately, the court left open the question of whether a pre-hire agreement that provides for no avenue of repudiation upon the contract\u27s expiration date and rather a duty to negotiate or accept arbitrated terms, is an inappropriate waiver of the rights statutory policy sought to provide in bargaining relationships


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    Ganti kerugian merupakan suatu bentuk hak yang dapat dituntut jika salah satu pihak tidak melakukan kewajibannya. Seperti yang terjadi dalam Putusan Nomor 1009/Pdt.G/2020/PN.JKT.SEL. Dimana Penggugat yang merupakan distributor keramik dan Tergugat I yang merupakan persekutuan komanditer yang bergerak dibidang kontraktor serta Tergugat II yang selaku direktur di CV tersebut, yang melakukan wanprestasi dengan tidak membayar sisa hutang kepada Penggugat. Akibat hal tersebut Penggugat mengalami banyak kerugian, sehingga penggugat memintakan ganti kerugian materil dan inmateril di muka pengadilan. Namun dalam praktiknya hakim tidak mengabulkan tuntutan ganti kerugian yang dimintakan penggugat. Peneliti melakukan penelitian tentang pertimbangan hukum hakim yang memutus tidak mengabulkan tuntutan ganti kerugian materil dan inmateril dalam dan upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan penggugat dalam Putusan Nomor 1009/Pdt.G/2020/PN.JKT.SEL. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach), pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan bahan non-hukum. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kepustakaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis preskriptif. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa hakim dalam menjatuhkan Putusan Nomor 1009/Pdt.G/2020/PN.JKT.SEL kurang tepat karena tidak mengemukakan alasan hukum sesuai dengan Pasal 178 (1) HIR menyatakan hakim karena jabatannya waktu bermusyawarat wajib mencukupkan segala alasan hukum. Majelis hakim dapat mengaitkan dengan Pasal 1246 KUHPer sehingga ganti kerugian dapat dipertimbangkan. Tuntutan ganti kerugian yang dapat dipertimbangkan adalah kerugian materil saja yang hanya berupa piutang dan hanya bunga atas kerugian tersebut. Upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan penggugat dalam sengketa jual beli adalah upaya hukum dengan peninjauan kembali. Peninjauan kembali dapat dilakukan dengan dasar bahwa ditemukan surat-surat bukti yang bersifat menentukan yang pada waktu perkara diperiksa tidak dapat ditemukan. Kata Kunci: Kerugian, Putusan Hakim, Wanprestasi

    No Exceptions: How the Legitimate Business Justification for Unconscionability Only Further Demonstrates California Courts\u27 Disdain for Arbitration Agreements

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    In Davis v. O\u27Melveny & Myers, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals considered whether an arbitration agreement adopted by a law firm and distributed to its employees was enforceable. When interpreting an arbitration agreement, how the contract doctrine of unconscionability should be applied by state courts, is an essential element of this case. While the Federal Arbitration Act ( FAA ) has been interpreted to preempt any state law in conflict with it, state laws governing the necessary foundation to revoke a contract remain unaffected. In considering these principles, state courts have applied the doctrine of unconscionability to arbitration agreements in the employment context with varying degrees of scrutiny. Given the number of arbitration agreements that have been struck down in different jurisdictions, whether this variance in each state\u27s doctrine of unconscionability as applied to arbitration agreements should be permitted is a question that should be resolved to achieve uniformity in employer-employee arbitration law. In Davis v. O\u27Melveny & Myers, the Ninth Circuit relied on how California courts have found unconscionability in arbitration agreements in order to declare an arbitration agreement unenforceable. Unfortunately, this conclusory analysis of the court only provides more fuel for critics who believe California is imposing special burdens on the enforcement of arbitration agreements deserving of FAA preemption


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    ABSTRACT Computers are electronic goods, that are needed by people in doing the job. Computers need peripheral devices for optimal use. Because the demand of computers is high so the demand of peripheral devices is also high. CV Fircomindo is one of the distributors of peripheral devices in Padang. Based on observation and discussion, there are problems regarding high inventory level in CV Fircomindo. Inventory problem is also seen by comparing the demand and inventory of each period. This study is aims to determine the proposed inventory policy of peripheral devices to reduce the inventory cost in CV Fircomindo. The inventory policy design process begins with the classification of all inventory items using the ABC method, then calculates the optimal inventory value using the maximum-minimum method, EOQ, and EOI methods. The minimum-maximum method is calculated for non-distributed A-class items, EOQ is used for normal distributed A items, whereas EOI for class B and C. It is then calculated the total cost for each method and compares the proposed inventory policy with the current inventory policy. The total optimal inventory cost of proposed policy obtained based on the calculation is Rp 4.323.494.829 with average TOR value is 14,70. The total inventory cost with the current inventory system is Rp 4.689.789.537 with average TOR value is 2,73. If the company implements the usual policy then the company will get 8% cost savings or equivalent to Rp 366.294.708 and a more efficient inventory turnover ratio. Keywords: inventory, inventory cost, peripheral devices, TO

    Regionale Communities im Internet

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    Die Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre zeigen, dass eine Welt ohne das Medium Internet kaum mehr vorstellbar ist. Durch das Internet entstehen Netzwerke, die alle zeitlichen und räumlichen Grenzen mit einem Klick aufheben. Das Web 2.0 macht die User vom Rezipienten zum Mitgestalter des World Wide Web. Die Veränderungen betreffen auch das reale Leben, wenn die Menschen ihrem Bedürfnis nach Kommunikation mithilfe digitaler Medien nachgehen. Besonders im ländlichen Raum können Online-Netzwerke genutzt werden, um Menschen einer Region einander näherzubringen. Indem sie sich etwa über Veranstaltungen, Neuigkeiten oder Ausflugsziele in der näheren Umgebung informieren, sich zu aktuellen Ereignissen austauschen und an der Meinungsbildung beteiligen, erlangen sie eine andere Lebensqualität. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Las Vegas Philharmonic Connoisseur Soiree I

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    Reduction of Hopelessness Through Spiritual Emotional Freedom Techniques Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis

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    Hopelessness has been identified as a major psychological problem that exacerbates the clinical outcomes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). Hopelessness is mostly reduced by cognitive therapy, but the results are delayed, so a spiritual element is needed. Spiritual emotional freedom technique (SEFT) therapy can reduce hopelessness because it not only focuses on cognition, but also involves spiritual, psychological, and physical elements. This study aimed to determine the effects of SEFT therapy on the hopelessness of CKD patients undergoing HD. This research was quasi-experimental with pre- and post-test control group designs. The sample size was 64 respondents, who were divided into two groups, each consisting of 32 respondents who were selected by purposive sampling. SEFT therapy was conducted four times. Hopelessness was measured using the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). The data were analyzed by paired t-test and independent samples t-test. Before receiving SEFT, the two groups did not indicate differences in hopelessness (p = 0.141). However, after receiving SEFT, the respondents’ hopelessness in the experimental group was reduced significantly (p = 0.000). Hopelessness in the experimental and control groups also differed significantly after the intervention (p = 0.000). This study revealed that SEFT reduced the hopelessness of CKD patients undergoing HD. SEFT therapy can be implemented in clinical practice areas of nursing to support patient care. Keywords: chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, hopelessness, spiritual emotional freedom technique   Abstrak   Mengurangi Keputusasaan Melalui Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Techniques Pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik yang Menjalani Hemodialisis. Keputusasaan telah diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu masalah psikologis utama yang memperburuk hasil klinis pasien penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) yang menjalani hemodialisis (HD). Keputusasaan sebagian besar dikurangi dengan melibatkan unsur kognitif, akan tetapi hasilnya mengalami keterlambatan sehingga dibutuhkan unsur spiritual. Terapi spiritual emotional freedom technique (SEFT) dapat mengurangi keputusasaan karena tidak hanya berfokus pada kognitif tetapi juga melibatkan unsur spiritual, psikis, dan fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi SEFT terhadap keputusasaan pasien PGK yang menjalani HD. Penelitian ini merupakan quasi-experiment dengan rancangan pretest dan posttest control group. Besar sampel sebanyak 64 responden yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, dan masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 32 responden dipilih secara purposive sampling.Terapi SEFT dilakukan sebanyak empat kali. Keputusasaan diukur menggunakan Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). Data dianalisis dengan uji paired t-test dan uji independent samples t-test. Sebelum menerima SEFT kedua kelompok tidak menunjukkan perbedaan keputusasaan (p = 0,141). Namun, setelah menerima SEFT, keputusasaan responden di kelompok eksperimen berkurang secara signifikan (p = 0,000). Keputusasaan pada kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol juga berbeda secara signifikan setelah intervensi dilakukan (p = 0,000). Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa SEFT mengurangi keputusasaan pasien PGK yang menjalani HD. Terapi SEFT dapat diimplementasikan dibidang praktik klinis keperawatan untuk mendukung perawatan pasien. Kata Kunci: hemodialisis, keputusasaan, penyakit ginjal kronik, spiritual emotional freedom techniqu


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    TK Xaverius 5 merupakan salah satu sekolah Taman Kanak-Kanak yang ada di Palembang. Dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang tua siswa pihak sekolah menggunakan Buku Penghubung. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan dalam proses komunikasi tersebut yaitu beberapa siswa tidak menyampaikan buku penghubung kepada orangtua mereka, selain itu juga pihak sekolah dan orang tua siswa yang kurang mengkomunikasikan perkembangan siswa karena orangtua yang tidak dapat selalu memantau aktifitas siswa sewaktu di sekolah. Untuk itu SMS Gateway dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan tersebut. Tujuan pemanfaatan SMS Gateway ini adalah untuk memberikan pelayanan informasi aktifitas siswa. Metodologi pengembangan yang penulis gunakan adalah metodologi RUP (Rational Unifed Process). Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu pihak sekolah dan orang tua siswa untuk menjalin komunikasi yang lebih baik sehingga dapat mengkomunikasikan perkembangan siswa dan peningkatan mutu dari TK Xaverius 5 dengan kritik dan saran dari orang tua sisw
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