483 research outputs found

    AURKA mRNA expression is an independent predictor of poor prognosis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer

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    Deregulation of mitotic spindle genes has been reported to contribute to the development and progression of malignant tumours. The aim of the present study was to explore the association between the expression profiles of Aurora kinases (AURKA, AURKB and AURKC), cytoskeleton-associated protein 5 (CKAP5), discs large-associated protein 5 (DLGAP5), kinesin-like protein 11 (KIF11), microtubule nucleation factor (TPX2), monopolar spindle 1 kinase (TTK), and β-tubulins (TUBB) and (TUBB3) genes and clinicopathological characteristics in human non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction-based RNA gene expression profiles of 132 NSCLC and 44 adjacent wild-type tissues were generated, and Cox's proportional hazard regression was used to examine associations. With the exception of AURKC, all genes exhibited increased expression in NSCLC tissues. Of the 10 genes examined, only AURKA was significantly associated with prognosis in NSCLC. Multivariate Cox's regression analysis demonstrated that AURKA mRNA expression [hazard ratio (HR), 1.81; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.16-2.84; P=0.009], age (HR, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.00-1.06; P=0.020), pathological tumour stage 2 (HR, 2.43; 95% CI, 1.16-5.10; P=0.019) and involvement of distal nodes (pathological node stage 2) (HR, 3.14; 95% CI, 1.24-7.99; P=0.016) were independent predictors of poor prognosis in patients with NSCLC. Poor prognosis of patients with increased AURKA expression suggests that those patients may benefit from surrogate therapy with AURKA inhibitors

    Molecular pathogenesis of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia: a systematic review

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    Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is a potentially premalignant lesion that undergoes malignant transformation in over 40% of cases. Its clinical homogeneity suggests that a single or a small number of molecular pathogenic pathways may exist. Using the Cochrane protocol for systematic reviews, we have looked at the reported evidence of the molecular aetiology and pathogenesis of PVL and compared it with that of conventional oral epithelial dysplasia (OED). Of the 43 papers studied, 19 met the inclusion criteria including 13 proteins assayed in 344 tissues, and genes investigated were TP53, p14ARF, and p16INK4A. In all studies the research objectives were defined and outcomes were clearly stated. This review has shown that the transformation of PVL does not follow the same pathway as that of OED. There was weak evidence to suggest possible correlations between DNA aneuploidy, loss of heterozygosity at locus 9p21, and specific expression of Mcm (mini chromosome maintenance) protein, to transformation of PVL. To show important or distinct pathways of this condition, further studies are needed to access the somatic genomic alterations that are found in malignancies

    The epigenetic landscape of oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: There is relatively little methylation array data available specifically for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). This study aims to compare the DNA methylome across a large cohort of tumour/normal pairs. METHODS: DNA was extracted from 44 OSCCs and paired normal mucosa. DNA methylation analysis employed the Illumina GoldenGate high-throughput array comprising 1505 CpG loci selected from 807 epigenetically regulated genes. This data was correlated with extracapsular spread (ECS), human papilloma virus (HPV) status, recurrence and 5-year survival. RESULTS: Differential methylation levels of a number of genes distinguished the tumour tissue sample from the matched normal. Putative methylation signatures for ECS and recurrence were identified. The concept of concordant methylation or CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) in OSCC is supported by our data, with an association between ‘CIMP-high' and worse prognosis. Epigenetic deregulation of NOTCH4 signalling in OSCC was also observed, as part of a possible methylation signature for recurrence, with parallels to recently discovered NOTCH mutations in HNSCC. Differences in methylation in HPV-driven cases were seen, but are less significant than that has been recently proposed in other series. CONCLUSION: Although OSCC seems as much an ‘epigenetic' as a genetic disease, the translational potential of cancer epigenetics has yet to be fully exploited. This data points to the application of epigenetic biomarkers and targets available to further the development of therapy in OSCC

    Prediction of photoperiodic regulators from quantitative gene circuit models

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    Photoperiod sensors allow physiological adaptation to the changing seasons. The external coincidence hypothesis postulates that a light-responsive regulator is modulated by a circadian rhythm. Sufficient data are available to test this quantitatively in plants, though not yet in animals. In Arabidopsis, the clock-regulated genes CONSTANS (CO) and FLAVIN, KELCH, F-BOX (FKF1) and their lightsensitive proteins are thought to form an external coincidence sensor. We use 40 timeseries of molecular data to model the integration of light and timing information by CO, its target gene FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), and the circadian clock. Among other predictions, the models show that FKF1 activates FT. We demonstrate experimentally that this effect is independent of the known activation of CO by FKF1, thus we locate a major, novel controller of photoperiodism. External coincidence is part of a complex photoperiod sensor: modelling makes this complexity explicit and may thus contribute to crop improvement

    Achieving a Preoperative Target HbA1c of < 69 mmol/mol in Elective Vascular and Orthopedic Surgery: A Retrospective Single Center Observational Study

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    Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) is present in 10–15% of the surgical population. It is a known risk factor for adverse postoperative outcomes. UK perioperative guidance recommends optimizing glycemic control preoperatively, aiming for a target glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) of < 69 mmol/mol. However, real-world compliance with this guidance remains unknown. The aim of our study was to determine how many patients with DM undergoing elective orthopedic and vascular surgery had a preoperative HbA1c of < 69 mmol/mol. We also reviewed the surgical reasons for non-concordance with the recommended preoperative HbA1c target. Methods This was a retrospective observational study of 1000 consecutive patients who had been referred for elective vascular and orthopedic surgery at a large tertiary center. Data were collected on these patients, both those with and without DM, between January 2016 and February 2017. Electronic databases were used to collect information on the patients’ preoperative HbA1c concentration and to determine whether there was a resulting delay in surgery when the preoperative HbA1c target of < 69 mmol/mol was exceeded. Results Of the 1000 patients referred for surgery (500 orthopedic and 500 vascular patients) included in the study, 201 (20%) had diabetes. Among these 201 people with DM, 155 (77%) had a preoperative HbA1c < 69 mmol/mol. Among the 46 people with DM whose HbA1c exceeded the recommended target, 41 were operated on despite the high HbA1c level, and only five had their surgery deferred or canceled due to suboptimal preoperative glycemic control. Conclusions Our data shows that the majority (77% ) of people undergoing elective vascular and orthopedic surgery were able to achieve a target HbA1c of < 69 mmol/mol. The current preoperative guidance is therefore achievable in a real-life setting. However, as is stated in the national guidance, this target should only be used where it is safe to do so and a degree of clinical discretion is necessary

    Protection from Intracellular Oxidative Stress by Cytoglobin in Normal and Cancerous Oesophageal Cells

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    Cytoglobin is an intracellular globin of unknown function that is expressed mostly in cells of a myofibroblast lineage. Possible functions of cytoglobin include buffering of intracellular oxygen and detoxification of reactive oxygen species. Previous work in our laboratory has demonstrated that cytoglobin affords protection from oxidant-induced DNA damage when over expressed in vitro, but the importance of this in more physiologically relevant models of disease is unknown. Cytoglobin is a candidate for the tylosis with oesophageal cancer gene, and its expression is strongly down-regulated in non-cancerous oesophageal biopsies from patients with TOC compared with normal biopsies. Therefore, oesophageal cells provide an ideal experimental model to test our hypothesis that downregulation of cytoglobin expression sensitises cells to the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species, particularly oxidative DNA damage, and that this could potentially contribute to the TOC phenotype. In the current study, we tested this hypothesis by manipulating cytoglobin expression in both normal and oesophageal cancer cell lines, which have normal physiological and no expression of cytoglobin respectively. Our results show that, in agreement with previous findings, over expression of cytoglobin in cancer cell lines afforded protection from chemically-induced oxidative stress but this was only observed at non-physiological concentrations of cytoglobin. In addition, down regulation of cytoglobin in normal oesophageal cells had no effect on their sensitivity to oxidative stress as assessed by a number of end points. We therefore conclude that normal physiological concentrations of cytoglobin do not offer cytoprotection from reactive oxygen species, at least in the current experimental model

    A case study of bovine tuberculosis in an area of County Donegal, Ireland

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    A descriptive analysis, to investigate the potential risk factors that might have contributed to the increased incidence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) herd-breakdowns in the reference area of Co. Donegal during the fifth year of the four-area project (FAP), was performed. Seventy two different herds were restricted for BTB during the FAP; 10 of these herds were restricted twice, resulting in a total of 82 BTB breakdowns. During the first four years of the FAP, the number of BTB herd breakdowns in the area varied from a lowest of nine to a maximum of 18 per year, and were geographically dispersed. In the fifth year of the study a considerable increase in the number of BTB breakdowns (n = 32) was observed, and there was a spatial 'cluster' of infected herds in the eastern part of the study area. The increased number of BTB breakdowns during the fifth year most likely occurred because of the recrudescence of infection, herd-to-herd transmission and, to a lesser extent, purchase of infected cattle. Infected badgers remain as a possible but less likely source of infection, especially as an explanation for the cluster of infected herds. The analysis supports the hypothesis that BTB in herds is a problem that cannot be addressed successfully by dedicating our efforts to the elimination of single risk factors. Neither is it a problem that needs to be investigated only at the herd level, but rather at the area level, including groups of contiguous herds

    Selected hematologic and biochemical measurements in African HIV-infected and uninfected pregnant women and their infants: the HIV Prevention Trials Network 024 protocol

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    Reference values for hematological and biochemical assays in pregnant women and in newborn infants are based primarily on Caucasian populations. Normative data are limited for populations in sub-Saharan Africa, especially comparing women with and without HIV infection, and comparing infants with and without HIV infection or HIV exposure. We determined HIV status and selected hematological and biochemical measurements in women at 20-24 weeks and at 36 weeks gestation, and in infants at birth and 4-6 weeks of age. All were recruited within a randomized clinical trial of antibiotics to prevent chorioamnionitis-associated mother-to-child transmission of HIV (HPTN024). We report nearly complete laboratory data on 2,292 HIV-infected and 367 HIV-uninfected pregnant African women who were representative of the public clinics from which the women were recruited. Nearly all the HIV-infected mothers received nevirapine prophylaxis at the time of labor, as did their infants after birth (always within 72 hours of birth, but typically within just a few hours at the four study sites in Malawi (2 sites), Tanzania, and Zambia. HIV-infected pregnant women had lower red blood cell counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and white blood cell counts than HIV-uninfected women. Platelet and monocyte counts were higher among HIV-infected women at both time points. At the 4-6-week visit, HIV-infected infants had lower hemoglobin, hematocrit and white blood cell counts than uninfected infants. Platelet counts were lower in HIV-infected infants than HIV-uninfected infants, both at birth and at 4-6 weeks of age. At 4-6 weeks, HIV-infected infants had higher alanine aminotransferase measures than uninfected infants. Normative data in pregnant African women and their newborn infants are needed to guide the large-scale HIV care and treatment programs being scaled up throughout the continent. These laboratory measures will help interpret clinical data and assist in patient monitoring in a sub-Saharan Africa context