102 research outputs found

    Integrating straw yield and quality into multi-dimensional improvement of lentil (Lens culinaris )

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    BACKGROUND: Lentil straw is an important source of fodder for livestock in Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. However, improvement programmes of lentil do not pay attention to straw traits, neither are straw traits considered in release criteria of new varieties. This study aimed to determine whether straw traits can be integrated into multi‐trait improvement of lentil. RESULTS: Wide genotypic variation (P 0.05) was found between grain yield. CONCLUSION: The possibility to simultaneously improve grain yield and nutritive traits of lentil straw

    Unconventional feeds for small ruminants in dry areas have a minor effect on manure nitrogen flow in the soil-plant system

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    In dry areas, unconventional feeds are increasingly used for mitigating feed shortages and rangeland degradation. We evaluated how feeding sheep diets containing olive leaves, saltbush leaves and olive cake affects manure quality compared to a barley straw based diet. Soil incubation and plant growth experiments were carried out to measure soil nitrogen (N) mineralization and N uptake by barley plants and to calculate N flow through the feed-animal-soil-plant system. Fresh feces, composts consisting of feces, urine and straw, and ammonium sulfate fertilizer were mixed with soil at rate of 90mgNkg−1 soil dry matter. Comparisons were made with non-amended soils (control) and soils amended with fresh olive cake applied at 90 and 22.5mgNkg−1 soil dry matter, respectively. The latter treatment enabled investigation of the effect of passage of olive cake through the digestive tract of sheep on N availability and phenol transformation. Applying fresh olive cake and feces, except the saltbush leaf derived feces, resulted in a net N immobilization. All composts resulted in net N mineralization, although not significantly different from the 0N control soil. Barley growing in soils with amendment that caused N immobilization took up less N than barley growing on the 0N treatment. Reduction in N uptake was most pronounced after amendment with fresh-olive cake. Treatments with net mineralization increased barley N uptake over the 0N treatment with 2-16% of N applied being taken up. Dietary composition had a minor effect on N fertilizer value of either feces or compost, but feces N alone was not an efficient N sourc

    Economic evaluation of smallholder subsistence livestock production: Lessons from an Ethiopian goat development program

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    Conventional productivity evaluation criteria are inadequate to evaluate subsistence livestock production, because 1) they fail to capture non-marketable benefits of the livestock, and 2) the core concept of a single limiting input is inappropriate to subsistence production, as multiple limiting inputs (livestock, labour, and land) are involved in the production process. As many of the livestock functions as possible (physical and socio-economic) should be aggregated into monetary values and related to the resources used, irrespective of whether these "products" are marketed, home-consumed or maintained for later use. A broad evaluation model involving three complementary flock-level productivity indices was applied to evaluate subsistence goat production in eastern Ethiopian highlands. The results showed that indigenous goat flocks generated significantly higher net benefits under improved than under traditional management, which challenges the prevailing notion in countries like Ethiopia that indigenous livestock do not adequately respond to improvements in the level of management. It is then concluded that the evaluation model not only allows a broad aggregation of benefits from subsistence livestock, but also provides a more realistic platform to propose sound improvement interventions

    Implications of Land Use Changes on the Yields in Dry Matter, Energy and Protein of Range and Crop Fields in Zamfara Reserve, Northwestern Nigeria

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    The Zamfara reserve is a 235,500 ha grazing land within the Sudan savannah zone (12º 10\u27 - 13º 05 N; 6º 30\u27 - 7º15\u27 E) of north western Nigeria. Rainfall varies from 500mm in the north to 800mm in the south of the reserve, and is restricted within the months of May - September. The reserve is an important grazing site for the herds of sedentary, transhumant and agro pastoralists. Population growth within the farming communities in the reserve has led to the conversion of more grazing land to croplands. This work was carried out to evaluate the quantity and quality of herbage on the natural range and the croplands, in order to have an insight on the effect of increased cropping activity on biomass availability in the reserve

    Caracterização e avaliação da pastagem do rebanho de agricultores familiares do nordeste paraense.

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    No Nordeste Paraense alguns agricultores familiares têm implantado pequenas áreas de pastagens e manejado pequenos rebanhos com o objetivo de aplicar eventuais ganhos obtidos com os cultivos, criando uma poupança a ser utilizada nas necessidades futuras da família ou da propriedade. Há indícios de problemas nas pastagens e no rebanho que limitam tanto a produção e a sustentabilidade da pecuária, como comprometem os cultivos agrícolas que realmente sustentam a propriedade. Este estudo tratou de identificar as principais limitações e propor alternativas de manejo que sejam econômica e ecologicamente mais sustentáveis. Na primeira fase do estudo, numa amostra ao acaso de 38 propriedades, descreveu-se o manejo da pastagem e do rebanho, e na segunda, numa amostra menor, de doze propriedades e por um período de 29 meses, avaliou-se o potencial desses dois componentes. As propriedades estudadas desenvolvem uma pecuária de baixa produtividade. Devido à baixa fertilidade do solo e o deficiente manejo, as pastagens não suprem os alimentos necessários ao rebanho, tanto em quantidade como em qualidade. Também foram identificadas deficiências no manejo do rebanho, próprias de sistemas extensivos. Contudo, as limitações podem ser solucionadas com práticas amplamente conhecidas de manejo da pastagem (como formação, manutenção e manejo) e do rebanho (reprodução, manejo de bezerros e sanidade em geral). Novos modelos de exploração também foram sugeridos