49 research outputs found

    PF-28 Worms Infestation on Stray Cats in Central Bogor

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    Stray cats are cats that roam freely in the environment around human beings. Central Bogor is one of the administrative region that is located right at the downtown of Bogor. This region consists of diversity of places such as markets, terminals, campus, schools, housing areas, and many more. The human population in Central Bogor are much more compared to other regions. The diversity of places and dense residential population are one of the factors that increases the cat population in Central Bogor due to the characteristics of the cats that breed and adapt to the environment easily. Stray cats are usually close to human beings, without realizing that their presence has the potential to cause health problems to the society. The outspread of zoonotic parasitic worms is one of the problem caused by stray cats. Research about infestion of zoonotic parasitic worms in Indonesia is still rare compared to pet cats [1,2,3]. Specific research about worm infestation had been done in Central Bogor on pet cats [4] but has never done any on stray cats. The objective of this research is to determine the presence of worm infestations on stray cats in the Central Bogor region

    PF-29 Worms Infestation in Stray Cats at North Bogor

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    Stray cats population are high in Indonesia, including in North Bogor area which is a part of Bogor City. North Bogor is the fourth largest area of 6 districts in the city of Bogor. North Bogor are an area of industrial with a lot of factories and housing. This vast area of North Bogor is a suitable place to live for stray cats. Stray cats can easy to breed and adapt in any environment. This is some of the factors in the increasing population of stray cats in North Bogor. Stray cats have a high interaction human life. The existence of this stray cats has the potential to cause zoonotic disease for humans. One of the problems caused by stray cats is the presence of zoonotic parasitic worms. Stray cats have the potential for occurrence of worm infections [1]. Research on zoonotic worm infections in stray cats is still rarely performed in Indonesia when compared to domesticated cats [2,3,4]. Specific worm infection studies such as Toxocara cati have been done in pet cats in Bogor city [5] and in Denpasar City, Bali [2,3] but have not been done to stray cats in the City of Bogor. For that it requires more studies on infection of worms in stray cats in the city of Bogor. This study aims to identify worms in stray cats in the area of North Bogor

    Efikasi Kain Bahan Furnitur Berinsektisida Malation terhadap Kematian Aedes aegypti

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    Implementation of fogging using malathion impacted to insecticides deposited to household furniture in resident. The other hand, Ae. aegypti preference resting on that furniture. The objective was determine lethal concentration of malathion in an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation which have been deposited on furniture fabrics against mortality of Ae. aegypti. The study was true experimental and completed randomize design. Treatment as much as six of concentration levels (0.00; 0.27; 0.29; 0.31; 0.32; 0.34%) and ten replications. The sample were female Ae. aegypti on ovary condition of unfed  and bloodfed. Material of fabrics used were cotton, chenille, and blackout. Procedure efficacy test based on WHO (2013). The result showed that between concentration levels gave a significantly different impact of mortality, but between concentration of 0.27% with 0.29% was not significantly. Mortality of Ae. aegypti reached 100% on 0.34% concentration for cotton and blackout, whereas chenille on 0.31% concentration. Lower lethal concentration to kill 50% and 95% Ae. aegypti population were 0.260% and 0.301% on chenille, whereas the higher were 0.296% and 0.337% on cotton, respectively. Conclusion was malation (EC) which were deposited to cotton, chenille, and blackout fabrics as a upholstery for furniture influence on increasing insecticide efficacy to Ae. aegypti

    Diagnostic case study and treatment of Giardiasis in cat at Rvet Clinic Bogor

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    Giardia sp. is a digestive tract protozoan that can cause Giardiasis. This disease is classified as a water-borne parasitic disease. Giardiasis infects cats, especially cats who have a habit of drinking raw water or sewage. This case study aims to learn the treatment given to cats with Giardiasis. The cat in this study was named Memed, a cat with a mixed Persian breed and was 1.5 years old. Memed came to the RVet Bogor clinic with a grievance of diarrhea without blood for six days and was not accompanied by vomiting. The owner explained the cat was often released and drank water carelessly. Memed was diagnosed with Giardiasis after discovering of Giardia cysts in stool samples that were observed using the fecal flotation technique. Memed was given medical therapy using Metronidazole and vitamin B12 preparations. After the 5th post-therapy day, Memed was declared cured of giardiasis, characterized by the consistency returning to normal and no Giardia cysts found in the feces.   Keywords: Giardiasis, Cats, Fecal Flotation, Metronidazol

    Infeksi Larva Angiostrongylus cantonensis pada Keong Mas (Pomacea canaliculata) di Lima Desa Lingkar Kampus IPB Dramaga

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    Keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata) adalah keong air tawar yang banyak dijumpai di area persawahan. Banyak masyarakat mengkonsumsi keong mas karena selain rasanya yang enak, keong mas juga memiliki kandungan protein yang cukup tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persentase kecacingan nematoda pada keong mas. Angiostrongylus cantonensis adalah parasit nematoda zoonotik yang hidup pada keong mas  dalam stadium larva infektif. Manusia terinfeksi A. cantonensis bila  memakan keong mas yang terinfeksi larva infektif A. cantonensis dalam kondisi tidak matang. Studi cross-sectional digunakan dalam pengumpulan 150 ekor keong mas dari genangan air di sawah lima desa di sekitar Kampus IPB Dramaga. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan persentase larva A. cantonensis yang terdapat pada keong mas sebesar 20% di Desa Cihideung Hilir, 16% di Desa Cangkurawok, 6% di Desa Ciapus, 3% di Desa Suka Makmur dan 0% di Desa Cinangneng. Perbedaan persentase keberadaan larva nematoda pada keong mas  tampaknya sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sanitasi lingkungan  pada habitat keong mas. Hasil studi ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat ancaman infeksi cacing zoonotik pada masyarakat di kelima desa tersebut dan hal ini perlu mendapat perhatian dari sisi sanitasi dan hiegene lingkungan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahannya

    The effect of excretory/secretory product released by L3 of A. galli on villous compact in intestine of laying hens

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    The nematode, Ascaridia galli, caused pathological changes in the gut, while the larval development takes place in the intestine epithelium. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of excretory/secretory product released by L3 of A. galli to prevent intestine destructions based on villous compact in duodenum, jejunum, and ileum of laying hens. Excretory/secretory was prepared from metabolic of L3 released in culture médium in flasks containingrosswell park memorial institute (RPMI) 1640 media, pH 6.8, without phenol red. Excretory/secretory product was concentrated with vivaspin 30.000 MWCO. The chickens vaccinated with 80 g protein excretory/secretory in crudemixed with Fruend Adjuvant Complete and repeated three times with dose of each 60 g mixed with Freund Adjuvant Incomplete with an interval of one week intra muscularly. The chickens were challenged with 1000 infective larvae A. galli one week later. After two weeks the chickens were operated. Villous compact in duodenum, jejunum, and ileum of laying hens were analyzed. The result showed that immunization was able to sustained significantly intestinevillus compact, particularly in duodenum. This research concluded that the excretory/secretory product could protect villus in duodenum against parasitic diseases caused by A. galli

    PF-28 Worms Infestation on Stray Cats in Central Bogor

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    Stray cats are cats that roam freely in the environment around human beings. Central Bogor is one of the administrative region that is located right at the downtown of Bogor. This region consists of diversity of places such as markets, terminals, campus, schools, housing areas, and many more. The human population in Central Bogor are much more compared to other regions. The diversity of places and dense residential population are one of the factors that increases the cat population in Central Bogor due to the characteristics of the cats that breed and adapt to the environment easily. Stray cats are usually close to human beings, without realizing that their presence has the potential to cause health problems to the society. The outspread of zoonotic parasitic worms is one of the problem caused by stray cats. Research about infestion of zoonotic parasitic worms in Indonesia is still rare compared to pet cats [1,2,3]. Specific research about worm infestation had been done in Central Bogor on pet cats [4] but has never done any on stray cats. The objective of this research is to determine the presence of worm infestations on stray cats in the Central Bogor region

    PF-29 Worms Infestation in Stray Cats at North Bogor

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    Stray cats population are high in Indonesia, including in North Bogor area which is a part of Bogor City. North Bogor is the fourth largest area of 6 districts in the city of Bogor. North Bogor are an area of industrial with a lot of factories and housing. This vast area of North Bogor is a suitable place to live for stray cats. Stray cats can easy to breed and adapt in any environment. This is some of the factors in the increasing population of stray cats in North Bogor. Stray cats have a high interaction human life. The existence of this stray cats has the potential to cause zoonotic disease for humans. One of the problems caused by stray cats is the presence of zoonotic parasitic worms. Stray cats have the potential for occurrence of worm infections [1]. Research on zoonotic worm infections in stray cats is still rarely performed in Indonesia when compared to domesticated cats [2,3,4]. Specific worm infection studies such as Toxocara cati have been done in pet cats in Bogor city [5] and in Denpasar City, Bali [2,3] but have not been done to stray cats in the City of Bogor. For that it requires more studies on infection of worms in stray cats in the city of Bogor. This study aims to identify worms in stray cats in the area of North Bogor

    Karakteristik Kejadian dan Capaian Program Eliminasi Filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Limfatik filariasis ditemukan hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus tahun 2020 sebanyak 9.906 kasus. Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan salah satu provinsi endemis filariasis di Indonesia dengan jumlah penderita tahun 2011-2020 sebesar 66 orang. Program pemberian obat pencegahan massal (POPM) telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran penderita filariasis klinis serta gambaran pencapaian program eliminasi filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bengkulu yang mencakup seluruh wilayah kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Bengkulu. Kasus dikelompokkan menjadi 8 kategori usia menurut depkes (2009) yakni < 11 tahun, 12-16 tahun, 17-25 tahun, 26-35 tahun, 36-45 tahun, 46-55 tahun, 56-66 tahun dan > 66 tahun. Perbedaan jumlah kasus berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia diuji menggunakan uji Chi-square. Sebaran tempat berdasarkan kabupaten dilaporkannya penderita, data ditampilkan dalam bentuk peta wilayah dan tabel. Data Program POPM dianalisis berdasarkan capaian pengobatan serta angka keberhasilan pengobatan sejak tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2017. Sebaran kasus filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu menunjukkan bahwa penderita filariasis di dominasi jenis kelamin perempuan dan usia produktif. Penyebaran kasus filarisis sejak tahun 2011-2020 berfluktuasi, akan tetapi terjadi perluasan sebaran wilayah kabupaten yang melaporkan kasus filariasis. Gambaran pelaksanaan POPM baik angka capaian cakupan pengobatan dan keberhasilan pengobatan telah melebihi target nasional.Limfatik filariasis ditemukan hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus tahun 2020 sebanyak 9.906 kasus. Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan salah satu provinsi endemis filariasis di Indonesia dengan jumlah penderita tahun 2011-2020 sebesar 66 orang. Program pemberian obat pencegahan massal (POPM) telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran penderita filariasis klinis serta gambaran pencapaian program eliminasi filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bengkulu yang mencakup seluruh wilayah kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Bengkulu. Kasus dikelompokkan menjadi 8 kategori usia menurut depkes (2009) yakni < 11 tahun, 12-16 tahun, 17-25 tahun, 26-35 tahun, 36-45 tahun, 46-55 tahun, 56-66 tahun dan > 66 tahun. Perbedaan jumlah kasus berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia diuji menggunakan uji Chi-square. Sebaran tempat berdasarkan kabupaten dilaporkannya penderita, data ditampilkan dalam bentuk peta wilayah dan tabel. Data Program POPM dianalisis berdasarkan capaian pengobatan serta angka keberhasilan pengobatan sejak tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2017. Sebaran kasus filariasis di Provinsi Bengkulu menunjukkan bahwa penderita filariasis di dominasi jenis kelamin perempuan dan usia produktif. Penyebaran kasus filarisis sejak tahun 2011-2020 berfluktuasi, akan tetapi terjadi perluasan sebaran wilayah kabupaten yang melaporkan kasus filariasis. Gambaran pelaksanaan POPM baik angka capaian cakupan pengobatan dan keberhasilan pengobatan telah melebihi target nasional

    Populasi Ascaridia galli Dalam Usus Halus Ayam Yang Diberikan Kombinasi Ekskretori/Sekretori L3 dan Imunoglobulin Yolk

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    Ascaridia galli populations in intestine of chickens treated with combination of excretory/secretory L3 and immunoglobulin yolkABSTRACT. The purpose of the present study was to determine the presence of worm populations in intestine of chickens vaccinated and combined with egg yolk to experimental Ascaridia galli infection. Amount of 18 head chickens were devided into six groups (A – F). Group A, the chickens were not vaccinated. Group B, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3. Group C, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3, challenged with dose 1000 L2, and treated ten times with 0,875 mg egg yolk with an interval of one day intra orally. Group D, the chickens were vaccinated with excretory/secretory of A. galli L3 and challenged with dose 1000 L2. Group E, the chickens were challenged with dose 1000 L2 and treated ten times with 0,875 mg egg yolk with an interval of one day intra orally. Group E, the chickens were challenged with dose 1000 L2. Intestinal worm burdens of infected groups were recorded. The result showed that excretory/secretory of A. galli L3 combined with egg yolk decreased significantly A. galli survival in intestine of laying hens. Vaccinations were positively correlated with worm burden at 12 weeks after chalanged. The results suggest that A. galli L3 excretory/secretory product contain potential antigen and that antibody-mediated mechanisms contribute to immune protection