115 research outputs found

    Strategies and instruments for improving the use of recycled materials. TAB-Fokus

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    Only a small part of the German economy\u27s demand for raw materials is covered by recycled materials. Using plastic packaging, electrical appliances and building materials as examples, the policy brief TAB-Fokus no. 44 summarises the key findings for an increased use of recycled materials and identifies policy options, which are presented in detail in the TAB Report "Strategien und Instrumente zur Verbesserung des Rezyklateinsatzes" (see Relation in KITopen)

    Transdisziplinäre Austragungsorte und ihre Erfolgsfaktoren

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    Transdisziplinäre Forschung dient einer Integration unterschiedlicher Wissensarten mit Ziel, Probleme der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung zu lösen. Dabei steht diese Art der Wissensproduktion in der Forschung und in der Politikberatung vor unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen. Was sind die Erfolgsfaktoren, damit Transdisziplinarität gelingen kann

    Corona initiation criteria in air and Martian atmosphere

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    In this work, the focus is on plasma discharge produced between two electrodes with a high potential difference, resulting in ionization of the neutral gas particles and creating a current in the gas medium. This process, when done at low current and low temperature can create corona and “glow” discharges, which can be observed as a luminescent, or “glow,” emission. The parallel plate geometry used in Paschen theory is particularly well suited to model experimental laboratory scenario. However, it is limited in its applicability to lightning rods and power lines [Moore et al., 2000]. Previous works on the effect of the electrode geometry such as Franklin’s sharp tip and Moore et al.’s rounded tip fundamentally differ in the radius of curvature of the upper end of the rod.To investigate the effect of localized electric field due to conductor radius the classic Cartesian geometry will be expanded into spherical and cylindrical geometries. In a spherical case, a small radius effectively represents a sharp tip rod, while larger, centimeter-scale radius represents a rounded or blunted tip; in a cylindrical case, a small radius would correspond to a thin wire. Utilizing Townsend’s equation for corona discharge, the estimation of a critical radius and minimum breakdown voltage that allows ionization of neutral gas and formation of a glow corona around an electrode in air is made from these models. Additionally, thethe influence of the gas in which the discharge develops is explored. Using Bolsig+, a numerical solver for the Boltzmann equation, to calculate critical electric fields necessary to initiate corona discharge in gasses with varying composition [Hagelaar and Pitchford, 2005]. This allows the exploration of the feasibility of a glow corona on other planetary bodies such as Mars. The breakdown criterion both numerically and analytically will be presented with simplified formulae per each geometry and gas mixture

    Opportunities and risks of the digitisation of critical municipal infrastructures using water and waste management as examples. TAB-Fokus

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    A new TAB report examines the use of digital solutions in water and waste management and identifies ways in which the potential of digitalisation can be exploited in a sustainable way, while at the same time ensuring security of supply and disposal. The corresponding Policy brief TAB-Fokus gives a compact overview of the contents and results of the full report, available in German (see Relationships in KITopen)

    Goodbye Expert-Based Policy Advice? Challenges in Advising Governmental Institutions in Times of Transformation

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    The global transformation towards sustainability has not only increased the demand for anticipatory and reflexive knowledge to support decision making, but also raises three challenges common to all forms of scientific policy advice: to appropriately consider societal norms and values (challenge of normativity), to integrate different forms of knowledge (challenge of integration) and to organize the participation of stakeholders (challenge of participation). While new forms of scientific policy advice in the field of sustainability research (SR) have emerged in response, the role of established actors such as the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) is increasingly scrutinized. One of the fundamental characteristics of TAB’s model of scientific policy advice is a rigid boundary arrangement between politics and science that places a high value on the objectivity and authority of scientific knowledge. Based on a content analysis of digitalization-related TAB reports spanning three decades, we describe how a rather technocratic institution such as TAB has dealt with the challenges of normativity, integration, and participation, and we compare its approach with that of SR institutions. TAB has partly adapted its working mode to the new challenges, e.g., by trying out new methods to foster a stronger dialogue with stakeholders. However, TAB’s response to the challenges distinctly differs from the forms of transformative research conducted in the SR community. We argue that this is not only a necessary precondition to maintain its reputation as a trustworthy actor towards the Parliament but gives TAB and similar expert-based institutions a special role in the governance of societal transformation


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    Strategien und Instrumente zur Verbesserung des Rezyklateinsatzes. TAB-Fokus

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    Nur ein kleiner Teil der in Deutschland benötigten Rohstoffe wird durch recycelte Materialien gedeckt. Dabei kann die Verwendung solcher Rezyklate dazu beitragen, die Abhängigkeit von Rohstoffen zu reduzieren, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Wirtschaft zu stärken und Umwelt und Klima zu schonen. Der TAB-Fokus Nr. 44 fasst die zentralen Ergebnisse des gleichnamigen TAB-Berichts Nr. 207 auf 4 Seiten zusammen, am Beispiel von Kunststoffen, Elektrogeräten und Baustoffen die Anforderungen an einen höheren Rezyklateinsatz beleuchtet und die politischen Steuerungsmöglichkeiten für bessere Kreislaufwirtschaft auf im Detail aufzeigt. (siehe Relation in KITopen

    Wissenschaft und Politik: Es bewegt sich etwas!

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    Politische Aktionsbündnisse wie Fridays for Future setzen sich für Ziele ein, die weitgehend auf einem Konsens innerhalb der Wissenschaft beruhen. Werden die Positionen damit nun in der Politik Gehör finden? Welche Rolle spielen dabei auch traditionelle Verbände und Gewerkschaften

    Just Transition: Eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit

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    Kohlekommission, Fridays for Future und ziviler Ungehorsam im Tagebau – an Problemperspektiven um die Frage der Kohle scheint es nicht zu mangeln. In Frankreich zeichnen unterdessen die Proteste der „Gelbwesten“ ein neues Drohszenario. So unterschiedlich die Anliegen der Akteure sind, für sie alle scheint klar – es geht um Gerechtigkeit

    Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung kritischer kommunaler Infrastrukturen an den Beispielen der Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft. TAB-Fokus

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    Der TAB-Fokus Nr. 43 bietet auf vier Seiten einen kompakten Ăśberblick ĂĽber Inhalt und Ergebnisse des gleichnamigen TAB-Arbeitsberichts Nr. 206 (siehe Relationen in KITopen)
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