54 research outputs found

    A Methodology for the Identification of Topic Transitions in Interaction

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    International audienceMany analysts use the notion of “topic” to describe segments of discourse, whether written or spoken, and many regret that even though a considerable amount of work has been devoted to understanding and defining the notion of discourse topic, the analyst is often left without a robust methodology to apply to their own data. This paper uses a mixed-methods approach that draws on the qualitative-oriented theoretical frameworks of Conversational Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, and combines them with quantitative methods used in other sub-fi elds of linguistics, such as the coding schemes and inter-rater agreement measures used in Corpus Linguistics. The goal of this study is not to provide a new understanding of “topic”, but rather to propose 1) a rich definition compiled from various earlier studies and suited to the analysis of talk-in-interaction, and 2) a systematic way to apply it to new data. The ambition of the paper is to provide a methodology for a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods analysis of topic-related phenomena in interaction, as one step among many in various research protocols. It provides empirical grounds for the claim that a research methodology based on the analyst’s intuitions may be a valid and robust way to identify topic transitions – if a number of precautionary steps are taken. It also proposes a practical guide to the systematic analysis of topic in interaction.Un certain nombre de chercheurs font appel à la notion de « topique » pour décrire des segments de discours tant écrits qu’oraux, et beaucoup déplorent que bien qu’un nombre considérable de travaux aient porté sur la définition de cette notion, ils proposent rarement au chercheur une méthodologie robuste applicable à ses propres données. Cet article utilise une approche mixte empruntant aux cadres théoriques qualitatifs de l’analyse conversationnelle et de la linguistique interactionnelle, et les associe aux méthodes quantitatives utilisées dans d’autres branches de la linguistique, telles que les grilles de codage et les accords inter-juges mobilisés en linguistique de corpus. L’objectif de cet article n’est pas d’avancer une nouvelle conception du topique, mais plutôt de proposer 1) une définition riche du topique empruntant à plusieurs travaux existants et adaptée à l’analyse de l’interaction spontanée, et 2) une méthode pour l’appliquer de manière systématique à de nouvelles données. L’ambition est ici de proposer une méthodologie permettant tant les analyses qualitatives que quantitatives, voire mixtes, des phénomènes liés au topique en interaction, et qui constitue ainsi une étape parmi d’autres au sein de protocoles de recherche variés. Une telle base empirique permet de justifier l’argument qu’une recherche s’appuyant sur les intuitions du chercheur peut être une façon robuste et fi able d’identifier les transitions topicales, à la condition qu’un certain nombre de précautions soient prises. Cette étude propose également un guide pratique de mise en place d’une analyse systématique du topique en interaction

    La transition topicale en anglais américain spontané. Marquage et gestion de la transition topicale dans des conversations typiques et atypiques (schizophrénie)

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    Cette thèse analyse la transition topicale en anglais américain à l’aide d’un corpus audio de conversations spontanées entre proches. L’objet d’étude principal est l’action interactionnelle qui consiste à changer de topique discursif, ainsi que les diverses stratégies linguistiques que les participants ont à leur disposition. Trois modalités de marquage sont prises en compte : les questions, les marqueurs de discours, et le registre de la voix. Chaque modalité est analysée pour sa contribution individuelle, ainsi que pour les associations avec d’autres modalités qu’elle peut occasionner. Se pencher sur différentes modalités de marquage crée une vue d’ensemble composite de l’influence que la trajectoire topicale d’une conversation a sur sa grammaire et sa prosodie. Dans le cadre d’une approche mixte mêlant analyses qualitatives et quantitatives, cette étude se situe à la croisée de plusieurs cadres théoriques, empruntant tant à l’analyse conversationnelle et à la linguistique interactionnelle pour l’analyse qualitative située, qu’à la linguistique de corpus de par ses méthodes quantitatives telles que le codage systématique des données et le recours aux statistiques. Ce projet multi-domaines est complété par une comparaison entre conversations typiques et atypiques. Les personnes schizophrènes peuvent connaître des difficultés dans la gestion des topiques d’une conversation, ce qui peut occasionner des transitions non-canoniques. Comparer ce type de données à celles de participants typiques apporte un éclairage supplémentaire sur certaines des attentes, préférences et standards, par ailleurs moins visibles lorsque la transition topicale est plus aisée.The research presented in this dissertation analyzes topic transition in American English interaction, focusing on audio recordings of spontaneous conversations between friends and relatives. The main object of inquiry is the interactional action of transitioning to a new discourse topic, as well as the different linguistic strategies that participants have at their disposal. Three main types of cues are investigated: questions, discourse markers, and pitch register. Each type of cue is analyzed for its individual contribution to topic transition design, as well as for the way it can combine with, supplement, or contradict other cues. Analyzing different types of cues – verbal and prosodic – creates a composite picture of the various ways in which the topic trajectory of a conversation shapes its grammar – including its prosody. This study uses a mixed-methods approach which draws on the qualitative-oriented theoretical frameworks of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, combining them with quantitative methods used in Corpus Linguistics, such as systematic coding and statistics. This multi-domain account is completed by elaborating a comparison between typical and atypical interactions. Persons suffering from schizophrenia can experience difficulties in managing the topics of a conversation, and they can produce non-canonical transitions. Comparing their data with that of typical participants thus sheds light on some of the expectations, preferences and standard formats which can otherwise remain hidden when topic transition goes smoothly

    Associer les pièces du puzzle : marqueurs verbaux et prosodiques en oral spontané

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    International audienceThis chapter focuses on two cues to topic transition: discourse marker preface and expanded pitch register. Analyzing the two types of cues in combination highlights the relation of pragmatic synonymy that can be entertained by different linguistic forms when they are harnessed for the same interactional role. Our qualitative and quantitative approach also identifies the combination of the two types of cues in one turn as highly specific to topic transition.Ce chapitre analyse le marquage de la transition topicale par deux types de modalités : l’utilisation d’un marqueur de discours en position initiale et la mobilisation d’un registre de la voix étendu. Une analyse combinatoire associant les modalités verbale et prosodique met en lumière les rapports de synonymie pragmatique que peuvent entretenir des formes linguistiques différentes pour incarner une même fonction interactionnelle. Notre approche qualitative et quantitative permet également d’identifier le marquage conjoint par les deux modalités dans un même tour de parole comme hautement spécifique à la transition topicale

    Communication in Prehospital and Emergency Care: A State-of-the-Art Literature Review of Conversation-Analytic Research

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    International audienceThis article is a state-of-the-art review of research published between 2012 and 2022 on language and social interaction in prehospital and in-hospital emergency settings, conducted within the intersecting methodologies of conversation analysis (CA), interactional linguistics, multimodal analysis, and ethnomethodology. A total of 52 studies are discussed, grouped into three interaction types: prehospital care interaction (medical emergency calls, paramedic interaction), in-hospital interactions in the emergency department, and simulated emergency medical care interactions. I synthesize the main topics and major contributions of CA research in prehospital and emergency care, then highlight some lingering questions and knowledge gaps. Finally, I suggest possible areas in which CA can make an applied contribution in the near future, in partnership with the medical field. Data reported in the review are in multiple languages

    La transition topicale en anglais américain spontané. Marquage et gestion de la transition topicale dans des conversations typiques et atypiques (schizophrénie)

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    The research presented in this dissertation analyzes topic transition in American English interaction, focusing on audio recordings of spontaneous conversations between friends and relatives. The main object of inquiry is the interactional action of transitioning to a new discourse topic, as well as the different linguistic strategies that participants have at their disposal. Three main types of cues are investigated: questions, discourse markers, and pitch register. Each type of cue is analyzed for its individual contribution to topic transition design, as well as for the way it can combine with, supplement, or contradict other cues. Analyzing different types of cues – verbal and prosodic – creates a composite picture of the various ways in which the topic trajectory of a conversation shapes its grammar – including its prosody. This study uses a mixed-methods approach which draws on the qualitative-oriented theoretical frameworks of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, combining them with quantitative methods used in Corpus Linguistics, such as systematic coding and statistics. This multi-domain account is completed by elaborating a comparison between typical and atypical interactions. Persons suffering from schizophrenia can experience difficulties in managing the topics of a conversation, and they can produce non-canonical transitions. Comparing their data with that of typical participants thus sheds light on some of the expectations, preferences and standard formats which can otherwise remain hidden when topic transition goes smoothly.Cette thèse analyse la transition topicale en anglais américain à l’aide d’un corpus audio de conversations spontanées entre proches. L’objet d’étude principal est l’action interactionnelle qui consiste à changer de topique discursif, ainsi que les diverses stratégies linguistiques que les participants ont à leur disposition. Trois modalités de marquage sont prises en compte : les questions, les marqueurs de discours, et le registre de la voix. Chaque modalité est analysée pour sa contribution individuelle, ainsi que pour les associations avec d’autres modalités qu’elle peut occasionner. Se pencher sur différentes modalités de marquage crée une vue d’ensemble composite de l’influence que la trajectoire topicale d’une conversation a sur sa grammaire et sa prosodie. Dans le cadre d’une approche mixte mêlant analyses qualitatives et quantitatives, cette étude se situe à la croisée de plusieurs cadres théoriques, empruntant tant à l’analyse conversationnelle et à la linguistique interactionnelle pour l’analyse qualitative située, qu’à la linguistique de corpus de par ses méthodes quantitatives telles que le codage systématique des données et le recours aux statistiques. Ce projet multi-domaines est complété par une comparaison entre conversations typiques et atypiques. Les personnes schizophrènes peuvent connaître des difficultés dans la gestion des topiques d’une conversation, ce qui peut occasionner des transitions non-canoniques. Comparer ce type de données à celles de participants typiques apporte un éclairage supplémentaire sur certaines des attentes, préférences et standards, par ailleurs moins visibles lorsque la transition topicale est plus aisée

    Transitioning to a new topic in American English conversation: A multi-level and mixed-methods account

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    International audienceIn talk-in-interaction, transitioning to a new (discourse) topic is an interactional action which involves the mobilization of a number of linguistic cues. This paper presents a holistic analysis of the design of topic transition in spontaneous conversation by combining qualitative analysis, instrumental prosody, and statistical modeling. To investigate the grammatical patterns that participants routinely mobilize for their turns initiating topic transitions, three types of cues are taken into account: pitch register, discourse markers, and questions. Each type of cue is analyzed for its individual contribution to topic transition design, as well as for the way it can combine with other cues. Analyzing different types of cues-verbal and prosodic-creates a composite picture of the various ways in which the topic trajectory of a conversation shapes its grammar-including its prosody

    Translation of the Working Alliance Inventory-Short Revised in Slovenian according to a forward-backward translation and a Delphi consensus procedure

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    Introduction: Therapeutic alliance (TA) is a fundamental concept based on communication skills. It is defined a quality as the relationship betweenphysician and patient with the objective to enhance observance. It is of importance for the follow up of chronic diseases. The lack of European data on the subject promoved this study. A systematic literature review and a RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method identified the Working Alliance Inventory Short Revised (WAI-SR) as the most appropriate scale to evaluate the TA (according to its reproducibility and reliability). The purpose of this study was to achieve the translation of the WAI-SR in Slovenian, according to a forwardbackward translation and a Delphi consensus procedure.Method: A research group composed of therapists and bilingual experts produced a forward translation. Slovenian general practitioners (GPs) validated it using a Delphi procedure. After obtaining a consensus, two independent translators worked together to carry out a backward translation. They had especially to take care of linguistic differences.Result: Twenty-six GPs participated. The Slovenian version of the WAI was validated after two Delphi rounds. The backward translation was achieved by two professional linguists. The differences noted, linked to linguistic variations did not bring any change of semantics regarding the original version.Conclusion: Translation of the WAI-SR into Slovenian using a reliable and reproducible method, will have a triple interest. It will permit homogenization of medical European practices. Its use will establish a working support for the physician to increase its practice and its competences. And finally, communication training for medical students could be improved

    Playing with Syntax: Can a serious game help university students analyze noun phrases?

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    International audienceIn French universities, it is now widely accepted that students majoring in English Studies should be taught grammar. Questions remain as to what should be taught (linguistic awareness or mastery of written/oral skills) and how it should be taught. Using an experimental design, our action-research addresses the latter issue and explores the impact of a serious game on students’ performance and learning experience in two French universities.We targeted a module in which students learn to analyze the structure of the noun phrase in English. 2019/2020 corresponds to the experimental group: the students played a serious game in class. 2020/2021 corresponds to the control group, the game being replaced with an equivalent but non-playful activity.We present preliminary quantitative and qualitative results on student feedback and exam papers. We included three variables:Skill 1: identifying the head nounSkill 2: delineating the phraseSkill 3: segmenting and labeling pre- and post-modifiersWe considered each skill to be acquired if a student gave the correct answer for at least 5 out of 6 items. Skill 1 was acquired by 93% (203/218) of students, Skill 2 was acquired by 53% (115/218) of students, and Skill 3 was acquired by 66% (144/218) of students. We relate these encouraging results to student feedback, arguing that a serious game can sustain motivation over an extended stretch of time. More generally, games can be an effective alternative when Task-Based Learning and Teaching is not an option for developing abstract skills such as formal syntactic analysis

    Le concept de congruence en psychiatrie

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    BREST-BU MĂ©decine-Odontologie (290192102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Specificity re-evaluation of oligonucleotidic probes for the detection of marine picoplankton by Tyramide Signal Amplification-Fluorescent in situ Hybridization

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    Supplementary material to Riou et al. 2017 Frontier in MicrobiologySupplementary material to Riou et al. 2017 Specificity of re-evaluation of oligonucleotides probes for the detection of marine picoplankton by Tyramide Signal Amplification-Fluorescent in situ Hybridizatio
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