973 research outputs found

    Modification de la formule de Dalton à partir d'une nouvelle formulation du flux chaleur sensible en conditions suradiabatiques

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    Utilisant une nouvelle méthode de formulation des flux turbulents, les auteurs proposent une modification de la formule de Dalton qui tienne compte de façon explicite de l'instabilité et qui est vérifiée expérimentalement par des résultats obtenus dans le Sud-Tunisien. La formule traditionnelle de Dalton est discutée à partir de cette nouvelle expression. (Résume d'auteur

    Matter-wave laser Interferometric Gravitation Antenna (MIGA): New perspectives for fundamental physics and geosciences

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    The MIGA project aims at demonstrating precision measurements of gravity with cold atom sensors in a large scale instrument and at studying the associated applications in geosciences and fundamental physics. The first stage of the project (2013-2018) will consist in building a 300-meter long optical cavity to interrogate atom interferometers and will be based at the low noise underground laboratory LSBB in Rustrel, France. The second stage of the project (2018-2023) will be dedicated to science runs and data analyses in order to probe the spatio-temporal structure of the local gravity field of the LSBB region, a site of high hydrological interest. MIGA will also assess future potential applications of atom interferometry to gravitational wave detection in the frequency band 0.110\sim 0.1-10 Hz hardly covered by future long baseline optical interferometers. This paper presents the main objectives of the project, the status of the construction of the instrument and the motivation for the applications of MIGA in geosciences. Important results on new atom interferometry techniques developed at SYRTE in the context of MIGA and paving the way to precision gravity measurements are also reported.Comment: Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond "100 years after GR", La Thuile (Italy), 21-28 March 2015 - 10 pages, 5 figures, 23 references version2: added references, corrected typo

    Développement et validation d’une méthode de dosage des traces de détergents inactivants totaux du prion

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    OBJECTIVES: In this study, a novel analytical method to quantify prion inactivating detergent in rinsing waters coming from the washer-disinfector of a hospital sterilization unit has been developed. The final aim was to obtain an easy and functional method in a routine hospital process which does not need the cleaning product manufacturer services. METHODS: An ICP-MS method based on the potassium dosage of the washer-disinfector\u27s rinsing waters was developed. Potassium hydroxide is present on the composition of the three prion inactivating detergent currently on the French market. The detergent used in this study was the Actanios LDI(®) (Anios laboratories). A Passing and Bablok regression compares concentrations measured with this developed method and with the HPLC-UV manufacturer method. RESULTS: According to results obtained, the developed method is easy to use in a routine hospital process. The Passing and Bablok regression showed that there is no statistical difference between the two analytical methods during the second rinsing step. Besides, both methods were linear on the third rinsing step, with a 1.5ppm difference between the concentrations measured for each method. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the ICP-MS method developed is nonspecific for the detergent, but specific for the potassium element which is present in all prion inactivating detergent currently on the French market. This method should be functional for all the prion inactivating detergent containing potassium, if the sensibility of the method is sufficient when the potassium concentration is very low in the prion inactivating detergent formulation

    Impact of infection status and cyclosporine on voriconazole pharmacokinetics in an experimental model of cerebral scedosporiosis

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    Cerebral Scedosporium infections usually occur in lung transplant recipients as well as in immunocompetent patients in the context of near-drowning. Voriconazole is the first-line treatment. The diffusion of voriconazole through the blood-brain barriers in the context of cerebral infection and cyclosporine administration is crucial and remains a matter of debate. To address this issue, the pharmacokinetics of voriconazole were assessed in the plasma, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and brain, in an experimental model of cerebral scedosporiosis in rats receiving or not cyclosporine. A single dose of voriconazole (30 mg/kg, i.v.) was administrated to six groups of rats randomized according to the infection status and the cyclosporine dosing regimen (no cyclosporine, a single dose or three doses 15 mg/kg each). Voriconazole concentrations in plasma, CSF, and brain samples were quantified using UPLC-MS/MS and HPLC-UV methods and documented up to 48 hours after administration. Pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated using a non-compartmental approach. Voriconazole pharmacokinetic profiles were similar for plasma, CSF, and the brain in all groups studied. Voriconazole Cmax and AUC0=>48h were significantly higher in the plasma than in the CSF (CSF/plasma ratio, median [range] = 0.5 [0.39-0.55] for AUC0=>48h and 0.47 [0.35 and 0.75] for Cmax). Cyclosporine administration was significantly associated with an increase in voriconazole exposure in the plasma, CSF, and brain. In the plasma but not in the brain, an interaction between the infection and cyclosporine administration reduced the positive impact of cyclosporine on voriconazole exposure. Together these results emphasize the impact of cyclosporine on the brain voriconazole exposure

    Médecines complémentaires dans le canton de Vaud : recours et offres actuels, principaux enjeux sanitaires et possibilités de réglementation.

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    Selon les données de l'Enquête suisse sur la santé (ESS), le canton de Vaud comprend une des plus grandes proportions d'utilisateurs de médecines complémentaires « au cours des 12 derniers mois » en Suisse (30% en 2012). L'homéopathie, la phytothérapie et l'acupuncture sont les thérapies les plus prisées. L'auto-recours dans le domaine des médecines complémentaires est difficile à estimer. Sur la base des quelques études disponibles en Suisse, ce phénomène paraît néanmoins fréquent. Selon une enquête téléphonique conduite auprès d'un échantillon représentatif d'adultes en Suisse, seuls 34% des répondant/es consultant des thérapeutes non-médecins affirment en informer toujours leurs médecins traitants

    Involvement of β3-Adrenoceptor in Altered β-Adrenergic Response in Senescent Heart: Role of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1–derived Nitric Oxide

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    Background: In senescent heart, β-adrenergic response is altered in parallel with β1- and β2-adrenoceptor down-regulation. A negative inotropic effect of β3-adrenoceptor could be involved. In this study, the authors tested the hypothesis that β3-adrenoceptor plays a role in β-adrenergic dysfunction in senescent heart.Methods: β-Adrenergic responses were investigated in vivo (echocardiography–dobutamine, electron paramagnetic resonance) and in vitro (isolated left ventricular papillary muscle, electron paramagnetic resonance) in young adult (3-month-old) and senescent (24-month-old) rats. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunolabeling (confocal microscopy), nitric oxide production (electron paramagnetic resonance) and β-adrenoceptor Western blots were performed in vitro. Data are mean percentages of baseline ± SD. Results: An impaired positive inotropic effect (isoproterenol) was confirmed in senescent hearts in vivo (117 ± 23 vs. 162 ± 16%; P < 0.05) and in vitro (127 ± 10 vs. 179 ± 15%; P < 0.05). In the young adult group, the positive inotropic effect was not significantly modified by the nonselective NOS inhibitor NG-nitro-l-arginine methylester (l-NAME; 183 ± 19%), the selective NOS1 inhibitor vinyl-l-N-5(1-imino-3-butenyl)-l-ornithine (l-VNIO; 172 ± 13%), or the selective NOS2 inhibitor 1400W (183 ± 19%). In the senescent group, in parallel with β3-adrenoceptor up-regulation and increased nitric oxide production, the positive inotropic effect was partially restored by l-NAME (151 ± 8%; P < 0.05) and l-VNIO (149 ± 7%; P < 0.05) but not by 1400W (132 ± 11%; not significant). The positive inotropic effect induced by dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine monophosphate was decreased in the senescent group with the specific β3-adrenoceptor agonist BRL 37344 (167 ± 10 vs. 142 ± 10%; P < 0.05). NOS1 and NOS2 were significantly up-regulated in the senescent rat. Conclusions: In senescent cardiomyopathy, β3-adrenoceptor overexpression plays an important role in the altered β-adrenergic response via induction of NOS1-nitric oxide

    Consommation d'eau de la vigne en conditions hydriques non limitantes. Formulation simplifiée de la transpiration

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    La modélisation géometrique de la vigne, utilisée pour l'interception du rayonnement solaire (RIOU et al. 1989) est d'abord reprise pour évaluer les bilans radiatifs de la vigne et du sol intercalaire. La vérification expérimentale est satisfaisante. Après une période pluvieuse, les différents flux du bilan d'energie du vignoble sont ensuite mesurés, notamment grâce à la méthode des corrélations tourbillonnaires tandis que la transpiration de la vigne seule est obtenue par une mesure de flux de sève (VALANCOGNE et NASR 1993).Trois grandeurs concernant la vigne elle-même restent proches: le taux de transpiration par rapport à l'évaporation totale , le taux d' absorption du rayonnement net par rapport au bilan radiatif total et le taux d'absorption du rayonnement solaire par rapport au rayonnement global absorbé par le vignoble; une simulation montre que ces deux derniers taux restent voisins quand la distance entre rangs varie. L'évapotranspiration maximum étant finalement exprimée correctement par la formule de PENMAN (1948), ces résultats conduisent à proposer une formulation simple de la transpiration de la vigne en conditions hydriques non limitantes.Water use of grapevines well supplied with water. Simplified expression of transpirationA model of solar radiation interception by a vineyard canopy from simple geometrical assumptions (Riou et al. 1989) is first extended into a model of the whole radiative balance of the vine rows and of the intervening soil surface; experimental validation is excellent. After a rainy period, the various fluxes taking part in the energy balance of a vineyard canopy were measured, among which total evaportranspiration by an eddy correlation technique, and vine transpiration from a sap-flow estimation (Valancogne et Nasr 1993). Three partition rates quantifying the exchanges of the vines alone remain noticeably close to each other: those of transpiration over total evaportranspiration, of absorbed net radiation over overall radiative balance, and of intercepted global radiation over global radiation intercepted by the whole canopy. From a simulation, evidence is provided these two latter rates are still hardly distinguishable when the row spacing is changed. As maximum evapotranspiration is quite correctly expressed by the Penman formula, these results lead to the proposal of a simple method for estimating transpiration of grapevines well supplied with water

    Impact of cross-border-associated cases on the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Switzerland during summer 2020 and 2021

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    During the summers of 2020 and 2021, the number of confirmed cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in Switzerland remained at relatively low levels, but grew steadily over time. It remains unclear to what extent epidemic growth during these periods was a result of the relaxation of local control measures or increased traveling and subsequent importation of cases. A better understanding of the role of cross-border-associated cases (imports) on the local epidemic dynamics will help to inform future surveillance strategies. We analyzed routine surveillance data of confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland from 1 June to 30 September 2020 and 2021. We used a stochastic branching process model that accounts for superspreading of SARS-CoV-2 to simulate epidemic trajectories in absence and in presence of imports during summer 2020 and 2021. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health reported 22,919 and 145,840 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 from 1 June to 30 September 2020 and 2021, respectively. Among cases with known place of exposure, 27% (3,276 of 12,088) and 25% (1,110 of 4,368) reported an exposure abroad in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Without considering the impact of imported cases, the steady growth of confirmed cases during summer periods would be consistent with a value of that is significantly above the critical threshold of 1. In contrast, we estimated at 0.84 (95% credible interval, CrI: 0.78–0.90) in 2020 and 0.82 (95% CrI: 0.74–0.90) in 2021 when imported cases were taken into account, indicating that the local was below the critical threshold of 1 during summer. In Switzerland, cross-border-associated SARS-CoV-2 cases had a considerable impact on the local transmission dynamics and can explain the steady growth of the epidemic during the summers of 2020 and 2021

    PERC rule to exclude the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in emergency low-risk patients: study protocol for the PROPER randomized controlled study.

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism (PE) in the emergency department (ED) is crucial. As emergency physicians fear missing this potential life-threatening condition, PE tends to be over-investigated, exposing patients to unnecessary risks and uncertain benefit in terms of outcome. The Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria (PERC) is an eight-item block of clinical criteria that can identify patients who can safely be discharged from the ED without further investigation for PE. The endorsement of this rule could markedly reduce the number of irradiative imaging studies, ED length of stay, and rate of adverse events resulting from both diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Several retrospective and prospective studies have shown the safety and benefits of the PERC rule for PE diagnosis in low-risk patients, but the validity of this rule is still controversial. We hypothesize that in European patients with a low gestalt clinical probability and who are PERC-negative, PE can be safely ruled out and the patient discharged without further testing. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a controlled, cluster randomized trial, in 15 centers in France. Each center will be randomized for the sequence of intervention periods: a 6-month intervention period (PERC-based strategy) followed by a 6-month control period (usual care), or in reverse order, with 2 months of "wash-out" between the 2 periods. Adult patients presenting to the ED with a suspicion of PE and a low pre test probability estimated by clinical gestalt will be eligible. The primary outcome is the percentage of failure resulting from the diagnostic strategy, defined as diagnosed venous thromboembolic events at 3-month follow-up, among patients for whom PE has been initially ruled out. DISCUSSION: The PERC rule has the potential to decrease the number of irradiative imaging studies in the ED, and is reported to be safe. However, no randomized study has ever validated the safety of PERC. Furthermore, some studies have challenged the safety of a PERC-based strategy to rule-out PE, especially in Europe where the prevalence of PE diagnosed in the ED is high. The PROPER study should provide high-quality evidence to settle this issue. If it confirms the safety of the PERC rule, physicians will be able to reduce the number of investigations, associated subsequent adverse events, costs, and ED length of stay for patients with a low clinical probability of PE. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT02375919