22 research outputs found

    Prediction of depression in European general practice attendees: the PREDICT study

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    Background Prevention of depression must address multiple risk factors. Estimating overall risk across a range of putative risk factors is fundamental to prevention of depression. However, we lack reliable and valid methods of risk estimation. This protocol paper introduces PREDICT, an international research study to address this risk estimation. Methods/design This is a prospective study in which consecutive general practice attendees in six European countries are recruited and followed up after six and 12 months. Prevalence of depression is assessed at baseline and each follow-up point. Consecutive attendees between April 2003 and September 2004 who were aged 18 to 75 were asked to take part. The possibility of a depressive episode was assessed using the Depression Section of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. A selection of presumed risk factors was based on our previous work and a systematic review of the literature. It was necessary to evaluate the test-retest reliability of a number of risk factor questions that were developed specifically, or adapted, for the PREDICT study. In a separate reliability study conducted between January and November 2003, consecutive general practice attendees in the six participating European countries completed the risk factor items on two occasions, two weeks apart. The overall response rate at entry to the study was 69%. We exceeded our expected recruitment rate, achieving a total of 10,048 people in all. Reliability coefficients were generally good to excellent. Discussion Response rate to follow-up in all countries was uniformly high, which suggests that prediction will be based on almost a full cohort. The results of our reliability analysis are encouraging and suggest that data collected during the course of PREDICT will have a satisfactory level of stability. The development of a multi-factor risk score for depression will lay the foundation for future research on risk reduction in primary care. Our data will also provide the necessary evidence base on which to develop and evaluate interventions to reduce the prevalence of depression

    Regional differences in psychiatric disorders in Chile

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    BACKGROUND: Psychiatric epidemiological surveys in developing countries are rare and are frequently conducted in regions that are not necessarily representative of the entire country. In addition, in large countries with dispersed populations national rates may have low value for estimating the need for mental health services and programs. METHODS: The Chile Psychiatric Prevalence Study using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview was conducted in four distinct regions of the country on a stratified random sample of 2,978 people. Lifetime and 12-month prevalence and service utilization rates were estimated. RESULTS: Significant differences in the rates of major depressive disorder, substance abuse disorders, non-affective psychosis, and service utilization were found across the regions. The differential prevalence rates could not be accounted by socio-demographic differences between sites. CONCLUSIONS: Regional differences across countries may exist that have both implications for prevalence rates and service utilization. Planning mental health services for population centers that span wide geographical areas based on studies conducted in a single region may be misleading, and may result in areas with high need being underserved

    Patrones de uso de servicios entre adultos con problemas de salud mental, en Chile Service use patterns among adults with mental health problems in Chile

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    OBJETIVO: Describir el patrón de uso de servicios generales y especializados entre los adultos con problemas de salud mental, así como su nivel de satisfacción con dichos servicios, con la finalidad de contribuir a optimizar los escasos recursos disponibles en la Región para la atención de la salud mental, particularmente en lo que corresponde a Chile. MÉTODO: Los diagnósticos y los patrones de uso de los servicios de salud mental se obtuvieron del Estudio Chileno de Prevalencia Psiquiátrica (ECPP), una investigación representativa de la población adulta del país, basada en una muestra aleatoria estratificada de 2 987 personas de 15 años y más, que abarcó el período de 1992 a 1999. Los diagnósticos psiquiátricos se obtuvieron por medio del instrumento de entrevista denominado Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Asimismo, se preguntó a los entrevistados acerca del uso de servicios generales y de salud mental en los seis meses precedentes y sobre las dificultades que encontraron para acceder a ellos. RESULTADOS: Más de 44% de los entrevistados tuvieron contacto con algún tipo de servicio de salud durante los 6 meses previos al estudio, pero solo 5,6% recibieron atención especializada. Quienes presentan los diagnósticos de trastorno obsesivo y de pánico consultan con mayor frecuencia, pero no en centros especializados. El consumo de sustancias tóxicas y la personalidad antisocial se relacionaron con un bajo nivel de consulta. El sistema formal de salud es la opción que más se menciona como recurso de ayuda. Más de 75% refieren satisfacción o gran satisfacción con la atención recibida. CONCLUSIONES: Se confirma la existencia de una amplia brecha entre las necesidades de atención y el tratamiento realmente recibido. Los recursos alternativos informales y folclóricos (sacerdote, familiares, curanderos, hierbateros [yerberos], etc.) se utilizan con una frecuencia menor de la esperada. Las barreras indirectas de acceso a los servicios resultan claramente más frecuentes y se vinculan con desconocimiento y estigma. Un número importante de personas sin diagnóstico positivo en la entrevista CIDI hace uso de los servicios de salud mental.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe the patterns in the use of general health services and specialized health services among adults with mental health problems in Chile, as well as those persons' level of satisfaction with the services. The overall objective was to optimize the use of the limited resources available for mental health care in the countries of the Americas, especially Chile. METHODS: The diagnoses and the patterns of use of mental health services were obtained from the Chilean Study of Psychiatric Prevalence (Estudio Chileno de Prevalencia Psiquiátrica). That representative research on the adult population of Chile was based on a stratified random sample of 2 987 people 15 years old and older, done over the period of 1992 to 1999. The psychiatric diagnoses were obtained using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). The interviewees were also asked about their use of general health care services and of mental health services in the preceding six months, as well as any barriers to accessing the services. RESULTS: More than 44% of the interviewees had had contact with some type of health service during the six months prior to the study, but only 5.6% received specialized care. Those who presented with a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder or of panic disorder consulted more frequently, but not in specialized centers. Consumption of substances such as alcohol and drugs as well as antisocial personality disorder were associated with a low level of consultation. When asked about sources of assistance for mental health problems, the majority of the interviewees mentioned only the formal health care system. More than 75% of the interviewees said that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the care that they had received. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm the existence of a wide gap between the need for care and the treatment that is actually received. The informal and folkloric alternative resources (priests, family members, healers, herbalists, etc.) were used less frequently than is generally believed to be true. The indirect barriers of access to services-linked to a lack of knowledge and to stigma-were more frequent than were the direct barriers. A sizable number of people who did not have a positive diagnosis on the CIDI utilized mental health services

    Carga del enfermar psíquico, barreras y brechas en la atención de Salud Mental en Chile

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    Estudio chileno de prevalencia de patología psiquiátrica (DSM-III-R/CIDI) (ECPP)

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    Inteligencia y Conductas Delictuales en Adolescentes Chilenos

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    Este estudio compara el rendimiento intelectual de 100 jóvenes varones (12-17años) que han infringido la ley, con el de 100 jóvenes no infractores. Los resultados indican quelos jóvenes infractores de ley presentan una mayor proporción de CIs totales inferiores al promedioen comparación con los jóvenes no infractores. Al descontar el efecto de la escolarización y NSE,las diferencias de CI entre ambos grupos siguen siendo significativas, aunque menos extremas. Losresultados concuerdan con los hallazgos de otros estudios respecto al menor CI en jóvenes infractores de ley, particularmente en el CI verbal. Estos resultados son de importancia en la planificación deestrategias de rehabilitación, reescolarización y reinserción social de estos adolescente

    Inteligencia y conductas delictuales en adolescentes chilenos

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    Este estudio compara el rendimiento intelectual de 100 jóvenes varones (12-17 años) que han infringido la ley, con el de 100 jóvenes no infractores. Los resultados indican que los jóvenes infractores de ley presentan una mayor proporción de CIs totales inferiores al promedio en comparación con los jóvenes no infractores. Al descontar el efecto de la escolarización y NSE, las diferencias de CI entre ambos grupos siguen siendo significativas, aunque menos extremas. Los resultados concuerdan con los hallazgos de otros estudios respecto al menor CI en jóvenes infractores de ley, articularmente en el CI verbal. Estos resultados son de importancia en la planificación de estrategias de rehabilitación, reescolarización y reinserción social de estos adolescentes.-1. Introducción. -2. Material y Método. -3. Resultados. -4. Discusión. -Lista de Referencia