1,166 research outputs found

    En la búsqueda de una nueva política fiscal: los reglamentos de impuestos de Santa Fe. Tercer cuarto del siglo XIX

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    En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, las autoridades provinciales iniciaron un proceso de reestructuración fiscal. Este artículo propone examinar cuáles fueron los recursos utilizados en la búsqueda de mantener una hacienda viable. Un estudio sobre el modo en que se elaboraron los reglamentos de impuestos constituye un buen observatorio desde el cual atender a las formas en que se planificaban las finanzas. Los debates que se sucedieron al interior del recinto Legislativo, por un lado, y la orientación de las reformas fiscales, por otro, constituyen los ejes que guían este análisis.The search of political fiscal: tax regulations of Santa Fe. The third quarter of the 19th century Summary: In the second half of the 19th century, the provincial authorities began a process of fiscal restructuring. This article proposes to examine what resources were used in the pursuit of maintaining a sustainable finance. A study on how tax regulations were drawn up is a good observatory from which to attend the ways in which the finance were planned. The discussions that took place within the Legislature chamber, on one hand, and orientation of fiscal reforms, on the other, are the axes that guide this analysis.Fil: de Los Rios, Evangelina Daniela. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Investigaciones Socio-Históricas Regionales. Centro de Estudios Sociales Regionales - Nodo Cesor - Ishir; Argentin

    O altar como performance na religiosidade popular

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    Este artigo apresenta o altar como um lugar do qual emanam performances visualizadas em símbolos, ações, gestos, cantos advindos da prática religiosa. Com o olhar voltado à religiosidade popular, destaca-se as vivências das Folias de Reis a fim de propiciar a reflexão acerca das performances do altar. À luz dos estudos em Performances Culturais, o destaque dado aos gestos, sons, imagens e toadas possibilitam reflexões acerca da performatividade revelada na materialidade dinâmica do altar, que se mantém viva em diversos contextos. O altar se configura, assim, como local do sagrado que ressalta o conjunto das qualidades sinestésicas das várias performances envolvidas neles ou perante eles; inclusive aquelas constituídas por sua simples materialidade e presença.This article presents the altar as a place from which emanate performances visualized in symbols, actions, gestures arising from religious practice. With an eye turned to popular religiosity, the experiences of Folias de Reis stand out in order to provide reflection on the performances of the altar. In the light of studies in Cultural Performances, the emphasis given to gestures, sounds, images and tunes enable reflections on the performativity revealed in the dynamic materiality of the altar, which remain alive in different contexts. The altars are configured, therefore, as a place of the sacred that highlights the set of synesthetic qualities of the various performances involved in them or before them; including those constituted by its simple materiality and presence

    Evaluación de la calidad de los registros de enfermería en el área de trauma shock del servicio de emergencia. Hospital Regional Lambayeque 2015

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    Por el carácter legal, los registros de enfermería significan un respaldo a la labor de los profesionales de esta disciplina; sin embargo, por su variabilidad, complejidad y falta de unificación, en muchas oportunidades, no evidencian en lo escrito el cuidado brindado; por ello, se realizó el estudio denominado “evaluación de la calidad de los registros de enfermería en el área de trauma shock del servicio de emergencia Hospital Regional Lambayeque 2015”; cuyo objetivo fue evaluar la calidad de los registros de enfermería en el aspecto estructura y contenido en el área de trauma shock, así como la realización de una propuesta de registro para dicha área. La investigación fue cuantitativa, descriptiva. Se tomaron registros de enfermería en base a la historia clínica, la población estuvo constituida por 123 historias clínicas de pacientes cuya estancia promedio fue más de 24 horas de permanencia, la muestra final fue 52 historias clínicas. La validez y confiabilidad se demostró mediante el estadístico KR20 en los instrumentos contenido y estructura. Concluyendo que la evaluación de la calidad de los Registros con respecto al aspecto estructura fue Buena con 50%; es decir; el profesional enfermero incluye dentro de sus registros datos generales resaltando nombre del paciente, hora de ingreso, hay buena redacción y letra legible en las anotaciones de enfermería, colocación de sello y llenado de hoja de balance hídrico y kárdex; así mismo, con relación al aspecto contenido fue mala con un 94.2%, no evidenciándose el proceso de cuidado enfermero. Presentándose una propuesta de registro de enfermería

    A study of neighbour selection strategies for POI recommendation in LBSNs

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    Location-based Recommender Systems (LBRSs) are gaining importance with the proliferation of location-based services provided by mobile devices as well as user-generated content in social networks. Collaborative approaches for recommendation rely on the opinions of liked-minded people, so called neighbors, for prediction. Thus, an adequate selection of such neighbors becomes essential for achieving good prediction results. The aim of this work is to explore different strategies to select neighbors in the context of a collaborative filtering based recommender system for POI (places of interest) recommendations. Whereas standard methods are based on user similarity to delimit a neighborhood, in this work several strategies are proposed based on direct social relationships and geographical information extracted from Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs). The impact of the different strategies proposed has been evaluated and compared against the traditional collaborative filtering approach using a dataset from a popular network as Foursquare. In general terms, the proposed strategies for selecting neighbors based on the different elements available in a LBSN achieve better results than the traditional collaborative filtering approach. Our findings can be helpful both to researchers in the recommender systems area as well as to recommender systems developers in the context of LBSNs, since they can take into account our results to design and provide more effective services considering the huge amount of knowledge produced in LBSNs.Fil: Rios, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Schiaffino, Silvia Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Godoy, Daniela Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; Argentin

    Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the nasopharynx: a rare case report

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    Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma rarely appears primarily in the head and neck and exhibits aggressive behavior with a poor prognosis. The pathologist has a significant role in the diagnosis, and a consensual treatment still does not exist. The authors report the case of a middle-aged male patient who presented repeated episodes of massive epistaxis. The diagnostic work-up disclosed the diagnosis of small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the nasopharynx. The patient was treated with chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. Imaging examinations performed after the end of treatment showed apparent complete remission of the disease. The patient was kept under active surveillance with no signs of local relapse or distant metastasis after 4 years of follow-u

    O processo de ensino-aprendizagem da dança do ventre sob a ótica transdisciplinar

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    Utilizando como método de pesquisa a narrativa pessoal este trabalho relata as consequências de uma abordagem transdisciplinar na prática de ensino-aprendizagem da dança do ventre, bem como tal abordagem pode contribuir para a consciência de um ser integral auxiliando em um aprendizado motor associado à saúde emocional. Obter rendimento no aprendizado da dança é a busca da maioria das pessoas que a praticam, no entanto, para que isso ocorra não podemos distinguir o corpo da mente, muito menos separá-lo das emoções que através dele são vividas e sentidas. Ter consciência de um ser integral é reconhecer que corpo, mente e emoções estão interligados e que ao utilizarmos métodos de ensino que sejam mais sensíveis a essa consciência de integração podemos auxiliar nossos alunos a terem um contato mais profundo consigo, com o outro e com a arte

    Diseño de un plan estratégico de mercadeo para la empresa Ego Stetic S.A.

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    La dinámica actual, ha llevado a los empresarios a innovar constantemente las condiciones bajo las cuales ofrecen sus productos/servicios, tal vez el catalizador más importante de esta situación es el cliente, el cual se caracteriza por ser cada vez más cuidadoso en la toma de sus decisiones de compra, además de esto, ha desarrollado un potente sistema que detecta mensajes publicitarios y los filtra, sin que lleguen a su mente y le creen expectativas frente a los productos/servicios ofrecidos, un ejemplo claro de ello es el zapping (cambio constante de canal); es por esto, que para las empresas que deseen sobrevivir en el mercado actual, se convierte en una necesidad fundamental conocerse a sì misma, a su entorno, y a su cliente

    Estado nutricional em vitamina D e o grau de dependência, em pessoas idosas com défice e sem défice cognitivo

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a associação entre os níveis plasmáticos de Vitamina D (VitD) e o estado funcional em pessoas idosas com ou sem défice cognitivo residentes num Lar. Este estudo transversal incluiu 14 homens e 31 mulheres com idade ≥ 65 anos. A função cognitiva foi avaliada através da pontuação obtida pela ferramenta Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE®). A autonomia nas atividades de vida diária foi avaliada com base na pontuação obtida pelo Índice de Barthel (IB®). O risco de queda foi determinado a partir da pontuação obtida pela Escala de Morse (EB®). Os níveis plasmáticos de VitD foram medidos utilizando a técnica laboratorial The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (E.L.I.S.A). Mais de metade dos participantes eram mulheres (68,8%). Quarenta e quatro participantes (97,7%) apresentavam hipovitaminose D. Do total da amostra (n=45), vinte e cinco participantes (55,5%) apresentaram défice grave em VitD (<10ng/mL). Observaram-se diferenças significativas para os níveis plasmáticos de VitD entre os participantes com ou sem deficiência cognitiva (P=0,004). Os participantes com défice cognitivo mostraram uma associação significativa entre a pontuação obtida no IB e o nível plasmático de VitD (P=0,024), em comparação com os participantes sem défice cognitivo (P=0,438). Em conclusão, os nossos resultados sugerem que a hipovitaminose D é muito frequente nas pessoas idosas com ou sem défice cognitivo (97,7%). É de realçar que todas as pessoas idosas com défice cognitivo apresentavam pior autonomia (100%) em comparação com as pessoas idosas sem défice cognitivo (44,4%). No grupo das pessoas idosas com défice cognitivo foi possível observar uma associação entre a autonomia nas atividades de vida diária determinada pelo Índice de Barthel (IB®) e os níveis plasmáticos de VitD.Study aims to examine the relationship between serum Vitamin D (VitD) and the functional status on elderly people with or without cognitive impairment living in nursing home. This cross-sectional study included 14 men and 31 women aged ≥ 65 years. Cognitive impairment was evaluated through the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE®) tool score. Autonomy in activities of daily living was assessed with the Barthel Index (BI®) score. The risk of falls was determined with the Morse Scale score. Serum VitD levels were measured using The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (E.L.I.S.A) protocols of the clinical laboratory of the research. More than half of the participants were women (68.8%). Forty-four participants (97.7%) were identified with hypovitaminosis D. Out of 45 participants, twenty-five participants (55.5%) showed a severe deficit in VitD (<10ng/mL). Significant differences for the serum levels VitD were observed between participants with or without cognitive impairments (P=0.004). Participants with cognitive impairment showed a significant association between the BI® score and the VitD serum level (P=0.024), compared to the participants without cognitive impairment (P=0.438). In conclusion, our results suggests that hypovitaminosis D is highly prevalent among elderly people with or without cognitive impairment living in nursing home (97.7%). All cognitive impairment participants showed worst autonomy (100%) compared to the participants without cognitive impairment (44.4%). Association between autonomy and VitD serum level was found in the cognitive impairment participants

    La inversión privada en innovación y su impacto en los ingresos de los hoteles de la región sur del Perú, 2018

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    La industria hotelera es uno de los pilares del sector turismo, y uno de los principales motores de desarrollo en la región sur del Perú; sin embargo, factores externos que amenazan las ganancias netas de la industria ha generado la necesidad de innovar e invertir en tecnologías que mejoren la calidad del servicio en las empresas hoteleras. La presente investigación estudia el efecto que pueden tener las Tecnologías de la Información o TICs y Técnicas de investigación de mercados y publicidad en los ingresos netos de las empresas hoteleras. El objetivo es Identificar el impacto de la inversión privada en innovación en los ingresos de empresas hoteleras de la región sur del Perú en el 2018. Se utiliza información de la Encuesta Económica Anual como de la Encuesta Nacional de Innovación en la Industria Manufacturera y Empresas de Servicios Intensivas en Conocimiento del 2018 y un modelo de regresión lineal para explorar la relación entre las variables antes mencionadas. La investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo de alcance descriptivo correlacional, con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal. Los resultados principales encuentran que la inversión privada en innovación regional ha tenido un impacto positivo en los ingresos netos de las empresas hoteleras de la región sur del Perú durante el 2018. Se estima que un incremento de 1% en la inversión en innovación privada en TICs puede generar un incremento de hasta 5% en los ingresos netos de las empresas hoteleras asimismo un incremento de 1% la inversión en técnicas de investigación de mercado puede generar un incremento de hasta 3% en los ingresos netos de las empresas hoteleras.The hotel industry is one of the pillars of the tourism sector, and one of the main engines of development in the southern region of Peru; However, external factors that threaten the net profits of the industry have generated the need to innovate and invest in technologies that improve the quality of service in hotel companies. This research studies the effect that Information Technologies or ICTs and market research and advertising techniques can have on the net income of hotel companies. The objective is to identify the impact of private investment in innovation on the income of hotel companies in the southern region of Peru in 2018. Information from the Annual Economic Survey and the 2018 National Survey of Innovation in the Manufacturing Industry and Knowledge-Intensive Services Companies and a linear regression model are used to explore the relationship between the aforementioned variables. The research has a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational scope, with a nonexperimental cross-sectional design. The main results find that private investment in regional innovation has had a positive impact on the net income of hotel companies in the southern region of Peru during 2018. It is estimated that an increase of 1% in investment in private innovation in ICTs can generate an increase of up to 5% in the net income of hotel companies Also, an increase of 1% investment in market research techniques can generate an increase of up to 3% in the net income of hotel companies


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    The agribusiness unfolds in the rural Brazilian environment as one of the most efficient and competitive in the world but the rural poverty also blunts as one of the largest social blemishes for the society. The methodology applied was the study case, a milk producers’ association, comprehending some observation, semi-structured interviews and informal conversations. The study has evidenced that the association accomplishes several development indicators, job and income generation, access to rural credit, access to new technologies and important institutional partnerships. However, the association inclusion is still very limited to the associates and the social sustainability is fragile (there is an incidence of objective participation and low subjective participation), the administrative structure demands more attention regarding to the improvement intention. There is a possible social/economical instability in case of a competition incitation. However the reality is valid, provocative and highlighted into the region for the few associative enterprises successes and high level poverty, could be considered as an agent of great importance for the local development, but it still requires further preoccupation with the social side, with cooperative/associative education and more professionalism in the administration.participation, viability, sustainability and associativism.,