489 research outputs found

    On transition to bursting via deterministic chaos

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    We study statistical properties of the irregular bursting arising in a class of neuronal models close to the transition from spiking to bursting. Prior to the transition to bursting, the systems in this class develop chaotic attractors, which generate irregular spiking. The chaotic spiking gives rise to irregular bursting. The duration of bursts near the transition can be very long. We describe the statistics of the number of spikes and the interspike interval distributions within one burst as functions of the distance from criticality.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Increased bradykinesia in Parkinson’s disease with increased movement complexity: elbow flexion-extension movements

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    The present research investigates factors contributing to bradykinesia in the control of simple and complex voluntary limb movement in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. The functional scheme of the basal ganglia (BG)–thalamocortical circuit was described by a mathematical model based on the mean firing rates of BG nuclei. PD was simulated as a reduction in dopamine levels, and a loss of functional segregation between two competing motor modules. In order to compare model simulations with performed movements, flexion and extension at the elbow joint is taken as a test case. Results indicated that loss of segregation contributed to bradykinesia due to interference between competing modules and a reduced ability to suppress unwanted movements. Additionally, excessive neurotransmitter depletion is predicted as a possible mechanism for the increased difficulty in performing complex movements. The simulation results showed that the model is in qualitative agreement with the results from movement experiments on PD patients and healthy subjects. Furthermore, based on changes in the firing rate of BG nuclei, the model demonstrated that the effective mechanism of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in STN may result from stimulation induced inhibition of STN, partial synaptic failure of efferent projections, or excitation of inhibitory afferent axons even though the underlying methods of action may be quite different for the different mechanisms

    Computational models of auditory perception from feature extraction to stream segregation and behavior

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: This is a review study, and as such did not generate any new data.Audition is by nature dynamic, from brainstem processing on sub-millisecond time scales, to segregating and tracking sound sources with changing features, to the pleasure of listening to music and the satisfaction of getting the beat. We review recent advances from computational models of sound localization, of auditory stream segregation and of beat perception/generation. A wealth of behavioral, electrophysiological and imaging studies shed light on these processes, typically with synthesized sounds having regular temporal structure. Computational models integrate knowledge from different experimental fields and at different levels of description. We advocate a neuromechanistic modeling approach that incorporates knowledge of the auditory system from various fields, that utilizes plausible neural mechanisms, and that bridges our understanding across disciplines.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Soma-Axon Coupling Configurations That Enhance Neuronal Coincidence Detection

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    Coincidence detector neurons transmit timing information by responding preferentially to concurrent synaptic inputs. Principal cells of the medial superior olive (MSO) in the mammalian auditory brainstem are superb coincidence detectors. They encode sound source location with high temporal precision, distinguishing submillisecond timing differences among inputs. We investigate computationally how dynamic coupling between the input region (soma and dendrite) and the spike-generating output region (axon and axon initial segment) can enhance coincidence detection in MSO neurons. To do this, we formulate a two-compartment neuron model and characterize extensively coincidence detection sensitivity throughout a parameter space of coupling configurations. We focus on the interaction between coupling configuration and two currents that provide dynamic, voltage-gated, negative feedback in subthreshold voltage range: sodium current with rapid inactivation and low-threshold potassium current, IKLT. These currents reduce synaptic summation and can prevent spike generation unless inputs arrive with near simultaneity. We show that strong soma-to-axon coupling promotes the negative feedback effects of sodium inactivation and is, therefore, advantageous for coincidence detection. Furthermore, the feedforward combination of strong soma-to-axon coupling and weak axon-to-soma coupling enables spikes to be generated efficiently (few sodium channels needed) and with rapid recovery that enhances high-frequency coincidence detection. These observations detail the functional benefit of the strongly feedforward configuration that has been observed in physiological studies of MSO neurons. We find that IKLT further enhances coincidence detection sensitivity, but with effects that depend on coupling configuration. For instance, in models with weak soma-to-axon and weak axon-to-soma coupling, IKLT in the axon enhances coincidence detection more effectively than IKLT in the soma. By using a minimal model of soma-to-axon coupling, we connect structure, dynamics, and computation. Although we consider the particular case of MSO coincidence detectors, our method for creating and exploring a parameter space of two-compartment models can be applied to other neurons

    Chaos at the border of criticality

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    The present paper points out to a novel scenario for formation of chaotic attractors in a class of models of excitable cell membranes near an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (AHB). The mechanism underlying chaotic dynamics admits a simple and visual description in terms of the families of one-dimensional first-return maps, which are constructed using the combination of asymptotic and numerical techniques. The bifurcation structure of the continuous system (specifically, the proximity to a degenerate AHB) endows the Poincare map with distinct qualitative features such as unimodality and the presence of the boundary layer, where the map is strongly expanding. This structure of the map in turn explains the bifurcation scenarios in the continuous system including chaotic mixed-mode oscillations near the border between the regions of sub- and supercritical AHB. The proposed mechanism yields the statistical properties of the mixed-mode oscillations in this regime. The statistics predicted by the analysis of the Poincare map and those observed in the numerical experiments of the continuous system show a very good agreement.Comment: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (tentatively, Sept 2008

    Auditory streaming and bistability paradigm extended to a dynamic environment

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: All experimental data and model code are available in the github repository james-rankin/auditory-streaming: https://github.com/james-rankin/auditory-streamingWe explore stream segregation with temporally modulated acoustic features using behavioral experiments and modelling. The auditory streaming paradigm in which alternating high- A and low-frequency tones B appear in a repeating ABA-pattern, has been shown to be perceptually bistable for extended presentations (order of minutes). For a fixed, repeating stimulus, perception spontaneously changes (switches) at random times, every 2–15 s, between an integrated interpretation with a galloping rhythm and segregated streams. Streaming in a natural auditory environment requires segregation of auditory objects with features that evolve over time. With the relatively idealized ABA-triplet paradigm, we explore perceptual switching in a non-static environment by considering slowly and periodically varying stimulus features. Our previously published model captures the dynamics of auditory bistability and predicts here how perceptual switches are entrained, tightly locked to the rising and falling phase of modulation. In psychoacoustic experiments we find that entrainment depends on both the period of modulation and the intrinsic switch characteristics of individual listeners. The extended auditory streaming paradigm with slowly modulated stimulus features presented here will be of significant interest for future imaging and neurophysiology experiments by reducing the need for subjective perceptual reports of ongoing perception.Swartz FoundationEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Quantifying the relative contributions of divisive and subtractive feedback to rhythm generation.

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    PublishedResearch Support, N.I.H., ExtramuralBiological systems are characterized by a high number of interacting components. Determining the role of each component is difficult, addressed here in the context of biological oscillations. Rhythmic behavior can result from the interplay of positive feedback that promotes bistability between high and low activity, and slow negative feedback that switches the system between the high and low activity states. Many biological oscillators include two types of negative feedback processes: divisive (decreases the gain of the positive feedback loop) and subtractive (increases the input threshold) that both contribute to slowly move the system between the high- and low-activity states. Can we determine the relative contribution of each type of negative feedback process to the rhythmic activity? Does one dominate? Do they control the active and silent phase equally? To answer these questions we use a neural network model with excitatory coupling, regulated by synaptic depression (divisive) and cellular adaptation (subtractive feedback). We first attempt to apply standard experimental methodologies: either passive observation to correlate the variations of a variable of interest to system behavior, or deletion of a component to establish whether a component is critical for the system. We find that these two strategies can lead to contradictory conclusions, and at best their interpretive power is limited. We instead develop a computational measure of the contribution of a process, by evaluating the sensitivity of the active (high activity) and silent (low activity) phase durations to the time constant of the process. The measure shows that both processes control the active phase, in proportion to their speed and relative weight. However, only the subtractive process plays a major role in setting the duration of the silent phase. This computational method can be used to analyze the role of negative feedback processes in a wide range of biological rhythms.This work is supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant DK043200 (JT, RB). JR values the hospitality and resources provided by the Laboratory of Biological Modeling, NIDDK-IR, on the NIH campus. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Stimulus pauses and perturbations differentially delay or promote the segregation of auditory objects: psychoacoustics and modeling

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    This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance, after peer-review. The final publisher formatted version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Segregating distinct sound sources is fundamental for auditory perception, as in the cocktail party problem. In a process called the build-up of stream segregation, distinct sound sources that are perceptually integrated initially can be segregated into separate streams after several seconds. Previous research concluded that abrupt changes in the incoming sounds during build-up --- for example, a step change in location, loudness or timing --- reset the percept to integrated. Following this reset, the multisecond build-up process begins again. Neurophysiological recordings in auditory cortex (A1) show fast (subsecond) adaptation, but unified mechanistic explanations for the bias toward integration, multisecond build-up and resets remain elusive. Combining psychoacoustics and modeling, we show that initial unadapted A1 responses bias integration, that the slowness of build-up arises naturally from competition downstream, and that recovery of adaptation can explain resets. An early bias toward integrated perceptual interpretations arising from primary cortical stages that encode low-level features and feed into competition downstream could also explain similar phenomena in vision. Further, we report a previously overlooked class of perturbations that promote segregation rather than integration. Our results challenge current understanding for perturbation effects on the emergence of sound source segregation, leading to a new hypothesis for differential processing downstream of A1. Transient perturbations can momentarily redirect A1 responses as input to downstream competition units that favor segregation

    Spatial coherence resonance on diffusive and small-world networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons

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    Spatial coherence resonance in a spatially extended system that is locally modeled by Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons is studied in this paper. We focus on the ability of additive temporally and spatially uncorrelated Gaussian noise to extract a particular spatial frequency of excitatory waves in the medium, whereby examining also the impact of diffusive and small-world network topology determining the interactions amongst coupled HH neurons. We show that there exists an intermediate noise intensity that is able to extract a characteristic spatial frequency of the system in a resonant manner provided the latter is diffusively coupled, thus indicating the existence of spatial coherence resonance. However, as the diffusive topology of the medium is relaxed via the introduction of shortcut links introducing small-world properties amongst coupled HH neurons, the ability of additive Gaussian noise to evoke ordered excitatory waves deteriorates rather spectacularly, leading to the decoherence of the spatial dynamics and with it related absence of spatial coherence resonance. In particular, already a minute fraction of shortcut links suffices to substantially disrupt coherent pattern formation in the examined system.Comment: 8 two-column pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Chao

    Classification of bursting patterns: A tale of two ducks

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    Bursting is one of the fundamental rhythms that excitable cells can generate either in response to incoming stimuli or intrinsically. It has been a topic of intense research in computational biology for several decades. The classification of bursting oscillations in excitable systems has been the subject of active research since the early 1980s and is still ongoing. As a by-product it establishes analytical and numerical foundations for studying complex temporal behaviors in multiple-timescale models of cellular activity. In this review, we first present the seminal works of Rinzel and Izhikevich in classifying bursting patterns of excitable systems. We recall a complementary mathematical classification approach by Bertram et al., and then by Golubitsky et al., which together with the Rinzel-Izhikevich proposals provide the state-of-the-art foundations to these classifications. Beyond classical approaches, we review a recent bursting example that falls outside the previous classification systems. Generalizing this example leads us to propose an extended classification, which requires the analysis of both fast and slow subsystems of an underlying slow-fast model and allows the dissection of a larger class of bursters. Namely, we provide a general framework for bursting systems with both subthreshold and superthreshold oscillations. A new class of bursters with at least two slow variables is then added, which we denote folded-node bursters, to convey the idea that the bursts are initiated or annihilated via a folded-node singularity. Key to this mechanism are so-called canard or duck orbits, organizing the underpinning excitability structure. We describe the two main families of folded-node bursters, depending upon the phase (active/spiking or silent/non-spiking) of the bursting cycle during which folded-node dynamics occurs. We classify both families and give examples of minimal systems displaying these novel bursting patterns. Finally, we provide a biophysical example by reinterpreting a generic conductance-based episodic burster as a folded-node burster, showing that the associated framework can explain its subthreshold oscillations over a larger parameter region than the fast-subsystem approach