5,954 research outputs found

    The application of prolate spheroidal wave functions to the detection and estimation of bandlimited signals

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    Prolate spheroidal wave functions for solution of Fredholm equation for bandlimited signal detectio

    Band limited image restoration by linear mean-square estimation

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    Linear estimator optimum for data on finite interval for restoration of image


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    During the last years Italy, a country characterized by a long history of emigration, has seen a quickly growth of the phenomenon of immigration. Our Nation seems to be a “docking point” for new and substantial flow of immigrants mainly from Eastern Europe looking for new work opportunities. The profile of these people is usually characterized by high level of education as well as flexibility and adaptability. For the national economy in general, and for the agricultural sector in particular, this new migration flows represent an effective answer to the aversion for the agricultural job expressed by many potential autochthon workers. Which are the characteristics of extra-community agricultural labour? Which are the characteristics of migration flows linked to the agricultural labour in three provinces of one of the main agricultural regions in Italy? Based on National Institute of Welfare information’s (INPS), the research underlines the diversification of this phenomenon among Italian regions as well as its dynamism. In Italy, during the last five years, the proportions of foreign agricultural workers increased up to 50%, and peaked in four Italian regions: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Campania, Piemonte and Emilia-Romagna. In Emilia-Romagna, in particular, immigrants represent almost a quarter of total agricultural workers and most of them aged less than forty years. The analysis of information about labour market in the agricultural sector in some Emilia-Romagna provinces shows that immigrants are concentrated in few farms. Farmer prefers to engage homogeneous ethnic groups to assure cultural affinity among the employees. In the local agricultural labour market the immigrants coming from Eastern Europe, in particular from Poland and Romania, are aged between 22 and 36 years, are unemployed in their country, they have a driving license and a good knowledge of Italian and English language.Agricultural Labour Markets, Immigrant Workers, Human Capital, Skills, Agribusiness, Labor and Human Capital, J43, J61, J24,

    The Influence of Work-Family Conflict, Workload, and Work Pressure as Mediating Variables on the Performance of Female Employees

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    Purpose – The main purpose of this study was to assess how Work-Family conflict, workload, and work stress function as mediating factors influencing the performance of female employees at BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) in the West Sumatra Province.  Methodology – This quantitative investigation was conducted using a survey approach, with the sample consisting of 188 married or formerly married female employees out of a total of 128 participants. A questionnaire was used as an instrument which was designed using Google form and consisted of 58 questions. Furthermore, the sampling was carried out using Cluster Sampling, with districts/cities serving as the clusters. Descriptive statistical and Partial Least Square (PLS) analyses were adopted for the data analysis process using the Smart PLS 3.2.3 program. Findings – The results showed that workload and Work-Family conflict had a positive influence on both work pressure and the performance of female employees. Meanwhile, Work-Family conflict and work pressure negatively influenced the performance of female employees. A negative influence was also observed on the performance of women employees due to Work-Family conflict, mediated through work pressure. Originality – This research investigated the influence of Work-Family conflict and workload on the performance of women employees, mediated by job pressure

    Implementation of Business Intelligence in Data Superstore Sales with Online Analytical Processing Method

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    Transaction data in superstore sales data are very useful for company development, can be used to describe and forecast or predict future sales transaction data and to study the past about business opportunities and challenges. The use of Business Intelligence (BI) technology can help analyze large amounts of data, in addition, BI is a powerful tool for quality analysis and company analysis. This study designed an information system using the BI approach to analyze transaction data on superstore sales data. The research focus is on report data, namely superstore sales data regarding sales transactions. This study uses the OLAP method to describe data visualization so that it provides benefits and competitive advantages. This system can improve the quality of decisions taken in solving the problem of abundant data accumulation, monitoring operational activities, fulfilling information needs and effective data management. Business intelligence is expected for company leaders to be able to understand the data that will have been processed in understanding visual forms and can easily absorb the information needed to make decisions for the company. In addition, with the design of website-based business intelligence that is effective and efficient to produce opportunities in making decisions to predict the increase or decrease that will occur in the coming years using the histories in the superstore sales data of the previous year


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    Karya tulis yang berjudul “Penggunaan Polinomial untuk Stream Key Generator pada Algoritma Stream Ciphers Berbasis Feedback Shift Register” ini kami tulis dalam rangka memperkenalkan salah satu algoritma sandi yang memanfaatkan kontribusi ilmu Matematika didalamnya. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang sedemikian pesat dewasa ini, telah dirasakan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan dunia yang modern, namun sangat jarang kita berfikir dampak negatif dan faktor pengamanannya dalam rangka menjamin kerahasiaan suatu informasi agar tidak jatuh ke pihak yang tidak berkepentingan. Hal ini telah mendorong perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi persandian yang semakin maju dan kompleks seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang ada sekarang ini. Ilmu persandian / kriptografi adalah ilmu yang erat kaitannya dengan ilmu Matematika. Kontribusi ilmu Matematika dalam bidang persandian cukup mendukung dalam rangka terciptanya suatu algoritma sandi modern. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan polinomial untuk pembangkit kunci (key generator) pada algoritma stream chipers. Polinomial digunakan sebagai penentu koordinat operasi logika dalam pembangkit kunci (key generator). Output dari pembangkit kunci (key generator) adalah berupa rangkaian bit untuk selanjutnya dilakukan operasi penyandian (enkripsi) pada kode ASCII setiap karakter teks terang (plain text) secara bit per bit. Hasil penyandian atau yang disebut cipher text adalah berupa rangkaian bit sandi yang akan membentuk kode ASCII baru untuk selanjutnya diterjemahkan menjadi karakter baru. T-3 Kata kunci: polinomial, feedback shift register, stream ciphe
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