25 research outputs found

    The quantity and quality of anti-PRP induced by the new Indonesian DTwP-HB-Hib vaccine compared to the Hib vaccine given with the DTwP-HB vaccine

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    Background A phase II study of DTwP-HB-Hib vaccine compared to Hib (monovalent) vaccine given simultaneously with DTwP-HB vaccine has been done following the success of phase I study in infants, where the new DTwP-HB-Hib has excellent safety profiles and antibody responses in infants. Objective To evaluate the titer (quantity), avidity, and bactericidal capacity (quality of anti-polyribosylribitol phosphate/anti-PRP), of a new combined Bio Farma DTwP-HB-Hib (pentavalent) vaccine, compared to the Hib monovalent vaccine given simultaneously with the DTwP-HB vaccine (DTwP-HB+Hib). Methods The study was a prospective, randomized, open label, phase II trial. Subjects aged 6-11 weeks were allocated according to the randomization list. The pentavalent group received the DTwP-HB-Hib vaccine, while the monovalent group received the Hib monovalent and DTwP-HB vaccines separately. Immunizations were given in three doses with 28-day intervals. Blood specimens were taken before the first dose and 28 days after the last dose. We evaluated anti-PRP titers quantity (geometric mean antibody concentration/GMC) and seroprotection), followed by avidity and bactericidal (quality) testing. Titer and avidity of anti-PRP were tested using a modified version of the improved Phipps ELISA. Bactericidal capacity was evaluated using a Hib killing assay. Immune responses against other antigens in the vaccine were reported separately. Results One hundred five subjects in the pentavalent group and 106 subjects in the Hib monovalent group were tested for anti-PRP titers. Only 102 specimens for each group were available for bactericidal testing, due to insufficient volume for testing. Both vaccines induced similar anti-PRP titers, for GMC and seroprotection. Avidity increases were 82.9% and 76.4% in the pentavalent and Hib monovalent groups, respectively. Bactericidal activities were 94.1% and 89.2%, respectively. Both avidity and bactericidal activity were not significantly different between groups. Conclusion DTwP-HB-Hib vaccine induced anti-PRP quantity and quality comparable to those of the Hib monovalent vaccine given simultaneously with the DTwP-HB vaccine

    Concomitant Case of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Autoimmune Hemolityc Anemia Responding to Corticosteroid and Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Young Woman

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an autoimmune liver disease of unknown etiology and is characterized by chronic progressive cholestasis with destruction of the small intrahepatic bile ducts and associated most commonly with antimitochondrial antibodies. PBC is most common in women and is often associated with other autoimmune disease such as autoimmune hemolityc anemia (AIHA), rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, and systemic lupus eritomatosus.            We report one case, a 20 years old woman with AIHA have been treated by corticosteroid since last year and she came to the outpatient department (OPD) with fatique and jaundice. The result of laboratory were haemoglobin 8.7 mg/dL, white blood cell 8700 mg/dL, coomb test +2, total bilirubin 33.2 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 29.3 mg/dL, γGT: 297 mg/dL and alkalyphospatase: 158 mg/dL. The result of Abdominal CT scan showed the size of liver and spleen increased and normal common bile duct (CBD). The result of ANA test, anti-nuclear (ANA) and antimitochondrial M2 (AMA M2) antibodies were positive. From the physical examination, laboratory and CT scan Abdomen; the diagnose of this patient was AIHA with PBC.            After treatment with corticosteroid (prednison 1mg/kg/day) and ursodeoxicholic acid (UDCA) for several weeks, the clinical manifestation of PBC such as jaundice getting better (the laboratory result: total bilirubin 2.7 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 1.5 mg/dL, gamma GT 80 mg/dL)

    Numerical Study of The Power Plant Surface Condenser to Prevent High Pressure in Critical Areas

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    A numerical study to reduce the condenser pressure in critical areas of a power plant surface condenser has been carried out. Numerically, effects are considered through a three-dimensional simulation approach. Modifying by adding a guide plate with a three variation of angle, (?) 15?, 30?, 45? in the surface condenser area to reduce the dynamic forces and pressure due to the collision of fluid flow in the critical pipeline without reducing the purpose of the design of shell and tube heat exchanger results in transferring heat. The drag force caused by the interaction of the shear layer with the surface of the body is very undesirable, so that the control of the flow fields is needed, one of which is by optimal angle guide plate of the pipe arrangement in the critical area. This study aims to determine the optimal plate angle to overcome high pressure in the critical area. This research was numerically conducted using 3D CFD ANSYS 14.5 software with a turbulence model using a standard k-? using a pressure-based solution solver. The initial stage takes geometric data on the surface condenser in the design specification as the basis for making the domain and data from before as boundary conditions in the simulation research process. The result is that with the addition of guide plates, the average drag coefficient (Cd) is reduced compared to the average Cd in the baseline conditions and angle variation (?) 15?, 30?, 45? is 0.537; 0.644; 0.446; 0.464. Taking into this aspect, the most optimal plate angle is 30?. The simulation results show that changing the angle of the plate can reduce the Nusselt value than the baseline conditions

    Perancangan Area Restoran di Arung Rinjani berbasis Nilai Lokal dan Tanggap Covid-19

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    The North Lombok District has many fascinating and diverse tourist destination potentials. However, over the past two years, the tourism sector has experienced a decline in income due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some tourism sectors have started to bounce back this year by designing new projects that can attract and ensure tourists form Covid-19 transmission. To develop that project, the new building attraction will be developed from local value and Covid-19 risk transmission. This research was conducted to find out how the criteria of restaurant area can be designed to support the bounce back of tourism in Arung Rinjani. This area is on the regional route of the Senaru Traditional Village. This region is predicted will be popular after the Covid-19 pandemic due to its traditional values and strategic location. Data were collected through field observations and data literature. All data will be analyzed by qualitative descriptive method to design an adaptive restaurant building criteria. The results show that the restaurant area can be designed by transforming local value and attributes to the physical form of buildings to elevate the value of locality. Meanwhile, responsive design for Covid-19 can be achieved by choosing the right furniture, changing the room layout, maintaining the adequate distance between dining areas, maximizing window openings for passive design, and educating visitors to follow health protocols during traveling. These results are expected to be design ideas and programs to design a restaurant area in Arung Rinjani.Kabupaten Lombok Utara memiliki potensi wisata yang sangat menarik dan beragam. Akan tetapi, selama dua tahun terakhir sektor pariwisata banyak mengalami penurunan pemasukan akibat adanya pandemik Covid-19. Untuk membangkitkan pariwisata, maka diperlukan strategi untuk mengembangkan desain yang memiliki daya tarik dan adanya jaminan kesehatan dari penularan Covid-19. Daya tarik bangunan akan dikaji dari pengangkatan nilai lokalitas dan jaminan kesehatan dikaji dari penelitian terdahulu. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kriteria desain area restoran yang tepat untuk mendukung kebangkitan pariwisata baru di Arung Rinjani. Arung Rinjani berada di jalur kawasan menuju Desa Adat Senaru. Area ini diprediksi akan memiliki potensi yang kuat setelah pandemik berakhir karena adanya nilai lokal dan lokasi yang strategis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan dan mencari literatur data pendukung. Data kemudian diolah dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan metode perancangan untuk menghasilkan kriteria perancangan desain restoran yang adaptif. Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa area restoran dapat didesain dengan cara mengambil salah satu kebudayaan setempat yang dikembangkan dalam bentuk fisik desain bangunan untuk mengangkat nilai lokal. Desain area restoran yang tanggap Covid-19 dapat dilakukan dengan memilih perabot ruang, mengubah peletakan perabot ruang, menjaga jarak antar tempat makan, memperbanyak bukaan jendela untuk penghawaan alami yang baik, dan edukasi pengunjung untuk mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Hasil kajian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi ide gagasan dalam perancangan bangunan restoran. Pemerintah juga dapat membuat kebijakan untuk area restoran serupa agar wisatawan merasa aman saat berwisata

    Krim Rajabetrin: Uji Efektivitas Sediaan Krim Limbah Rambut Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Mencit Diabetes Mellitus

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    Tumbuhan rambut jagung (Zea mays L.) secara umum mempunyai aktivitas sebagai antibiotik, antioksidan, antidiabetes dan antitumor serta bersifat bakterisidal dan bakteriostatik. Pada pengujian ini terbagi atas lima kelompok yaitu Kelompok I (tanpa diinduksi aloksan, diberikan basis krim a/m), kelompok II (diinduksi aloksan, diberikan basis krim a/m), kelompok III (diinduksi aloksan, diberikan krim a/m ekstrak etanol rambut jagung konsentrasi 3%), kelompok IV (diinduksi aloksan, diberikan krim a/m ekstrak etanol rambut jagung konsentrasi 5%) dan kelompok V (diinduksi aloksan, diberikan krim a/m ekstrak etanol daun bandotan konsentrasi 7%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa krim a/m ekstrak etanol rambut jagung pada konsentrasi 3%, 5% dan 7% dapat mempengaruhi penyembuhan luka pada mencit hiperglikemia. Pengumpulan dan analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan menilai persentase kebehasilan masing-masing kelompok penelitian. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada konsentrasi 7% sebab mempunyai persentase penyembuhan yang paling cepat dibanding konsentrasi 3% dan 5% serta mencapai persentase 100% pada hari ke-7 setelah pemberian krim rajabetrin selama dua kali sehari

    Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Mengajar

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    Kebijakan pemerintah “Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka” tentu menimbulkan respon tersendiri bagi para dosen selaku akademisi bagaimana menyikapi, merencanakan, menyusun dan mengimplementasikan sistem dan model belajar yang paling sesuai dengan kebijakan tersebut. Dan di buku Antologi inilah akan dijumpai berbagai pandangan, pemikiran, dan juga mungkin gambaran usulan untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan MBKM di era informasi teknologi yang sangat cepat berubah dewasa ini. Sebagai pendidik profesional, para dosen tentu memiliki kiat dan cara tersendiri untuk bisa menghasilkan output lulusan peserta didik yang benar-benar sesuai dengan tujuan dan target kebijakan MBKM tersebu

    Pengaruh Pemberian Omega-3 Terhadap Kadar C-Reactive Protein pada Remaja Obes Resistensi Insulin

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    Latar belakang. Obesitas berperan penting terhadap terjadinya sindrom metabolik yang dapat menyebabkan resistensi insulin, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus dan hipertensi yang akan meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koroner. Jaringan adiposa pada obesitas akan memproduksi berbagai sitokin antara lain TNF-α dan IL-6 yang selanjutnya merangsang hati untuk menghasilkan C-RP. Omega-3 mempunyai efek anti inflamasi, dapat meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin, mengurangi resistensi insulin, perlemakan hati dan memperbaiki profil lemak serta menurunkan kadar C-RP. Tujuan. Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Omega-3 terhadap kadar C-RP pada remaja obesitas resistensi insulin. Metode. Penelitian eksperimental dari November 2011 sampai Maret 2012 dengan disain pre and post-test group. Obesitas ditentukan berdasarkan pengukuran indek massa tubuh (IMT) >p-95 WHO-NCHS, resistensi insulin menurut kadar homeostasis model assesmentinsulin resistence (HOMA-IR) >3,16. Sampel terpilih diperiksa kadar C-RP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian Omega-3. Omega-3 diberikan selama 3 bulan dengan dosis 250 mg perhari. C-RP diperiksa secara Elisa dengan metode CMIA (chemiluminescent Immunometriz assay), sensitivitas 0,01 mg/dL. Data diolah menggunakan paired t-test (α=0,05). Hasil. Didapatkan 75 orang remaja obesitas dan 21 orang di antaranya (50,7%) mengalami resistensi insulin. Sebanyak 21 sampel diuji, lebih dari separuh laki-laki (57,1% vs 42,9%). Rerata umur 16±0,68 tahun, rerata IMT 32,88±2,44 kg/m2. Rerata kadar glukosa, insulin puasa dan HOMA-IR, masing-masing adalah 90,36±14,94 mg/dl, 20,89±4,19 μIU/L dan 4,52±0,89. Terdapat penurunan kadar C-RP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian Omega-3, yaitu 8,69±5,46 mg/dL menjadi 6,41±4,77 mg/dL. Penurunan ini bermakna secara statistik (p=0,018). Kesimpulan. Konsumsi Omega-3 selama 3 bulan menurunkan kadar C-RP remaja obesitas resistensi insulin