29 research outputs found

    The pantry house of espera. Historical, architectural and planimetric analysis

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    La Casa Cilla o Molino de los Diezmos de Espera esun edificio de estilo barroco que se construyó a finales del siglo XVIII para la recepción en especie de las rentas decimales, un impuesto derogado con la Ley de Desamortización de Madoz en 1855. La Casa Cilla de Espera es una de las más representativas de las 13 que se conservan en la provincia de Cádiz y la única que también funcionó como almazara. Organizada en torno a un gran patio central, también es de las pocas de Andalucía que ofrece la estructura completa. El conjunto, de planta rectangular y dos alturas, conserva todavía los antiguos graneros, la bodega, los almacenes de aceite, las oficinas y la antigua maquinaria en relativo buen estado. La Junta de Andalucía acordó declarar Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC), la Casa Cilla de Espera, publicado en el BOJA de 21 de Julio de 2009. Sobre el edifico, de gran envergadura e impronta urbanística para este pequeño municipio gaditano, se han encontrado escasos estudios y referencias bibliográficas, quizás debido a la poca y confusa documentación histórica encontrada, careciendo esta en cualquier caso de planos o documentos gráficos sobre su estado actual, labor esta que también aborda este artículo.The Pantry House Pantry or Mill of the Tithes is a baroque style building constructed at the end of the 18th century for the cash collection of the decimal rent, a tax repealed with the Madoz's Disentailment Law in 1855. The Pantry House of Espera is one of the most representative houses of the thirteen remaining in the province of Cadiz, and the only one that was also used as oil-mill (olive press). Organized around a central courtyard, is one of the few Andalucía houses that offers a full structure. The framework, which consist on a rectangular floor and double height, still preserves the old barns, the warehouse, the oil storages, the offices, and the former machinery in a relative good condition. The Andalucía Regional Government agreed to declare it an Asset of National Interest, The House Pantry of Espera, published in the BOJA (Official Newsletter of the Andalucía Regional Government) July 21, 2009. Few studies nor bibliographical references have been found about this building of great importance and emblem of the urban development of this small Cádiz municipality, probably due to the limited and confusing historical documentation which was lacking of planes or graphical documents about its current condition, labor that also approaches this article

    The Pantry House of Espera. Historical, architectural and planimetric analysis

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    [ES] La Casa Cilla o Molino de los Diezmos de Espera es un edificio de estilo barroco que se construyó a finales del siglo XVIII para la recepción en especie de las rentas decimales, un impuesto derogado con la Ley de Desamortización de Madoz en 1855. La Casa Cilla de Espera es una de las más representativas de las 13 que se conservan en la provincia de Cádiz y la única que también funcionó como almazara. Organizada en torno a un gran patio central, también es de las pocas de Andalucía que ofrece la estructura completa. El conjunto, de planta rectangular y dos alturas, conserva todavía los antiguos graneros, la bodega, los almacenes de aceite, las oficinas y la antigua maquinaria en relativo buen estado. La Junta de Andalucía acordó declarar Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC), la Casa Cilla de Espera, publicado en el BOJA de 21 de Julio de 2009.  Sobre el edifico, de gran envergadura e impronta urbanística para este pequeño municipio gaditano, se han encontrado escasos estudios y referencias bibliográficas, quizás debido a la poca y confusa documentación histórica encontrada, careciendo esta en cualquier caso de planos o documentos gráficos sobre su estado actual, labor esta que también aborda este artículo.[EN] The Pantry House Pantry or Mill of the Tithes is a baroque style building constructed at the end of the 18th century for the cash collection of the decimal rent, a tax repealed with the Madoz's Disentailment Law in 1855. The Pantry House of Espera is one of the most representative houses of the thirteen remaining in the province of Cadiz, and the only one that was also used as oil-mill (olive press). Organized around a central courtyard, is one of the few Andalucía houses that offers a full structure. The framework, which consist on a rectangular floor and double height, still preserves the old barns, the warehouse, the oil storages, the offices, and the former machinery in a relative good condition. The Andalucía Regional Government agreed to declare it an Asset of National Interest, The House Pantry of Espera, published in the BOJA (Official Newsletter of the Andalucía Regional Government) July 21, 2009.Few studies nor bibliographical references have been found about this building of great importance and emblem of the urban development of this small Cádiz municipality, probably due to the limited and confusing historical documentation which was lacking of planes or graphical documents about its current condition, labor that also approaches this article.Rincón Millán, J.; Rincón Caro, JD. (2018). La Casa Cilla de Espera. Análisis histórico, arquitectónico y planimétrico. EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación. 0(10):40-49. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2018.12445OJS404901

    La recuperación de una línea férrea abandonada en la comarca sur sevillana

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    Esta línea aunque se dividió para su construcción en tres Secciones, el autor de este trabajo de investigación lo ha hecho en cuatro Secciones, sería una magnifica y emblemática obra de ingeniería para su época, lo mismo que las restantes del Plan considerando los escasos medios técnicos, y tendría una longitud de 127 Km., por donde jamás circularía ningún tren a excepción del tramo Jerez-Jédula donde circularon algunos trenes de mercancías

    Tratamiento gráfico de imágenes generadas con cámaras termográficas con tecnología de infrarrojos (ir) al servicio del mapeado de anomalías en fachadas de edificios históricos

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    The images and graphics generated by applying thermal imaging infrared technology (IR), is very valuable for the inspection and nondestructive testing in the field of construction. The mapping generated by this technology in building facades, detects areas that are faulty transmission of heat energy in the walls, leaking or introduced by them, also reflecting the operating conditions of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, identifying problems and anomalies of these facilities, as well as the proper functionality of the constructive elements that could affect the habitability or safety in the building. Representative example of application of this procedure has been the inspection of the facade of the former Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville, now houses the Rectorate of the University of Seville. This exercise aims to demonstrate the most common problems of collection, processing and interpretation of graphical data presented by the application of this technology to facades of historic buildings

    Una aproximación a nuevos modelos de catalogación de planos y dibujos. Proceso y sistemática Empleada en la catedral de Sevilla.

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    This paper presents the analysis of the results of research work carried out for several years regarding possible ways and models for the procedure in cataloging graphic documents. We start with a thorough preliminary analysis on the existing rules, to which we understand it is subjected the cataloging of graphic documents, drawings and maps; and we suggest some ways to improve them. The management of documentary sources involves establishing mechanisms for the collection of parameters that are explicitly concerned with the cataloging rules. In the absence, in many cases, of standardized cataloging models of maps, drawings and plans, we propose a protocol based on the current rules, suitably modified basing on the experience of comprehensive cataloging work on a series of drawings and plans of Seville Cathedral, dating from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries

    Cumplimiento normas de bioseguridad estudiantes V a VIII semestre Instrumentación Quirúrgica año 2010

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    Introducción: las enfermedades infecciosas tienen mayor relevancia para el personal de la salud, ya que su práctica involucra frecuente manipulación de elementos corto-punzantes y manejo de líquidos orgánicos potencialmente infecciosos, que pueden representar un riesgo para el trabajador. Objetivo: demostrar el conocimiento que tienen los estudiantes y docentes de Instrumentación Quirúrgica sobre las normas de bioseguridad. Materiales y métodos: investigación descriptiva cuantitativa. Mediante instrumento validado por expertos, se midió el conocimiento en bioseguridad de los estudiantes de instrumentación quirúrgica de V a VIII semestre, para luego tabular y analizar los resultados en el software SPSS. Resultados: en términos generales, se encontró que un porcentaje significativo de los encuestados desconoce múltiples aspectos de la bioseguridad; en contraste, la gran mayoría aplica correctamente los principios de precaución universal. Conclusiones: casi todos los participantes del estudio aplican correctamente los principios de precaución universal. Dicha situación favorable, contrastada con el desconocimiento de varios aspectos relacionados con la bioseguridad, hace pensar que un alto porcentaje de los encuestados que aplica los procedimientos correctos, lo hace de manera irreflexiva. Esto evidencia a pesar que algunas personas conozcan los procedimientos, no hay conciencia suficiente sobre la importancia de éstos.AbstractIntroduction: infectious diseases are most relevant to people in the health field than in any other field because its practice involves, not only, a high manipulation of sharp elements and tools but also, the manipulation of organic infectious fluids that can represent a big risk for the employee. Objective: Demonstrate the knowledge that the students from the surgical instrumentation program have about the biosecurity regulations. Materials and methods: quantitative descriptive research. The knowledge that the students of V at VIII semester, from the surgical instrumentations program have, about bio-security, was measured by experts with a validated instrument. Later on, the results were tabulated and analyzed with the SPSS software. Results: the survey was filled out by 103 people from the surgical instrumentation program: 16 teachers from the internship and 87 students from different semesters. The survey included 12 items that assessed two major constructs. These are: The basics of knowledge on bio-safety regulations and the use of personal protection items. Conclusions: the majority of the people involved in this study, correctly apply the principles of the universal precautions. This favorable situation, contrasted with the lack of knowledge of many aspects related to biosecurity, suggests that a high percentage of the people who took the survey and apply the right procedures do it in a thoughtless way. This shows that, although, some people are aware of the procedures, still, there is not enough awareness about the importance of these. Keywords: accident prevention, occupational risks, occupational health

    Cumplimiento normas de bioseguridad estudiantes V a VIII semestre Instrumentación Quirúrgica año 2010

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    Introducción: las enfermedades infecciosas tienen mayor relevancia para el personal de la salud, ya que su práctica involucra frecuente manipulación de elementos corto-punzantes y manejo de líquidos orgánicos potencialmente infecciosos, que pueden representar un riesgo para el trabajador. Objetivo: demostrar el conocimiento que tienen los estudiantes y docentes de Instrumentación Quirúrgica sobre las normas de bioseguridad. Materiales y métodos: investigación descriptiva cuantitativa. Mediante instrumento validado por expertos, se midió el conocimiento en bioseguridad de los estudiantes de instrumentación quirúrgica de V a VIII semestre, para luego tabular y analizar los resultados en el software SPSS. Resultados: en términos generales, se encontró que un porcentaje significativo de los encuestados desconoce múltiples aspectos de la bioseguridad; en contraste, la gran mayoría aplica correctamente los principios de precaución universal. Conclusiones: casi todos los participantes del estudio aplican correctamente los principios de precaución universal. Dicha situación favorable, contrastada con el desconocimiento de varios aspectos relacionados con la bioseguridad, hace pensar que un alto porcentaje de los encuestados que aplica los procedimientos correctos, lo hace de manera irreflexiva. Esto evidencia a pesar que algunas personas conozcan los procedimientos, no hay conciencia suficiente sobre la importancia de éstos.AbstractIntroduction: infectious diseases are most relevant to people in the health field than in any other field because its practice involves, not only, a high manipulation of sharp elements and tools but also, the manipulation of organic infectious fluids that can represent a big risk for the employee. Objective: Demonstrate the knowledge that the students from the surgical instrumentation program have about the biosecurity regulations. Materials and methods: quantitative descriptive research. The knowledge that the students of V at VIII semester, from the surgical instrumentations program have, about bio-security, was measured by experts with a validated instrument. Later on, the results were tabulated and analyzed with the SPSS software. Results: the survey was filled out by 103 people from the surgical instrumentation program: 16 teachers from the internship and 87 students from different semesters. The survey included 12 items that assessed two major constructs. These are: The basics of knowledge on bio-safety regulations and the use of personal protection items. Conclusions: the majority of the people involved in this study, correctly apply the principles of the universal precautions. This favorable situation, contrasted with the lack of knowledge of many aspects related to biosecurity, suggests that a high percentage of the people who took the survey and apply the right procedures do it in a thoughtless way. This shows that, although, some people are aware of the procedures, still, there is not enough awareness about the importance of these. Keywords: accident prevention, occupational risks, occupational health

    Perfil de resistência de Salmonella SP durante um período de três anos em um hospital da Colômbia

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    Introducción: en Colombia, del 2000 al 2012, se describió un aumento progresivo en la resistencia a betalactámicos y a quinolonas en los aislamientos de Salmonella sp. A partir de esta fecha, se desconoce la evolución de las tasas de resistencia en el país. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el perfil de susceptibilidad durante el periodo 2014-2017, así como evaluar la asociación entre las características clínicas  sociodemográficas de la población con los patrones de resistencia de Salmonella sp. Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal del 2014 al 2017, realizado en la Fundación Cardioinfantil en mayores de 18 años, con aislamiento de Salmonella sp en cualquier tipo de muestra biológica. Resultados: se encontraron sesenta casos, ningún aislamiento fue resistente a quinolonas, uno mostró resistencia a ampicilina y uno se caracterizó como AMP-c; el 95 % tenía perfil de susceptibilidad usual. No se encontró asociación entre las variables estudiadas y la presencia de resistencia. Conclusión: los resultados pueden reflejar un cambio en el perfil de susceptibilidad de Salmonella sp en Colombia, con una disminución en la resistencia a betalactámicos y a quinolonas a partir del 2014. Sin embargo, se requiere una mayor muestra poblacional para corroborar esta hipótesis.Objective: In Colombia, from 2000 to 2012, a progressive increase in resistance to beta-lactams and quinolones was described in isolates of Salmonella sp. As of this date, the evolution of resistance rates in the country is unknown. The objective of this study is to describe the susceptibility profile from 2014 to 2017, as well as to evaluate the association between the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of the population with the resistance patterns of Salmonella sp. Materials and methods: The study is a cross-sectional study between 2014 and 2017 at the Fundación Cardioinfantil, in patients over 18 years of age with Salmonella sp, in any type of biologic sample. Results: The authors found 60 cases, no isolate was resistant to quinolones. One showed resistant to ampicillin, and another one was characterized as amp-C; 95% had a usual susceptibility profile. No association was found between the variables studied and the presence of resistance. Conclusion: The results may reflect a change in the susceptibility profile of Salmonella sp in Colombia, with a decrease in resistance to betalactams and quinolones as of 2014; however, a larger population sample is required to corroborate this hypothesis.Objetivo: Na Colômbia do ano 2000 ao 2012 se descreveu um aumento progressivo na resistência a beta-lactâmicos e quinolonas nos isolamentos de Salmonella sp. A partir desta data se desconhece a evolução das taxas de resistência no país. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o perfil de susceptibilidade do ano 2014 ao 2017, assim como avaliar a associação entre as características clínicas e sociodemográficas da população com os patrões de resistência Salmonella sp. Materiais e métodos: Estudo de corte transversal do ano 2014 ao ano 2017 realizado na Fundación Cardioinfantil em maiores de 18 anos com isolamento de Salmonella sp, em qualquer tipo de amostra biológica. Resultados: se encontraram 60 casos, nenhum isolamento foi resistente a quinolonas, um mostrou resistência a ampicilina e um se caracterizou como AMP–C, o 95 % tinha perfil de susceptibilidade usual. Não se encontrou associação entre as variáveis estudadas e a presença de resistência. Conclusão: Os resultados podem refletir uma mudança no perfil de susceptibilidade de Salmonella sp. Na Colômbia, com uma diminuição na resistência a beta-lactâmicos e quinolonas a partir do ano 2014, no entanto se requere uma maior amostra populacional para corroborar esta hipótese

    Long-term hippocampal interneuronopathy drives sex-dimorphic spatial memory impairment induced by prenatal THC exposure

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    Prenatal exposure to Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most prominent active constituent of cannabis, alters neurodevelopmental plasticity with a long-term functional impact on adult offspring. Specifically, THC affects the development of pyramidal neurons and GABAergic interneurons via cannabinoid CB1 receptors (CB1R). However, the particular contribution of these two neuronal lineages to the behavioral alterations and functional deficits induced by THC is still unclear. Here, by using conditional CB1R knockout mice, we investigated the neurodevelopmental consequences of prenatal THC exposure in adulthood, as well as their potential sex differences. Adult mice that had been exposed to THC during embryonic development showed altered hippocampal oscillations, brain hyperexcitability, and spatial memory impairment. Remarkably, we found a clear sexual dimorphism in these effects, with males being selectively affected. At the neuronal level, we found a striking interneuronopathy of CCK-containing interneurons in the hippocampus, which was restricted to male progeny. This THC-induced CCK-interneuron reduction was not evident in mice lacking CB1R selectively in GABAergic interneurons, thus pointing to a cell-autonomous THC action. In vivo electrophysiological recordings of hippocampal LFPs revealed alterations in hippocampal oscillations confined to the stratum pyramidale of CA1 in male offspring. In addition, sharp-wave ripples, a major high-frequency oscillation crucial for learning and memory consolidation, were also altered, pointing to aberrant circuitries caused by persistent reduction of CCK+ basket cells. Taken together, these findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the long-term interneuronopathy responsible for the sex-dimorphic cognitive impairment induced by prenatal THC.The authors declare no conflict of interest. This work was supported by grants PI18-00941 to IG-R cofinanced by the European Development Regional Fund "A way to achieve Europe"; RTI2018-095311-B-100 to MG, BFU2015-66887-R to LM-P, and 2017-SGR-138 to MP from the Generalitat de Catalunya. DG-R was supported by Fundacion Tatiana Perez de Guzman; DG-D was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2013-064171). JP-L and JA were supported by FPI and FPU program fellowships, respectively (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte) and S. S-S. was supported by Fondo Social Europeo-YEI (CT101/18-CT102/18PEJD-2018-PRE/BMD-7933). CM is recipient of a Marie Curie program fellowship (747487)