6 research outputs found


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    ‘Collaspsible’ is a concept of designing goods in terms of space saving. This concept could be applied in the draft of the design of Hansen (2008), “Lifter of gallon for potable water with mechanical system”, by way of decreasing the dimension of the tool’s folding function, sliding function and rolling function. Development of the design had led to a new tool with smaller dimensions than those of the previous one, namely length 31 cm, width 50 cm dan height 100 cm in comparison to previous dimensions which were length 50 cm, width 50 cm and height 139 cm. One unit lever which is connected to a gear box and double pulley was used for the manual mover. Implementing this kind of mover had caused a mechanical advantage of around 18 times, so that the force required to turn the lever amounts to 15 N. Common materials were used and they could easily be found in many utensil shops


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    ‘Collaspsible’ is a concept of designing goods in terms of space saving. This concept could be applied in the draft of the design of Hansen (2008), “Lifter of gallon for potable water with mechanical system”, by way of decreasing the dimension of the tool’s folding function, sliding function and rolling function. Development of the design had led to a new tool with smaller dimensions than those of the previous one, namely length 31 cm, width 50 cm dan height 100 cm in comparison to previous dimensions which were length 50 cm, width 50 cm and height 139 cm. One unit lever which is connected to a gear box and double pulley was used for the manual mover. Implementing this kind of mover had caused a mechanical advantage of around 18 times, so that the force required to turn the lever amounts to 15 N. Common materials were used and they could easily be found in many utensil shops

    Designing and Building a Water Level Control Display by Implementing Water Conductivity and Microcontroller

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    Buoy is used to control water level in a water storage tank. However, this system has several weakness due to various problems of the mechanical parts, causing it to lose control. The purpose of this research is to design and build a water level control system display by employing water conductivity and microcontroller which is able to overcome the disadvantages of the mechanical system. The proposed system uses three wires as sensors. This report discusses the materials needed, the way of development, and the changes from the previous system design in the earlieast study to the final system. Based on the research conducted, the advantages of this system are the ability to use water from multiple sources, and through the usage of solenoid valves it can operate fully automatic. The disadvantage is that relatively long to drain due to the small aperture of the valve.


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    Buoy is used to control water level in a water storage tank. However, this system has several weakness due to various problems of the mechanical parts, causing it to lose control. The purpose of this research is to design and build a water level control system display by employing water conductivity and microcontroller which is able to overcome the disadvantages of the mechanical system. The proposed system uses three wires as sensors. This report discusses the materials needed, the way of development, and the changes from the previous system design in the earlieast study to the final system. Based on the research conducted, the advantages of this system are the ability to use water from multiple sources, and through the usage of solenoid valves it can operate fully automatic. The disadvantage is that relatively long to drain due to the small aperture of the valve


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    Pergeseran konsumsi bahan bakar minyak ke bahan bakar berbasis gas, sebagai alternatif energi untuk sektor transportasi di Indonesia diperlukan. Salah satu renewable energy yang saat ini populer adalah biogas. Landfill gas (LFG) yaitu biogas yang dihasilkan dari timbunan sampah domestik dalam jumlah yang besar pada suatu lahan. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan tujuan menghitung harga pokok untuk memproduksi CNG yang terbuat dari LFG yang dihasilkan oleh TPST Bantar Gebang. CNG dapat digunakan untuk menggerakkan mesin-mesin industri dan juga kendaraan mobil. TPST Bantar Gebang termasuk sebagai salah satu institusi yang dapat mengelola sampah dengan baik memiliki 95 area aktif Ha yang dapat menghasilkan gas TPA (LFG) dengan kapasitas 5.971 Nm3/hour. Kandungan utama dari gas yang terbentuk adalah metana (CH4) dan karbondioksida (CO2) diikuti dengan gas-gas lainnya dengan komposisi yang relatif kecil. LFG dapat dikonversi ke CNG menggunakan Acrion CO2 WASH yang melepaskan CH4 dari gas lainnya. Hasil penelitian menggunakan 2 skenario jangka waktu, yaitu selama 5 tahun dan 10 tahun, didapatkan kapasitas LFG yang digunakan saat ini untuk memproduksi CNG hanya 5% dari kapasitas LFG, yaitu sebesar 7,500 Nm3/hari, dan menghasilkan CNG sebanyak 3,570 Nm3/hari. Harga pokok produksi produk CNG yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rp 160,00/ liter dengan perhitungan jangka waktu selama 5 tahun dan Rp 150,00 /liter dengan perhitungan jangka waktu selama 10 tahun. Kata kunci: renewable energy, biogas, TPST bantar gebang, LFG, CNG, harga pokok produksi Abstract In light of shifting fuel consumption from oil-based to gas-based fuel, researches on renewable energy as an alternative energy for trasportation sector in Indonesia are needed. Meanwhile, TPST Bantar Gebang has 95 Ha active area which can produce landfill gas (LFG) with the capacity of 5,971 Nm3/hour. Landfill gas is biogas produced as a result of anaerob decomposition on organic material from piled sanitary landfill waste; CNG is compressed natural gas of CH4. CNG can be used as an altenative fuel for transport vehicles. LFG can be converted to CNG using Acrion CO2 WASH l machine which detaches CH4 from other gas. The LFG used to calculate cost of goods sold of this product is only five percent of the total LFG capacity that can presently be produced at TPST Bantar Gebang. The input is LFG of 7,500 Nm3/day and the output is CNG of 3,570 Nm3/day. Two time-point scenarios are used in the cost of goods sold calculation: five years and 10 years. Total expenditure at those time-points is divided by CNG capacity produced each year. The product’s costs of goods sold in five years time is Rp 160/litre and in ten years time is Rp 150/liter. Key words: renewable energy, biogas, TPST bantar gebang, LFG, CNG  ,cost of goods sol