886 research outputs found

    Opportunism, Institutions and Moral Costs: the Socio-Cultural Dimension of the Underground Economy in Croatia 1995-1999

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    Since the causes and dynamics of the unofficial economy are inseparable from the sociocultural dimension, the authors analyze the dynamics of opportunism and (dis)trust in institutions in Croatia during the last half of the nineties. The analyses carried out are based on work in which the first author provided a theoretical conceptualization of the socio-cultural dimension of the unofficial economy (Štulhofer, 1997). Measurement of the dynamics of opportunism and (dis)trust in institutions was carried out on data collected in the World Values Study – Croatia 1995 (N = 1170) and the European Values Study – Croatia 1999 (N = 1003). The results point out that in the observed period the level of opportunism decreased, with respect to both the intensity and to the distribution. Interestingly, there has been no change in the age structure of opportunism (the youngest age cohort is still the most opportunistic). Unlike opportunism, with which it is positively correlated, distrust in institutions has increased, particularly in the youngest age cohort. Considering the theoretical model, in which the level of opportunism reflects the moral costs related to participation in the underground economy, the decrease in the level of opportunism and economic growth in the post-war period suggest a moderate reduction in the underground economy in Croatia during the second half of the nineties.underground economy, Croatia, opportunism, trust in institutions, moral costs, socio-cultural factors

    Fade Depth Prediction Using Human Presence for Real Life WSN Deployment

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    Current problem in real life WSN deployment is determining fade depth in indoor propagation scenario for link power budget analysis using (fade margin parameter). Due to the fact that human presence impacts the performance of wireless networks, this paper proposes a statistical approach for shadow fading prediction using various real life parameters. Considered parameters within this paper include statistically mapped human presence and the number of people through time compared to the received signal strength. This paper proposes an empirical model fade depth prediction model derived from a comprehensive set of measured data in indoor propagation scenario. It is shown that the measured fade depth has high correlations with the number of people in non-line-of-sight condition, giving a solid foundation for the fade depth prediction model. In line-of-sight conditions this correlations is significantly lower. By using the proposed model in real life deployment scenarios of WSNs, the data loss and power consumption can be reduced by the means of intelligently planning and designing Wireless Sensor Network

    Učinak prehrane na krvni tlak

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    Physiological adaptations in mangrove vegetation

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    Šume mangrova uključuju različito drveće i grmove tolerantne na visoke koncentracije soli. Pojam mangrove se ne na odnosi specifičnu taksonomsku kategoriju, nego uključuje vrste koje su prilagođene životu na vlažnom, slanom staništu, gdje su izložene periodičkom poplavljivanju. Takve šume nalazimo uglavnom između 30 stupnjeva sjeverno i 30 stupnjeva južno od ekvatora u zaštićenim područjima s velikom količinom padalina. Mangrove su najobilnije razvijene na obalama Azije, zatim Afrike i Južne Amerike. Šume mangrova prekrivaju površinu od oko 150 000 km2, od toga 41% otpada na četiri zemlje (Indonezija, Brazil, Nigerija i Australija). Iako u šumama mangrova dolazi velik broj biljnih vrsta, samo se oko 54 vrste, iz 16 porodica, smatraju „pravim“ mangrove vrstama, koje rijetko dolaze izvan staništa mangrova. Takve vrste se uspješno nose s uvjetima koji vladaju u zoni djelovanja plime i oseke. Posjeduju fiziološke adaptacije zbog kojih nadilaze probleme poput anoksije, visokog saliniteta i čestog poplavljivanja. Svaka vrsta ima vlastitu kombinaciju rješenja što rezultira i u zonaciji pojedinih vrsta mangrava na nekim obalama. Šume mangrova su visokoproduktivni, ekološki vrlo značajni sustavi. Mangrove štite obalna područja od razornih vjetrova i uragana, jakih valova i poplavljivanja. Također, pomažu u sprečavanju erozije jer stabiliziraju sediment svojim opsežnim i zamršenim korijenjem, održavaju kakvoću i prozirnost vode. Šume mangrova su jedan od najugroženijh tropskih ekosistema. Više od 35% svjetskih mangrova je uništeno. Ta brojka je još veća, oko 50%, u zemljama kao što su Indija, Filipini i Vijetnam. Od velike je važnosti zaštita staništa mangrova jer je pritisak brzog razvoja u obalnim područjima sve veći.Mangrove forests consist of diverse, salt-tolerant tree and other plant species, ranging from small shrubs to tall trees. The term mangrove does not refer to a specific taxonomic group of species, but all are adapted to living in wet soil, saline habitat, and periodic tidal submergence. These forests are found between 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south of the equator, in sheltered, inter-tidal areas that receive a high annual rainfall. The most extensive area of mangroves is found in Asia, followed by Africa and South America. The total mangrove area is around 150 000 km2. Four countries (Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, and Australia) account for about 41% percent of all mangroves. Although a wide variety of plant species are found in mangrove forests, only some 54 species belonging to 16 families are recognized as "true mangroves" - species which are rarely found outside mangrove habitats. Plants in mangals are diverse but all are able to exploit their habitat (the intertidal zone) by developing physiological adaptations to overcome the problems of anoxsia, high salinity and frequent tidal inundation. Each species has its own solutions to these problems, this may be the primary reason why, on some shorelines, mangrove tree species show distinct zonation. Mangrove forests are highly productive, ecologically important systems. Mangroves protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves, and floodding. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems, and they maintain water quality and clarity. Mangrove forests are one of the world’s most threatened tropical ecosystems. More than 35% of the world’s mangroves are already gone. The figure is as high as 50% in countries such as India, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Due to the increasing pressure from rapidly expanding development along the coasts, it is critical that mangrove habitats are protected from further destruction

    The role of wind induced near-inertial waves on the energetics of the ocean

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    Croatian Accession to the European Union: Institutional Challenges

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    This paper provides a comparative empirical analysis of social values in Croatia, the European Union (EU), the countries joining in the first round, and a group of European countries outside the EU. Following up on the analysis of the data obtained in international research into European values carried out at the end of the 90’s on national samples of most European countries, the authors have endeavoured to determine the differences in the spread of post-material values and the scope of social capital. The objective is to define where, in terms of social values, Croatia is currently located, and thus to sketch out its readiness or lack of readiness for joining the EU. In the second part, the paper offers a comparative analysis of factors that affect the level of public confidence in the EU.socio-cultural values, post-materialism, social capital, transition costs, confidence in the European Union, Croatia

    Antecedents of organizational field regulatory change: linking individual profiles of social entrepreneurs with their regulatory needs and priorities?

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    In this paper, we focus on the interplay between social entrepreneurs and their organizations with the regulatory institutional context within which they work toward positive social change. We show that although regulatory context of the social entrepreneurship field is in its infancy, regulatory needs and priorities of the field are well-defined and heterogeneous. To explain the sources of the heterogeneity, we adopt a two-method strategy which combines traditional quantitative methods with qualitative case analysis. Based on the data about values, motivation, and entrepreneurial orientation of social entrepreneurs from four EU countries, we develop a typology of social entrepreneurs. By establishing links between identified profiles of social entrepreneurs and different regulatory needs and priorities we contribute to the institutional theory literature dealing with organizational field regulatory change. Furthermore, we provide valuable insights for policy makers in the social entrepreneurship field


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    Based on an extensive survey conducted on the representative sample of displaced persons from Croatian East the purpose of this paper was to highlight the differences in some sociodemographic characteristics, attitudes and expectations of the displaced who distinguish by their willingness to return home under the conditions of the Plan of Peaceful Reintegration. The majority (about 70%) of the interviewed persons intended to return to their homes unconditionally, about one quarter of them hesitated about the return because of the conditions of the Plan of Peaceful Reintegration or had not decided yet, and only 3% did not intend to return. By means of discriminant analyses the results of three groups of displaced persons were analysed: returnees, hesitant, and non-returnees. According to the results, the main difference between returnees and other two groups were their attitudes toward the Plan of Peaceful Reintegration, and the Plan was found to be prevailingly positive for the group of returnees. The group of non-returnees, although very small in number, differed from both, returnees and hesitant displaced, by younger age, poor family relationships, problem of invalidity and better adaptation to the place of resettlement. Present living conditions and expectations about future of the potential returnees were presented.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u nekim sociodemografskim osobinama, stavovima i očekivanjima hrvatskih prognanika koje se razlikuju s obzirom na namjeru povratka u mjesta progonstva. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku prognanika s hrvatskog istoka. Rezultati su pokazali da se većina ispitanih prognanika (oko 70%) namjerava vratiti u svoje domove bez obzira na uvjete postavljene u Planu mirne reintegracije, oko jedna četvrtina prognanika ne namjerava se vratiti pod tim uvjetima ili to još nisu odlučili, a svega 3% njih ne namjerava se vratiti. Rezultati diskriminativne analize provedene s ciljem da se utvrde razlike u nekim obilježjima i stavovima između triju skupina ispitanika: povratnika, neodlučnih i ne-povratnika, pokazali su da varijable koje diferenciraju skupinu povratnika od drugih dviju skupina jesu stavovi prema Planu mirne reintegracije. Oni su bili pozitivniji u skupine povratnika nego u neodlučnih i ne-po-vratnika. Skupina ne-povratnika, iako vrlo mala, razlikovala se od ostalih dviju skupina po svojoj mlađoj dobi, lošijim odnosima u obitelji, problemima s invalidnošću i boljom prilagodbom na uvjete života poslije progonstva. U radu su prikazani i podaci o uvjetima života u progonstvu i očekivanja u vezi s povratkom skupine povratnika.Das Ziel der Untersuchung war, die Unterschiede zwischen bestimmten soziodemographischen Eigenschaften, Einstellungen und Erwartungen kroatischer Vertriebener festzustellen, deren Zukunftsplane bezOglich des intendierten Aufenthaltsorts voneinander abweichen. Die Untersuchung wurde an einer reprasentativen Gruppe ostkroatischer Vertriebener durchgefOhrt. Die Resultate haben gezeigt, dass die Mehrzahl der Vertriebenen (etwa 70%) in ihre Heimatorte zurOckkehren will, ohne ROcksicht auf die im Plan zur friedlichen Reintegrierung aufgestellten Bedingungen. Etwa ein Viertel der Vertriebenen hat nicht die Absicht, unter den geltenden Bedingungen zurOckzukehren, oder ist noch unentschlossen; lediglich 3% sehen ganz von einer ROckkehr ab. Die DurchfOhrung einer diskriminativen Analyse hatte zum Ziel, die Unterschiede in Einstellungen und Oberlegungen zwischen den drei verschiedenen Personengruppen, narnlich Heimkehrern, UnschlOssigen und Nicht-Heimkehrern, zu ermitteln. Es erwies sich, dass die jeweilige Einstellung zum Plan der friedlichen Reintegrierung jene Variable ist, welche die Gruppe der Heimkehrer von den Obrigen beiden Gruppen differenziert. Unter den zur Heimkehr Entschlossenen ist diese Einstellung positiver als unter den Obrigen Vertriebenen. Die Gruppe der Nicht-Heimkehrer, obwohl geringen Umfangs, unterscheidet sich von den Obrigen durch ein niedrigeres Durchschnittsalter, schlechtere Farnilienverhaltnisse, Invaliditatsprobleme und eine bessere Eingewohnung in die Lebensverhaltnisse nach der Vertreibung. Die Arbeit illustriert aufšerdern bestimmte soziodemographische Merkmale, Lebensverhaltnisse nach der Vertreibung und Erwartungen bezOglich der ROckkehr in die Heimatorte, die innerhalb der Gruppe der zur ROckkehr entschlossenen Vertriebenen zu beobachten sind