44 research outputs found

    Strategic technology decision-making in Swedish large-scale forestry

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    Technological development gives Swedish forest companies and forest owners’ associations opportunities to maintain competitiveness in the highly cost-sensitive market for forest products. Development efforts are typically performed through unstructured decision processes. However, an organization’s success is a product of its decisions, so the quality of these decisions is crucial. The main objectives of this thesis were therefore to describe and critically analyze strategic decision-making about forest technology. Study I investigated how and with what support forest companies and a forest owners’ association make decisions about forest technology. It was concluded that these organizations value collaborations with manufacturers and researchers, that economic criteria were most important in the decision-making process, and that large risks are preferably managed in a stepwise fashion. Study II reviewed the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods in forest operations and it was shown that the methods were used at various temporal scales, most commonly when making strategic decisions. Study III developed and compared two modelling approaches for machine system analysis and concluded that they produced similar results despite having different levels of detail and demanding different competences. Study IV used the previously developed modelling approaches to compare the performance of established and new machine systems in Swedish final fellings, revealing an opportunity to reduce costs by adopting the new machine system. A conceptual flowchart for strategic decision making on forest technology development was created to improve the quality and efficiency of the decision-making process

    Simulering av gallring med noll, ett eller två beståndsstråk mellan stickvägarna och jämförelse av drivningskostnader

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    Vid gallring med normalstora skördare och skotare används vanligtvis noll, ett eller två beståndsstråk mellan stickvägarna. Arbetsmetodiken har studerats empiriskt, men med en begränsad omfattning per studie. Fördelen med simulering som studiemetod är att man med bra modeller över maskiners prestation kan jämföra flera gallringsmetoder vid inverkan av en stor mängd olika förhållanden. I denna studie har en matematisk prestationsmodell konstruerats för deterministiska jämförelser av dessa metoders drivningskostnad i förstagallring av tall. Modellen innehöll en spatial del för skördaren, med bl.a. avståndsberäkningar vid fällning, och även en tidsmodell för både skördare och skotare. Beräkningarna baserades på variabler som medelstamsvolym, stickvägsavstånd, skotningsavstånd och stamuttag. Modellen byggdes utifrån tillgängliga produktivitetsnormer, egna tidsstudier och iakttagelser vid fältstudier. Resultaten visade små skillnader i total drivningskostnad mellan metoderna men större skillnad mellan enskilda maskiner. Gallring med ett beståndsstråk gav lägst kostnader, efterföljt av gallring utan stråk. Med ökad medelstamsvolym minskade kostnaderna för både skördare och skotare, men påverkan skiljde sig inte mellan metoderna. Ökat stickvägsavstånd resulterade i högre produktivitet för skotaren oavsett metod, då det gjorde att virkeskoncentrationen vid stickväg ökade och färre krancykler krävdes för att fylla lastbäraren. Skördarens produktivitet minskade dock med större stickvägsavstånd då det krävde längre förflyttning av avverkade stammar. Detta visar på en viktig balansgång mellan skördaren och skotaren, där ett större stickvägsavstånd kan åstadkommas med hjälp av beståndsstråk för att gynna skotaren. En ökad kostnad för skördaren vid gallring med stråk kan kompenseras med en sänkt kostnad för skotaren. Studien visar att gallring med ett beståndsstråk ger lägst drivningskostnad men att stickvägsavståndet är en viktigt variabel att styra för att åstadkomma detta.Zero, one or two intermediate passages between the strip roads are normally used for thinning operations. The work methods have been empirically studied, but with rather large restrictions in each study. The advantage with simulation as study method is that machine productivity can be compared under controlled impact from a great number of variables. In this study, a mathematical performance model was designed to do deterministic comparisons of the methods in first thinning of pine. A spatial part was designed for the harvester for e.g. distance calculation while felling. A work time calculation part was also constructed for both the harvester and the forwarder. Mean stem volume, strip road distance, transport distance and stem removal are examples of variables in the model, which was built from available productivity standards, own time studies and field observations. The results showed small difference in machine system costs but with greater variation between individual machines. A slight cost benefit was observed for thinning with one intermediate passage followed by thinning without intermediate passages. Average volume per stem had a substantial impact on the cost of all machines, but showed no clear difference between the methods. Strip road distance had a substantial impact on forwarder productivity. Forwarder had higher productivity when the strip road distance was increased (regardless of method) since it increased the wood concentration at strip road and hence fewer crane cycles was required to fill a load. The opposite was observed for the harvester, which decreased its productivity with longer strip road distance as it required longer crane movement of felled stems. An increased cost of the harvester work was often compensated by lower cost for the forwarder work. This demonstrates an important balance between the harvester and forwarder, where a longer strip road distance can be achieved by using intermediate passages to favor the forwarders work efficiency. An increased cost for the harvester in thinning with intermediate passages can be compensated with a decreased cost for the forwarder. The study showed that thinning with one intermediate passage is the cheapest method but that strip road distance is an important variable to control

    Comparison of modeling approaches for evaluation of machine fleets in central Sweden forest operations

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    There are many factors to consider when deciding which technologies to use in forest operations and how to plan their use. One important factor is the overall cost when choosing between the established two-machine system (TMS) with a harvester and a forwarder, and a one-machine system with a harwarder in final fellings. Such considerations can be done with different model approaches, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the TMS and harwarder potential using a Detailed Optimization (DO) approach and an Aggregated Heuristic (AH) approach. The main differences are the aggregation of seasons, including machine system teams, and spatial considerations. The analyses were done for one full year of final fellings for a large forest company's region in central Sweden, containing information necessary for calculating costs for logging, relocation between stands and traveling between the operator's home bases and the stands. The approaches were tested for two scenarios; when only TMS were available, and when both TMS and harwarders were available. The main results were that the approaches coincided well in both potential to decrease total costs when harwarders where available, and distribution of TMS and harwarders. There were some differences in the results, which can be explained by differences in thecalculation approach. It was concluded that the DO approach is more suitable when detailed analyses are prioritized, and the AH approach is more suitable when a more approximate analysis will suffice or the available resources for making the analysis are more limited

    The Effect of Rye-Based Foods on Postprandial Plasma Insulin Concentration: The Rye Factor

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    Consumption of whole grain has been associated with lower incidence of type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and their risk factors including improved glycemic control. In comparison with other whole grain products, rye bread has been shown to induce lower insulin response in the postprandial phase, without affecting the glucose response. This phenomenon has been referred to as the "rye factor" and is being explored in this review where we summarize the findings from meal and extended meal studies including rye-based foods. Overall, results from intervention studies showed that rye-based foods vs. (wheat) control foods had positive effect on both insulin and glucose responses in the postprandial phase, rather than on insulin alone. Mechanistic studies have shown that the rye factor phenomenon might be due to slowing of the glucose uptake in the intestine. However, this has also been shown for wheat-based bread and is likely an effect of structural properties of the investigated foods rather than the rye per se. More carefully controlled studies where standardized structural properties of different cereals are linked to the postprandial response are needed to further elucidate the underlying mechanisms and determinants for the effect of specific cereals and product traits on postprandial glycemic control

    Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in Forest Operations – an Introductional Review

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    Decision making in forestry is very complex and requires consideration of trade-offs among economic, environmental, and social criteria. Different multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods have been developed for structuring and exploring the decision-making process of such problems. Although MCDA methods are often used for forest management problems, they are rarely used for forest operation problems. This indicates that scholars and practitioners working with forest operations are either unaware of MCDA methods, or see no benefit in using these methods. Therefore, the prime objective of this review was to make MCDA methods more intelligible (compared with current level of understanding) to novice users within the field of forest operations. For that purpose, basic ideas as well as the strengths and limitations of selected MCDA methods are presented. The second objective was to review applications of MCDA methods in forest operations. The review showed that MCDA applications are suitable for forest operation problems on all three planning levels – strategic, tactical, and operational – but with least use on the operational level. This is attributed to: 1) limited availability of temporally relevant and correct data, 2) lack of time (execution of MCDA methods is time consuming), and 3) many operational planning problems are solved with regards to an economic criterion, with other criteria serving more as frames. However, with increased importance of environmental and social aspects, incorporating MCDA methods into the decision-making process on the operational planning horizon (e.g., by developing MCDAbased guidelines for forestry work) is essential

    Cash Management, En studie av hur ett förbisett vinstgenererande område hanteras av medelstora företag

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    Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Cash Management, En studie av hur ett förbisett vinstgenererande område hanteras av medelstora företag Seminariedatum: 2006-06-08 Ämne/kurs: FEK582 Kandidatuppsats, 10 poäng Författare: Lars Hansen, Rikard Johansson och Patrik Jonsson Handledare: Tore Eriksson Fem nyckelord: Cash Management, Medelstora företag, Likviditetsplanering, Likviditetshan-tering, Cash Management-system Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning medelstora företag arbetar med likviditetshantering och planering. Vidare kommer företagens och bankernas rela-tion inom området Cash Management studeras för att undersöka hur banker kan bli mer effek-tiva när det gäller att tillmötesgå företagens behov. Metod: Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes hos medelstora företag, en bank samt en revisor. Ansatsen i uppsatsen var deduktiv. Vidare har resultaten från intervjuerna analyserats och jämförts med hypoteser i teorin. Slutsatsen ses som en utveckling av analysen där även tankar om förbättringar förs fram. Teoretiska perspektiv: Då få studier av detta slag har genomförts blir teorierna kring Cash Management i allmänhet viktiga. Vidare har studier kring bankens förhållande till kunden och revisorernas oberoende studerats. Empiri: Enligt de intervjuer som genomfördes arbetar få medelstora företag med Cash Ma-nagement. Vissa delar av Cash Management såsom likviditetsplaneringen fungerar bra medan andra delar såsom likviditetshanteringen fungerar mindre bra. Resultat: Från denna studie har det framkommit att de medelstora företagen kan arbeta mer med Cash Management. Med dagens låga räntenivå är vinsterna små, men med ett framtida högre ränteläge finns större vinster att erhålla. Genom en aktivare likviditetshantering kan kapitalomsättningshastigheten öka och därmed uppnås en bättre räntabilitet. Studien visar också att bankerna kan ta en aktivare roll gentemot kunden sett ur ett Cash Management-perspektiv

    Analysis of decision-making processes for strategic technology investments in Swedish large-scale forestry

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    Technological development gives forest companies opportunities to maintain competitiveness in the highly cost-sensitive market for forest products. However, no previous studies have examined the technological development decisions made by forest companies or the support tools used when making them. We therefore aimed to describe and analyze 1) the processes used when making such decisions, 2) the associated decision situations, and 3) the use of and need for decision sup-port tools in these processes, with a harwarder concept as case. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents from six forestry organizations. Two theoretical frameworks were used to analyze the interviews, one for unstructured decision processes and one for decision situations. The respondents' descriptions of their decision processes were consistent with those observed in other industries, and it was shown that decision-making could potentially be improved by invest-ing more resources into diagnosing the problem at hand. The main objective in decision-making was to maximize economic criteria while satisfying threshold requirements relating to criteria such as operator well-being, soil rutting, and wood value. When facing large uncertainties, inter-viewees preferred to gather data through operational trials and/or scientific studies. If confronted with large uncertainties that could not be reduced, they proceeded with development only if the potential gains exceeded the estimated uncertainties, and implemented innovations in a stepwise manner. These results indicate a need for greater use of existing decision-support tools such as problem-structuring methods to enable more precise diagnoses, simulations to better understand new innovations, and optimization to better evaluate their theoretical large-scale potential

    Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in Forest Operations – an Introductional Review

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    Decision making in forestry is very complex and requires consideration of trade-offs among economic, environmental, and social criteria. Different multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods have been developed for structuring and exploring the decision-making process of such problems. Although MCDA methods are often used for forest management problems, they are rarely used for forest operation problems. This indicates that scholars and practitioners working with forest operations are either unaware of MCDA methods, or see no benefit in using these methods. Therefore, the prime objective of this review was to make MCDA methods more intelligible (compared with current level of understanding) to novice users within the field of forest operations. For that purpose, basic ideas as well as the strengths and limitations of selected MCDA methods are presented. The second objective was to review applications of MCDA methods in forest operations. The review showed that MCDA applications are suitable for forest operation problems on all three planning levels – strategic, tactical, and operational – but with least use on the operational level. This is attributed to: 1) limited availability of temporally relevant and correct data, 2) lack of time (execution of MCDA methods is time consuming), and 3) many operational planning problems are solved with regards to an economic criterion, with other criteria serving more as frames. However, with increased importance of environmental and social aspects, incorporating MCDA methods into the decision-making process on the operational planning horizon (e.g., by developing MCDAbased guidelines for forestry work) is essential

    The influence of the NOD Nss1/Idd5 loci on sialadenitis and gene expression in salivary glands of congenic mice

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    The nonobese diabetic (NOD) Nss1 and Idd5 loci have been associated with sialadenitis development in mice. In this study the NOD Nss1 and Idd5 loci were backcrossed onto the healthy control strain B10.Q by using the speed congenic breeding strategy, resulting in three congenic strains: B10.Q.Nss1, B10.Q.Nss1/Idd5 heterozygous and B10.Q.Nss1/Idd5 homozygous. We investigated the effects of the Nss1 and Idd5 loci on sialadenitis and gene expression in NOD congenic mice. One submandibular salivary gland from each mouse was used for histological analysis of sialadenitis, whereas the contralateral salivary gland was used for gene expression profiling with the Applied Biosystems Mouse Genome Survey chip v.1.0. The results were validated using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. The NOD Nss1 and Idd5 loci had clear influence on the onset and progression of sialadenitis in congenic mice. Double congenic mice exhibited the most severe phenotype. We successfully identified several genes that are located in the NOD congenic regions to be differentially expressed between the congenic strains and the control strain. Several of these were found to be co-regulated, such as Stat1, complement component C1q genes and Tlr12. Also, a vast contingency of interferon-regulated genes (such as Ltb, Irf7 and Irf8) and cytokine and chemokine genes (such as Ccr7 and Ccl19) were differentially expressed between the congenic strains and the control strain. Over-representation of inflammatory signalling pathways was observed among the differentially expressed genes. We have found that the introgression of the NOD loci Nss1 and Idd5 on a healthy background caused sialadenitis in NOD congenic mouse strains, and we propose that genes within these loci are important factors in the pathogenesis. Furthermore, gene expression profiling has revealed several differentially expressed genes within and outside the NOD loci that are similar to genes found to be differentially expressed in patients with Sjögren's syndrome, and as such are interesting candidates for investigation to enhance our understanding of disease mechanisms and to develop future therapies