43 research outputs found

    Green Corporate Leadership (GrCL) to Improve Enforcement on Criminal Liability of Non-Legal Entity Corporations for Environmental Pollution and Destruction

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    The environmental pollution and destruction by non-legal entity corporations normally occurs in the context of business operations, and is a consequence of the authority or business owner’s failure to fulfill or negligence in performing their obligations to preserve the environment. The authority or business owners for their approach to lead the business operation shall bring about an interesting discussion with regard to enforce criminal liability of green issues. This study needs to highlight how the enforcement shall conduct to the non-legal entity corporations despite of by corporation or by individual. In addition, this study also argues how the green leadership shall in balance to build the green practice within value by corporate and leadership (GrCL). In addition, GrCL also integrated to the Environmental and Protection and Management (EPM) that has regulated the criminal liability of non-legal entity corporations for engaging in environmental pollution and destruction. However, EPM in practice is still difficult to prove the causality between problems in the business structure and the concrete behaviors or acts committed. Therefore, a new approach by having GrCL shall bring a comprehensive discussion not only by law but also by real implementation

    Penilaian pandangan pelajar ke atas perbezaan layanan ibu bapa terhadap anak lelaki dan anak perempuan

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    It is interesting to discuss point of view of student on social issues such as the differences of attention of parents towards the sons and daughters. The study on the view of student is important by considering that the student themselves have double role for not only as knowlegeable who are assessing their social environment but also as sons or daugthers with regards to their own parents. In the other hand, it is quite complex and subjective to asses the differences of attention of parents towards the sons and daughters since there is no standard measurement to assess student’s point of view on the differences of attention of parents towards the sons and daughters. Therefore, this study offered a discussion on the application of Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). FLC is flexible enough to be applied since it is able to simplfy high complexity and subjective matters to be much easier to understand. Based on literature review, we identify several dimensions and variables that being used in this study. In addition, this study also has examined how far the differences between the behavior or attention to their daughters. In overall the result suggested that, there are inconspicuous differences between the behavior or attention of parents to their sons and daughters. Although for each dimesions, we found differences between the behavior or attention of parents to their sons and daughter

    Development of tunneling detection model: a new corporate performance improvement

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    Tunneling through related party transactions is one of the most challenging aspects in corporate governance. In addition, the impact of tunneling activities may affect to corporate governance’s performance in most of Asian countries. Yet, studies on the effectiveness of corporate governance in relation to tunneling are still limited and the results have been inconclusive. This study tries to develop a detection model to distinguish related party transactions that can be categorised as tunneling activities. Furthermore, this study also examines whether corporate governance mechanisms can explain the tunneling activities. The main findings of this study suggest that companies, in Indonesian listed companies, with concentrated ownerships have a greater tendency to conduct tunneling transactions compared to companies with dispersed ownerships, and the overall corporate governance mechanisms implemented by the companies could not be used as predictors for tunneling behaviour

    Pelaksanaan Program Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Tiga Tahun 30 Juz Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al-Ittiba Kwarasan Juwiring Klaten Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    Research on the implementation of the Tahfizh Al-Qur'an program 3 years 30 juz at Al-Ittiba Kwarasan Middle School, which emphasizes the Qur'anic learning which is the Kalam of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad which was delivered in a Mutawatir way and who can read it is a Worship and as a way of life for all humans in the world and in the end. The purpose of the implementation of Tahfizh Al-Qur'an is to create a generation that always returns to the Qur'an and Sunnah in thinking, behaving, interacting and having global competitiveness and describing the factors that exist in the implementation of the Tahfizh Al-Qur'an 'program the 3 Years 30 Juz. This study uses field type research which is processed in the form of qualitative research. Data collection by means of interviews, observations, and documentation after which the data is analyzed using deductive methods, namely the processing starts from the theoretical foundation and then adjusted to the results of the field that has been obtained. The results of this study that in the implementation of the Tahfizh Al-Qur'an 3 Year 30 juz program at Al-Ittiba Kwarasan Middle School, namely in Tahfizh the Qur'an did not use any method but in the school only used the Muroja'ah method which was divided into three types the method is the method of manzil, sabaq, sabqi which is divided into five times a day with the provisions of learning to memorize which has been arranged by the school and a test found at the end of the class which is assessed directly by the shaykh who comes from yaman. factors that influence the implementation of the tahfizh al-Qur'an program. Not only in learning to memorize it but also can have global competitiveness, with these two things the objectives of the school can be fulfilled, namely allowing the students to excel in diniyah and excel in general


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    Budaya literasi harus senantiasa ditingkatkan utamanya untuk para generasi muda bangsa Indonesia. Peningkatan tersebut bisa dimulai dari pendidikan formal, non-formal maupun informal. Dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan penulis di Pendidikan formal di SDN Ngaglik Kecamatan Kasiman Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa kelas untuk orang tua dan anak. Kelas orang tua melakukan beberapa kegiatan diantaranya strategi kreatif orang tua dalam hal membacakan buku, mendongeng, dan membuat permainan kreatif. Kelas anak melakukan kegiatan diantaranya yang merangsang kegiatan yang meningkatkan kecintaan terhadap buku, dalam hal ini program SBSA (Satu Buku Satu Anak). Kata kunci: Peningkatan, Budaya Literasi, Kelas Orang Tua dan Ana

    Pengembangan Desa Jomboran sebagai Desa Agrowisata Mandiri Melalui Model Pembanguna Karakter, Model Tetrapreneur, dan Pemetaan Potensi Desa Berbasis Pertanian

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    ABSTRACT Jomboran, one of the villages located in Klaten Tengah, Klaten, Central Java. Jomboran Village is an economical strategic area as it is close to the administrative center of Klaten. Jomboran Village with its potentials can be developed as a tourist village based on agriculture combined with the uniqueness of environmental conditions and cultural wealth of the community.The Jomboran village development method is carried out through three stages: identification of potential and mapping of areas, especially agricultural land; institutional programs and village financial institutions; and village tourism branding program.The programs that have been implemented are the improvement of community motivation through workshop with the theme "Building Powerful Character Towards Jomboran Tourist Village"; training the basics of business to potential community groups to improve the village economy; agricultural extension and technical guidance to farmer group members; Exhibition of the Creative Economy of Featured Products Jomboran, and the initiation of tropical fruit garden as an educational park.Through the UGM Guided Village Program, the potentials of Jomboran village can be synergized into attractive village tour package and have market opportunities.  Keywords: agrotourism; community quality; institutional; tetrapreneur; village

    Rebellion Against The Unjust Authority Reflected In Suzanne Collins’ Mockingjay (2010): Sociological Criticism

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    This research paper elaborates the rebellion against the unjust authority reflected in Suzzanne Collins that are analyzed through the sociological approach. The objectives of the research are to analyze the structural elements of the novel and to analyze the novel based on the sociological approach.This research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. The data of the research is the novel entitled Mockingjay. The data source comes from both primary data source which is in the form of the text of the novel which is being researched and secondary data source such as biography of the author, websites and other sources. The method to analyze the data is descriptive analysis. Having analyzed the novel, the researcher comes to the conclusions as follows: from the structural elements of Mockingjay novel, the writer finds that in this novel, the author wants to deliver a message that power abuse may result in rebellion. In order to deliver the message, the author creates the characters that abuse the power and those that struggle against the power abuse. From sociological approach, it is evident that in this novel, the author reflects the social realities of the American social at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The author also criticizes the tendency of the government to abuse power