8 research outputs found

    Source regions for Antarctic MLT non-migrating semidiurnal tides

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    Source regions for the westward propagating zonal wavenumber one and three components of the semidiurnal tide observed in the summer mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Antarctica are identified by correlating local tidal variations with global planetary wave one activity in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. The advantages of using zonal wavenumber resolved tidal amplitudes for such a study are described. The results support the prediction of a source region in the northern hemisphere

    Regional variations of mesospheric gravity-wave momentum flux over Antarctica

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    Images of mesospheric airglow and radar-wind measurements have been combined to estimate the difference in the vertical flux of horizontal momentum carried by high-frequency gravity waves over two dissimilar Antarctic stations. Rothera (67° S, 68° W) is situated in the mountains of the Peninsula near the edge of the wintertime polar vortex. In contrast, Halley (76° S, 27° W), some 1658 km to the southeast, is located on an ice sheet at the edge of the Antarctic Plateau and deep within the polar vortex during winter. The cross-correlation coefficients between the vertical and horizontal wind perturbations were calculated from sodium (Na) airglow imager data collected during the austral winter seasons of 2002 and 2003 at Rothera for comparison with the 2000 and 2001 results from Halley reported previously (Espy et al., 2004). These cross-correlation coefficients were combined with wind-velocity variances from coincident radar measurements to estimate the daily averaged upper-limit of the vertical flux of horizontal momentum due to gravity waves near the peak emission altitude of the Na nightglow layer, 90km. The resulting momentum flux at both stations displayed a large day-to-day variability and showed a marked seasonal rotation from the northwest to the southwest throughout the winter. However, the magnitude of the flux at Rothera was about 4 times larger than that at Halley, suggesting that the differences in the gravity-wave source functions and filtering by the underlying winds at the two stations create significant regional differences in wave forcing on the scale of the station separation

    Seasonal variations in the horizontal wind structure from 0-100 km above Rothera station, Antarctica (67° S, 68° W)

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    A medium frequency spaced-antenna radar has been operating at Rothera station, Antarctica (67° S, 68° W) for two periods, between 1997-1998 and since 2002, measuring winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. In this paper monthly mean winds are derived and presented along with three years of radiosonde balloon data for comparison with the HWM-93 model atmosphere and other high latitude southern hemisphere sites. The observed meridional winds are slightly more northwards than those predicted by the model above 80 km in the winter months and below 80 km in summer. In addition, the altitude of the summer time zero crossing of the zonal winds above the westward jet is overestimated by the model by up to 8 km. These data are then merged with the wind climatology obtained from falling sphere measurements made during the PORTA campaign at Rothera in early 1998 and the HWM-93 model atmosphere to generate a complete zonal wind climatology between 0 and 100 km as a benchmark for future studies at Rothera. A westwards (eastwards) maximum of 44 ms-1 at 67 km altitude occurs in mid December (62 ms-1 at 37 km in mid July). The 0 ms-1 wind contour reaches a maximum altitude of 90 km in mid November and a minimum altitude of 18 km in January extending into mid March at 75 km and early October at 76 km

    Rapid, large-scale temperature changes in the polar mesosphere and their relationship to meridional flows

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    Mesospheric temperatures derived from spectroscopic measurements of the hydroxyl (OH) nightglow have been observed from Rothera (67.6°S, 68.1°W) and Halley (75.6°S, 26.6°W) stations in Antarctica during the 2002 austral winter season. In addition to the normal seasonal changes, the temperatures at both sites, separated by 1658 km, showed several simultaneous shifts in temperature of between 10 and 20 K. These changes abruptly occurred in the space of 2–3 days and lasted for several days. These rapid variations in temperature were associated with large swings observed in the meridional component of the mesospheric wind measured by the Rothera MF radar. As there appeared to be no phase shift between the temperature variations at the two longitudinally separated stations indicating that planetary-waves caused the changes, these large-scale changes have been interpreted as variations in the inter-hemispheric meridional jet, and a corresponding modulation of the mesospheric descent and adiabatic heating rates over the polar region

    A climatology of tides and gravity wave variance in the MLT above Rothera, Antarctica obtained by MF radar

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    A cumulative total of over 5 years of data from an MF radar situated at Rothera (67°S, 68°W) on the Antarctic Peninsula have been used to derive climatologies of periodic motions in the wind field in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere with periods less than or equal to 1 day. Strong tidal motions are observed at 24, 12 and 8 h and monthly mean climatologies are presented between 74 and 94 km altitude for comparison with the HWM-93 horizontal wind model. The 24 h tide shows a strong seasonal dependence in both the zonal and meridional components with a summertime maximum and wintertime minimum over all altitudes. The monthly mean maximum amplitude is 12(±2) ms−1 at 94 km in January and the minimum is <1 ms−1 around 86 km in early winter. The 12 h wave shows large short-term amplitude variability with a peak in amplitude around late autumn. It reaches a minimum at high altitudes in winter and below 80 km during summer, characteristic of a mixture of migrating and non-migrating modes. The phase of the 12 h wave is relatively constant throughout winter with a minimum mean vertical wavelength of 75 km around equinox. The 8 h wave is predominantly a summertime high altitude phenomenon. It is seen most strongly in the winds above 85 km and reaches monthly mean amplitudes of 6(±2) ms−1 in the zonal winds at 94 km altitude. Finally, a seasonal climatology of gravity wave variances is generated by calculating the daily mean variance in the raw winds after subtracting the fitted tidal components. This index shows a strong seasonal and height dependence in both components with a wintertime peak of 2000 m2s−2 in the zonal component at the highest altitudes. This peak occurs when the stratospheric zonal jets are strongest and therefore the filtering of upward-propagating waves in the stratosphere should be greatest; implying that either a significant part of this wintertime wave activity is generated from a region above the peak stratospheric wind or that there is a strong annual variability in the source or propagation of the gravity wave activity at Rothera

    An alternative explanation of PMSE-like scatter in MF radar data

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    There have been reports in the literature that spaced-antenna MF radars may provide a source of data on Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE). Even though the expected scatter from PMSE at MF frequencies is very much weaker than at VHF, the wide distribution of sites and long duration of data sets for MF radar systems could provide valuable information about the occurrence of PMSE. This paper tests whether there is any evidence of PMSE in the profiles derived using the MF radar at Rothera, Antarctica, one of the few such radars at high southern latitudes. Over a year of data during 1997/1998 has been analysed for the occurrence of persistent features around midday in the altitude range 60-95 km. Criteria were chosen to test the likelihood that some of the narrow peaks in the power profiles were manifestations of electron density structures associated with PMSE. Although a small number of persistent features were seen at altitudes of 80-85 km that are typically associated with PMSE, there was no seasonality in their occurrence. A detailed analysis of specific days showed that two peaks were often seen with altitude separations consistent with the vertical wavelength of the diurnal tide. Persistent features were also detected at altitudes of 70 km and 90 km during the winter months, thus showing a quite different seasonality to that of PMSE. An estimate of the turbulence caused by the breaking of gravity waves that have propagated up from the lower atmosphere shows that at Rothera significant energy is deposited near 80 km during summer, and near 70 and 90 km during winter. This seasonal variability is driven by the screening effect of stratospheric winds, and it appears that breaking gravity wave dynamics, rather than PMSE phenomena, can explain many of the localised altitude features in the MF radar data

    Detrital events and hydroclimate variability in the Romanian Carpathians during the mid-to-late Holocene

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    The Romanian Carpathians are located at the confluence of three major atmospheric pressure fields: the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Siberian. Despite its importance for understanding past human impact and climate change, high-resolution palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of Holocene hydroclimate variability, and in particular records of extreme precipitation events in the area, are rare. Here we present a 7500-year-long high-resolution record of past climatic change and human impact recorded in a peatbog from the Southern Carpathians, integrating palynological, geochemical and sedimentological proxies. Natural climate fluctuations appear to be dominant until 4500 years before present (yr BP), followed by increasing importance of human impact. Sedimentological and geochemical analyses document regular minerogenic deposition within the bog, linked to periods of high precipitation. Such minerogenic depositional events began 4000 yr BP, with increased depositional rates during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), the Little Ice Age (LIA) and during periods of societal upheaval (e.g. the Roman conquest of Dacia). The timing of minerogenic events appears to indicate a teleconnection between major shifts in North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and hydroclimate variability in southeastern Europe, with increased minerogenic deposition correlating to low NAO index values. By linking the minerogenic deposition to precipitation variability, we state that this link persists throughout the mid-to-late Holocene