649 research outputs found

    Evidence for ground motion polarization on fault zones of mt. etna volcano

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    During local and regional earthquakes, an evident amplification of horizontal ground motion is observed at two seismological stations near the Tremestieri fault, on the southeastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano. Rotated-component spectral ratios show a narrow spectral peak around 4-Hz along a N40°E direction. A conventional polarization analysis using the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix confirms the very stable directional effect enhancing the approximately NE-SW elongation of the horizontal ground motion in the fault zone. The effect is evident during the entire seismogram and independent of source backazimuth as well as distance and depth of earthquakes. The same polarization is observed in ambient noise as well. This consistency allowed us to use microtremors for checking ground motion polarization along and across the Tremestieri fault zone with a high spatial resolution. The result is a stable polarization of horizontal motion in the entire area, interesting a broad frequency band. To check whether this ground motion property is recurrent and understand a possible relationship with fault strike, faulting style, or orientation of fractures, ambient noise was recorded on other mapped faults of the Mt. Etna area, the Moscarello, Acicatena and Pernicana faults. The latter, in particular, is characterized by different strike and faulting style. A systematic tendency of ambient noise to be polarized is found in all of the faults. A picture emerges where normal faults of the eastern flank show a E-W to NE-SW polarization that changes on the Pernicana fault, which develops approximately E-W and is characterized by a prevailing NW-SE to NS polarization. Directions of polarization were never parallel to the fault strike. Moreover, polarization persists too far away from the fault trace, excluding an effect limited to a narrow low velocity zone hosted between harder wall rocks. Both these observations rule out an interpretation in terms of fault-trapped waves. The cause of observed polarizations will be the subject of future studies. However, the consistency with recent results of velocity anisotropy in a part of the investigated area suggests a possible role of attenuation anisotropy on horizontal amplitude variations versus azimuth

    Antimicrobial peptides from plants: stabilization of the core of a tomato defensin by intramolecular disulfide bond

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    Cysteine-containing antimicrobial peptides of diverse phylogeny share a common structural signature, the γ core, characterized by a strong polarization of charges in two antiparallel β sheets. In this work, we analyzed peptides derived from the tomato defensin SolyC07g007760 corresponding to the protein γ core and demonstrated that cyclization of the peptides, which results in segregation of positive charges to the turn region, produces peptides very active against Gram negative bacteria, such as Salmonella enterica and Helicobacter pylori. Interestingly, these peptides show very low hemolytic activity and thus represent a scaffold for the design of new antimicrobial peptides

    Evidences for strong directional resonances in intensely deformed zones of the Pernicana fault, Mount Etna, Italy

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    In this paper we investigate ground motion properties in the western part of the Pernicana fault. This is the major fault of Mount Etna and drives the dynamic evolution of the area. In a previous work, Rigano et al. (2008) showed that a significant horizontal polarization characterizes ground motion in fault zones of Mount Etna, both during earthquakes and ambient vibrations. We have performed denser microtremor measurements in the NE rift segment and in intensely deformed zones of the Pernicana fault at Piano Pernicana. This study includes mapping of azimuth-dependent horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios along and across the fault, frequency–wave number techniques applied to array data to investigate the nature of ambient vibrations, and polarization analysis through the conventional covariance matrix method. Our results indicate that microtremors are likely composed of volcanic tremor. Spectral ratios show strong directional resonances of horizontal components around 1 Hz when measurements enter the most damaged part of the fault zone. Their polarization directions show an abrupt change, by 20° to 40°, at close measurements between the northern and southern part of the fault zone. Recordings of local earthquakes at one site in the fault zone confirm the occurrence of polarization with the same angle found using volcanic tremor. We have also found that the directional effect is not time-dependent, at least at a seasonal scale. This observation and the similar behavior of volcanic tremors and earthquake-induced ground motions suggest that horizontal polarization is the effect of local fault properties. However, the 1-Hz resonant frequency cannot be reproduced using the 1-D vertically varying model inferred from the array data analysis, suggesting a role of lateral variations of the fault zone. Although the actual cause of polarization is unknown, a role of stress-induced anisotropy and microfracture orientation in the near-surface lavas of the Pernicana fault can be hypothesized consistently with the sharp rotation of the polarization angle within the damaged fault zone

    Accelerating the development of heat tolerant tomato hybrids through a multi-traits evaluation of parental lines combining phenotypic and genotypic analysis

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    The constitution of heat tolerant F1 hybrids is a challenge to ensure high yield and good fruit quality in the global climate. In the present work, we evaluated 15 genotypes for yield-related traits highly affected by high temperatures (HT). This phenotypic analysis allowed to identify four parental genotypes showing promising yield performances under HT conditions. Two of these genotypes also exhibited good fruit quality traits. A molecular marker analysis was carried out for six resistance genes to pathogens mostly affecting tomatoes. This analysis evidenced the presence of a maximum of three resistant alleles in parental genotypes. Exploring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) revealed by two high-throughput genotyping platforms allowed identifying additional 12 genes potentially involved in resistance to biotic stress, to be further investigated. Following these considerations, 13 F1 hybrids were constituted combining the parental genotypes and then evaluated for multiple traits under HT conditions. By estimating a hybrid index based on yield performances, desirable quality and resistance gene, we identified seven hybrids showing the best performances. The promising results obtained in the present work should be confirmed by evaluating the best hybrids selected for additional years and environments before proposing them as novel commercial hybrids that could maintain high performances under HT conditions

    Phenotypic and Molecular Selection of a Superior Solanum pennellii Introgression Sub-Line Suitable for Improving Quality Traits of Cultivated Tomatoes

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    The Solanum pennellii Introgression Line (IL) population can be exploited to identify favorable alleles that can improve yield and fruit quality traits in commercial tomato varieties. Over the past few years, we have selected ILs that exhibit increased content of antioxidant compounds in the fruit compared to the cultivar M82, which represents the genetic background in which the different wild regions of the S. pennellii ILs were included. Recently, we have identified seven sub-lines of the IL7-3 accumulating different amounts of antioxidants in the ripe fruit. Since the wild region carried on chromosome 7 induces a low fruit production in IL7-3, the first aim of the present work was to evaluate yield performances of the selected sub-lines in three experimental fields located in the South of Italy. Another aim was to confirm in the same lines the high levels of antioxidants and evaluate other fruit quality traits. On red ripe fruit, the levels of soluble solids content, firmness, and ascorbic acid (AsA) were highly variable among the sub-lines grown in three environmental conditions, evidencing a significant genotype by environment interaction for soluble solids and AsA content. Only one sub-line (coded R182) exhibited a significantly higher firmness, even though no differences were observed for this trait between the parental lines M82 and IL7-3. The same sub-line showed significantly higher AsA content compared to M82, thus resembling IL7-3. Even though IL7-3 always exhibited a significantly lower yield, all the sub-lines showed yield variability over the three trials. Interestingly, the sub-line R182, selected for its better performances in terms of fruit quality, in all the trials showed a production comparable to that of the control line M82. A group of species-specific molecular markers was tested on R182 and on the parental genotypes in order to better define the wild genomic regions carried by the elite line R182. In these regions three candidate genes that could increase the level of AsA in the fruit were identified. In the future, the line R182 could be used as pre-breeding material in order to obtain new varieties improved for nutritional traits

    Genomic dissection of a wild region in a superior Solanum pennellii introgression sub‐line with high ascorbic acid accumulation in tomato fruit

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    The Solanum pennellii introgression lines (ILs) have been exploited to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and identify favorable alleles that could improve fruit quality traits in tomato varieties. Over the past few years, ILs exhibiting increased content of ascorbic acid in the fruit have been selected, among which the sub‐line R182. The aims of this work were to identify the genes of the wild donor S. pennellii harbored by the sub‐line and to detect genes controlling ascorbic acid accumulation by using genomics tools. A Genotyping‐By‐Sequencing (GBS) approach confirmed that no wild introgressions were present in the sub‐line besides one region on chromosome 7. By using a dense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) map obtained by RNA sequencing (RNA‐ Seq), the wild region of the sub‐line was finely identified; thus, defining 39 wild genes that replaced 33 genes of the ILs genetic background (cv. M82). The differentially expressed genes mapping in the region and the variants detected among the cultivated and the wild alleles evidenced the potential role of the novel genes present in the wild region. Interestingly, one upregulated gene, annotated as a major facilitator superfamily protein, showed a novel structure in R182, with respect to the parental lines. These genes will be further investigated using gene editing strategies

    A Novel Protein Hydrolysate-Based Biostimulant Improves Tomato Performances under Drought Stress

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    Abiotic stresses adversely affect crop production causing yield reductions in important crops, including tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Among the different abiotic stresses, drought is considered to be the most critical one, since limited water availability negatively impacts plant growth and development, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. The aim of this study was to understand how biostimulants may interact with critical physiological response mechanisms in tomato under limited water availability and to define strategies to improve tomato performances under drought stress. We investigated the physiological responses of the tomato genotype ‘E42’ grown in open fields under optimal conditions (100% irrigation) and limited water availability (50% irrigation) treated or not with a novel protein hydrolysate-based biostimulant (CycoFlow, Agriges, BN, Italy). Plants treated with the protein hydrolysate showed a better water status and pollen viability, which also resulted in higher yield under drought stress compared to untreated plants. The treatment with the biostimulant had also an effect on antioxidant contents and activity in leaves and fruits depending on the level of irrigation provided. Altogether, these results indicate that the application of protein hydrolysates on tomato improved plant performances under limited water availability and in different experimental fields

    Induced polyploidy and broad variation in phytochemical traits and altered gene expression in Salvia multicaulis

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    Induced polyploidy is nowadays an important strategy in plant breeding and for the development of new crops. Salvia multicaulis Vahl is a valuable medicinal plant that produce precious bioactive metabolites including triterpenic acids (TAs) and phenolic compounds. Hence, at first, for selecting elite lines, both HPLC and GC-MC analyses were performed on fourteen S. multicaulis lines. Then, seeds of selected lines of S. multicaulis were exposed to different concentrations (0.00, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 %) of colchicine for 24 or 48 h. The flow cytometric analysis and chromosome counting were used to confirm ploidy level of tetraploid control (2n = 4x = 28, 2C DNA = 1.36 pg) and hexaploid (2n = 6x = 42, 2C DNA = 1.97 pg) plants after seven-month. For the first time, the effects of in vitro polyploidization on morphological characteristics, TAs and phenolic acid contents as well as on the expression of six TAs biosynthesis related genes were investigated. The highest efficiency of hexaploidy (12.76 %) was achieved 48 h after exposure to 0.1 % colchicine concentration. The hexaploid plants showed different growth traits compared with those of tetraploid control plant; indeed, hexaploid plants had leaves with a darker green color, a lower trichome density, and lower plant height and root length. Moreover, there was a significant increase in rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid content in hexaploid plants compared with tetraploid control plants. Also, the increase of oleanolic acid (1.33 fold) content in hexaploids was associated with a significant increased expression of squalene synthase (SQS) and β-amyrin synthase (BAS) genes in hexaploid plants. Nevertheless, a significant decreased expression of squalene epoxidase (SQE), mixed-function amyrin synthase (MFAS), and lupeol synthase (LUS) was observed in hexaploid plants, that led to a reduced content of ursolic acid and betulinic acid compared with tetraploid control plants. These results confirmed that polyploidization is a breeding method with stochastic results in secondary metabolites production and gene expression related to biosynthetic pathways