416 research outputs found

    Еще об одном русском ключевом концепте

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    В статье показаны основные составляющие русского концепта "разлука", который, судя по встречаемости имени "разлука" в текстах русской культуры, является одним из ключевых. Показывается, что этот концепт связан с другими ключевыми русскими концептами - "дом", "свобода". Основная мысль статьи - содержание этого концепта подверглось значительным социокультурным модификациям.У статті показано основні складові російского концепта "розлука", який, судячи по вживанню імені "розлука" в текстах російскої культури, є одним з ключовіх. Показується, що цей концепт пов'язаний з іншими ключовіми російскими концептами " будинок", "свобода". Основна думка статті - зміст цього концепта зазнав значних социокультурних модифікацій.In article basic components of Russian concept "separation" ("parting") are analysed. An author considers this concept to be one of key Russian concepts according to usage of word "razluka" in Russian culture texts. Interdependence of concept "separation" and other Russian key concepts such as "home", "freedom" is shown. A main author's idea is that value of this concept was being a subject of considerable sociocultural modifications

    Comparing the performance of conventional and robotic catheters in transcatheter aortic valve implantation

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    In this paper we investigate the performance of a recently developed robotic catheterization platform in comparison to conventional surgical equipment. Transcather aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was chosen as the test case and 12 interventionists (6 experts and 6 novices) participated in experiments with a silicon aorta model. Video sequences of the fluoroscopic monitor, used for guiding the instruments, were captured and processed with specialized software. To evaluate and compare the two systems the 2-D position of the catheter/guidewire tip is tracked and the shape of the phantom model is extracted in the video frames. In our analysis, we focus on three metrics; the procedure time, the average speed and the average distance to the vessel wall. The obtained results show that procedure time is capable of discriminating the participants of the different experience groups, achieving p=0.008 in the first stage of the experiment. In addition, experts consistently exhibit a higher average speed than novices. Ultimately, the increased average distance to the vessel wall demonstrated by the robotic system is an indication of improved precision and safer catheter/guidewire navigation

    Performance of three model-based iterative reconstruction algorithms using a CT task-based image quality metric

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    In this study we evaluated the task-based image quality of a low contrast clinical task for the abdomen protocol (e.g., pancreatic tumour) of three different CT vendors, exploiting three model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) levels. We used three CT systems equipped with a full, partial, advanced MBIR algorithms. Acquisitions were performed on a phantom at three dose levels. Acquisitions were reconstructed with a standard kernel, using filtered back projection algorithm (FBP) and three levels of the MBIR. The noise power spectrum (NPS), the normalized one (nNPS) and the task-based transfer function (TTF) were computed following the method proposed by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine task group report-233 (AAPM TG-233). Detectability index (d') of a small lesion (small feature; 100 HU and 5-mm diameter) was calculated using non-prewhitening with eye-filter model observer (NPWE).The nNPS, NPS and TTF changed differently depending on CT system. Higher values of d' were obtained with advanced-MBIR, followed by full-MBIR and partial-MBIR.Task-based image quality was assessed for three CT scanners of different vendors, considering a clinical question. Detectability can be a tool for protocol optimisation and dose reduction since the same dose levels on different scanners correspond to different d' values.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Hallazgo de tiburones cretácicos (Chondrichthyes) en la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina): aspectos estratigráficos y paleoambientales

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    Se comunica el hallazgo de dientes de tiburones cretácicos en la provincia de Mendoza, región septentrional de la Cuenca Neuquina, Argentina. Los restos, colectados entre los años 2001-2009, provienen de los niveles basales de la Formación Jagüel aflorantes en el anticlinal de Ranquil-Có, Sierra de Palauco, sur del Departamento de Malargüe. En ese sector los estratos cretácicos de los Grupos Neuquén y Malargüe afloran completos desde su base a techo y se encuentran plegados formando un anticlinal asimétrico. Desde la base de la Formación Loncoche (Campaniano superior-?Maastrichtiano inferior) hasta los niveles superiores de la suprayente Formación Jagüel (Maastrichtiano superior), el registro de vertebrados e invertebrados fósiles, como así también los análisis sedimentológicos, muestran una progresiva influencia marina vinculada con una ingresión procedente del Atlántico. Los dientes encontrados se asignan a los géneros Squalicorax Whitley y Serratolamna Landemaine (Elasmobranchii, Lamniformes). El género Squalicorax es típico del Cretácico Superior y no se conoce en el Cenozoico. Las facies portadoras de los dientes son margas y pelitas gris amarillentas. El estudio palinológico de cinco niveles de estas facies dio como resultado una asociación dominada casi exclusivamente por ficomas de algas prasinofíceas principalmente pertenecientes a los géneros: Pterospermella Eisenack, Cymatiosphaera Wetzel ex Deflandre y Tasmanites Newton, junto a escasos quistes de dinoflagelados y ausencia de palinomorfos terrestres. Estas algas son más frecuentes en ambientes marinos de reducida salinidad, como la zona proximal de plataforma y son abundantes en aguas preferentemente frías. El hallazgo aquí descripto amplía el escaso registro de condrictios del Cretácico de América del Sur austral y confirma el carácter marino de estas facies, lo que es congruente con el registro palinológico.Sesiones libresFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    End-to-End Real-time Catheter Segmentation with Optical Flow-Guided Warping during Endovascular Intervention

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    Accurate real-time catheter segmentation is an important pre-requisite for robot-assisted endovascular intervention. Most of the existing learning-based methods for catheter segmentation and tracking are only trained on small-scale datasets or synthetic data due to the difficulties of ground-truth annotation. Furthermore, the temporal continuity in intraoperative imaging sequences is not fully utilised. In this paper, we present FW-Net, an end-to-end and real-time deep learning framework for endovascular intervention. The proposed FW-Net has three modules: a segmentation network with encoder-decoder architecture, a flow network to extract optical flow information, and a novel flow-guided warping function to learn the frame-to-frame temporal continuity. We show that by effectively learning temporal continuity, the network can successfully segment and track the catheters in real-time sequences using only raw ground-truth for training. Detailed validation results confirm that our FW-Net outperforms state-of-the-art techniques while achieving real-time performance.Comment: ICRA 202