39 research outputs found


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    Information Communication Technologi (ICT) merupakan sarana yang sangat berperan atas perubahan kehidupan masyarakat. Kebisaan masyarakat kini bergeser masuk kedalam pemanfaatan TIK, meninggalkan cara lama menuju cara baru. Demokrasi digital adalah salah satu bentuk penggunaan TIK dalam area politik. Demokrasi digital merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan penggunaan media internet dalam ruang lingkup politik. Pemanfaatan media internet dengan beberapa jenis platform kini menjadi wadah bagi pelaku politik praktis untuk melakukan kampanye politik. Pengunaan media internet dalam ranah politik bukan hanya dilakukan oleh para kontestan politik melainkan juga dilakukan oleh para penyelenggara dan pengwas pemilihan seperti KPU, BAWASLU dan beberapa Lembaga lain dengan peran dan koridor masing-masing. Media internet dengan beberapa jenis platform media sosial adalah wadah dalam menyampaikan pesan politik kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunankan pendekatan kualitatif yang menghasilkan data derskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas pemasaran politik (pull marketing) terhadap kemenangan ABM-Enny. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahawa pemasaran politik Pull marketing ABM-Enny bersama timnya dalam kemenangan pada pemilihan gubernur Sulawesi Barat tahun 2017 cukup efektif. Hal itu tercapai karena kemampuan aktivitas pemasaran politik yang dilakukan, dengan menggunakan strategi pull marketing yang dikombinasikan dengan strategi pemsaran politik yang lainnya seperti startegi push marketing dengan pass marketing. Yaitu pemanfaatan media sosial dalam mobilisasi massa yang sebelum melakukan kunjungan langsung kelapangan (pull marketing). Pemasaran politik yang dilakukan melalui media sosial juga dimanfaatakna dengan strategi menghadirkan para figur yang dianggap berpengaruh sehingga dapat pula mempengaruhi pilihan masyarakat (pass marketing)

    Mengukur Akuntabilitas Kinerja Sekretariat Daerah Kota Mataram

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    This article discusses the performance accountability of the Mataram City Regional Secretariat. A good performance report will have an impact on the quality of good governance. The method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach, data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study show that the accountability of the performance of the Regional Secretariat of the city of Mataram is quite good, both in measuring the performance of activities and target performance. However, the improvement in the quality of program or activity implementation through increased budget coordination, the quality of human resources in order to achieve usability and usability is still not optimal


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    Abstrak: Kebijakan pengembangan ekonomi perdesaan adalah upaya untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif bagi tumbuhnya kegiatan ekonomi produktif dan kewirausahaan di desa dalam rangka meningkatkan taraf hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Oleh sebab itu sangat diperlukan penguatan kapasitas dari anggota badan permusyawaratan desa. dalam UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 menghadapi kendala akibat lemahnya kualitas aparat dan kelembagaan desa. Hal ini berdampak pada semakin lemahnya peran pemerintah desa dalam fungsinya sebagai akselerator pembangunan. Perlu adanya peningkatan kapasitas aparat agar memahami bagaimana proses-proses perencanaan pembangunan harus dilakukan di tingkat desa serta bagaimana proses-proses tersebut didukung oleh kuatnya kelembagaan pemerintah desa. Selain itu, perlu ada mekanisme kontrol terhadap pemerintah desa. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan penguatan peran anggota badan permusyawaratan desa. Dengan meningkatnya kualitas dan kapasitas aparat dan kelembagaan pemerintah desa serta kontrol masyarakat sipil yang kuat yang diperankan oleh anggota badan permusyawaratan desa, akan ada sinergi pelaksanaan pembangunan yang baik di tingkat desa. Aparat desa tidak lagi menjadi pemain tunggal pembangunan desa. Upaya penciptaan kondisi ideal ini terus berproses di tingkat desa dan akan selalu dinamis akibat pengaruh kekuasaan supralokal yang terkadang tidak sejalan dengan perkembangan dan kehendak masyarakat lokal.Abstract: Rural economic development policy is an effort to create a conducive environment for the growth of productive and entrepreneurial economic activities in the village in order to improve the standard of living and welfare of rural communities. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of the members of the village consultative body. in Law no. 6 of 2014 faced obstacles due to the weak quality of village officials and institutions. This has an impact on the weakening of the role of the village government in its function as an accelerator of development. It is necessary to increase the capacity of the apparatus to understand how development planning processes must be carried out at the village level and how these processes are supported by strong village government institutions. In addition, there needs to be a control mechanism over the village government. This can be done by strengthening the role of members of the village consultative body. With the increase in the quality and capacity of village government apparatus and institutions as well as strong civil society control played by members of the village consultative body, there will be synergies in the implementation of good development at the village level. Village officials are no longer the sole players in village development. Efforts to create these ideal conditions continue to process at the village level and will always be dynamic due to the influence of supralocal power which is sometimes not in line with the development and will of the local community

    Kualitas dan Produksi Telur Berdasarkan Umur dan Pakan yang Digunakan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kualitas telur berdasarkan umur ayam dan pemberian pakan dengan komposisi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2017 bertempat di Farm Cahaya Mario Group, Puncak Mario, Sidrap. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu : ayam Lohman sebanyak 45 ekor, timbangan digital dengan kepekaan 0,001 g, jangka sorong, timbangan jarum dengan kepekaan 0,1 g, ember, tempat pakan, tempat minum, plastik, piring dan alat kebersihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok, yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan pakan, 3 kelompok umur ayam yang berbeda dan di ulang sebanyak 3 kali. Parameter yang diukur pada penelitian ini terdiri dari kualitas eksternal telur, kualitas interior dan produksi telur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ragam, kualitas eksternal telur menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan pada kelompok umur yang berbeda terhadap ketebalan kerabang dan tidak menujukkan adanya pengaruh pada berat telur. Nilai tebal kerabang berkisar antara 0,42 - 0,44. Kualitas interior telur menujukkan adanya pengaruh pada kelompok umur yang berbeda terhadap warna kuning telur dan terdapat perbedaan pada perlakuan pakan terhadap viskositas telur. Puncak produksi telur selama penelitian di peroleh pada umur 18-29 minggu dan mulai menurun pada umur 50 minggu sampai afkir

    Realisasi Kinerja Pelayanan Publik di Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPM-PTSP) Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The concept of public services is an integral part in understanding the performance of the government in providing services to the community, so that if the performance of the services provided by the government is good and good, of course public trust in the government will be high. This study aims to analyze the realization of the performance of the Investment and Integrated Services Agency. One Stop (DPM-PTSP) NTB Province in providing public services for licensing and non-licensing for foreign investors and domestic investors. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach, using interview instruments, documentation and observation. The results showed that the performance of public services at the Office of Investment and One Stop Service (DPM-PTSP) of Nusa Tenggara Province was good and the score was quite high based on the results of a survey of community satisfaction with services at DPM-PTSP NTB with a score of 84.71%. . Thus, it shows that the service performance provided by DPM-PTSP to its customers is quite goo

    Implementasi Dana Desa dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Desa Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa

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    The Village Fund is one of the government policies that is prioritized to finance the development and empowerment of the community, the implementation of which is prioritized by using self-managed resources / local raw materials, and strived by absorbing more local workforce. This study aims to determine the use of village funds used in accordance with the program, the results of the use of village funds and community involvement in the Village of Poto Tano, District of Poto Tano, West Sumbawa Regency. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative. Using data collection techniques through interviews with informants who are considered to have the potential to provide information about the use of the Village Fund in the development of Poto Tano Village, Poto Tano Subdistrict, West Sumbawa Regency, also through observation and documentation of the results of the utilization of the Village Fund. The results showed that the Utilization of Village Funds in Improving the Welfare of Poto Tano Village, Poto Tano Subdistrict, West Sumbawa Regency, Based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages could not be said to be effective. This can be proven by the number of Community Empowerment programs that are still far different from the number of Village Development programs that have been realized in accordance with the plan of the program set by the Village Government through the Musrenbangdes. Community involvement in the implementation of the use of village funds in Poto Tano Village also cannot be said to be good, where the community is still not fully included in the preparation up to the implementation of the programs that were set at the time of the Musrenbangdes. Keywords: Implementation, Village Funds, Public welfare

    Problematics of Multiparty Systems in Indonesia

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    Political parties are not only an important part of the many functions they carry out such as representation, recruitment and outreach), but there are complex relationships between parties and form work systems in their political practice. Party system is an analysis to examine party behavior as part of a system, that is, how each party interacts with each other. the party system consists of single parties, dual parties and multiparty parties. This paper tries to identify various kinds of problems caused by the application of a multiparty system by using literature studies based on upstream research. Indonesia is a democratic country that adopts a multiparty system in its political activities which is characterized by the many parties competing for government power. A multiparty system when combined with a presidential government system raises various problems, such as the possibility of electing a minority president, too many parties joining the coalition to become a fat coalition, and the stability of the government is disrupted. Partai politik tidak hanya merupakan bagian penting dari banyak fungsi yang dilakukan seperti perwakilan, rekrutmen dan penjangkauan, tetapi ada hubungan yang kompleks antara partai-partai dan pembentukan sistem kerja dalam praktik politik. Sistem kepartaian adalah analisis untuk memeriksa perilaku partai sebagai bagian dari suatu sistem, yaitu bagaimana masing-masing pihak berinteraksi satu sama lain. sistem kepartaian terdiri dari partai tunggal, dwi-partai dan partai multipartai. Artikel ini mencoba mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis masalah yang disebabkan oleh penerapan sistem multipartai dengan menggunakan studi literatur berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu. Indonesia adalah negara demokratis yang mengadopsi sistem multipartai dalam kegiatan politiknya yang ditandai oleh banyak pihak yang bersaing untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan pemerintah. Sistem multipartai ketika digabungkan dengan sistem pemerintahan presidensial menimbulkan berbagai masalah, seperti kemungkinan memilih presiden minoritas, terlalu banyak partai yang bergabung dalam koalisi untuk menjadi koalisi yang gemuk, dan stabilitas pemerintahan terganggu

    Utilization of NTB Care Information Technology as a Public Complaint Media for West Nusa Tenggara

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    This article tries to explain the use of information technology for the NTB Care application as a digital media for responding to public complaints. Three dimensions are measured to determine the effective implementation of NTB Care in resolving public complaint services: the Ease of Use dimension, the Trust dimension and the Reliability dimension. The research uses a comparative descriptive method with a qualitative approach and literature analysis by collecting data from official NTB government documents, the NTB Care data center, the NTB Care Website, the NTB care Facebook, and other literature related to NTB Care. The results showed that the use of the NTB Care application as a medium for responding to public complaints was good and received excellent public trust, but the obstacles faced were in the agency that became the goal of the problems raised by the community, the average response time for OPD in handling complaints that come in 1-120 days. There is no clarity regarding reports that have not been followed up on to be resolved. NTB Care is an application as a forum to accommodate the community's aspirations; then, the NTB Care admin will forward public complaints to the relevant agency or OPD based on the complaint problem who entered NTB Care

    Implementation of E-Government Policy from Governor Muhammad Zainul Madji (TGB) Era to Governor Zulkieflimansyah Era in West Nusa Tenggara Province

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    This article tries to explain the implementation of e-Government policies from Governor Muhammad Zainul Madji (TGB) era to Governor Zulkieflimansyah (Bang Zul). Four dimensions are measured to determine whether the implementation of e-government in the era of Muhammad Zainal Madji is well implemented, namely, the Policy, Institutional, Planning, and Application dimensions. In contrast, the Zulkieflimansyah era is measured by the Policy Domain, Governance Domain, and Service Domain. It uses a comparative descriptive method with a qualitative approach and using literature analysis. The results of the study show that the e-government policy of the NTB Province from the Muhammad Zainul Madji Era to the Zulkieflimansyah Era shows the results of "Very Poor, "less," and "Good" with a National 5 rating in 2020 in the implementation of electronic-based government

    Public Trust: Indonesian Policy in Developing a New Capital City (IKN)

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    Many researchers have studied public trust to assess a government policy. Trust is the key to synergizing or connecting the state, government, and society. It is an essential foundation for the state in implementing a policy. That prompted this study to research current policies on developing new capital cities (IKN) by relating them to the level of public trust. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive content analysis. The research object was seen from Twitter users in discussing policies regarding the development of a new capital city. Sources of data obtained from the overall results of discussions about IKN. The analysis tool relied on Nvivo 12 Plus. The findings indicated that the public trusted government policies to develop IKN. Positive trust was influenced by the idea of developing IKN, which was predicted to become an example of a world city; IKN could influence economic equality, promote well-being or prosperity, and other influential factors, such as Joko Widodo's leadership as President of Indonesia. Some factors influenced the decline in public trust, concerns about environmental damage and budget problems. It is considered that the urgency of public trust in policy issues related to IKN will affect the sustainability of the IKN development plan in the future