79 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Sel T Regulator Periferal Dan Mekanisme Supresi in Vitro

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    Sel T regulator yang ditandai dengan CD4+CD25+Foxp3 memegang peranan kunci pada sistem toleran tubuh. Sel T regulator ini diperlukan untuk mengendalikan sel efektor yang teraktivasi. Sel T regulator melakukan fungsinya sebagai pengendali sel efektor dan pembentuk sistem toleran dengan cara tidak hanya sebagai supresor namun juga pengatur sistem homeostasis. Sel T regulator mempunyai daya kendali terhadap sel lain yang terlibat pada sistem imun. Kemampuan mengendalikan sel lain ini mutlak diperlukan untuk menghindari terjadinya penyakit autoimun dan penolakan transplantasi. Kerja sel T regulator mempengaruhi respon imun terhadap alergen namun melemahkan sel efektor melawan sel tumor dan patogen. Di samping itu pada beberapa kasus diketahui bahwa sel T regulator juga menyebabkan sel efektor kehilangan fungsinya. Sampai sekarang mekanisme kerja sel T regulator secara seluler dan molekuler belum sepenuhnya diketahui, namun ada bukti tentang pentingnya sel ini dari banyak aspek biologi. Pengetahuan tentang adanya strategi mengaktifkan dan menginduksi munculnya sel T regulator dari sel T konvensional membuka kemungkinan untuk melakukan rerkayasa in vivo sebagai langkah imunoterapi khususnya pada model penyakit autoimun. Bahasan saat ini merangkum pengetahuan tentang sel T regulator sebagai imunoterapi dan harapan dimasa depan terhadap pemanfaatan sel ini


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    Pesisir Tanah Bumbu memiliki banyak potensi pariwisata bahari yang sangat indah yang menyediakan keragaman hayatidan keindahan pantai yang dapat menjadi tujuan utama wisatawan.Salah satu sektor pariwisata bahari KabupatenTanah Bumbu yang belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik adalah Pantai Madani. Pantai ini memiliki panorama pantai yang sangat indah dan menarik. Potensi ini harus terus didorong agar meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan baik lokal, domestik maupun luar negeri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kekuatan parameter fisik (physical attribute) di perairan kawasan Pantai Madani sebagai salah satu indikator dalam penilaian kelayakan kawasan wisata Pantai.Metode pengujian dan analisis konsentrasi parameter fisik diuji berdasarkan baku mutu kualitas air untuk pariwisata bahari Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Keputusan No.51/MENLH/2004 tentang baku mutu air laut, pengujian dan analisis konsentrasi amoniak berdasarkan SNI 19-6964.3-2003.Hasil pengujian dibandingkan dengan nilai baku mutu yang sudah ditetapkan. Faktor utama yang diamati dianalisis menggunakan metode recreation opportunity spectrum.Hasil penghitungan tiga parameter utama (fisik, pengelolaan dan sosial) menunjukkan bahwa parameter fisik merupakan parameter yang memiliki nilai paling tinggi mengartikan bahwa parameter tersebut merupakan spektrum peluang pengembangan yang harus dipertahankan

    Strategi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Kolaborasi Dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Collaborative learning has become an attractive approach in education, including in Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This article discusses the meaning, concept and implementation of collaboration-based learning in PAI. Collaborative learning is a group learning strategy where students work together in constructing their knowledge. This article explains the steps in collaboration-based learning, including student orientation, group formation, assignment preparation, and facilitation of the collaboration process. Apart from that, this article also discusses the benefits of collaboration-based learning, such as developing social skills, a sense of responsibility, and high learning motivation. However, there are also challenges in its implementation, such as teacher skills required in group management and evaluating learning outcomes. The objectives of this research article include; 1). To analyze the definition of collaborative learning strategies, 2). To analyze the concept of collaborative learning, 3) To analyze the implementation of collaboration-based Islamic Religious Education, and 4) To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of collaboration-based Islamic Religious Education learning. This research article uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. In addition, data collection was carried out using the document study method using an instrument format for identifying discussion elements. Data was analyzed descriptively, quantitatively and qualitatively. The research results show that collaborative learning in PAI subjects is useful for helping students build understanding. Through this learning, students can also provide assistance to each other through intellectual guidance which enables them to work on more complex tasks. Of course, this will be difficult to achieve if done individually

    Toll-Like Receptor 3-4 Expression Decrease in BALB/c Diabetic Mouse Models

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    In  this  study, we observed the effect of propolis  extract on immunological function in diabetic mouse models with the aim of highlighting the dynamics of immunological status in type-2 diabetes. In this study we tested the ability of propolis to normalize homeostasis. Here we showed that propolis improve homeostasis by slightly increasing the level of TLR expression. The results of this study differ from previous findings which reported that TLR expression increased in diabetes mellitus and most treatment is intended to suppress the expression of TLR. In this study we found that TLR-3 and TLR-4 expression decreased in mouse models of STZ induced diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, we found that administration of propolis showed an increase of red blood cell precursors (TER-119) and improve the ratio of CD4:CD8 dependent manner

    The Success of Local Contractors in The Procurement of Construction Projects in Kendari, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This study aims to identify the diverse formulation of the problem related to the success of winning the construction project procurement for local construction company in Kendari. The urgency of this study is to answer the factors that determine the success of local contractors in the construction project procurement process in Kendari. The method used in this study is a statistical analysis method. Dimensions are used to measure success in the procurement of construction projects in this research is the company's experience, equipment and tools, human resources, process control, reputation / achievement contractors, financial, project organization, workplace safety. Dimensions is formulated into 22 variables to be measured. From the findings of research on the variables that influence the success of winning the procurement of construction project in Kendari obtained linear regression models, namelyY = -0,401 + 0,448 X2 + 0,576X14 + 0,273X12. The analysis results obtained from the dominant factors that influence the success of winning the construction procurement namely a kind of work that have been done, the project owner relationship with the contractor, and the methods and strategy implementation and control of the work to be done

    The Teachings of Jihad in The Involvement of Samaniyah Tarekate in The War of Menteng 1819: A Historical Analysis

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    Sufism is often accused of causing the decline of Islam because its teachings are full of fatalism, occultism, escapism, and irrationalism. Adherents of the trek are also often regarded as an exclusive, selfish, and asocial community. But in fact, the existence of Sufism can go hand in hand with the teachings of jihad, which is one of the teachings with values that are contrary to the assumption of the importance of Sufism. This article aims to reveal that the trek's practice in its history moved the spirit of struggle. This article was written using historical methods such as heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. It can be concluded in this article that the teachings of jihad can be well applied to tarekat adherents, especially to the Samaniyah order in the Menteng war incident. The involvement of the Samaniyah orders in the Menteng war proved that Sufism, apart from being identical to the spiritual dimension, could also move into the social size. The teachings of jihad introduced by Abd Shomad al-Palimbani, as well as his students' involvement, became the key to the participation of the Samaniyah order in the Menteng war of 1819, which led to the victory of the Palembang side over the Dutch in the Menteng war of 1819
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