107 research outputs found


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    Savanna ecosystems are characterized by the co-occurrence of trees and grass-es. In this paper, we argue that the balance between trees and grasses is, to a large extent, determined by the indirect interactive effects of herbivory and fire. These effects are based on the positive feedback between fuel load (grass biomass) and fire intensity. An increase in the level of grazing leads to reduced fuel load, which makes fire less intense and, thus, less damaging to trees and, consequently, results in an increase in woody vegetation. The system then switches from a state with trees and grasses to a state with solely trees. Similarly, browsers may enhance the effect of fire on trees because they reduce woody biomass, thus indirectly stimulating grass growth. This consequent increase in fuel load results in more intense fire and increased decline of biomass. The system then switches from a state with solely trees to a state with trees and grasses. We maintain that the interaction between fire and herbivory provides a mechanistic explanation for observed discontinuous changes in woody and grass biomass. This is an alternative for the soil degradation mechanism, in which there is a positive feedback between the amount of grass biomass and the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil. The soil degradation mechanism predicts no discontinuous chang-es, such as bush encroachment, on sandy soils. Such changes, however, are frequently ob-served. Therefore, the interactive effects of fire and herbivory provide a more plausible explanation for the occurrence of discontinuous changes in savanna ecosystems

    Microscale distribution patterns of terrestrial bryophytes in a subalpine forest: the use of logistic regression as an interpretive tool

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    This study investigated microhabitat relationships of terrestrial bryophytes in a subalpine forest of coastal British Columbia. Substratum affinities were characterized for dominant bryophytes. Logistic regression analysis was used to gain insight into the ecological determinants of fine scale (0.1 m2) bryophyte distribution by examining the predictive relationship between bryophyte species occurrence and localized environmental conditions, as well as the coverage of other bryophytes. The predictive relationships were compared to evaluate the relative importance of environmental factors versus interspecific interactions in structuring bryophyte communities. The results indicate that bryophytes show unique responses in their relationships to environmental conditions and other bryophytes. Positive feedback appears to be an important process among terrestrial bryophytes in subalpine forests

    Turing patterns on networks

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    Turing patterns formed by activator-inhibitor systems on networks are considered. The linear stability analysis shows that the Turing instability generally occurs when the inhibitor diffuses sufficiently faster than the activator. Numerical simulations, using a prey-predator model on a scale-free random network, demonstrate that the final, asymptotically reached Turing patterns can be largely different from the critical modes at the onset of instability, and multistability and hysteresis are typically observed. An approximate mean-field theory of nonlinear Turing patterns on the networks is constructed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Habitat-Mediated Facilitation and Counteracting Ecosystem Engineering Interactively Influence Ecosystem Responses to Disturbance

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    Recovery of an ecosystem following disturbance can be severely hampered or even shift altogether when a point disturbance exceeds a certain spatial threshold. Such scale-dependent dynamics may be caused by preemptive competition, but may also result from diminished self-facilitation due to weakened ecosystem engineering. Moreover, disturbance can facilitate colonization by engineering species that alter abiotic conditions in ways that exacerbate stress on the original species. Consequently, establishment of such counteracting engineers might reduce the spatial threshold for the disturbance, by effectively slowing recovery and increasing the risk for ecosystem shifts to alternative states. We tested these predictions in an intertidal mudflat characterized by a two-state mosaic of hummocks (humps exposed during low tide) dominated by the sediment-stabilizing seagrass Zostera noltii) and hollows (low-tide waterlogged depressions dominated by the bioturbating lugworm Arenicola marina). In contrast to expectations, seagrass recolonized both natural and experimental clearings via lateral expansion and seemed unaffected by both clearing size and lugworm addition. Near the end of the growth season, however, an additional disturbance (most likely waterfowl grazing and/or strong hydrodynamics) selectively impacted recolonizing seagrass in the largest (1 m2) clearings (regardless of lugworm addition), and in those medium (0.25 m2) clearings where lugworms had been added nearly five months earlier. Further analyses showed that the risk for the disturbance increased with hollow size, with a threshold of 0.24 m2. Hollows of that size were caused by seagrass removal alone in the largest clearings, and by a weaker seagrass removal effect exacerbated by lugworm bioturbation in the medium clearings. Consequently, a sufficiently large disturbance increased the vulnerability of recolonizing seagrass to additional disturbance by weakening seagrass engineering effects (sediment stabilization). Meanwhile, the counteracting ecosystem engineering (lugworm bioturbation) reduced that threshold size. Therefore, scale-dependent interactions between habitat-mediated facilitation, competition and disturbance seem to maintain the spatial two-state mosaic in this ecosystem
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