15 research outputs found

    Evidence of Erroneous Deductions and their Possible Effects on the Initial Learning of the Concept of Cell in Primary School

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    En este trabajo se han obtenido evidencias sobre dificultades para procesar información referida al concepto de célula en estudiantes de escuela primaria. Se identificaron posibles deducciones erróneas que podrían establecer estudiantes de 5to grado (10-11 años) que intentaran procesar cognitivamente, y por primera vez, la información de libros de texto escolares y del discurso docente sobre el tema y se diseñó un cuestionario con el objetivo de hallar evidencia de estas deducciones. Fue posible detectar algunas evidencias de construcción de modelos explicativos incipientes siendo destacable la aparición de modelos consistentes, pero científicamente incorrectos. Luego, se aplicó el mismo cuestionario a estudiantes de 6to y 7mo grado (11-13 años) y se observó que algunos patrones de respuesta se mantenían e, incluso, se afianzaban. Estos modelos podrían dar cuenta del origen de errores o dificultades en la comprensión del concepto célula en estudiantes de niveles educativos subsiguientes.In this paper we have obtained some evidence on difficulties in processing information about the cell among primary school students. We identified possible misleading deductions that 5th grade students (10-11 years) could establish when trying, for the first time, to cognitively process information on the subject from school textbooks and teacher discourse, and we designed a questionnaire to find evidence of these deductions. It was possible to detect some evidence of incipient explanatory models. It is important to highlight the emergence of consistent but scientifically incorrect models. Then, the same questionnaire was applied to 6th and 7th grade students (11-13 years), and it was found that some response patterns prevailed and were even reinforced. These models could account for the origin of errors or difficulties in understanding the concept of cell among students of subsequent educational levels.Fil: Edelsztein, Valeria Carolina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Centro de Formación e Investigación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Galagovsky, Lydia Raquel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Centro de Formación e Investigación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias; Argentin

    Kontrollierender oder autonomieunterstützender Unterricht im außerschulischen Lernort Tierpark? [Abstract]

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    Bätz K, Wilde M. Kontrollierender oder autonomieunterstützender Unterricht im außerschulischen Lernort Tierpark? [Abstract]. In: Riemeier T, Niebert K, Krüger D, eds. 10. Internationale Frühjahrsschule der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie im vbio. 2008: 20-21

    Lernen im Museum - Nachhaltiges Lernen durch Führungen? [Abstract]

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    Härting J, Wilde M. Lernen im Museum - Nachhaltiges Lernen durch Führungen? [Abstract]. In: Riemeier T, Niebert K, Krüger D, eds. 10. Internationale Frühjahrsschule der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie im vbio. 2008: 26-27

    Einfluss handlungsorientierter Zusatzangebote auf den kognitiven und motivationalen Lernerfolg [Abstract]

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    Damerau K, Höschen D, Bätz K, Wilde M. Einfluss handlungsorientierter Zusatzangebote auf den kognitiven und motivationalen Lernerfolg [Abstract]. In: Riemeier T, Niebert K, Krüger D, eds. 10. Internationale Frühjahrsschule der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie im vbio. 2008: 60-61

    Totéž a odlišné: O praktikách sémantizace a instrumentalizace v učebně (matematické)

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    Vzdělání není možné bez obsahu. Vyučování a učení ve školách se věnuje „něčemu“, ne „ničemu“ nebo „čemukoliv“. Čím více heterogenní, multikulturní a jazykově různorodá je výuka, tím více je během vyučování a učení nutná sémantizace vzdělávacího obsahu. V tomto článku rozvíjíme teorii transformace obsahu a představujeme koncept operačního isomorfismu a jeho potenciálu v oblasti didaktiky, výzkumu výuky a vzdělávání a vzdělávání učitelů. Pomocí případové studie výuky matematiky ilustrujeme, jak mohou studenti těžit ze sémantizačních a instrumentalizačních postupů ve třídě a jak tyto procesy nabývají podoby extenzionální dekonstrukce a intenzionálního rozšiřování nebo zhušťování.There is no education without content. Teaching and learning in schools is devoted to “something,” not to “nothing” or “anything.” The more heterogeneous, multicultural, and multilingual the classroom, the more semantization of educational content within teaching and learning is needed. Therefore, the role of various languages in the classroom is revisited. In this article, we elaborate on the theory of language-sensitive content transformation and introduce the concept of operational isomorphism and its potential in the field of didactics, research on teaching, and learning and teacher education. Using a case study of mathematics teaching, we illustrate, how students can benefit from semantization and instrumentalization practices in the classroom and how these processes take the form of extensional deconstruction and intensional expansion or intensional condensation

    Teenagers Expand Their Conceptions of Climate Change Adaptation Through Research-Education Cooperation

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    Unlike previous generations, today’s youth is directly affected by global anthropogenic climate change (CC), and its increasing consequences throughout their lifetimes. However, both the educational strategies to prepare them for CC adaptation, and their conceptions of CC adaptation, remain insufficiently understood. This study sets out to investigate the CC adaptation conceptions of 120 students from four high-schools in Austria and Italy. The influence of a year-long research-education cooperation between students and 28 CC adaptation experts is examined. In the educational design, the focus lies on moderate-constructivist theories, and the transdisciplinary dialogue between students and experts. A mixed-methodologies approach is applied, which combines content analysis to study students’ conceptions of CC adaptation and test statistics (chi-square and t-test) to assess the impact of the educational intervention. The results show that students’ conceptions differ in degree of sophistication, and also include misconceptions. Some students relate adaptation to limiting disadvantages due to CC, others confuse adaptation with mitigation or environmental protection. After the educational intervention, most students have expanded their CC adaptation conceptions and overcome misconceptions, and their performance to differentiate between adaptation and mitigation increased significantly. This paper will be useful to researchers and teachers interested in utilizing education as a means to adapting to CC.</p