24 research outputs found

    South America, the Bush foreign policy and the future of American hegemony

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    Conferencia dictada por el Dr. John E. Rielly, en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, el 15 de julio de 2005

    A structured approach to implementation of measurements : crystallisation in the mefenamic acid MicroFactory

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    The CMAC workflow approach Since the development of the seminal workflow for seeded continuous cooling crystallisations, a number of workflows have been developed within CMAC that cover various processes including early stage crystallisation development, impurity rejection, and isolation

    From Boatyard to Museum: 3D laser scanning and digital modelling of the Qatar Museums watercraft collection, Doha, Qatar

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.This article presents the results of a project to 3D laser scan and digitally model 14 watercraft from the Qatar Museums collection, comprising a range of regional vessels: most had not been surveyed previously. The project used the resulting point clouds generated 2D naval lines and orthographic records of the vessels in their current condition, and photorealistic 3D digital models for gallery display. This case study provides illustrative examples of the intermediate stages and final outputs. It assesses the pros and cons of 3D laser scanning as a survey technology for nautical scholars in terms of the time, cost, and skillset, as well as logistical considerations. It also compares the accuracy of traditional hand survey methods.We wish to thank QM for enabling and funding this research (Grant number SL-05894)

    Enabling precision manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients: workflow for seeded cooling continuous crystallisations

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    Continuous manufacturing is widely used for the production of commodity products. Currently, it is attracting increasing interest from the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies as a means to provide a consistent supply of medicines. Crystallisation is a key operation in the isolation of the majority of pharmaceuticals and has been demonstrated in a continuous manner on a number of compounds using a range of processing technologies and scales. Whilst basic design principles for crystallisations and continuous processes are known, applying these in the context of rapid pharmaceutical process development with the associated constraints of speed to market and limited material availability is challenging. A systematic approach for continuous crystallisation process design is required to avoid the risk that decisions made on one aspect of the process conspire to make a later development step or steps, either for crystallisation or another unit operation, more difficult. In response to this industry challenge, an innovative system-wide approach to decision making has been developed to support rapid, systematic, and efficient continuous seeded cooling crystallisation process design. For continuous crystallisation, the goal is to develop and operate a robust, consistent process with tight control of particle attributes. Here, an innovative system-based workflow is presented that addresses this challenge. The aim, methodology, key decisions and output at each at stage are defined and a case study is presented demonstrating the successful application of the workflow for the rapid design of processes to produce kilo quantities of product with distinct, specified attributes suited to the pharmaceutical development environment. This work concludes with a vision for future applications of workflows in continuous manufacturing development to achieve rapid performance based design of pharmaceuticals

    L'opinion publique américaine et la politique étrangère

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    The author discusses the principal conclusions of the opinion poil carried out for the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations by the Gallup Institute between 20th October and 12th November, 1986. In spite of strong disagreement with the Reagan Administration on certain spécifie foreign policy questions, the major portion of public opinion and a majority of political leaders polled were found to be more optimistic about the state of the work than had been the case six years previously. The public also seemed keener than it had been for the United States to play an active role in world affairs. It is not a massive trend however and could easily be reversed as it is largely dependent on the idea currently held in the United States that the balance of military power between themselves and the Soviet Union has tilted in their favour and to more positive feeling about role in the world. Thanks to healthier economic climate and the confidence of stronger position in the military balance, Americans today feel more favourably disposed towards the outside world in general.L'auteur fait état des principales conclusions du sondage effectué pour le compte du Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR) par l'Institut Gallup entre le 20 octobre et le 12 novembre 1986. Malgré de profonds désaccords avec l'Administration Reagan sur certaines questions spécifiques de politique étrangère, la majeure partie de l'opinion publique et de la classe dirigeante est, en novembre 1986, plus optimiste sur l'état du monde qu'elle ne l'était six ans auparavant. Le public se montre davantage partisan de voir les Etats-Unis jouer un rôle plus actif dans le monde. La tendance n'est pas massive toutefois et pourrait s'inverser parce que cette évolution est fortement liée à la perception d'une modification en faveur des Etats-Unis de l'équilibre militaire avec l'Union soviétique, ainsi qu'à une appréciation plus positive du rôle des Etats-Unis dans le monde à la fin de 1986. Sensibles à l'amélioration de la conjoncture économique et convaincus d'un renforcement de l'équilibre militaire avec l'Union soviétique, les Américains ont aujourd'hui une attitude plus favorable qu'auparavant à l'égard des autres pays dans leur ensemble.Rielly. L'opinion publique américaine et la politique étrangère. In: Politique étrangère, n°1 - 1987 - 52ᵉannée. pp. 129-147

    South America, the Bush foreign policy and the future of American hegemony

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    Conferencia dictada por el Dr. John E. Rielly, en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, el 15 de julio de 2005

    Internationalisme pragmatique : l'opinion américaine au milieu de la décennie 1990

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    Pragmatic Internationalism : American Public Opinion in the Mid-Nineties, by John E. Rielly According to some of the most important general conclusions from the latest quadrennial survey of American public and leadership opinion sponsored by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, in late 1994, American public and leadership opinion can be summarized as reflecting a «pragmatic internationalism ». Approximately two thirds of the public and almost ail of the leaders still favor an active role for the United States in world affairs. Despite heightened emphasis on domestic concerns, United States results do not reflect a new isolationism. Almost half the public and leaders surveyed say the United States plays a more important role as a world leader today compared to ten years ago.Selon les conclusions les plus importantes de la dernière enquête quadriennale réalisée à la demande du Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, à la fin de 1994, l'opinion du public et des dirigeants américains pouvait être résumée en deux mots : « internationalisme pragmatique ». Les deux tiers environ des Américains et la quasi-totalité des dirigeants d'opinion continuent de penser que les Etats- Unis doivent jouer un rôle actif dans les affaires mondiales. En 1995, pourtant, en l'absence d'une grande priorité de politique étrangère, ils se préoccupent avant tout des problèmes intérieurs. Cependant malgré l'importance accrue donnée ce type de préoccupations, les résultats des Etats-Unis ne traduisent pas un nouvel isolationnisme. Près de la moitié des Américains et des dirigeants d'opinion interrogés indiquent que les Etats-Unis jouent, aujourd' hui, un rôle de leader mondial plus important qu'il y a dix ans.Rielly, Neal Mercedes. Internationalisme pragmatique : l'opinion américaine au milieu de la décennie 1990. In: Politique étrangère, n°2 - 1995 - 60ᵉannée. pp. 467-476