157 research outputs found

    Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer surveillance for which cystoscopy is partly replaced by microsatellite analysis of urine: a cost-effective alternative?

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    OBJECTIVE To determine how good microsatellite analysis (MA) markers in voided urine samples should be to make a surveillance procedure cost-effective in which cystoscopy is partly replaced by MA for patients with non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma (NMI-UC). PATIENTS AND METHODS We constructed a semi-Markov model with a time horizon of 2 years, and a man aged 65 years as reference case. Data were used from a randomized trial (including 448 patients with NMI-UC from 10 hospitals), and from other data sources. The costs and effects (probability of being in a specific health state) were compared for two surveillance strategies: (i) cystos

    MicroRNA expression profile identifies high grade, non-muscle-invasive bladder tumors at elevated risk to progress to an invasive phenotype

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    Abstract: The objective of this study was to identify a panel of microRNAs (miRNAs) differentially expressed in high-grade non-muscle invasive (NMI; TaG3โ€“T1G3) urothelial carcinoma that progress to muscle-invasive disease compared to those that remain non-muscle invasive, whether recurrence happens or not. Eighty-nine high-grade NMI urothelial carcinoma lesions were identified and total RNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue. Patients were categorized as either having a non-muscle invasive lesion with no evidence of progression over a 3-year period or as having a similar lesion showing progression to muscle invasion over the same period. In addition, comparison of miRNA expression levels between patients with and without prior intravesical therapy was performed. Total RNA was pooled for microarray analysis in each group (non-progressors and progressors), and qRT-PCR of individual samples validated differential expression between non-progressive and progressive lesions. MiR-32-5p, -224-5p, and -412-3p were associated with cancer-specific survival. Downregulation of miR-203a-3p and miR-205-5p were significantly linked to progression in non-muscle invasive bladder tumors. These miRNAs include those implicated in epithelial mesenchymal transition, previously identified as members of a panel characterizing transition from the non-invasive to invasive phenotype in bladder tumors. Furthermore, we were able to identify specific miRNAs that are linked to postoperative outcome in patients with high grade NMI urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB) that progressed to muscle-invasive (MI) disease

    EC4, a truncation of soluble N-cadherin, reduces vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis and markers of atherosclerotic plaque instability

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    Atherosclerotic plaque instability is precipitated by vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis in the fibrous cap, weakening it and leading to plaque rupture. We previously showed that reducing smooth muscle cell apoptosis with soluble N-cadherin (SNC) increased features of plaque stability. We have now identified the active site of SNC and examined whether a truncated form containing this site retains the antiapoptotic effect. SNC was mutated to prevent interaction with N-cadherin or fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR). Interaction with FGFR in the extracellular (EC) 4 domain of SNC was essential for the antiapoptotic effect. Therefore, we made a truncated form consisting of the EC4 domain. EC4 significantly reduced smooth muscle cell, macrophage, and endothelial cell apoptosis in vitro by ~70%, similar to SNC. Elevation of plasma levels of EC4 in male apolipoprotein Eโ€“deficient mice with existing atherosclerosis significantly reduced apoptosis in brachiocephalic artery plaques by ~50%. EC4 reduced plaque size and the incidence of buried fibrous layers and the macrophage:smooth muscle cell ratio (surrogate markers of plaque instability). Interaction of EC4 with FGFR induced potent antiapoptotic signaling in vitro and in vivo. EC4 modulates atherosclerosis in mice demonstrating its therapeutic potential for retarding plaque size and instability


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    Die Bedeutung von Forschungsberichterstattung fรผr Universitรคten nimmt kontinuierlich zu. So mรผssen Universitรคten Berichtspflichten gegenรผber Geldgebern und Ministerien erfรผllen, Informationen zur internen Entscheidungsfindung und Steuerung bereithalten sowie Rechenschaft รผber ihre Geldgeber gegenรผber der ร–ffentlichkeit ablegen. Forschungsberichterstattung ist somit von hoher strategischer Bedeutung fรผr die Steuerungs- und Wettbewerbsfรคhigkeit der Universitรคten sowie fรผr die Sichtbarkeit und Transparenz ihrer Forschungsleistungen nach auรŸen. Gleichzeitig stellen die steigenden Anforderungen an die Forschungsberichterstattung die Universitรคten in Baden-Wรผrttemberg vor schwierige Aufgaben, da die benรถtigten Daten zu Forschungsaktivitรคten oft nur verteilt und in uneinheitlicher Form in den Institutionen vorliegen. Dies fรผhrt zu einem hohen administrativen Aufwand in der Forschungsberichterstattung. Aus diesem Grund empfiehlt auch der Wissenschaftsrat den Hochschulen, ihre Forschungsberichterstattung zu professionalisieren. Dieses Papier des Think Tank Forschungsinformationsmanagement schlรคgt daher vor, dass sich die baden-wรผrttembergischen Universitรคten zu einem Verbund zum Thema Forschungsinformationssysteme (โ€žBW.CRISโ€œ) zusammenschlieรŸen. Ziel des Verbundes ist, Kompetenzen in diesem Bereich zu bรผndeln, gemeinsame Lรถsungen fรผr gemeinsame Herausforderungen zu erarbeiten und im gegenseitigen Austausch von den Erfahrungen der anderen Universitรคten zu lernen. Im Verbund erhalten die Landesuniversitรคten zudem eine starke Stimme und kรถnnen so die Landesinteressen gegenรผber Softwareanbietern, der KFiD oder weiteren Akteuren auf Bundesebene erfolgreich vertreten. Ein zentraler Erfolgsfaktor fรผr den Anschub und die nachhaltige Arbeit eines solchen Verbundes wรคre seine gezielte Unterstรผtzung auf Landesebene. Eine solche baden-wรผrttembergische Landesinitiative zum Thema Forschungsinformationssysteme wรผrde die baden-wรผrttembergischen Universitรคten in der Digitalisierung ihrer Forschungsberichterstattung erheblich voranbringen und so die strategische Steuerungsfรคhigkeit der Hochschulleitungen maรŸgeblich erhรถhen

    Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway activation in bladder cancer

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    The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is a critical signal transduction pathway that regulates multiple cellular functions. Aberrant activation of this pathway has been identified in a wide range of cancers. Several pathway components including AKT, PI3K and mTOR represent potential therapeutic targets and many small molecule inhibitors are in development or early clinical trials. The complex regulation of the pathway, together with the multiple mechanisms by which it can be activated, make this a highly challenging pathway to target. For successful inhibition, detailed molecular information on individual tumours will be required and it is already clear that different tumour types show distinct combinations of alterations. Recent results have identified alterations in pathway components PIK3CA, PTEN, AKT1 and TSC1 in bladder cancer, some of which are significantly related to tumour phenotype and clinical behaviour. Co-existence of alterations to several PI3K pathway genes in some bladder tumours indicates that these proteins may have functions that are not related solely to the known canonical pathway

    Restoration of plakoglobin expression in bladder carcinoma cell lines suppresses cell migration and tumorigenic potential

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    The reduction or loss of plakoglobin expression in late-stage bladder cancer has been correlated with poor survival where upregulation of this catenin member by histone deacetylase inhibitors has been shown to accompany tumour suppression in an in vivo model. In this study, we directly addressed the question of the role of plakoglobin in bladder tumorigenesis following restoration, or knockdown of expression in bladder carcinoma cell lines. Restoration of plakoglobin expression resulted in a reduction in migration and suppression of tumorigenic potential in vivo. Immunocytochemistry revealed cytoplasmic and membranous localisation of plakoglobin in transfectants with <1% of cells displaying detectable nuclear localisation of plakoglobin. siRNA knockdown experiments targeting plakoglobin, revealed enhanced migration in all cell lines in the presence and absence of E-cadherin expression. In bladder cell lines expressing low levels of plakoglobin and desmoglein-2, elevated levels of desmoglein-2 were detected following restoration of plakoglobin expression in transfected cell lines. Analysis of wnt signalling revealed no activation event associated with plakoglobin expression in the bladder model. These results show that plakoglobin acts as a tumour suppressor gene in bladder carcinoma cells and the silencing of plakoglobin gene expression in late-stage bladder cancer is a primary event in tumour progression

    An International Comparison of Presentation, Outcomes and CORONET Predictive Score Performance in Patients with Cancer Presenting with COVID-19 across Different Pandemic Waves.

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    Patients with cancer have been shown to have increased risk of COVID-19 severity. We previously built and validated the COVID-19 Risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool (CORONET) to predict the likely severity of COVID-19 in patients with active cancer who present to hospital. We assessed the differences in presentation and outcomes of patients with cancer and COVID-19, depending on the wave of the pandemic. We examined differences in features at presentation and outcomes in patients worldwide, depending on the waves of the pandemic: wave 1 D614G (n = 1430), wave 2 Alpha (n = 475), and wave 4 Omicron variant (n = 63, UK and Spain only). The performance of CORONET was evaluated on 258, 48, and 54 patients for each wave, respectively. We found that mortality rates were reduced in subsequent waves. The majority of patients were vaccinated in wave 4, and 94% were treated with steroids if they required oxygen. The stages of cancer and the median ages of patients significantly differed, but features associated with worse COVID-19 outcomes remained predictive and did not differ between waves. The CORONET tool performed well in all waves, with scores in an area under the curve (AUC) of &gt;0.72. We concluded that patients with cancer who present to hospital with COVID-19 have similar features of severity, which remain discriminatory despite differences in variants and vaccination status. Survival improved following the first wave of the pandemic, which may be associated with vaccination and the increased steroid use in those patients requiring oxygen. The CORONET model demonstrated good performance, independent of the SARS-CoV-2 variants

    Identification of miRs-143 and -145 that Is Associated with Bone Metastasis of Prostate Cancer and Involved in the Regulation of EMT

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    The principal problem arising from prostate cancer (PCa) is its propensity to metastasize to bone. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role in many tumor metastases. The importance of miRNAs in bone metastasis of PCa has not been elucidated to date. We investigated whether the expression of certain miRNAs was associated with bone metastasis of PCa. We examined the miRNA expression profiles of 6 primary and 7 bone metastatic PCa samples by miRNA microarray analysis. The expression of 5 miRNAs significantly decreased in bone metastasis compared with primary PCa, including miRs-508-5p, -145, -143, -33a and -100. We further examined other samples of 16 primary PCa and 13 bone metastases using real-time PCR analysis. The expressions of miRs-143 and -145 were verified to down-regulate significantly in metastasis samples. By investigating relationship of the levels of miRs-143 and -145 with clinicopathological features of PCa patients, we found down-regulations of miRs-143 and -145 were negatively correlated to bone metastasis, the Gleason score and level of free PSA in primary PCa. Over-expression miR-143 and -145 by retrovirus transfection reduced the ability of migration and invasion in vitro, and tumor development and bone invasion in vivo of PC-3 cells, a human PCa cell line originated from a bone metastatic PCa specimen. Their upregulation also increased E-cadherin expression and reduced fibronectin expression of PC-3 cells which revealed a less invasive morphologic phenotype. These findings indicate that miRs-143 and -145 are associated with bone metastasis of PCa and suggest that they may play important roles in the bone metastasis and be involved in the regulation of EMT Both of them may also be clinically used as novel biomarkers in discriminating different stages of human PCa and predicting bone metastasis

    Biology of urothelial tumorigenesis: insights from genetically engineered mice

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    Urothelium, one of the slowest cycling epithelia in the body, embodies a unique biological context for cellular transformation. Introduction of oncogenes into or removing tumor suppressor genes from the urothelial cells or a combination of both using the transgenic and/or knockout mouse approaches has provided useful insights into the molecular mechanisms of urothelial transformation and tumorigenesis. It is becoming increasingly clear that over-activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) pathway, as exemplified by the constitutively activated Ha-ras oncogene, is both necessary and sufficient to initiate the low-grade, non-invasive urothelial carcinomas. Dosage of the mutated Ha-ras, but not concurrent inactivation of pro-senescence molecules p16Ink4a and p19Arf, dictates whether and when the low-grade urothelial carcinomas arise. Inactivation of both p53 and pRb, a prevailing paradigm previously proposed for muscle-invasive urothelial tumorigenesis, is found to be necessary but insufficient to initiate this urothelial carcinoma variant. Instead, downregulation in p53/pRb co-deficient urothelial cells of p107, a pRb family member, is associated with the genesis of the muscle-invasive bladder cancers. p53 deficiency also seems to be capable of cooperating with that of PTEN in eliciting invasive urothelial carcinomas. The genetically engineered mice have improved the molecular definition of the divergent pathways of urothelial tumorigenesis and progression, helped delineate the intricate crosstalk among different genetic alterations within a urothelium-specific context, identified new prognostic markers and novel therapeutic targets potentially applicable for clinical intervention, and provided in vivo platforms for testing preventive strategies of bladder cancer
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