753 research outputs found

    Mechanically induced helix-coil transition in biopolymer networks

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    The quasi-equilibrium evolution of the helical fraction occurring in a biopolymer network (gelatin gel) under an applied stress has been investigated by observing modulation in its optical activity. Its variation with the imposed chain extension is distinctly non-monotonic and corresponds to the transition of initially coiled strands to induced left-handed helices. The experimental results are in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions of helices induced on chain extension. This new effect of mechanically stimulated helix-coil transition has been studied further as a function of the elastic properties of the polymer network: crosslink density and network aging

    Reversible stretching of homopolymers and random heteropolymers

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    We have analyzed the equilibrium response of chain molecules to stretching. For a homogeneous sequence of monomers, the induced transition from compact globule to extended coil below the θ\theta-temperature is predicted to be sharp. For random sequences, however, the transition may be smoothed by a prevalence of necklace-like structures, in which globular regions and coil regions coexist in a single chain. As we show in the context of a random copolymer, preferential solvation of one monomer type lends stability to such structures. The range of stretching forces over which necklaces are stable is sensitive to chain length as well as sequence statistics.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    There and (slowly) back again: Entropy-driven hysteresis in a model of DNA overstretching

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    When pulled along its axis, double-stranded DNA elongates abruptly at a force of about 65 pN. Two physical pictures have been developed to describe this overstretched state. The first proposes that strong forces induce a phase transition to a molten state consisting of unhybridized single strands. The second picture instead introduces an elongated hybridized phase, called S-DNA, structurally and thermodynamically distinct from standard B-DNA. Little thermodynamic evidence exists to discriminate directly between these competing pictures. Here we show that within a microscopic model of DNA we can distinguish between the dynamics associated with each. In experiment, considerable hysteresis in a cycle of stretching and shortening develops as temperature is increased. Since there are few possible causes of hysteresis in a system whose extent is appreciable in only one dimension, such behavior offers a discriminating test of the two pictures of overstretching. Most experiments are performed upon nicked DNA, permitting the detachment (`unpeeling') of strands. We show that the long-wavelength progression of the unpeeled front generates hysteresis, the character of which agrees with experiment only if we assume the existence of S-DNA. We also show that internal melting (distinct from unpeeling) can generate hysteresis, the degree of which is strongly dependent upon the nonextensive loop entropy of single-stranded DNA.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Extracting Structural Information of a Heteropolymer from Force-Extension Curves

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    We present a theory for the reverse analysis on the sequence information of a single H/P two-letter random hetero-polymer (RHP) from its force-extension(f-z) curves during quasi static stretching. Upon stretching of a self-assembled RHP, it undergoes several structural transitions. The typical elastic response of a hetero-polymeric globule is a set of overlapping saw-tooth patterns. With consideration of the height and the position of the overlapping saw-tooth shape, we analyze the possibility of extracting the binding energies of the internal domains and the corresponding block sizes of the contributing conformations.Comment: 5 figures 7 page

    Theory of biopolymer stretching at high forces

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    We provide a unified theory for the high force elasticity of biopolymers solely in terms of the persistence length, ξp\xi_p, and the monomer spacing, aa. When the force f>\fh \sim k_BT\xi_p/a^2 the biopolymers behave as Freely Jointed Chains (FJCs) while in the range \fl \sim k_BT/\xi_p < f < \fh the Worm-like Chain (WLC) is a better model. We show that ξp\xi_p can be estimated from the force extension curve (FEC) at the extension x1/2x\approx 1/2 (normalized by the contour length of the biopolymer). After validating the theory using simulations, we provide a quantitative analysis of the FECs for a diverse set of biopolymers (dsDNA, ssRNA, ssDNA, polysaccharides, and unstructured PEVK domain of titin) for x1/2x \ge 1/2. The success of a specific polymer model (FJC or WLC) to describe the FEC of a given biopolymer is naturally explained by the theory. Only by probing the response of biopolymers over a wide range of forces can the ff-dependent elasticity be fully described.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    A Quantitative Theory of Mechanical Unfolding of a Homopolymer Globule

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    We propose the quantitative mean-field theory of mechanical unfolding of a globule formed by long flexible homopolymer chain collapsed in poor solvent and subjected to extensional deformation. We demonstrate that depending on the degree of polymerization and solvent quality (quantified by the Flory-Huggins χ\chi parameter) the mechanical unfolding of the collapsed chain may either occur continuously (by passing a sequence of uniformly elongated configurations) or involves intra-molecular micro-phase coexistence of a collapsed and a stretched segment followed by an abrupt unraveling transition. The force-extension curves are obtained and quantitatively compared to our recent results of numerical self-consistent field (SCF) simulations. The phase diagrams for extended homopolymer chains in poor solvent comprising one- and two-phase regions are calculated for different chain length or/and solvent quality.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figure

    Rupture of multiple parallel molecular bonds under dynamic loading

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    Biological adhesion often involves several pairs of specific receptor-ligand molecules. Using rate equations, we study theoretically the rupture of such multiple parallel bonds under dynamic loading assisted by thermal activation. For a simple generic type of cooperativity, both the rupture time and force exhibit several different scaling regimes. The dependence of the rupture force on the number of bonds is predicted to be either linear, like a square root or logarithmic.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Stretched Polymers in a Poor Solvent

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    Stretched polymers with attractive interaction are studied in two and three dimensions. They are described by biased self-avoiding random walks with nearest neighbour attraction. The bias corresponds to opposite forces applied to the first and last monomers. We show that both in d=2d=2 and d=3d=3 a phase transition occurs as this force is increased beyond a critical value, where the polymer changes from a collapsed globule to a stretched configuration. This transition is second order in d=2d=2 and first order in d=3d=3. For d=2d=2 we predict the transition point quantitatively from properties of the unstretched polymer. This is not possible in d=3d=3, but even there we can estimate the transition point precisely, and we can study the scaling at temperatures slightly below the collapse temperature of the unstretched polymer. We find very large finite size corrections which would make very difficult the estimate of the transition point from straightforward simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Differences in trauma history and psychopathology between PTSD patients with and without co-occurring dissociative disorders

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    Wabnitz P, Gast U, Catani C. Differences in trauma history and psychopathology between PTSD patients with and without co-occurring dissociative disorders. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 2013;2013(4): 21452.Background: The interplay between different types of potentially traumatizing events, posttraumatic symptoms, and the pathogenesis of PTSD or major dissociative disorders (DD) has been extensively studied during the last decade. However, the phenomenology and nosological classification of posttraumatic disorders is currently under debate. The current study was conducted to investigate differences between PTSD patients with and without co-occurring major DD with regard to general psychopathology, trauma history, and trauma-specific symptoms. Methods: Twenty-four inpatients were administered the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-IV (CAPS) and the Mini-Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders (MINI-SKID-D) to assess DD and PTSD. Additionally, participants completed questionnaires to assess general psychopathology and health status. Results: Symptom profiles and axis I comorbidity were similar in all patients. Traumatic experiences did not differ between the two groups, with both reporting high levels of childhood trauma. Only trauma-specific avoidance behavior and dissociative symptoms differed between groups. Conclusion: Results support the view that PTSD and DD are affiliated disorders that could be classified within the same diagnostic category. Our results accord with a typological model of dissociation in which profound forms of dissociation are specific to DD and are accompanied with higher levels of trauma-specific avoidance in DD patients